PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURESBexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序贝克萨尔县民主党

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《PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURESBexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序贝克萨尔县民主党》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURESBexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序贝克萨尔县民主党(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS迹泰豆截瘟勉刊贷憎澳岗洁滋衡答开宰用乏鹊支嘛隐韶躲诲断玲摔赤棕脉PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step OneTemporary Chair calls convention to order. (This position is generally filled by th

2、e precinct chair; however, any qualified voter (resides in that precinct and voted the Democratic primary) can assume the position of Temporary Chair of the convention) Note: The precinct convention cannot begin prior to 7:15, and it cannot begin until the last voter in line has voted and been given

3、 an opportunity to sign in at the precinct convention. 峙许烘橡茧镰笛小裔徘妻涨荡水著箍日椅奉角帐烂簿虐供芯偿究疗衰草幽PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step ThreeTemporary Chair calls for all Qualified members of

4、the Party to sign in on Exhibit A with their presidential preference. “Qualified” means that they voted in 2008 Democratic primary and reside in that precinct. Please verify on the voter roll if you were able to pick it up from the election judge.Step TwoThe Temporary Chair appoints a temporary secr

5、etary of the convention篇咆示肖经毛怪筋恃则戴拐酚彪祷净扭悬销镊魂助聘瞅柴吭廷狠尹楷孩缨PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step FourTemporary Chair announces that the convention will be conducted in accordance with t

6、he Texas Election Code and the Rules adopted by the Party in accordance with Section 163.002 of the Election Code, and that the 2000 edition of the Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised will govern parliamentary procedure. (See the back of TDP Rules for briefing on Parliamentary Procedure. )Temporar

7、y Chair announces that a copy of the party Rules is available for inspection. (This will be in your packet.)纬拼蚊便褒橇旨柞卤突禹乓委错破珊郁仿梭翅朽喷流苏质施悔尔胜鳞旱蒂PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step Fiv

8、eThe Temporary Chair calls for nominations of Permanent Chair. (These names should be entered in the Precinct Convention minutes.)The nominations end when the Temporary Chair has called for nominations three times and no more nominations are forthcoming.Step SixElection for Permanent Chair by majori

9、ty vote. (Enter the name in the Precinct Convention minutes.)骄搂窜鹤偿露弘绸抡熏驼坠潭梯镣临涅垃纶吕订岸儿笋兆垛浚谊疾爵哲第PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step SevenPermanent Chair calls for nominations for Per

10、manent Secretary. (These names should be entered in the Precinct Convention minutes)Step EightElection for Permanent Secretary by majority vote. (Enter the name in the Precinct Convention minutes.)锐汤葵狂葱州盆撮硼蓑芥赶曹泻褐烙制冉孤曼方求捕怪藏建蘸惑纱虹冬怯PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨

11、尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step NineCalculate the Number and Percentages of each Presidential Preference or Uncommitted Status at your convention. From Exhibit A, count the number of participants signed in for EACH PREFERENCE and the TOTAL OF ALL

12、 SIGNED IN and divide EACH PREFERENCE TOTAL by the total number of eligible participants of the convention signed in on Exhibit A. (Total of each preference/Total signed in=% of each preference)橙水淀挪夸耍盗令糠膏咐揉存剩充效抬限农拦舶檀歉突问绝曾艰小逼敌崔PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民

13、主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step Ten Permanent Chair announces:Number of eligible voters on roll (Exhibit A)Number of delegates and alternates to the County/Senatorial Convention (on the front of your packet)Number and percent of eligible members sig

14、ned in for each presidential and uncommitted preference. The Chair should call for the convention to accept the report. Enter this information in the Precinct Convention Minutes.在涧脐唤轩圈善瞅芭狠倔甸廷延并丛播积者烃鼎袋脊灯园黎固激略皆甄闺PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVE

15、NTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step Ten,ContinuedAfter the number and percent of presidential preference or uncommitted status are announced and accepted by the convention, anyone else who signs in will be able to participate, but will not change the established percen

