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1、Division Seven: Romanticismn nI. RomanticismI. Romanticism浪漫主义浪漫主义 n nlate 18th and early 19th century starting late 18th and early 19th century starting from the ideas of Rouseau in France and from the ideas of Rouseau in France and from the Storm and Stress Movement in from the Storm and Stress Mo

2、vement in GermanyGermanyThe enlightenment brought about two The enlightenment brought about two revolutions and they caused Romanticism to revolutions and they caused Romanticism to rise: the French Revolution and the rise: the French Revolution and the Industrial revolutionIndustrial revolutionNew

3、economic ideas were put forward by New economic ideas were put forward by Adam Smith in his book Adam Smith in his book The Wealth of The Wealth of NationsNations, which laid the theoretical , which laid the theoretical groundwork for capitalism. groundwork for capitalism. 1 1n nII. Romanticism in G

4、ermanyII. Romanticism in GermanyThe Storm and Stress Movement prepared The Storm and Stress Movement prepared the way for European Romanticism.the way for European Romanticism.A. Goethe combined Romanticism with A. Goethe combined Romanticism with Classicism. Classicism.B. It was B. It was Love and

5、IntrigueLove and Intrigue that made that made Schiller the best dramatist for the Storm Schiller the best dramatist for the Storm and Stress. and Stress.C. The Jena School: Schlegel Brothers, C. The Jena School: Schlegel Brothers, Novalis and Tieck (They were based in JenaNovalis and Tieck (They wer

6、e based in Jena耶拿耶拿 , therefore, came to be known as the , therefore, came to be known as the Jena School.) Jena School.) n nD. Heine: D. Heine: Book of SongsBook of Songs诗歌集,诗歌集, Die Die LoreleiLorelei罗蕾莱罗蕾莱: :海涅在海涅在18361836年发表年发表,宣告浪漫主义在德国文学中的统治地位的,宣告浪漫主义在德国文学中的统治地位的结束结束 2 2n nSchlegel Brothers (A

7、ugust W. von Schlegel & Schlegel Brothers (August W. von Schlegel & Friedrich von Scholegel):Friedrich von Scholegel):施莱格尔兄弟在施莱格尔兄弟在1818世纪最世纪最后几十年中成为德国浪漫主义的领袖。施莱格尔兄弟编后几十年中成为德国浪漫主义的领袖。施莱格尔兄弟编辑的刊物雅典娜神殿,在推动浪漫主义运动的宣传辑的刊物雅典娜神殿,在推动浪漫主义运动的宣传和理论建设方面起了重要作用,被称为耶拿派浪漫主义。和理论建设方面起了重要作用,被称为耶拿派浪漫主义。他们要求个性解放,主张创作自由他

8、们要求个性解放,主张创作自由. . n n莎翁剧作最出色的德语译者,施莱格尔兄弟中的威廉莎翁剧作最出色的德语译者,施莱格尔兄弟中的威廉 冯冯 施莱格尔施莱格尔August Wilhelm von SchlegelAugust Wilhelm von Schlegel,人称大,人称大施莱格尔,曾在波恩大学教书。施莱格尔,曾在波恩大学教书。17961796年奥古斯特年奥古斯特 威威廉廉 施莱格尔来到耶拿,施莱格尔来到耶拿,17981798年与他的弟弟弗里德里年与他的弟弟弗里德里希希 施莱格尔一起在柏林出版了雅典娜神殿,并以施莱格尔一起在柏林出版了雅典娜神殿,并以他们为核心形成了一个文学中心,文学史

9、上称为他们为核心形成了一个文学中心,文学史上称为 早期早期浪漫派浪漫派 或或 耶拿浪漫派耶拿浪漫派 。除了施莱格尔兄弟,重要的。除了施莱格尔兄弟,重要的作家有蒂克,诺瓦利斯,瓦肯罗德等。他们的基本倾向作家有蒂克,诺瓦利斯,瓦肯罗德等。他们的基本倾向是怀古遁世,重视童话和传奇。是怀古遁世,重视童话和传奇。18021802年以后,早期浪年以后,早期浪漫派逐渐解体。漫派逐渐解体。 3 3n nHeine: German poet of Jewish origin, whose Heine: German poet of Jewish origin, whose lyrics have inspire

10、d such composers as lyrics have inspired such composers as Mendelssohn, Schubert, and Schumann. Mendelssohn, Schubert, and Schumann. Heinrich Heine lived at a time of major social Heinrich Heine lived at a time of major social and political changes: the French Revolution and political changes: the F

