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1、高考翻译Translation1从高考例子中透析常设考点 20032003年高考:那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘出它的美丽。年高考:那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘出它的美丽。 (itit) Its very hardIts very hard for those who havent been to the small village to describe its beauty. 2003 2003年高考:勤洗手是避免疾病传染的有效方法之一。年高考:勤洗手是避免疾病传染的有效方法之一。 (infectinfect) Washing hands often Washing hands

2、often / frequently / regularly is one of the effective ways to avoid being infected by disease(s). 20042004年高考:这个游戏规则太复杂,三言两语理解不清。年高考:这个游戏规则太复杂,三言两语理解不清。 (toototooto) The rules of the game are too complicated totoo complicated to explain / be explained in a few words. 2005 2005年高考:你最好乘出租车去电影节的开幕式,不然

3、就要吃到了。年高考:你最好乘出租车去电影节的开幕式,不然就要吃到了。 (or) (or) Youd better go to the opening ceremony of the Film Festival by taxi, , oror you will be late. 2001 2001年高考:我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样强大过。年高考:我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样强大过。 (NeverNever) Never Never before has Our country been so powerful as it is today. 2000 2000年高考:我们利用这次长假去香港旅游

4、年高考:我们利用这次长假去香港旅游 (take advantage of take advantage of ) Lets take advantage oftake advantage of the long vacation and make a trip to Hong Kong. 2002 2002年高考:如果方便的话,请帮我从邮局取回包裹。年高考:如果方便的话,请帮我从邮局取回包裹。 (convenient) (convenient) If (it is ) convenientIf (it is ) convenient, please fetch me the parcel fr

5、om the post office / please go to the post office and fetch me the parcel. 2000 2000年高考:众所周知,成功来自勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(年高考:众所周知,成功来自勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(withoutwithout) As we all know,As we all know, success comes / results from hard work; without efforts nothing can without efforts nothing can be done / achieved.be

6、 done / achieved.2中译英常设考点 形式主语或形式宾语it 动名词作主语 句型结构 连词 倒装句型 动词或动词短语 中英文化差异各类从句成语英译 3形式主语或形式宾语it那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难很难描绘出它的美丽。( it )It is very hardIt is very hard for those who havent been to the small village to describe its beauty.我发现很难很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。(it )I find itit hard/it is hard to cooperate with tho

7、se who always stick to their own opinions.4常需要用形式主语来翻译的情况常需要用形式主语来翻译的情况1、Its + adj. + of/for sb. to do sth. Eg. Its so careless of you to make so many spelling mistakes in the English exam2、It so happened that Eg. It so happened that I didnt have any money on me.3、Its reported/ believed/ estimated t

8、hat Its estimated that about 30 passengers were killed in the bus accident.4、在强调句、在强调句it is + that 中中 Eg. Its because of his perseverance that led to his late success.5、在含有某些形容词的句子中,如、在含有某些形容词的句子中,如important,necessary,impossible, natural, common, strange等。等。6、Its likely that Eg. Its likely that John

9、 wont come though he has promised do.5Practice:/More examples约翰来拜访我时我碰巧不在家。(约翰来拜访我时我碰巧不在家。(so happenso happen)It so happened that I wasnt at home when John come to visit me. 据报道,飞机失事是由引擎故障引起的。(据报道,飞机失事是由引擎故障引起的。(reportreport)It is reported that the failure in the engines led to the air crash. 他清楚地表明

10、在任何情况下他是不会屈服的。(他清楚地表明在任何情况下他是不会屈服的。(give ingive in)He has made it clear that he wont give in under any circumstances. 你要记住十点前你必须回家。(你要记住十点前你必须回家。(keepkeep)Keep it in mind that you have to be back home before ten. 据估计,将有据估计,将有5050多万国内外客人来参观多万国内外客人来参观20102010年上海世博会。(年上海世博会。(ItIt)It is estimated that m

11、ore than 500,000 visitor from home and abroad will join the 2010 Shanghai Expo 我们已定好了规矩,开会吃到的要罚款。(我们已定好了规矩,开会吃到的要罚款。(itit)We have made it a rule that those who are late for the meeting will be fined. 我很讨厌人们满嘴食物时大声说话。(我很讨厌人们满嘴食物时大声说话。(hatehate)I hate it when a people speak loudly with their mouths fu

12、ll of food. 汤姆很有可能乘错车了,否则他应该到了。(汤姆很有可能乘错车了,否则他应该到了。(ItIt)Its likely that Tom has taken the wrong bus, or he would be here by now. 我可以肯定是他偷走了我的钱包。(我可以肯定是他偷走了我的钱包。(itthatitthat)I m sure that it is he who has stolen my wallet. 众所周知,中国是个发展中国家。(众所周知,中国是个发展中国家。(ItIt) Its known to all that China is a devel

13、oping country.6历届高考1. 我们打篮球的时间到了。(我们打篮球的时间到了。(It, time (08上海)2. 你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会吗?你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会吗?(It, possible) (08上海)3. 据报道这种野生植物含有丰富的维生素。据报道这种野生植物含有丰富的维生素。(It )(07上海)上海)4. 躺在草地上听音乐真是惬意。躺在草地上听音乐真是惬意。(It )(06 上海)上海)5. 我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。(我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。( it )()(05上海)上海)6. 那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘出它的美那些未曾去