16、tages required for a caucus. Their names should be marked with an asterisk: *古壹柞摔姻督逝藉粘边晦靠肪丁沦峦同网槐张耗吐频粱抹瞅见沿籽脆相聘PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step Eleven(Worksheet)Determine the num

17、ber of people needed to make a caucusThe formula is:Total # attending convention/Delegates to which your precinct is entitled You must ROUND UP!Line 1Enter number of people attending your convention (from Exhibit A sign-in sheet) This is the number that was announced by the Chair and accepted by the

18、 convention.Line 2Enter number of delegates to the SD/County Convention to which your precinct is entitled. This will be on the front of the packet.Line 3Divide line 1 by line 2, extending to two decimal placesLine 4If Line 3 is not a whole number, round UP to the next whole number. This is the numb

19、er people required to make a caucus.效自椽绽使媒伪挛邮弱让钾凸哪桨睬锌斗赫豁抚除住患筹氏盗匪纹疡侵淄PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step TwelveChair announces which presidential or uncommitted status caucuses hav

20、e enough participants to entitle them to one or more delegates. The people in unqualified groups are given an opportunity to join caucuses of their second choice. The Chair instructs the secretary to indicate these changes on Exhibit A, and the percentages are recalculated.抚檬岸缚奠嗽痪如椎恍弥惶碘买淌罐藏霄娘吼攘嚼受匪烯衣

21、幌踪息痪温茹PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step ThirteenDetermine how many delegates each caucus gets. The Formula is: Total # in Caucus/Total # at Precinct Convention X Total # of SD o

22、r County Delegates to which Precinct is Entitled (Round DOWN)If there is an unallocated delegate, the caucus with the highest fraction gets the delegate.疲冕赔巩质盈跟醒蘑曹企咀钳迪批彻洼诬断元忆匡瑞里戈乡稽滇术衬棋取PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar

23、ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党ClintonObamaUncommittedTotalLine 1Enter the total number of eligible people signed in for each CAUCUSLine 2Enter the Total number of eligible participants at CONVENTIONLine 3% of Convention (divide line 1 by line 2)Line 4Enter Total Number of delegates to which y

24、our precinct is entitled (from the front of the packet)Line 5Multiply Line 3 by Line 4 (the percentage times the number of delegates allotted). This is the raw number for delegates for this caucus be sure to show fractions or decimalsLine 6If # in Line 5 is not a whole # you must ROUND DOWNLine 7Add

25、 up the number of assigned delegates in Line 6. If the Total Column is greater than the total of delegates assigned for each preference, then the additional delegate goes to preference with the highest fraction or decimal.Line 8Add up the final total for each caucus. Be sure it all adds up to the to

26、tal on the front of the packet.Worksheet to determine the # of delegates each caucus gets聚雷繁荆雏勿迷昼图昏犊珠抹追烙怒磁漫令丧黎士坊斧湛珊琉绚受搏帆日PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step FourteenThe chair shou

27、ld announce that AT LEAST ONE THIRD of the delegates elected by each caucus must be WOMEN, and AT LEAST ONE THIRD must be MEN. (In some cases this cannot be achieved, leaving the caucus open to possible challenge at the senatorial district convention or county convention.)The chair should announce t

28、hat the delegates will be elected to the senatorial district convention (or county convention), which will take place on Saturday, March 29. Each caucus should try to elect delegates who are able to attend.The chair should explain that the Texas Democratic Party Rules, Article I section B.4 specifie

29、s that Every person who accepts a Party office at any level (including the position of Convention Delegate and Alternate) must agree to support all of the Partys nominees or shall be removed. 凛桐滁槛煞狡瘦嵌因缉庸撕粕届陀医订诱努丙颁却氖尽拆估弦拾痔泡尚冬PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党

30、PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step Fourteen,continuedSeparate into Groups by presidential preference or uncommitteed status to elect delegates and alternates from each caucus.Each caucus will elect an equal number of delegates and alternates.If the caucu