11、rench Revolution (1789-99) and the Napoleonic wars deeply (1789-99) and the Napoleonic wars deeply influenced thinking. Heine died in Paris, where influenced thinking. Heine died in Paris, where he had lived from 1831 as one of the central he had lived from 1831 as one of the central figures of the

12、literary scene. One of Heines figures of the literary scene. One of Heines most famous poems is Die Lorelei, set to most famous poems is Die Lorelei, set to music by Silcher in 1837. It has become one of music by Silcher in 1837. It has become one of the most popular of German songs. the most popula

13、r of German songs. n nI do not know what haunts me, I do not know what haunts me, What saddened my mind all day; What saddened my mind all day; An age-old tale confounds me, An age-old tale confounds me, A spell I cannot allay. A spell I cannot allay. (from Lorelay (from Lorelay 罗蕾莱罗蕾莱) ) 4 4n nIII.

14、 Romanticism in EnglandIII. Romanticism in EnglandBlake: Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience, Blake: Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience, Preface to Milton Preface to MiltonThe Lakers: Wordsworth and ColeridgeThe Lakers: Wordsworth and Coleridge, Lyrical Lyrical Ballads BalladsByron: Byron:

15、Don JuanDon Juan is considered his masterpiece is considered his masterpiece Isles of GreeceIsles of Greece the fact that the poet died for the the fact that the poet died for the Greek causes made him more respected his poem Greek causes made him more respected his poem expressed an ardent love of

16、liberty and a fierce expressed an ardent love of liberty and a fierce hatred of tyranny.hatred of tyranny.n nShelley : “Ode to the West Wind” , Shelley : “Ode to the West Wind” , Prometheus Prometheus Unbound Unbound, noted for his lyrics, noted for his lyricsKeats: “Ode to a Nightingale”, “Ode on a

17、 Grecian Keats: “Ode to a Nightingale”, “Ode on a Grecian Urn”, famous for his sonnets Urn”, famous for his sonnetsWalter Scott: Walter Scott: The Heart of Midlothian, IvanhoeThe Heart of Midlothian, Ivanhoe5 5n nIV. Romanticism in FranceIV. Romanticism in FranceChateaubriand :Genius of Christianity

18、 Chateaubriand :Genius of Christianity 基督基督教真谛教真谛, Atala , Atala 阿达拉阿达拉, Rene , Rene 勒内勒内. . 弗朗索瓦弗朗索瓦- -勒内勒内. .德德. .夏多布里昂(夏多布里昂(Franois-Ren Franois-Ren de Chateaubriandde Chateaubriand,1768176818481848)是法国十八)是法国十八至十九世纪的作家,政治家,外交家,法兰西学院至十九世纪的作家,政治家,外交家,法兰西学院院士。出生于法国布列塔尼伊勒院士。出生于法国布列塔尼伊勒- -维莱讷省的圣马洛维莱讷省

19、的圣马洛市。拿破仑时期曾任驻罗马使馆秘书,波旁王朝复市。拿破仑时期曾任驻罗马使馆秘书,波旁王朝复辟后成为贵族院议员,先后担任驻瑞典和德国的外辟后成为贵族院议员,先后担任驻瑞典和德国的外交官,及驻英国大使,并于交官,及驻英国大使,并于18231823年出任外交大臣。年出任外交大臣。著有小说阿拉达、勒内、基督教真谛,著有小说阿拉达、勒内、基督教真谛,长篇自传墓畔回忆录等,是法国早期浪漫主义长篇自传墓畔回忆录等,是法国早期浪漫主义的代表作家。的代表作家。Victor Hugo: Victor Hugo: 法国浪漫主义文学的最重要的作家。法国浪漫主义文学的最重要的作家。他于他于18271827年发表的

20、年发表的Preface to CromwellPreface to Cromwell是法国是法国浪漫主义运动的一篇重要宣言。他的长篇小说浪漫主义运动的一篇重要宣言。他的长篇小说Notre Dame de ParisNotre Dame de Paris 巴黎圣母院,巴黎圣母院,Les Les MiserablesMiserables悲惨世界宣扬了悲惨世界宣扬了“ “爱爱” ”与与“ “仁慈仁慈” ”等人道主义精神等人道主义精神,The greatest poet of his day.,The greatest poet of his day.6 6George SandGeorge Sand