14、过那个小村庄的人很难描绘出它的美丽。丽。(It )(03上海)上海)77. 保护环境是每个公民的职责。保护环境是每个公民的职责。(It )(02上海)上海)8.我没有想到汤姆会被选为学生会主席。我没有想到汤姆会被选为学生会主席。(occur)()(02 上海)上海)9.如果方便的话,请帮我从邮局取回包裹。如果方便的话,请帮我从邮局取回包裹。(it,convenient)(02上海)上海)10.就我所知,在那座小城市里购物很方便。就我所知,在那座小城市里购物很方便。(as far as,it )11.众所周知,吸烟会导致多种疾病。众所周知,吸烟会导致多种疾病。( it ,cause)12.人们发

15、现越来越难跟上现代科学的发展。人们发现越来越难跟上现代科学的发展。( it,keep up with)81。It is time for us to play basketball.2。Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening?3。It is reported / said that this wild plant is rich in / contains / has a lot of vitamins.4。It is pleasant lying on the grass and enjoying the

16、 music.5。 I find it (is) hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.6。It is very hard for those who havent been to the small village to describe its beauty.97。I find it hard/it is hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.8。It never occurred / didnt

17、 occur to me that Tom would / should be elected / made chairman of the Students Union.9。If (it is) convenient, please fetch me the parcel from the post office / please go to the post office and fetch me the parcel.10。As far as I know, it is convenient to do shopping in that small city.11。It is known

18、 to all that smoking can cause many diseases.12。People find it harder and harder to keep up with the development of modern science.10动名词作主语 1.勤洗手是避免疾病传染的有效方法之一。(infect)Washing hands often/frequently/regularly is one of the effective ways to avoid being infected by diseases.2.充分利用时间并不意味着从早到晚不停地看书。(ma

19、ke full use of time)Making full use of time doesnt mean keeping on reading books from morning till night.3.长时间看电视有损视力。(do harm)watching too much TV does harm to ones eyes./Watching TV for a long time does harm to ones eyes.11Practice:/More examples1 1、丢失那条名贵的项链使玛丽很不开心。(、丢失那条名贵的项链使玛丽很不开心。(makemake) L

20、osing the expensive necklace made Mary very sad.2 2、广泛阅读是扩大词汇量的最有效途径之一。、广泛阅读是扩大词汇量的最有效途径之一。(enlarge)(enlarge) Reading widely/ extensively is one of the most effective ways to enlarge our vocabulary.3 3、定期复习课文可以使我们更好地掌握已学的知识。(、定期复习课文可以使我们更好地掌握已学的知识。(enableenable) Reviewing/ going over the texts regul

21、arly enables us to know better what we have learned.4 4、晚饭后看一会儿电视已成了我长期养成的一个习惯。(、晚饭后看一会儿电视已成了我长期养成的一个习惯。(habithabit) Watching TV for a while after supper has been my long established habit.5 5、吃太多的甜食容易使人发胖。(、吃太多的甜食容易使人发胖。(likelylikely) Eating too much sweet is likely to make one fat.6 6、饭后散一会儿步有益健康。

22、(、饭后散一会儿步有益健康。(do good todo good to) Taking a walk for a while after meals does good to us.7 7、大量砍伐树木已经对生态平衡带来了严重影响。(、大量砍伐树木已经对生态平衡带来了严重影响。(upsetupset) Cutting down trees in large amount has greatly upset the balance of nature.8 8、照看婴儿是一项很累的活(、照看婴儿是一项很累的活(tasktask) Taking care of babies is a tiring

23、task.9 9、听愉快的音乐有助于从疲劳中恢复过来。(、听愉快的音乐有助于从疲劳中恢复过来。(helphelp) Listening to pleasant music helps to keep us refreshed.1010、大量服用这种药会产生副作用。(、大量服用这种药会产生副作用。(effecteffect) Taking this medicine too much will cause side effect.12历届高考1。和园丁们一起工作让我们学到许多关于花卉的知。和园丁们一起工作让我们学到许多关于花卉的知识。识。(enable) (07上海)2。多吃蔬菜和水果有益健康。

24、多吃蔬菜和水果有益健康。(good)(05上海)上海)3。勤洗手是避免疾病传染的有效方法之一。勤洗手是避免疾病传染的有效方法之一。(infect) (03 上海)4。早睡早起有益于健康。早睡早起有益于健康。(do good to)(01上海)上海)5。集邮几乎占据了他所有的业余时间。集邮几乎占据了他所有的业余时间。(occupy)(2000,上海),上海)6。充分利用时间并不意为着从早到晚不停地看书。充分利用时间并不意为着从早到晚不停地看书。(keep) (99上海)上海) 131。Working with the gardeners enables / enabled us to learn

25、 a lot of / gain / get / obtain a lot of knowledge about flowers.2。Eating / Having more vegetables and fruits / fruit does good for ones health3。 Washing hands often / frequently / regularly is one of the effective ways to avoid being infected by disease(s).4。Going to bed early and getting up early

26、does good to your health.5。Collecting stamps occupies almost all his spare time.6。Making full use of time doesnt mean keeping (on) reading books from morning till night. (To make use of doesnt mean to )14句型结构1.很多人身体有疾病时才认识到保持健康的重要性。(notuntil)Many people are not aware of the importance of being healt

27、hy until they are ill.2.这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。(sothat)The historical novel about World War I is so attractive that I cant bear to put it down.15Practice:/More examples1 1、这个练习太难,没几个人能做对。(、这个练习太难,没几个人能做对。(sothatsothat) The exercise was so difficult that few people were able to work it out succ

28、essfully.2 2、他下决心不再依赖父母,要靠自己用双手谋生。(、他下决心不再依赖父母,要靠自己用双手谋生。(notbutnotbut) He made up his mind not to depend on his parents any more, but to make a living on his own.3 3、玛丽把开门的钥匙丢了,只好在屋外等她妈妈。(、玛丽把开门的钥匙丢了,只好在屋外等她妈妈。(do nothing butdo nothing but) Mary could do nothing but wait for her mother outside the