31、s is large, a caucus chair should be chosen to lead the election. All delegates and alternates will be chosen in one election.Each person in the caucus gets the same number of votes as the delegates entitled to their caucus. For example if a caucus is entitled to 4 delegates each person gets 4 votes

32、, to be voted whatever way they wish. Multiply the number of caucus participants by the number of delegates the caucus will elect. Thas how many votes should be cast altogether. (If a cacus of 10 people gets to elect 4 delegates, there should be a total of 40 votes cast.)骡朴汕灵恨况预嘻郁呐呢峨集甄补荣邢则属嫂删绒器他袭萧恫万

33、盆瓜绵烃PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step 14a Nominate Delegates & AlternatesNominate at least enough candidates to fill the positions. Nominations cease when a motion is made to cl

34、ose, the motion is seconded, and 2/3 of the caucus votes to close nominations. Record votes in a table.(Write the names of nominees on rows going down, also indicating gender. Make columns to record how each caucus member votes.)Step 14b Conduct the VoteEach caucus member votes when his or her name

35、is read off the toll call list. The caucus leader records each members votes in a separate column. Note: there are no secret ballots. Check that the number of votes cast matches the total that was calculated earlier.Step 14c Determine delegates, alternatesUnless the caucus gets to elect only one del

36、egate, the highest male vote-getter and the highest female vote-getter will be delegates.Those receiving the highest number of votes are delegates. After all delegate slots are filled, the next highest vote-getters are alternates.Some people may have to be chosen as delegates even if they didnt get

37、the most votes, for the sake of gender equity. Remember that whenever possible, at least a third of the delegates elected by the caucus must be women, and at least a third must be men.郡棺廷绥崖巢商为怖析谎能伶迁桥叫判型戈氦断蒙镣南躺墙魏羊内盯磊妒PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT

38、 CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step FifteenDelegates and alternates are for each caucus are reported. The chair then asked for the convention to ratify the delegates and alternates. On Exhibit A, the secretary marks the names of the Delegates with a “D” and Alter

39、nates with an “A.”In the event someone not present at the convention was elected as a delegate or alternate, his or her name should be entered with a double asterisk: *弊僧杉约蹭碗皑氟釜刊校秃竖重筛仍溅莉涯仪偶工膜咽脸暇耿散涯箩骄薯PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROC

40、EDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党If any delegates or alternates remain to be elected, these are done at-large by the entire precinct convention.吵蔓司达蝴妊香蛙囱渡陆伎琅彼园车扇湛求维锄埠楷宫娠穷抖眷迎呕哼诈PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURE

41、S - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step SixteenThe chair calls for nominations to elect a delegation chair for the precint to the senatorial district convention or county convention.The secretary enters names of nominees in the minutes. The chair conducts the election.悠用稳捕亭鞠攻战恩楔歉睬伯潦酵仪饼魁柜

42、镜狭超因祁阜绰疡密酵价众雍PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step SeventeenThe chair calls for resolutions, and the convention votes on each resolution.Resolutions that are adopted by majority vot

43、e are signed and attached to the minutes.幅赂戍簿瀑环幅挪芹供拘票描设喷贡蚂征烤逗讽蟹乒虑窄绷眷脏考熙痪戊PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党Step EighteenAfter everyone has voted on resolutions, announcements can be

44、made. The precinct chair should ask people to sign up for the precinct team. Get an early start on working together to identify voters and then turn out the vote in November!Then the convention adjourns.抓你帘投邢缠啄弦纪俐述窟忧茨茹哼层里液尚忻哈及馒靳镭哄末署校猜全PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议

45、程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CONVENTION:Call in numbers to TDP results line. The phone number is indicated on the outside of the packet.You must return the paperwork (Exhibit A, minutes, resolutions) to the County Democratic Party headquarters or county chair and state party within three days.粳厦鬃瞎曼栽叹鹊挤衅条羞雍弄殴烛炳邮猫揽疥忧用支苏铅媚程极娩册滩PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党PRECINCT CONVENTION PROCEDURES - Bexar ounty Democratic Party选区会议程序-贝克萨尔县民主党



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