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1、新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏1新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏2孚来高考英语培训学校09年高考英语总复习-语法篇介词和介词短语介词和介词短语 E-mail:E-mail:新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏3介词和介词短语介词和介词短语.介词短语的结构.介词短语的功能 .介词、连接词和副词 .简单介词和复杂介词 .介词的含义(重点)新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏4.介词短语结构: (前置修饰语+)介词+介词补足语 on the table from what he said by signing a pe

2、ace treaty in terms of moneyHe worked deep into the night last night. 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏5.介词短语的功能介词短语的功能1.作名词短语的后置修饰语 The people on the bus were singing.2.状语 The people were singing on the bus. In the afternoon, we went to Boston. From a personal point of view, I find this a good solution t

3、o the problem. In all fairness, she did try to phone the police. On the other hand, he made no attempt to help her.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏63.作动词和形容词的补足成分We were looking at his awful paintings.Im sorry for his parents.说明:介词短语有时候可以做主语 A: When are we going to have the next meeting? B: On Tuesday wi

4、ll be fine. In March suits me. During the vacation is what we decided Between 6 and 7 may be convenient. 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏7(The proposal that we meet) on Tuesday(To meet) in March(Meeting) during the vacation 作补语(表语)用的准形容词功能 This machine is (very) out of date. This dress seems out of fashi

5、on.因此可以与形容词短语并列或同位 They are happy and in good health. an old and out of date telephone作其他连系动词的补语 They seem in good health.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏8在特殊的情形中(主要在固定短语中),副词或形容词可以发挥介词补足语的功能。 at last, at least, at once, at worst, before long, by far, in brief, in there, since when, until now.介词短语本身可以作介词

6、的补足语,所以两个介词可以连续出现 He picked up the gun from under the table. We didnt meet until after the show. The weather has been fine except in the north. Food has been scarce since before the war.介词作动词和形容词的补足语时,它和前面的词(如look, sorry)的关系比它和后面的补足语关系更密切,介词的选择是由它前面的词决定的。新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏9.介词、从属连词和副词介词、从属连

7、词和副词1. 介词和连词都具有关联或连接功能,比较: the day when she arrived of her arrival 注:辨别两种词类的一个标准是:介词引导的是名词 性或名词化补足语,而与之相对的从属连词引导 一个从属分句(从句)。 在某些情况下,同一词项既可以作介词又可以 作连词,如after, as, before, since, until.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏10 如果是非谓语动词,情况就比较复杂,因为在英语 中-ing分句可以用在介词的后面。 On arriving she took a taxi. 思考下列三个词是什么词性:when

8、, after, by?2.介词和副词 She looked up the hill. (1) She walked across the street. (2) She looked up the word. (3) She walked across. (4) 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏11 在下列句子中,介词和副词的区别并不明显: He is near to being mad. This seems next to impossible. Close to 200 people came. She is far from being weak. 简单介词ne

9、ar和复杂介词near to和close to: near to和close to与形容词有同源关系,他们是仅有的 既有比较级又可加强调成分的介词: She sat very near to quite close to much nearer to me. much closer to next to closest to新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏12 She is about forty. She is (about) forty. She is about roughly forty. approximately 3.注意介词位置 (1)Has the roo

10、m been paid for? He was not paid attention to. Hes impossible to work with. Hes worth listening to.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏13(2)Wh- 分句和关系分句(定语从句) At which house did you leave the car? Which house did you leave the car at? Where did you leave the car?(通常情况) The old house about which I was telling

11、you is (which) I was telling you about empty. 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏14.简单介词和复杂介词简单介词和复杂介词1.简单介词:as, at, but, by, down, for, from, in, like, of, off, on, out, past, per, round, since, than, through, till, to, up, with, about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, before, below, be

12、hind, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, despite, during, except, inside, into, onto, opposite, outside, over, unlike, until, upon, within, without;新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏152.复杂介词:(1)两个词 : 副词/形容词/连词+介词 as for, except for, but for apart from, away from, aside from, as from, ahead of, back

13、 of, because of, instead of, out of, outside of, regardless of, according to, as to, close to, contrary to, due to, near (er) to, next to, on to, owing to, thanks to, up to; along with, together with;新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏16(2) 三个词 介词1+名词+介词2 in view of the election In terms of money, her boss