29、house, as she had lost her key to the door.4 4、她身体太弱,没法从事这样艰苦的工作。(、她身体太弱,没法从事这样艰苦的工作。(toototooto) She is too weak to take up the demanding job.5 5、与阅读一样,听力在语言学习过程中也起着重要作用。(、与阅读一样,听力在语言学习过程中也起着重要作用。(asasasas) Listening is s important as reading in the course of language learning.6 6、人们普遍认为,用脑越多,智力越活跃

30、。(、人们普遍认为,用脑越多,智力越活跃。(the morethe morethe morethe more) Its generally believed that the more our brains are used, the more active our intelligence will be. 7 7、正是在这个小城里,他度过了幸福的童年。(、正是在这个小城里,他度过了幸福的童年。(It is thatIt is that) It is in this small town that he spent his happy childhood.8 8、这位作家生活在、这位作家生活

31、在1818世纪世纪6060年代,但他的作品到年代,但他的作品到9090年代才流行。年代才流行。(notuntilnotuntil) The writer lived in the 1760s, but his works didnt become popular until the 90s.9 9、他是鉴定书法的高手,自己也写得一手好字。(、他是鉴定书法的高手,自己也写得一手好字。(not onlybut alsonot onlybut also) He is not only an expert on calligraphy evaluation but also is skilled in

32、 calligraphy.1010、过了若干年那个事件的真相才被揭示出来。(、过了若干年那个事件的真相才被揭示出来。(ItbeforeItbefore) It is a couple of years before the truth behind the event was released 16历届高考1。遇到困难的时侯,我们需要的不是彼。遇到困难的时侯,我们需要的不是彼此的埋怨,而是相互帮助。此的埋怨,而是相互帮助。(not but)(07上海)上海) 2。你最好乘出租车去电影节的开幕式,你最好乘出租车去电影节的开幕式,不不 然就要迟到了。然就要迟到了。(or) (05 上海)上海) 3

33、。这个游戏的规则太复杂,三言两语解这个游戏的规则太复杂,三言两语解释不清。释不清。(too to) (04上海)上海)4。直到被送入手术室时,他才明白遵守。直到被送入手术室时,他才明白遵守交通规则的重要性。交通规则的重要性。(not until )175.这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。我简直爱不释手。(so that) (03上海上海)6.如果队员之间不加强配合,我校篮球队就不可如果队员之间不加强配合,我校篮球队就不可能在决赛中战胜对手。能在决赛中战胜对手。(unless) (02上海上海)7.你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很

34、难的。你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(once) (2000上海上海)8.尽管有很多困难,我们仍将努力执行我们的计尽管有很多困难,我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。划。(in spite of) (2000上海上海)18历届高考 1. When (we are) in difficulty / When we meet with / have difficulties, what we need is not the blame each other but to help each other. (notbut)2.Youd better go to the opening ceremony

35、 of the Film Festival by taxi, or you will be late. (or) 3. The rules of the game are too complicated to explain / be explained in a few words. 4. He didnt realize the importance of observing / following / keeping / carrying / out the traffic regulations / rules until he was sent into the operating

36、room.195.The historical novel about / describing World War I / the First World War is so attractive that I cant hear (to do ) / stand parting with it / putting it down (back, aside) / leaving it aside.6. Our school basketball team will not beat the opponents in the final match / final(s) unless the

37、team members strengthen their cooperation / cooperate well each other.7.Once you form / get into a bad habit, its very difficult to get rid of / get out of it.20连词1.我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再作出最终结论。(before)We will have a further discussion before we draw a final conclusion)2.如果队员之间不加强配合, 我校篮球队不可能在决赛中战胜对手。(unles

38、s)Our school basketball team will not beat the opponents in the final match unless the team.members strengthen their cooperation well with each other.21Practice:/More examples1 1、你不说我根本不知道这件事。(、你不说我根本不知道这件事。(untiluntil) I didnt know it at all until you told me about it.2 2、过了许多年他才知道谁在他困难的时候帮助了他。、过了许

39、多年他才知道谁在他困难的时候帮助了他。 (beforebefore) It was many years before he knew who had helped him when he was in trouble.3 3、动动脑筋,否则你就会上他的当。(、动动脑筋,否则你就会上他的当。(oror) Use your head, or youll be cheated by him4 4、纽约是国际大都市,那里你会遇见形形色色的人。、纽约是国际大都市,那里你会遇见形形色色的人。(whilewhile) New York is an international city, where you

40、 are likely to meet different people5 5、你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(、你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(onceonce) Once you get into a bad habit, its very difficult to get rid of it.6 6、我读了这本书才对香港的历史有了更多的了解。(、我读了这本书才对香港的历史有了更多的了解。(not untilnot until) didnt know much about the history of Hong Kong until I read this book.227 7

41、、不说出事实真相我是不会让你走的。(、不说出事实真相我是不会让你走的。(unlessunless) I wont let you go unless you tell me the truth.8 8、要是你去那个城市走走,你会发现那儿的情况比想象、要是你去那个城市走走,你会发现那儿的情况比想象的更糟。(的更糟。(andand) Go around the city and you will know the situation there is worse than expected9 9、只要你努力,即使不成功也不会责怪你的。、只要你努力,即使不成功也不会责怪你的。(as long (as

42、 long as)as) You are not to blame even if you fail as long as you have tried your best.1010、我们正在欣赏扣人心弦的足球赛,突然天下起了大、我们正在欣赏扣人心弦的足球赛,突然天下起了大雨。(雨。(whenwhen) We were enjoying the exciting football match when it (suddenly) rained heavily.23倒装句型1.我们的祖国从来没有象今天这样强大。(Never) Never before has our country been s

