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1、扩句是在基本句型的基础上,添加各种修扩句是在基本句型的基础上,添加各种修饰成分,使句子得到扩展,即根据表达的饰成分,使句子得到扩展,即根据表达的需求增加定语,状语,同位语等成分,或需求增加定语,状语,同位语等成分,或者举例子补充细节内容,或者添加谚语俗者举例子补充细节内容,或者添加谚语俗语等。语等。 1. Mary was a (n) _ girl.(形容词) 2. She smiled _ . (副词) 3. Tom liked her _ . ( 副词) 4. He gave her a picture _ _ (定语从句) 5. She put the picture on the wa

2、ll _ _ (状语从句) beautiful happily secretly that he had drawn for her . so that she could see it conveniently .方法一方法一 添加修饰成分添加修饰成分:形容词、副词、不定式短语、分词短语、介词短语、定语从句、状语从句等。 Mary was a beautiful and girl . Tom and liked her very much. They soon became good friends. On Marys birthday, Tom gave her a picture and

3、 She smiled happily , them and put the picture on the wall. clever Jack a bunch of roses. accepted方法二方法二 添加并列成分:添加并列成分: Jack was rich. He had his own company. He made a fortune. He bought Mary a diamond ring. Neither Jack nor Tom knew what Mary thought. During that night before Marys birthday, Jack

4、had a dream in which he asked Mary to marry him . During the same night ,Tom couldnt get to sleep untilhe finished drawing the picture of Mary from his memory. 方法三方法三 构成并列句:构成并列句:用并列连词 and, so, but, while, for(因为)等。 Jack was rich, he had his own company made a fortune, he bought Mary a diamond ring,

5、 neither Jack nor Tom knew what Mary thought. During that night before Marys birthday, Jack had a dream in which he asked Mary to marry him Tom couldnt get to sleep until he finished drawing the picture of Mary from his memory. forandso butwhileAfter her birthday party, Mary couldnt helplooking at t

6、he picture now and then because in her eyeslooking at herself in the picture was like looking at a superstar on the screen.To see is to believe. The picture proved that Tom had a talent for painting and her choosing him as her boy friend was a wise decision.方法四方法四 使用使用V-ing短语、不定式短语或名词性从短语、不定式短语或名词性从

7、句等做主语、宾语或表语等。句等做主语、宾语或表语等。that _ _ Summary扩扩展展句句子子的的方方法法方法一:添加修饰成分方法一:添加修饰成分方法二:添加并列成分方法二:添加并列成分方法三:构成并列句方法三:构成并列句方法四:使用方法四:使用V-ing短语、不定短语、不定 式短语或名词性从句式短语或名词性从句 作主语、宾语或表语等作主语、宾语或表语等2. 扩展以下句子扩展以下句子.1. We arrived in Sanya. 2. I like to make friends with my classmates.3. We were happy and returned home

8、.4. I like reading books.5. We should study hard.6. I often join in many activities.7. I go to the library.1. We arrived in Sanya. - We arrived in Sanya, happily and excitedly. (添加副词添加副词)2. I like to make friends with my classmates.- I like to make friends with my classmates, who have the same inter

9、est as mine. (添加定语从句添加定语从句)3. We were happy and returned home.- We were happy and returned home after we had finished collecting all the rubbish.(添加状语从句添加状语从句)4. I like reading books.- I like reading books, such as novels, short stories, magazines and newspapers.(通通过举例补充细节过举例补充细节)5. We should study

10、hard.- As we all know, “Practice makes perfect”. So we should study hard.(添加谚语)(添加谚语)6. I often join in many activities.- I often join in many activities in order to communicate with other students and broaden my mind. (添加目的状语添加目的状语)7. I go to the library.After school/During the summer vacation, I o

11、ften go to the school library with my best friends by bike to borrow some books.使用带高级词汇的目的状语使用带高级词汇的目的状语尽量带上尽量带上状语状语 In order to meet the demands of broadening my horizons and enriching my knowledge, after school/during the summer vacation, I often go to the school library with my best friends by bi