14、was small. Two men were interviewed at the police station in connection with a theft from an Oxford Street store. How many delegates are in favor of this motion? 比较: in the light of the election as a result of in+名词+of : in charge of ; in case of; in (the) face of ; in front of; in place of; in need

15、 of; in favor of; in the light of; in respect of; in spite of; in view of; 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏17in+名词+with: in common with; in comparison with; in line with; in contact with; by+名词+of : by means of; by way of; on+名词+of: on account of; on behalf of; on the grounds of; on the matter of; on (th

16、e) top of; on the part of; on the strength of; 其他类型: as far as; at the expense of; at the hands of; for (the) sake of ; in exchange for; in return for; in addition to; in relation to; with/in regard of; with/in respect to; with the exception of;新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏18(3) 有些以of结尾的复杂介词可用属格形式替代:f

17、or the sake of the people for the peoples sake;on behalf of Jim on Jims behalfat the expense of Susan at Susans expense 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏19.介词的含义(重点)介词的含义(重点)1.表示空间关系的介词(1).空间关系的意义 My car is at the cottage. Our cottage is on the road . There is some ice on that road. There is a new roof on

18、 the cottage. There are only two beds in the cottage. 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏20(2)肯定位置和目的地:at; to; on; onto; in; into; A)地点介词短语作状语(将事件或事态与某一场所联系起来)或作后置修饰语 (将其物与某一场所联系起来)。简单位置和目的地(向某一预定场所移动) 这两种概念之间,可以有一种因果关系。 目的地 位置 Ann went to Oxford. Ann was at Oxford. Ann climbed onto the roof. Ann was on the

19、 roof. Ann jumped into the water. Ann was in the water.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏21B) into和onto常和表示移动的动词(walk, slide, swim)连用。但是注意比较: Dont run in the school. Dont run into the school.C)另一方面,下列动词(place, stand, lay, sit)常可以和to, onto和into结合,也可以不结合: She put the typewriter case on (to) the top shelf and

20、 the key in (to) the drawer.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏22再举例子 点: at the bus stop; at the North Pole; at the end of road; 线: on the River Thames; on the coast 面: on the wall; on the ceiling; on my back; 面积:in the world; in the village; in a park; 容积:in a box; in the bathroom; in the drawer;新课标英语课件PPT

21、文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏23on(面)和in(面积)作一比较,根据上下文,两者可以有各种不同的含义: The frost made patterns on the window. A face appeared in the window/mirror. The players were practicing on the field. Cows were gazing in the field. She was sitting on the grass/ in the grass.in用于较大的地方:in Asia; in China; .at和 in都可以用在表示城镇,村庄的名词

22、前,但是两者的着眼点不同。 He works in London, but lives in the country. Our plane refueled at London on its way from New York to Moscow.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏24比较:Shes at Oxford. in Oxford. Sid works at a publishing house . in Ann is at school. in school. in the school. 比较: The Smiths drove to Edinburgh. T

23、hey drove towards Edinburgh. 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏25 They drove as far as Edinburgh. He is learning against the wall. There are still apples on the tree. hanging from 注意:She arrived at the shop/ bus stop. her arrival at the shop/ bus stop.(3)来源或否定的位置:away from; off; out of; Ann drove away from

24、 home. The book fell off the shelf. Tom got out of the water. 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏26(4)相对位置:above; over; on top of; under; underneath; beneath; below; above X over Xin front of X on top of X behind X X before X under X after X below X beneath X(使用频率较底) underneath X(使用频率较底)新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续

25、更新 欢迎收藏27 over和under往往指恰好垂直的关系,或有空间上接近 的含义,而above和below可能仅仅表示“高于(或低 于)的水平上”的含义。(5)空间:by; beside; with; near to; close to; opposite; He was standing by/beside the door. at the side of He was killed by an inch. I left the keys with my wallet. in the same place Beside Mary there stood a young man. at t

26、he side of Besides Mary there were several other students inn the hall. in addition to She is intelligent. Besides, she is good-looking. adv. in addition to新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏28She was sitting near (to) me. close toShe was sitting nearer to/ nearest to /next to me. closer to/ closest to Her

27、house is opposite (to) mine. facing新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏29(6)空间:around; round; about; around和round指围绕的位置或物体的运动。 We were sitting around /round the campfire. The spaceship is traveling around/ round the globe. about和around“在某一范围里”或“在里面的不同部位”。 The guests were standing about/around the room. There

28、 are very few taxis about/around here. 相对位置还可由通常表示“通过”或“路线”的介词表达: The tree lay across the road. The road runs through the tunnel.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏30(7)空间: between; among; between将某一物体的位置与特定的或单一的某组分离物体联系起来;among将非分离的物体联系起来. The house stands between two farms. The house stands among farms.(8

29、)相对的目的地:over; under; behind;(没有通过的意义) He threw a blanket over her. The bush was the only conceivable hiding place, so I dashed behind it. When it started to rain, we all went underneath the trees.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏31(9)通过意义:over; under; behind. 这类介词与移动动词连用,既表示目的地等概念,又可表示通过(即向某处移动,然后离开)的概念.