43、o powerful as it is today.2他亲自到了中国后才意识到他对中国的了解是何等肤浅。(Only)Only when he came to china himself did he realize how poor his knowledge of the country was. 24Practice:/More examples读报之前我对这起事件一无所知。(读报之前我对这起事件一无所知。(Not untilNot until)Not until I read the newspaper did I know anything about the event.我刚出门就想

44、起把钥匙忘在卧室了。(我刚出门就想起把钥匙忘在卧室了。(No soonerNo sooner) No sooner had I left home than I realized that I had left my keys in the bedroom.尽管对南极进行了不少科学考察,我们对它还知之甚少。尽管对南极进行了不少科学考察,我们对它还知之甚少。(LittleLittle)Little have we known about the Antarctic in spite of scientific research work there.到了那里你才会知道那儿的景色真是妙不可言。(到

45、了那里你才会知道那儿的景色真是妙不可言。(OnlyOnly)Only when you go there will you know how fantastic the scenery there is.他一生中从未离开过他出生成长的家乡。(他一生中从未离开过他出生成长的家乡。(NeverNever)Never in his life did he leave his hometown, where he was born and brought up.25这件事我一无所知,我也不关心此事。(这件事我一无所知,我也不关心此事。(nornor)I know nothing about it, n

46、or do I care about it.不懂规则你几乎无法欣赏这种比赛。(不懂规则你几乎无法欣赏这种比赛。(HardlyHardly)Hardly can you appreciate the match without knowing the rules about it.你很少会见到他发脾气。(你很少会见到他发脾气。(SeldomSeldom)Seldom do you see him lose his temper.他一穿上外衣就匆忙朝银行方向走去。(他一穿上外衣就匆忙朝银行方向走去。(Hardly hadHardly had)Hardly had he put on his ove

47、rcoat when he went in the direction of the bank in a hurry.无论如何你都不允许把这个秘密透露给任何人。(无论如何你都不允许把这个秘密透露给任何人。(In no In no circumstancecircumstance)In no circumstances are you allowed to tell anyone the secret.26历届高考 倒装1。这小孩太调皮,使得他那忙于工作的父母。这小孩太调皮,使得他那忙于工作的父母常常心烦意乱。常常心烦意乱。(So) (06上海)上海)2。我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样强大。我们的

48、祖国从来没有像今天这样强大。(Never ) (01上海)上海)271。So naughty is the child that he often upsets his parents who are busy with their work. 2。Never before has our country been so powerful as it is today.28动词或动词短语1.这张照片使我想起了我们在夏令营里度过的日子。(remind)The photo reminds me of the days we spent in the summer camp.2.说老实话,我真后悔没

49、能帮助他摆脱困境。(regret)To tell the truth, I really regret not being able to help him out of the trouble.29纵观历届高考翻译题型,每题的考核点始终保持在2至3个之间。在所有考核点中,短语的地位最为重要。基本上在每次考试中,考短语的考核点都占总考核点的一半左右。而在对短语的考核中,动词短语的地位是不言而喻的。高考的短语,十有八九考的是动词短语。 301 1、应该鼓励学生将课堂上所学的知识用于实践中去。、应该鼓励学生将课堂上所学的知识用于实践中去。(apply) Students should be enc

50、ouraged to apply what they have learned in class to practice. 2 2、不遵守交通规则的人将受到严惩。(、不遵守交通规则的人将受到严惩。(failfail) Those who fail to observe traffic regulations will be severely punished.3 3、过海关时,所有的行李都得接受检查。(、过海关时,所有的行李都得接受检查。(checkcheck) When one is passing the customs, all his luggage is to be checked.

51、4 4、超市向顾客提供成千上万价美物廉的的商品。(、超市向顾客提供成千上万价美物廉的的商品。(provideprovide) Supermarkts provide their customers with thousands of products in low price and fine quality.5 5、你打算毕业后从事与你父母一样的职业吗?(、你打算毕业后从事与你父母一样的职业吗?(intendintend) Are you intended to follow your parents carrer?316 6、你提到的那本书已经脱销了。(、你提到的那本书已经脱销了。(ref

52、errefer) The book you referred to is out of stock now. 7 7、许多顾客向饭店经理投诉该店糟糕的服务。(、许多顾客向饭店经理投诉该店糟糕的服务。(complaincomplain) Many diners complained to the restaurant manager about the poor service there. 8 8、随着经济的发展,现在许多家庭都买得起小轿车。、随着经济的发展,现在许多家庭都买得起小轿车。(affordafford) With the development of economy, nowada

53、ys many families can afford (to buy) cars. 9 9、已经采取了新措施来防止这种疾病蔓延。(、已经采取了新措施来防止这种疾病蔓延。(preventprevent) New measures have been taken to prevent this kind of disease (from) spreading.1010、这起事故究竟是如何发生的至今仍然是个迷。、这起事故究竟是如何发生的至今仍然是个迷。It still remains a mystery how on earth the accident occurred.326 6、你提到的那本

54、书已经脱销了。(、你提到的那本书已经脱销了。(referrefer) The book you referred to is out of stock now. 7 7、许多顾客向饭店经理投诉该店糟糕的服务。、许多顾客向饭店经理投诉该店糟糕的服务。(complaincomplain) Many diners complained to the restaurant manager about the poor service there. 8 8、随着经济的发展,现在许多家庭都买得起小轿车。、随着经济的发展,现在许多家庭都买得起小轿车。(affordafford) With the devel