12、ke to read books, newspapers and magazines.3. 扩句与写作。扩句与写作。假如你是一名中学生,请以假如你是一名中学生,请以My colorful school life为题,写一为题,写一篇短文。要求篇短文。要求100个字左右。开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总数。个字左右。开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总数。要点提示:要点提示:1:上课认真听讲:上课认真听讲 2:课后完成作业:课后完成作业 3:经常参加体育锻炼:经常参加体育锻炼 4:去图书馆阅读:去图书馆阅读Im a high school student and I understand what Im s

13、tudying for. I have been working hard. _ May there always be colorful life around my school.学生的习作:学生的习作: Im a high school student and I understand what Im studying for. I have been working hard. I listen to the teacher carefully. I finish my homework after class. I often take exercise. I often read

14、in the school library. May there always be colorful life around my school.点评:该学生能完整的写出各个要点,没有出现太大点评:该学生能完整的写出各个要点,没有出现太大的语法错误,表达通顺,单词拼写无误。但是很明显的语法错误,表达通顺,单词拼写无误。但是很明显字数不够,没有达到字数不够,没有达到100个字左右,字数不够是很多学个字左右,字数不够是很多学生面临的共同问题。其次,句子的表达过于平淡无奇,生面临的共同问题。其次,句子的表达过于平淡无奇,没有句式多样化和使用高级词汇,固定搭配、固定短没有句式多样化和使用高级词汇,固

15、定搭配、固定短语等使表达地道。而且,没有使用连接词,上下文的语等使表达地道。而且,没有使用连接词,上下文的连接不够顺畅。连接不够顺畅。改进方法:改进方法:步骤一:列要点步骤一:列要点 把要写的内容要点化,做到要点齐全。把要写的内容要点化,做到要点齐全。 1: Listen to the teacher carefully 2: finish my homework 3:take part in exercise 4: often read in the library步骤二:造简单句步骤二:造简单句 充分利用五个简单句句型对各个要点进行补充,使其充分利用五个简单句句型对各个要点进行补充,使其变

16、成一个完整的句子。每个句子都要注意句子成分的完变成一个完整的句子。每个句子都要注意句子成分的完整性,语法是否正确,说法是否符合英语表达习惯。整性,语法是否正确,说法是否符合英语表达习惯。 1: I listen to the teacher carefully in the class. 2: I finish my homework after class. 3: I often take part in exercise with my classmates. 4: I do some reading in the school library.步骤三:扩展句子步骤三:扩展句子 1: I

17、listen to the teachers carefully in the class so that I can understand what the teachers say.(增加目的状语从句增加目的状语从句) 2: I finish my homework after class, which is a piece of cake for me.(增加定语从句)(增加定语从句) 3: I often take part in exercise with my classmates, such as playing football, going swimming and play

18、ing badminton.(举例说明)(举例说明) 4: I often do some reading in the school library when I have nothing to do after class.(增加时间状语从句)(增加时间状语从句)步骤四:润色句子步骤四:润色句子比如可以用高级词汇,短语和固定搭配来替换一般词汇。增加习惯比如可以用高级词汇,短语和固定搭配来替换一般词汇。增加习惯表达句式,倒装句,表达句式,倒装句,it当形式主语和形式宾语,非谓语动词等,使当形式主语和形式宾语,非谓语动词等,使用多种句式,使其多样化。用多种句式,使其多样化。 Im a high

19、 school student and I understand what Im studying for. I have been working hard.(原文已给)(原文已给) First of all(过渡词过渡词), it is necessary for me to listen to the teachers carefully in the class so that I can understand what the teachers say. Whats more(过渡词过渡词), I take homework seriously and finish it in ti

20、me, which is a piece of cake for me. In addition(过渡词过渡词), In order to strengthen my body, I often take part in different kinds of exercises with my classmates, such as playing football, going swimming and playing badminton. Finally(过渡词过渡词), Interested in reading books, I develop the habit of going to the library and do some reading on my favorite books. May there always be colorful life around my school. Thanks for your attending!



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