30、He jumped over a ditch(渠道). Someone ran behind the goalposts.(10)通过: across; through; past; on the grass across the grass in the grass through the grass(11)定向路线移动: up; down; along; across; around; towards;新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏32 We walked up the hill and down the other side. 但在习惯用法中, up和down也用

31、于指水平轴线,相当于along沿着的意思. I walked up and down the platform. She walked up/down the street. along表示“从一端向另一端(from one end towards the other)”或“在一条与平行的线上(in a line parallel with)” We walked along the street, just looking at people. I took my dog for a walk along the river.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏33alon

32、g与across在水平轴线上相对立 Be careful when you walk across a street.around表示定向路线有拐角或弧度 They ran around the corner.towards表示“朝向方向”(in the direction of)的“实际的”或“隐含的”两种意义 We walked towards the old farmhouse. The windows faces towards the south. Is this the bus to Oxford? She glanced over her shoulder. He spoke i

33、nto the microphone.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏34(12)方位:beyond; over; past; up; across; beyond主要指方位 over; past; up; across和through即表示方位,又和线、面、容积概念相结合 The village is past the bus stop./through the wood. up; down; along; around在下例中用来指轴线的方位 Her office is up the stairs / down the stairs. We live just aro

34、und the corner. He lives up/ down/ along/ across the road the road from me. from me表示方位点。新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏35 (13)结果含义:from; out of ; over; past; 已经到达目的地的状态 The horse jumped over the fence. The horse are over the fence. 这些词可以和副词already; just; at last; not yet等连用表示结果。 At last we are out of t

35、he forest. When youre past the next obstacle, you can relax.(14)遍及意义:over; through; with over和through具有遍及的意义,尤其是当他们与all连用时: That child was running all over the flower borders. throughout的含义是all through,唯有这个介词主要表示“遍及” 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏36The epidemic(流行病) has spread throughout the country.al

36、l along; all around; 也用来表示遍及 There were crowds all along the route. They put flowers all around the country.with在下列词组中也表示具有遍及的意义 The ground was covered with snow. The garden was buzzing with bees. surrounded with; loaded with; paved with等。新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏37(15)over的8种含义: 位置: A lamp hung o

37、ver the door. 目的地: They threw a blanket over her. 通过: They climbed over the wall. 方位: They live over the road. 结果: At last we were over the crest of the hill. 遍及(静态):Leaves lay thick all over the ground. 遍及(移动):They splashed(泼) water over me. 伴随情况: We discussed it over a glass of wine. 新课标英语课件PPT文档

38、友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏38(16)地点介词的比喻用法或抽象用法(难点、重点) in shallow water in deep water in difficulties in a tough spot A)位置-状态 to be in /out of danger to keep out of trouble to be in/out of office to be out of a job to be in difficulties 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏39B)包含存在之内-抽象的包含 in books/plays in/out of race in

39、 a group/partyC) into/out of目的地-抽象的情况或环境 He got into difficulties/ trouble/debt/ a fight. Can you get me out of this mess?D) in/on位置-成员资格,参与 in the army on the board/ committee/ projectE) above/ below/ beneath垂直方向-抽象的水平 to be above /below someone on a list above/ below beneath* ones income Such beha

40、vior is beneath below* him.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏40 Hes above over*such behaviour. above the average above suspicionF) under垂直方向-遭受,从属,过程 under discussion under orders He has a hundred people working under him. The bridge is under construction.G) up/down在垂直轴线上移动-名次或度数,等级上变 动位置 climb up/down the

41、 social ladderH) from/to出发点/目的地-始发者/接受者 a letter from A to B新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏41I) beyond/ past/ over结果含义,有形的-抽象的 beyond belief/ endurance/ hope/ recovery past We are over the worst. J) between/among 相对位置-参与者之间的抽象关系 a fight /match between X and Y We quarrel agree among ourselves. relationsh