55、opment of economy, nowadays many families can afford (to buy) cars.9 9、已经采取了新措施来防止这种疾病蔓延。(、已经采取了新措施来防止这种疾病蔓延。(preventprevent) New measures have been taken to prevent this kind of disease (from) spreading.1010、这起事故究竟是如何发生的至今仍然是个迷。、这起事故究竟是如何发生的至今仍然是个迷。 It still remains a mystery how on earth the accid

56、ent occurred.33中英文化差异1.如果方便的话,请帮我从邮局取回包裹。(convenient)If it is convenient (to you), please fetch me the parcel from the post office.2.这本字典在所有的书店都买得到。(available)34注意中英文句型表达的区别,避免产生中国式英语注意中英文句型表达的区别,避免产生中国式英语用中文来思维和表达的方式和用英文来思维和表达有着很大的差异,因此做中译英时,不能按照中国人的习惯表达方式或一字一句按照中文语句的顺序来翻译,否则就会产生不伦不类的中国式英语。所以我们要按照英

57、语的习惯,准确地将中文的意思用英文表达出来。中文连词与英语连词中文连词与英语连词中文的连词可以成双成对地使用,但是在英语中,只能用其中的一个。例1 这个地区的经济发展很快,可是某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。(quality) (2001年上海高考)全句译为:Although the economy in this area is developing rapidly, the qualities of some citizens are still not satisfactory.在中文中“虽然”和“但是”可以成对出现,但在英文句子中,although和but只能取其一,但although可以

58、与yet连用。例2 因为打火机会引起火灾,所以应被放置在儿童够不着的地方。(out of ones reach) 全句译为:Because the lighters can cause fires, they should be kept out of childrens reach.中文句子里的连词“因为所以”能成对出现,但是英语中却只能用一个,即because和so不能连用。352. 中文的中文的“有有”与与there be句型句型英文里的“有”不是都能翻译成have的,如果是“客观的存在”要用there be句型.例3 房子里有两间小房间,较小的那间做厨房用。(serve) 全句译为:

59、There are two small rooms in the house, the smaller of which serves as a kitchen.看到这句中文后,很显然不能按照中文将词汇进行堆砌,翻译成The house has two small rooms。英文中的have常表示所属关系,或人拥有,而对于“客观存在”在英文里要用there be句型表达。例4 他从不听取别人的意见,所以跟他谈是没有必要的。(need)全句译为:There is no need to talk with him since he never takes others advice.该句也不能按

60、照中文的习惯翻译成to talk with him is no need, 这样就大错特错了。“36有关方面对正在建造中的隧道情况已经做了报告。(in progress) 全句译为: Reports have been given on the construction of the tunnel which is in progress.。这句句子中如果把“有关方面”译成“the related department” 显然是中国式的英语。因此将report做主语,用被动语态。这个报告是谁做的并不重要,无需翻译出来。37成语英译成语英译 近年英语高考翻译题中愈来愈多地出现了成语、谚语、俗语等

61、38如果成语、谚语和俗语的组成结构中英文如果成语、谚语和俗语的组成结构中英文相差不大,可以用直译的方法,但其中的相差不大,可以用直译的方法,但其中的用词要符合英语的习惯。用词要符合英语的习惯。如果成语、谚语和俗语的组成结构中英文如果成语、谚语和俗语的组成结构中英文相差很大,可以用意译的方法。相差很大,可以用意译的方法。39高考例子高考例子 19991999年:年: 他在实验中多次失败,但他相信失失败是成功之母。败是成功之母。He has failed in his experiments many times, but he believes that failure is the mothe

62、r of successfailure is the mother of success.20002000年:年:众所周知,众所周知,成功来自勤奋,不努力则一事无成。一事无成。As we all knowAs we all know, success comes from hard work, without efforts nothing can be done.nothing can be done.or It is known to all thatIt is known to all that success results from diligence; without effort

63、s nothing can be achievednothing can be achieved. .4020012001年年他们应从这件事中吸取教训,玩火者必自玩火者必自焚。焚。They should learn a lesson from this incident; he who plays with fire will surely get burnt.plays with fire will surely get burnt.这个地区的经济发展很快,可是某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。不尽如人意。Although the economy in this area is developin

64、g rapidly, the qualities of some citizens are still not are still not satisfactorysatisfactory.4120022002年年当时,那位出租车司机别无选择,只能求助与游客。At the time, the taxi driver had no choiceno choice but to turn to the tourists/traveler( for help).许多外国游客都想去长城一游,他们知道“不到长城非好汉”。Many foreign tourists want to visit the Gr

65、eat Wall. They know that” ” He who doesnt reach the Great He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”Wall is not a true man.”4220032003年年请尽早做出决定,不然你会坐失良机。 Please make up your mind as early as possible, or you will miss the good opportunity.miss the good opportunity.or Please make your dec

66、ision as early as possible, or youll lose the golden chancelose the golden chance.这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。 The historical novel about World War I ( WWI) is so attractiveso attractive that I cant stand parting stand parting with it.with it. ( I cant stand putting it down )4320042004年年虽然她孤身一人孤身一人

67、,无亲无故无亲无故,但邻居们都向她伸出了援助之手。Although she lives (alone) with no relatives or friends,lives (alone) with no relatives or friends, all the/her neighboures offer her a helping hand/offer to help her. 这个游戏的规则太复杂,三言两语三言两语解释不清。The rules of the game are too completed to explain/be explained in a few wordsin a