21、乔治乔治. .桑桑 : : 法国浪漫主义文学最杰出的女作家法国浪漫主义文学最杰出的女作家. . 18321832年,她第一次以年,她第一次以 乔治乔治. .桑桑 (George Sand) (George Sand) 这一男性笔名这一男性笔名发表两部小说,分别是安蒂亚娜和瓦朗蒂娜。两本小说发表两部小说,分别是安蒂亚娜和瓦朗蒂娜。两本小说讲述的都是爱情失意的女人的故事。这是她一生中创作精力最旺讲述的都是爱情失意的女人的故事。这是她一生中创作精力最旺盛的年代,从盛的年代,从18331833年至年至18361836年,她相继发表莱丽娅、雅年,她相继发表莱丽娅、雅克和莫普拉。这些小说都是以作家早年的感

22、情生活为基础克和莫普拉。这些小说都是以作家早年的感情生活为基础写的,表达作者对爱情的感受与观点。乔治写的,表达作者对爱情的感受与观点。乔治. .桑桑 (George Sand) (George Sand) 认为爱情就是生命,是人们至高无上的权利和义务,爱情应克服认为爱情就是生命,是人们至高无上的权利和义务,爱情应克服一切偏见和习俗,摆脱一切羁绊和束缚。乔治一切偏见和习俗,摆脱一切羁绊和束缚。乔治. .桑桑 (George (George Sand) Sand) 的作品从一开始就具有显著的浪漫主义元素。在的作品从一开始就具有显著的浪漫主义元素。在18461846年,年,乔治乔治. .桑桑 (Ge

23、orge Sand) (George Sand) 就已经开始对田园生活感兴趣。这一年就已经开始对田园生活感兴趣。这一年她发表了著名的田园小说魔沼,全书没有复杂的情节和冗长她发表了著名的田园小说魔沼,全书没有复杂的情节和冗长的理论阐述,而是自始至终充满诗意。这部作品奠定了作家晚期的理论阐述,而是自始至终充满诗意。这部作品奠定了作家晚期创作的基调。晚年的乔治创作的基调。晚年的乔治. .桑桑 (George Sand) (George Sand) 的创作受到了法国的创作受到了法国启蒙思想家卢梭的影响,追求反璞归真、回归自然。这一时期她启蒙思想家卢梭的影响,追求反璞归真、回归自然。这一时期她的代表作品

24、包括小说弃儿弗朗索瓦(的代表作品包括小说弃儿弗朗索瓦(18481848)、小法岱特)、小法岱特(18491849)和我的生活()和我的生活(18551855)。两部小说都描写充满浪)。两部小说都描写充满浪漫情调的爱情,其间可见卢梭新爱洛依丝的影子。漫情调的爱情,其间可见卢梭新爱洛依丝的影子。 IndianaIndiana安蒂亚娜安蒂亚娜7 7 V. Romanticism in ItalyManzoni: The Betrothed约婚夫妇是意大利文学史上第一部以爱压迫的劳动人民为主人公的小说。Leopardi莱奥帕尔迪: To Sylvia, he was the greatest poet

25、 of Italy Romanticism 8 8VI. Romanticism in RussiaVI. Romanticism in RussiaRussia Romanticism began that way-adapting French Russia Romanticism began that way-adapting French plays and translating German and English poetryplays and translating German and English poetryPushkin: Pushkin: Euslan and Li

26、udmilaEuslan and Liudmila鲁斯兰与柳德米拉鲁斯兰与柳德米拉 ,Boris GodunovBoris Godunov鲍里斯鲍里斯 戈都诺夫戈都诺夫俄国浪漫主义先锋俄国浪漫主义先锋(van) (van) a Byronic character his masterpiece is a Byronic character his masterpiece is Eugene OneginEugene Onegin创创造了俄国文学中的第一个造了俄国文学中的第一个“ “多余的人多余的人“ “的典型。的典型。普希金普希金(1799(17991837)1837),俄,俄国伟大的诗人、小

27、说家,国伟大的诗人、小说家,1919世纪世纪俄国俄国浪漫主义文学主要代表,同时也是现实浪漫主义文学主要代表,同时也是现实主义文学的奠基人,现代标准俄语的创始人,被誉为主义文学的奠基人,现代标准俄语的创始人,被誉为“ “俄国文学之父俄国文学之父” ”、“ “俄国诗歌的太阳俄国诗歌的太阳” ”他诸体皆擅,创立了俄国民族文学和文学语言,在诗歌、他诸体皆擅,创立了俄国民族文学和文学语言,在诗歌、小说、戏剧乃至童话等文学各个领域都给小说、戏剧乃至童话等文学各个领域都给俄罗斯俄罗斯文学提供了典范。普希金还文学提供了典范。普希金还被高尔基誉为被高尔基誉为“ “一切开端的开端一切开端的开端 ” ”。 1820