42、ip/contrast between two things K) through通过-坚忍不拔,忍耐 She came through the ordeal.(苦难经历,折磨) We put him through his paces. We are through the worst.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏422.表示时间的介词: (1)时间位置:at; on; in; by; A) at用来指时间点(主要指钟点)习惯上有用来指假 日时节,也可以表示作时间点考虑的时间段. at ten oclock; at 6.30p.m. ; at noon; at th

43、e weekend; at Christmas指整个圣诞节,而不是只指那一天 at the /that time; at breakfast time; at night; B) on用来指当作时间段看待的一天 on Monday; on the following day; on May the first; on New Years day;新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏43 c) in或during表示比一天更长或更短的一段时间 in the evening; in summer; in August; in 2008; in the months that fo

44、llowed; d) on Monday morning; on Saturday afternoon; on the following evening; in the late afternoon; in the early morning; e)指夜晚的一段时间时,用in I woke up several times in the night. At night, I usually have the window open. during the night新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏44 (2)将来时间的衡量:in 注意和副词ago的区分 a) Well

45、meet in three months time./in three months from now. in表示从现在起展望到将来与上述相同的一段时间。这里in 的意义:at the end of three months starting from now b) We met three months ago.从现在起回溯到过去某一点之间的时间段 c)要从过去某一点时间向前衡量时,只有下面的结构才是正确的:He finished the job in three months. in the space of three months from when he started新课标英语课件

46、PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏45(3) 持续:for; during; over; all through; throughout; A) A: How did you camp(野营) in Scotland? B: We camped there for the summer. all through, from the beginning to the end of the summer (for the summer-整个一个夏天) A: When did you camp in Scotland? B: We camped there in the summer. at

47、some time during the summer新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏46B) We managed to stay awake during the whole meeting. 这里如果没有stay, whole这两个词,during 指的是持续的时间范围以内的一个时间点或时间段,而不是指持续的时间本身。 She spoke during the meeting. During our stay in Japan we met several old friends. our visit to C) I have done that for years

48、. 内包时间 I havent done that for years.时间之外的动作新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏47D) over, all through, throughout具有持续时间的含义,和他们表示地点的遍及含义对应 We camped there over the holiday/over the weekend/ over night. We camped there throughout the summer.(4)持续:fromto; until; up to; We camped there from June to/till Septembe

49、r. A)如果没有from, 就只可以用until, till, up to(但 是不 能仅用to). We camped there until/ till/ up to/through/to* September.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏48B) to和till可以替换 You can stay to /till the end of September. There are a few days to/till September.C) from, up to都表示一段时间的起点和终点。up to 通常表明一段较长的时间,其中不包括介词不足语中的那一段时间

50、We worked up to Christmas.不包括ChristmasD) till /until 只能与持续动词,即表示一段时间动词 连用。by 表示终点,只和瞬间动词连用。 My girlfriend worked/arrived* there till Christmas. She worked*/ arrived by Christmas.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏49E)在否定语境中,until /till不论与持续动词还是瞬间动词连用都成立。 She didnt arrived there till Christmas. F) till/until

51、与肯定谓体连用,表示时间的终点;与否定的谓体连用,表示时间的起点: We slept until midnight. We stopped sleeping then. We didnt sleep until midnight. We started sleeping then.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏50 (5) before, after, since, till, until既作介词又作连词,他们作介词时,全是指时间的介词,后面接:时间名词短语after next week, 无主语-ing分句since leaving school, 或接从动词派生来的

52、名词短语或视为相当于分句的其他的名词短语since electricity; for 表示持续的一段时间; before和after表示两个时间或两个事件的关系,这两个词的词义相反: The meeting will take place after the ceremony. The ceremony will take place before the meeting.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏51 (6) betweenand;by; A) betweenand表示在由起点和终点指明的一段时 间中, 但是与fromto不同,它并不表示动词在整个 这一段时间的延

53、续 Well probably arrive some time between 5and 6 oclock. Ill phone you between lunch and dinner. B) between还用来表示重复出现的相同事物之间的间隔 between meals/dances/acts/classes C) by表示一件事情出现结果的那一点时间,即表示终点。 它在含义上和already, still, yet和any more有联系。新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏52 Your papers are to be handed in by next wee