68、few words. .我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见固执己见的人合作。I find it is hard to cooperate with those who always stick tostick to their own opiniontheir own opinion. .442005年只要我们齐心协力齐心协力,就能很快解决这个技术难题。 So long as/As long as/If we work co-work co-operatively/with combined efforts/joint effortsoperatively/with combined efforts

69、/joint efforts, we will be able to solve/work out the technical problems. soon.他进公司后不久就开始独立完成了一项艰巨的任务,同事们对他刮目相看刮目相看。 (so) He finished a difficult task on his own / independently soon / shortly after he entered the company, so his colleagues looked at him with new looked at him with new eyeseyes / re

70、garded him in a totally different light/ / regarded him in a totally different light/ treated him with increased respect.treated him with increased respect.452006每次我向她请教,她总是每次我向她请教,她总是有求必应有求必应。而且。而且解释得令我十分满意。解释得令我十分满意。(satisfaction)这小孩太调皮,使得他那忙于工作的父母这小孩太调皮,使得他那忙于工作的父母常常常常心烦意乱心烦意乱。(So)462006 Every ti

71、me I ask her for advice, she is always ready to help, and explains to my full satisfaction. So naughty is the child that he often upsets his parents who are busy with their work.472007医生医生挨家挨户挨家挨户上门巡访,省去了许多老人上门巡访,省去了许多老人去医院的麻烦。去医院的麻烦。(save)(07上海)上海)Doctors door-to-door visits save many old peoples t

72、rouble of going to hospital.482008我对学生所谈论的电子产品我对学生所谈论的电子产品一无所知一无所知, 我我发现自己发现自己落伍落伍了。了。(ignorant)(08上海)上海) Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind.49复合句复合句在历年的从句考核中,在历年的从句考核中,状语从句、状语从句、定语从句定语从句宾语从句宾语从句下面主要以上海高考卷中的一些翻译题为下面主要以上海高考卷中的一些翻译题为例,简要

73、说明一下各从句中的要点和难点。例,简要说明一下各从句中的要点和难点。 50 我第一次写英语作文时,犯了许多拼写错误。(make) (2002年上海)The first time I wrote the English composition, I made a lot of spelling mistakes. 时间状语从句,某些时间状语从句由the first time, each time, every time和the moment等词组引导,又如:他每次来,总是讲给我们听一些趣事。Every/Each time he comes, he always tells us somethin

74、g interesting. 由于Every/Each time本身就是连接词语,所以Every/Each time引导的从句,直接跟句子。 51 彼得每月留出一点钱以便在不久的将来购买一辆新汽车。(set aside)(1998上海高考)Peter sets aside some money every month so that he can buy a new car in the near future. 该题考了so that 引导的目的状语从句目的状语从句,so that后面有情态动词的一般为目的状语从句,没有的一般为结果状语从句。如:这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简

75、直爱不释手。(2003年上海高考)The historical novel about World War I is so attractive that I cant stand parting with it. 该句考的是so+形容词或副词+that的结果状语从句结果状语从句。52不管天有多晚,他从不把今天的事拖到明天。(put off)(2002年上海)However late it is, he never puts off what should be done today till tomorrow. 该句是让步状语从句,表示“无论”的状语从句可以翻译成wh+ever或 no ma

76、tter+how/what/when/where引导的结构。However后面应该直接跟所修饰的形容词或副词,也可翻译成:No matter how late it is, he never puts off what should be done today till tomorrow.53多参加些体育锻炼,你就不那么容易感冒了。(If) (2004年)If you take/have more physical exercise(s), you will not catch/are not likely to catch a cold easily. 该句考的是条件状语从句。If引导的条件

77、状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主句用将来时。 54定语从句定语从句这张照片让我们想起了在夏令营里度过的日子。(remind)(2000年上海)The picture reminds me of the days that were spent in the summer camp.该句中“在夏令营里度过的日子”是一句定语从句。days在定语从句中是充当主语的,不是状语,因此用that 或which,而不能用 when来引导定语从句。55定语从句定语从句 那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘出它的美丽。(It)(2003年上海) Its very hard for those who havent

78、been to the small village to describe its beauty. 该句关键是掌握those who引导的定语从句的用法。这里先行词是those(指人),所以后面用who。 56宾语从句宾语从句宾语从句一般由that, whether, if以及疑问代词或疑问副词引导的。以疑问代词或副词引导的宾语从句往往是考题中的难点。例:不管天有多晚,他从不把今天的事拖到明天。(put off)(2002年上海)However late it is, he never puts off what should be done today till tomorrow.该题考了一

79、个what引导的宾语从句,The teacher asked me how I can relax myself in such a pleasant way when the entrance examination was coming. 该句是由how引导的宾语从句,572008 尽管尽管遭受如此严重的自然灾害,遭受如此严重的自然灾害, 但但只要不只要不灰心,灰心, 我们终会克服暂时的困难。我们终会克服暂时的困难。(Although)Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually o

80、vercome the temporary difficulty as long as we dont lose heart.582007 无论无论风多大、雨多急,警察一直坚持在岗位风多大、雨多急,警察一直坚持在岗位上。上。(no matter )No matter how hard the rain falls and the wind blows, the police keep to their posts. 遇到遇到困难困难的时侯的时侯,我们需要的,我们需要的不是不是彼此的彼此的埋怨,埋怨,而是而是相互帮助。相互帮助。(not but)When (we are) in difficul

81、ty / When we meet with / have difficulties, what we need is not the blame each other but to help each other.592006一本书一本书是否是否畅销取决于多种因素。畅销取决于多种因素。(Whether )Whether a book sells well depends on many / various factors.每次每次我向她请教,她总是有求必应。而且我向她请教,她总是有求必应。而且解释得令我十分满意。解释得令我十分满意。(satisfaction)Every time I ask