28、1820年,普希金创作童话叙事长诗年,普希金创作童话叙事长诗鲁斯兰与柳德米拉鲁斯兰与柳德米拉。故事取材于俄罗斯。故事取材于俄罗斯民间传说,描写骑士鲁斯兰克服艰难险阻战胜敌人,终于找回了新娘民间传说,描写骑士鲁斯兰克服艰难险阻战胜敌人,终于找回了新娘柳德米柳德米拉拉。普希金在诗中运用了生动的民间语言,从内容到形式都不同于。普希金在诗中运用了生动的民间语言,从内容到形式都不同于古典主义古典主义诗歌,向贵族传统文学提出挑战。诗歌,向贵族传统文学提出挑战。9 9n n假如生活欺骗了你:假如生活欺骗了你写于普希金被沙皇流放的日子里。假如生活欺骗了你:假如生活欺骗了你写于普希金被沙皇流放的日子里。 n n

29、假如生活欺骗了你假如生活欺骗了你n n假如生活欺骗了你,假如生活欺骗了你,n n不要悲伤,不要心急;不要悲伤,不要心急;n n忧郁的日子里需要镇静,忧郁的日子里需要镇静,n n相信吧,快乐的日子将会来临。相信吧,快乐的日子将会来临。n n心儿永远向往着未来,心儿永远向往着未来,n n现在却常是忧郁;现在却常是忧郁;n n一切都是瞬息,一切都将会过去,一切都是瞬息,一切都将会过去,n n而那过去了的,就会成为亲切的怀恋。而那过去了的,就会成为亲切的怀恋。1010LermontovLermontov莱蒙托夫莱蒙托夫 (1814 (18141841)1841),俄国诗人俄国诗人。 : : A her

30、o A hero of Our Timeof Our Time draws a fine portrait of Pushkin draws a fine portrait of Pushkin。莱。莱蒙托夫于蒙托夫于18401840年年4 4月出版的长篇小说当代英雄,在月出版的长篇小说当代英雄,在高加索广阔的背景上展开了主人公毕巧林的复杂的性格。高加索广阔的背景上展开了主人公毕巧林的复杂的性格。毕巧林对当前贵族社会抱有批判的甚至是敌对的态度,毕巧林对当前贵族社会抱有批判的甚至是敌对的态度,他精力充沛,才智过人,在当时社会条件下得不到合理他精力充沛,才智过人,在当时社会条件下得不到合理的发挥,

31、只能在一些琐细无聊的小事上浪费自己的才力,的发挥,只能在一些琐细无聊的小事上浪费自己的才力,乃至生命。毕巧林是俄罗斯文学中继普希金的奥涅金之乃至生命。毕巧林是俄罗斯文学中继普希金的奥涅金之后又一个后又一个“ “多余的人多余的人” ”形象。作者以批判的态度对待他形象。作者以批判的态度对待他, ,在当代英雄第二版序言中说在当代英雄第二版序言中说, ,这个形象这个形象“ “是由我们是由我们这整整一代人身上充分发展了的缺点构成的这整整一代人身上充分发展了的缺点构成的” ”。当代。当代英雄虽然带有浪漫主义色彩,但主要是现实主义的作英雄虽然带有浪漫主义色彩,但主要是现实主义的作品,结构完美,并富有特色,心

32、理分析细致,语言准确品,结构完美,并富有特色,心理分析细致,语言准确优美,成为俄国文学中最早最出色的长篇小说之一。优美,成为俄国文学中最早最出色的长篇小说之一。 1111n n不,我不是拜伦,是另一个不,我不是拜伦,是另一个不,我不是拜伦,是另一个不,我不是拜伦,是另一个 天职在肩但还无人知的诗人,天职在肩但还无人知的诗人, 如象他,我也是尘世的逐客,如象他,我也是尘世的逐客, 不过我有一颗俄罗斯的心。不过我有一颗俄罗斯的心。 我的生涯早始也将要早终,我的生涯早始也将要早终, 我的才能不会有很大出息;我的才能不会有很大出息; 破灭的希望有如沉船残骸,破灭的希望有如沉船残骸, 压在我浩茫似海洋的