54、k. not later than By the time wed walked five miles, he was already exhausted. 对比: By that time he was already exhausted. Until then he was not exhausted. D) by短语不与持续动词连用 The troops remained there until /by* midnight.(7)表示时间的短语中,介词的省略(略)。 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏533.地点和时间以外的意义范围:(原因/目的系列;手段/施动者系列

55、) 原因/目的系列 原因:She lost her job because of her age. 理由:He was fined for drunken driving. 动机:He did it out of kindness. 目的:Everyone ran for shelter. 目的地:Im leaving for Beijing. 目标:This novel is aimed at a young audience. 手段/施动者系列 方式:She performed the operation with great skill. 手段:They left by plane. 工

56、具:She tried to open the lock with a knife. 施动者:They were noticed by no one. 刺激:Im astonished at your reaction.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏541)原因/目的系列 (1)原因/理由/动机:because of ; on account of ; for; through; from;We have to drive slowly because of the heavy rain.On account of his wide experience, he was

57、 made chairman.The survivors were weak from exposure and lack of food.Some support charities out of duty, some out of a sense of guilt.I hid the money, for fear of what my parents would say.The plane was destroyed through the pilots carelessness. 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏55 A) on account of;表示理由或原

58、因,是because of 的正式语体中的替代形式。 B) out of和for主要限于表达动机-心里因素:out of gratitude/kindness C) for出现在相对来说数量较小的词组中:for fear/ love/ joy/ sorrow(2)目的/目的地:for/to Hell do anything for money. in order to gain money Everyone ran for shelter. in order to reach shelter A) for表示预定目的地时,与run, start, head, leave, set out等动词

59、连用。 He set out for London.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏56 B)用to短语表示假设将会到达的目的地。 He went to London. He left for London. Is this the train to London? Is this the train for London?(3)接受者/目的/目标 for/ to/ at A)当for的后面接表示人或动物的名词短语时,多半带有“预定接受者”的意味 He laid a trap for his enemies. She made a beautiful doll for h

60、er daughter. He cooked a dinner for her. 这种预定接受者常常相当于一个间接宾语。 She made her daughter a beautiful doll. He cooked her a dinner.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏57B) to在句子中表示“实际接受者”。 She gave a beautiful doll to her daughter. I gave the book to my friend. I gave my friend the book. I lent the book to my frien

61、d. I lent my friend the book. C)在aim at/ shoot at/ kick at短语中,at表示预定目的或目标 After aiming carefully at the bird, he missed it completely. She smiled at me.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏58注意:He shot at the bird. He shot the bird.达到目的或完成了某个行动 其他动词如果要强调达到的目的,就必须用to。 She ran at me.表示敌意 She ran to me.表示向某一目标的移

62、动 类似的有:point at/to; throw at/ to; shout at/to; He shouted at me.含有敌意 He shouted to me.对着我大声说话,不是对着别人大声说话(4)来源/籍贯: from与to 反意 Bill lent the book to me. I borrowed the book from Bill. He is from Jiangxi.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏592)手段/施动者系列(1)方式:inmanner; like (unlike); with; Life is like a dream.Bi

63、ll writes poetry like his brother. in a manner resembling that of his brotherLike his brother, Bill writes poetry.相似Bill writes poetry, like his brother.相似She spoke like a lawyer. in a manner resembling She spoke as a lawyer.以实际的身份和地位She spoke as a lawyer does. in that manner新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢

64、迎收藏60 (2)手段和工具;by/ with/ without I usually go to work by bus/train/car/boat. Someone had broken the window with a stone. He caught the ball with his left hand. Someone had used a stone to break the window. He used his left hand to catch the ball. A stone had broken the window. His left hand caught t

65、he ball. I drew it without a ruler.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏61(3) 工具和施动: with / by My car had been damaged by the branch of a stone. with a branch of a tree. a picture by Mr. Wang They are related through their grandfather. through表示媒介(4) 刺激因素: at/with I was alarmed at/by his behavior. His behavio

66、r alarmed me. Im worried about this. Hes interested in history. His plan was known to everyone. I was furious with John.新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏62 (5)伴随:with (6)支持和反对:for/with/against (7)有:of/with/without (8)让步:in spite of/ despite/ (9)附加和例外 except for/with the exception of/apart from/ aside from/but (10)否定的条件: but for 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏63新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏64新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏65新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏66新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏67新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏68新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏69新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏70新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏71



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