82、 her for advice, she is always ready to help, and explains to my full satisfaction.602005他他进公司后不久进公司后不久就独立完成了一项艰巨的就独立完成了一项艰巨的任务,同事们对他任务,同事们对他刮目相看刮目相看。(so) He finished a difficult task on his own / independently soon shortly after he entered the company, so his colleagues looked at him differently /

83、with new eyes / regarded him in a totally different light 612005虽然虽然并不富裕,并不富裕,但是但是他对自己的生活相当他对自己的生活相当满意。满意。(Although)Although he is not rich, he is quite / fairly satisfied with his life/ himself.由于由于准备充分,他在面试中准备充分,他在面试中一点也不一点也不紧张。紧张。(not at all)Because he was well-prepared, he didnt feel nervous at

84、all during the interview.622005只要只要我们齐心协力,我们齐心协力,就能就能很快解决这个技很快解决这个技术难题。术难题。(technical)So long as / As long as / If we work co-0peratively / with combined efforts / joint efforts, we will be able to solve / work out the technical problem soon. 632004多参加些体育锻炼,多参加些体育锻炼,你就不那么容易感冒了。你就不那么容易感冒了。(If ) 因为缺少实

85、践,他没有通过驾驶考试。因为缺少实践,他没有通过驾驶考试。(The reason why)虽然虽然她孤身一人,无亲无故,她孤身一人,无亲无故,但但邻居们都向她伸出邻居们都向她伸出了援助之手。了援助之手。(offer) If you take / have more physical exercise(s), you will not catch / are not likely to catch a cold easily.The reason why he didnt pass the driving text was that he lacked of practice. Although

86、 he lives (lone) with no relatives or friends, all the / her neighbors offer her a helping hand / offer to help her.642003那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘出它的美很难描绘出它的美丽。丽。(It ) Its very hard for those who havent been to the small village to describe its beauty.这部这部有关第一次世界大战的有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,历史小说引人入胜,

87、我简直我简直爱不释手爱不释手。(so that)The historical novel about / describing World War I / the First World War is so attractive that I cant hear (to do ) / stand parting with it / putting it down (back, aside) / leaving it aside.652003听到听到2008年在北京举办奥运会的消息年在北京举办奥运会的消息时时,人,人们们欣喜若狂欣喜若狂。(news that) people were wild

88、with joy / overjoyed at the news that the Olympic Games would be held in Beijing in 2008. 662003如果方便的话,如果方便的话,请帮我从邮局取回包裹。请帮我从邮局取回包裹。(convenient)如果队员之间不加强配合如果队员之间不加强配合,我校篮球队就不,我校篮球队就不可能在决赛中战胜对手。可能在决赛中战胜对手。(unless)67If (it is) convenient, please fetch me the parcel from the post office / please go to

89、the post office and fetch me the parcel. Our school basketball team will not beat the opponents in the final match / final(s) unless the team members strengthen their cooperation / cooperate well each other.682002我我第一次写英语作文时第一次写英语作文时,犯了许多拼法错误。,犯了许多拼法错误。(make)The first time I wrote an English composi

90、tion, I made a lot of spelling mistakes. 不管不管天有多晚,他天有多晚,他从不从不把今天的事拖到明天。把今天的事拖到明天。(put off) However late it is, he never puts off what must be done today till tomorrow.692001我们将作进一步的讨论,我们将作进一步的讨论,然后然后再做出最终结论。再做出最终结论。(before) We will have a further discussion before we draw / make a final conclusion.这

91、个地区的经济发展很快,这个地区的经济发展很快,可是可是某些市民的素某些市民的素质还质还不尽如人意不尽如人意。(quality)Although the economy in this area is developing rapidly, the qualities of some citizens are still not satisfaction.702000你你一旦一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(once)Once you form / get into a bad habit, its very difficult to get rid of / g

92、et out of it.诺贝尔奖金授予诺贝尔奖金授予那些在某一个领域做出巨大贡那些在某一个领域做出巨大贡献的献的科学家。科学家。(be awarded)Nobel Prizes are awarded to the scientists who / that have made great achievements in a certain field.712008 2008 八校联考八校联考 1、你认为我们有必要你认为我们有必要讨论一下这个问题吗?(necessary) Do you think it(is) necessary for us to discuss the problem?

93、2、我们刚刚到达山顶,就就看到一轮红日冉冉升冉冉升起。起。(Hardly) Hardly had we got to/ reached/ arrived at the top of the mountain when we saw a red sun rising slowly.723、如果你方便的话,如果你方便的话,请告诉我下一航班前往纽约的确切时间。( inform) If (it is ) convenient (to you), please inform me of the exact time for the next flight to New York.4、据报道,据报道,上海

94、所有的学校操场都将在寒暑假期间免费向市民开放。( access n ) It is reported that the citizens can have access to all the school/ campus playgrounds in Shanghai free of charge/ for free during during the winter and summer vacations. 735、在民警的帮助之下,我们不费吹灰之力不费吹灰之力就找到了那个吞噬了许多生命的吞噬了许多生命的山洞。(trouble) With the help of the policemen/

95、 police, we had no trouble (in) finding the cave where/ in which many people had lost their lives. With the help of the policemen/ police, we had no trouble (in) finding the cave that had already swallowed so many lives.746、为了为了保证食品安全,中国政府正在拟定食品食品质量的质量的具体标准,以供食品制造商遵照执行。 (work on) To guarantee/ ensur

96、e food safety/ To make sure that food is safe, the Chinese government is working on specific/ detailed standards of/ for food quality for manufacturers/ producers to follow/ observe. To guarantee/ ensure food safety/ To make sure that food is safe, the Chinese government is working on specific stand