33、心里。压在我浩茫似海洋的心里。 海洋啊,阴郁沉闷的海洋,海洋啊,阴郁沉闷的海洋, 有谁能洞悉你的种种奥秘!有谁能洞悉你的种种奥秘! 谁能向人们道尽我的思绪!谁能向人们道尽我的思绪! 是我?是上帝?都无能为力?是我?是上帝?都无能为力? 1212n nVII. Romanticism in Polandn nAdam Mickiewicz(密茨凯维支): Ballads and Romances, beginning of Polish Romanticism, Pan Tadeusz塔杜斯先生 is his masterpiece。1313n nVIII. Art and Architectu

34、reVIII. Art and ArchitectureGoyaGoya戈雅戈雅 : Spanish painter and etcher( : Spanish painter and etcher(蚀刻家蚀刻家) )欧洲浪漫欧洲浪漫主义先驱主义先驱The Parasol, The Execution of the Third of May, The Parasol, The Execution of the Third of May, Family of Charles IV, Saturn Devouring his Children.Family of Charles IV, Satur

35、n Devouring his Children.Francisco Goya, considered to be the Father of Modern Francisco Goya, considered to be the Father of Modern Art, began his painting career just after the late Art, began his painting career just after the late Baroque period. In expressing his thoughts and feelings Baroque p

36、eriod. In expressing his thoughts and feelings frankly, as he did, he became the pioneer of new frankly, as he did, he became the pioneer of new artistic tendencies which were to come to fruition in the artistic tendencies which were to come to fruition in the 19th century. Two trends dominated the

37、art of his 19th century. Two trends dominated the art of his contradictory; they actually were not. Together they contradictory; they actually were not. Together they represented the reaction against previous conceptions represented the reaction against previous conceptions of art and the desire for

38、 a new form of expression. In of art and the desire for a new form of expression. In order to understand the scope of Goyas art, and to order to understand the scope of Goyas art, and to appreciate the principles which governed his appreciate the principles which governed his development and tremend

39、ous versatility, itdevelopment and tremendous versatility, it is essential to realise that his work extended is essential to realise that his work extended over a period of more than 60 years, for he over a period of more than 60 years, for he continued to draw and paint until his 82nd continued to

40、draw and paint until his 82nd year. year. 1414n nThe ParasolThe Parasol The Shootings ofThe Shootings of May 3rd.May 3rd.Saturn Devouring Saturn Devouring His SonHis Son 1515n nDavid: French Painter, The Death of Socrates, David: French Painter, The Death of Socrates, The Death of Marat, The Death o

41、f Marat, n nDelacroixDelacroix欧仁欧仁 德拉克罗瓦德拉克罗瓦 , The Massacre at , The Massacre at Chios, Dante and Virgil Chios, Dante and Virgil 代表着法国浪漫主义绘画的代表着法国浪漫主义绘画的最高成就最高成就. .n nGericault:Gericault:席里柯是法国绘画中浪漫主义画派的先驱席里柯是法国绘画中浪漫主义画派的先驱 French French painter, Raft of painter, Raft of Madusa Madusa 梅杜萨梅杜萨 之筏之筏 .

42、 .1616n nTurner: English landscape painterTurner: English landscape painterJoseph Joseph Mallord William TurnerMallord William Turner (1775 1851) was an (1775 1851) was an EnglishEnglish RomanticRomantic landscape painterlandscape painter, , watercolouristwatercolourist and and printmakerprintmaker,

43、 whose style is , whose style is said to have laid the foundation for said to have laid the foundation for ImpressionismImpressionism. Although Turner was considered . Although Turner was considered a controversial figure in his day, he is now a controversial figure in his day, he is now regarded as

44、 the artist who elevated regarded as the artist who elevated landscape landscape paintingpainting to an eminence rivalling to an eminence rivalling history history paintingpainting. . n nConstableConstable约翰康斯太勃尔约翰康斯太勃尔 : English landscape : English landscape painter.painter.Turner and ConstableTurn

45、er and Constable代表了浪漫主义画派的最高成代表了浪漫主义画派的最高成就就. . 1717早期浪漫主义音乐家:Beethoven(贝多芬): German Composer marked the beginning of 19th century programme musicSchubert(舒伯特)Austrian composer Chopin(肖邦)Polish composer Schumann(舒曼)German composerMendelssohn(门德尔松)German composer IX. MusicIX. Music1818后期浪漫主义音乐家:Berlioz(伯辽兹)French composerLiszt(里斯特)Hungarian composerWagner(瓦格纳)German composerBrahms(伯拉姆斯)German composerTchaikovsky(柴科夫斯基)Russian composer 1919



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