人教版八年级上册英语习题课件 Unit8 写作能力提升练

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《人教版八年级上册英语习题课件 Unit8 写作能力提升练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版八年级上册英语习题课件 Unit8 写作能力提升练(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、写作能力提升练写作能力提升练河南人教版八年级上河南人教版八年级上 UNIT 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?世界各地美食繁多,西方国家有火鸡、汉堡、沙拉等。在我国,大多数传统节日都有各自的传统美食。比如过春节,北方人要包饺子,南方人则蒸年糕;在元宵节,人们都要煮元宵,象征着团团圆圆;端午节,人们都要包粽子,是为了纪念我国古代伟大的爱国诗人屈原;中秋节,一家人会坐在一起吃月饼、赏月,象征着家庭团圆美满。同学们,你们还知道哪些传统美食呢?你会做这些美食吗?河南人教版八年级上河南人教版八年级上写作实践写作实践假设你是李华,你的美国朋友杰西卡很喜欢吃中国的汤

2、圆,她写信询问汤圆的做法,请你根据提示及要求,给她写一封80 词左右的回信。写作实践写作实践原料熟黑芝麻(roasted black sesame seeds)、糖、黄油、糯米粉(glutinous rice flour) 和温水做法1. 用食物搅拌机把熟黑芝麻打成粉(powder);2. 把黄油、芝麻粉、糖混在一起,做成小芝麻球;3. 糯米粉和温水做成面团(dough),分成小份;4. 用小面团包住芝麻馅,并做成球形;5. 煮熟即可食用。写作实践写作实践要求:1. 语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清晰,书写规范;2. 文章格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jessica,Im gl

3、ad to hear that you like the Chinese food tangyuan. _Yours,Li Hua思路点拨思路点拨【谋篇布局谋篇布局】理清文章要素,构建文章结构。理清文章要素,构建文章结构。制作制作汤圆汤圆点明主题Let me tell you how to make tangyuan .制作过程First, put. in., turn on;Then, mix, make small sesame balls; Next, add warm water to.; make the dough; divide. into., After that, add.

4、into., roll思路点拨思路点拨【遣词造句遣词造句】根据结构图中的要点和词语写出句子。根据结构图中的要点和词语写出句子。1. 把熟黑芝麻放入搅拌机并打开它。_ roasted black sesame seeds _ theblender and _ .2. 把黄油、芝麻粉和糖混合起来做成小芝麻球。_ butter, sesame powder and sugar to make _. Put inturn it on Mixsmall sesame balls思路点拨思路点拨3. 在糯米粉中加入温水并做成面团。_warm water to the glutinous rice flou

5、r to_.4. 把芝麻馅放入小面团中。把小面团放在你手里滚动,直到它变圆。Add the sesame filling into the small dough ball. _ the ball in your hands _ its round. Addmake the doughRoll until思路点拨思路点拨【巧妙衔接巧妙衔接】利用连词,使句子意思连贯。本文主要描述汤圆的制作过程,所以可以用first, next, then, finally 等表示顺序的词来连接各个步骤,使文章过渡自然,富有逻辑。思路点拨思路点拨【范文欣赏范文欣赏】Dear Jessica,Im glad to

6、hear that you like the Chinese food tangyuan. Let me tell you how to make it.First, put roasted black sesame seeds in the blender and turn it on. Then, mix butter, sesame powder and sugar to make small sesame balls. Next, add warm water to the glutinous rice flour to make the dough. Divide the dough

7、 into small dough 思路点拨思路点拨balls. After that, add the sesame filling into the small dough ball. Roll the ball in your hands until its round. Finally, cook them in the hot water. Now, its time to enjoy tangyuan!Yours,Li Hua实战演练实战演练蛋炒饭是妈妈经常给我们做的一道美食,请根据以下提示内容,写一篇题为“How to Make Egg Fried Rice”的短文,介绍蛋炒饭的

8、制作过程。实战演练实战演练材料一碗米饭;一匙油(oil);两颗鸡蛋;一根胡萝卜;少许食盐步骤1. 把鸡蛋打入碗中;2. 胡萝卜洗净切碎,放入碗中备用;3. 锅里放少许油,油热后加入鸡蛋炒一分钟;4. 加入米饭和胡萝卜,翻炒3 分钟;5. 最后加入食盐。实战演练实战演练要求:1. 包括所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2. 词数80 左右。_实战演练实战演练_How to Make Egg Fried RiceHey, friends! Do you know how to make egg fried rice? Heres one way to make it. We need a bowl of

9、rice, a spoon of oil, two eggs, a carrot and a little salt.First, break two eggs and put them into a bowl. Next, get a carrot and wash it. After that, cut up the实战演练实战演练_carrot. Then, put a spoon of oil into the pot. When the oil is hot, put the eggs into it and cook. After one minute,put the rice and the carrot into the pot and cook for three minutes. Finally, add a little salt. Now your egg fried rice is OK. Put it on a plate and enjoy it.



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