97、ards of / for food quality which food manufacturers/ producers must follow/ observe. 75成语英译的简要分类1 1、汉英基本对应、汉英基本对应2 2、汉英没有对应的语句、汉英没有对应的语句761、汉英基本对应 公事公办 business is business取其精华,去其糟粕 follow/keep the good and cast away the bad诲人不倦 never tired of teaching others众所周知 as we all know/as is known to all为所欲

98、为 do whatever they/you like/have ones own way情不自禁 cant help doing熟视无睹 take no notice of/turn a blind eye to竭尽全力 do ones best/make every effort鞠躬尽瘁 devote ones life to英语表达与汉语的原意基本一致。一般采用“直译”的方式。77无济于事无济于事 It is no use doing颠倒黑白颠倒黑白 call white black简明扼要简明扼要 make a long story short归根结底归根结底 after all家喻户

99、晓家喻户晓 it is known to all自始至终自始至终 from beginning to end掌上明珠掌上明珠 the apple of ones eye黔驴技穷黔驴技穷 at ones wits end直言不讳直言不讳 call a spade a spade78数词举例 一箭双雕一箭双雕 A stone kills two birds一见钟情一见钟情 fall in love at the first sight一步之隔,近在咫尺一步之隔,近在咫尺 a stones throw一无所知一无所知 know nothing一事无成一事无成 achieve nothing 79重叠

100、词举例 上上下下上上下下 up and down来来回回来来回回 back and forth来来往往来来往往 to and fro80 说到某人,某人就到说到某人,某人就到 (说曹操曹操到)。(说曹操曹操到)。 Talk of the devil and he will appear情人眼里出西施情人眼里出西施 Love is blind.张三李四张三李四 Jack and John样样通,不精通样样通,不精通 Jack of all trades masters none.只知工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。只知工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 All work no play makes Jac

101、k a dull boy. 人物举例812、汉英没有对应的语句用若干个英文词表达四字汉语成语用若干个英文词表达四字汉语成语由于英语表达与汉语表达没有对应语句,因此一般采取“意译”的方式。用一个英文词表达四字汉语成语用一个英文词表达四字汉语成语注意常用俗语谚语的翻译注意常用俗语谚语的翻译其他其他82用若干个英文词表达四字汉语成语胸有成竹胸有成竹 has already a solution in his mind.乱七八糟乱七八糟 all in a mess聚精会神聚精会神 fix their mind心甘情愿心甘情愿 willing to be家破人亡家破人亡 broken up many f

102、amilies其乐无穷其乐无穷 Its a pleasure to助人为乐助人为乐 being always ready to help others.焕然一新焕然一新 taken on a new look突如其来突如其来 As a result of the sudden难以预测难以预测 Its hard to predict 成功卫冕成功卫冕 succeeded in winning the championship83开卷有益开卷有益 reading benefits a lot兴致勃勃兴致勃勃 in high spirits千方百计千方百计 tried by all means to

103、轻而易举轻而易举 without any difficulty白日做梦白日做梦 Its a daydream to说一不二说一不二 mean what I say 心满意足心满意足 be completely satisfied 毛遂自荐毛遂自荐 volunteered to be 无言以对无言以对 at a loss what to say得意洋洋得意洋洋 to be proud of himself.84用一个英文词表达四字汉语成语用一个英文词表达四字汉语成语不可置信不可置信 unbelievable五彩缤纷五彩缤纷 colorful满怀希望满怀希望 hopeful老老实实老老实实 hon

104、estly认认真真认认真真 earnestly仔仔细细仔仔细细 carefully整整齐齐整整齐齐 orderly / neatly舒舒服服舒舒服服 comfortably多姿多彩多姿多彩 colorful不可置疑不可置疑 undoubtedly坚持不懈坚持不懈 perseverance和蔼可亲和蔼可亲 kindness为人处事为人处事 behave85常用俗语谚语的翻译患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友 A friend in need is a friend in deed.无风不起浪无风不起浪 There is no smoke without fire.三个臭皮匠顶个

105、诸葛亮三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮 Two heads are better than one.英雄所见略同英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike.不劳而无获不劳而无获 No pains ,no gains.良好的开端是成功的一半良好的开端是成功的一半 Well begun is half done.不入虎穴焉得虎子不入虎穴焉得虎子 Nothing venture, nothing gain.智者千虑,必有一失智者千虑,必有一失 Homer sometimes nods.失败是成功之母失败是成功之母 Failure is the mother of success. 86老死不相

106、往来老死不相往来 never fail to get in touch with 金窝银窝不如家里草窝金窝银窝不如家里草窝 (best) East, West, home is the best金屋,银屋,不如自家的草屋金屋,银屋,不如自家的草屋 East, west, home is the best.有其父,必有其子有其父,必有其子 Like father like son有志者事竟成有志者事竟成 Where there is a will there is a way.不到长城非好汉不到长城非好汉 He who does not reach the great wall is not a

107、 true man.授人以鱼,授人以渔授人以鱼,授人以渔 Pass knowledge to the students, teach the students how to study 87其他伤脑筋 bother your head about悠着点 take it easy小菜一碟 a piece of cake摆谱 Show off oneself泡吧 kill time in a bar蹦迪 go disco dancing游子 Overseas Chinese思乡之情 homesickness落伍 leave behind上网冲浪 Surf the internet口误,失言 a slip of the tongue笔误 a slip of the pen昙花一现 a flash in the pan丢到脑后 forget about any other things与时俱进 keep/change with the times全面发展 development of childrens all-round ability素质教育 quality education88



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