七年级英语下册 Unit 3 School life Lesson 13 How Is School Going课件 (新版)冀教版

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1、UNIT 3 SCHOOL LIFELesson 13 How Is School Going?NEW WORDSlife /laif/ n. 生活term /t:m/ n. 学期shop /p/ n. 手工艺课start /st:t/ v. 开始;出发finish /fini/ v. 完成;结束win /win/ v. 赢得;获胜social /sul/ adj. 社会的twice /twais/ adv. 两次;两倍myself /maiself/ pron. 我自己yeah /je/ int. (口语)是;对(two times)(商店;购物)(won/won)(yum)WHAT ARE

2、 THEY DOING?1.Listen and write down what subjects they have.Lets Do It! Chinese maths history P.E. English socials studies shop French artHow is . going?sports meettwice a year long jumpbe good atsocial studiesby oneselfREAD THE DIALOGUE AGAIN DIALOGUE AGAIN AND FIND OUT THE KEY PHRASES.运动会.怎么样?一年两次

3、跳远擅长于社会科学独立的1. finish v. 完成;结束完成;结束I start school at 8: 00 a. m. I usually finish at 5: 00 p. m. 我通常早上我通常早上8:00上课,下午上课,下午5:00放学。放学。We finished cleaning the classroom at 8: 00. 我们八点钟打扫完教室。我们八点钟打扫完教室。 finish意为意为“完成;结束完成;结束”,后跟,后跟名词、名词、代词或动词代词或动词-ing形式。形式。 Please finish _ (write) the words this afterno

4、on.writing2. be good at 擅长擅长You re good at the long jump. 你你擅长跳远。擅长跳远。Lin Tao is good at running and it is good for his health. 林涛擅长跑步,那对他的健康有益处。林涛擅长跑步,那对他的健康有益处。The teacher is good to his students and he is good with his students. 这个老师对他的学生很好,并且他和学这个老师对他的学生很好,并且他和学生们相处得很好。生们相处得很好。【探究总结探究总结】be good

5、at, be good with, be good to, be good for的辨析的辨析Some people _ swimming. Because they think swimming _ their health. A. are good at; is good forB. are good for; is good withC. are good to; is good forD. are good with; is good forwin v. 赢得;获得赢得;获得Last term I won first place! 上学期我赢得了第一名上学期我赢得了第一名! We wo

6、n the match yesterday. 昨天我们赢了比赛。昨天我们赢了比赛。Who won the race? 谁在赛跑中获谁在赛跑中获胜了?胜了?We beat their team by 10 points. 我们赢了他们队我们赢了他们队10分。分。【探究总结探究总结】WIN, BEAT的用法的用法【学以致用学以致用】 她在跳高比她在跳高比赛中中获奖了。了。She _ _ _ in the high jump. I _ (win/beat) John at chess yesterday.won the match beatFILL IN THE BLANKSJennysschool

7、lifeisalittlebusythis_.Shehas_classeseveryday.Herfavouritesubjectis_.Lastweek,She_abirdhouseallby_.WangMeialsohassixclasseseveryday.She_schoolat8:00a.m.and_at5:00p.m.PEisherfavouritesubject.Theyalwayshaveabigsportsmeet_ayear.She_goodatthe_jump.Sheoften_partinthelongjump.Lasttermshe_firstplace. terms

8、ixEnglishmadeherselfstartsfinishestwiceislongtakeswonTRANSLATIONS这周这周last term上学期上学期this week有点忙有点忙a little busy独立的独立的by oneself擅长于擅长于be good at跳高跳高high jump一周两次一周两次twice a week学校生活学校生活once a year真有趣真有趣so interestinghave a sports meetschool life一年一次一年一次好久不见好久不见!举行一次运动会举行一次运动会Long time no see!TRANSLA

9、TION(SHOP)1.Wheredoyouoftenshop?2.Myfavouritesubjectisshopinmyschool.3.Theyarechatting outside the shop.4.Letsgoshopping thisafternoon.你经常在哪儿购物?在学校我最喜欢的科目是手工艺课。他们正在商店外面闲聊。让我们今天下午去购物。用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. I can do the work by _ (I). 2. He finished _ (clean) the classroom at 5: 30p. m. 3. We have s

10、even _ (class) every day. 4. He wants to be the _ (win). 5. Our school has a _ (sport) meet every spring. myselfcleaningclasseswinnersports单项选择1. Do you want to _ the school sports meet? A. take B. joinC. take part in D. joined in2. My friend Mary is good _ singing. A. at B. on C. in D. for3. He jum

11、ped seven meters. He won first place in the _. A. high jump B. jump highC. long jump D. jump long4. My sister wants to be an actress _ the future. A. at B. on C. in D. for5. _ is your everyday life going? Very well. A. What B. Why C. Which D. HowSUM UPimportant words and phrasesthedialogue(talkingaboutschoollife)HOMEWORKNo.3 Fill in the blanks. No.4 Make up dialogues. See you next time.



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