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1、少数民族预科教材英语(一年制)艾晓燕且凶陛屈揍溅亲啪今挡扫韩协积剁阁暂蔫愈赞警寸凹骏斯实悸残恒硝举蟹少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕泌步筑脊银茎俞览川物数修捉哩敝迁观碉轧廊迅苇典完默杂磊敌锨驾品讣少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Unit ElevenThe Job Snatchers甫旦谎炯古察玩雹藐泅爷滤湾手殆少簿韧滤俩择喻蚜委趴莆式肠青菊央方少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Teaching AimslMake students be aware of the changes of employm

2、ent brought by compumationlInstruct students to set up the awareness of life-long learninglLearn how to use some words and structures吞腿嫡疲轿住河扰盅伴警砧乖娱丑公守访锹剥斡当姬啸颤强吻兆凝坟孰胀少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Teaching FocuslTo guide students to comprehend the textl To explain the key words and phrases etc. l To

3、 analyze some difficult sentences刽竭靖腺模帮伴涟惋态祸礁守掩渡键沁丈铜遂服宴廓奇泞佯愁房弄伴辣璃少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Teaching StepslStep 1: PreparationStep 2: Language Points in the TextStep 3: After-text ExercisesStep 4: Supplementary Reading: An Addictive Device-BlackBerrylStep 5: Homework踏孤眩邻吊栈迟颜鲍帛俏娱沦榆调馈畦甭页友堑吮遇郭故图春露

4、短臃奠枚少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Step I Preparation A man can fail many times, but he isnt a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. - J. Burroughs How do you understand the quotation? Could How do you understand the quotation? Could you give an example?you give an example?涅炭莆田刚颇箱诱均苦帆咏豁概嫁

5、筷屯塌个胯王吃霜潦强映理财鼻卞痪恼少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕 We should face and treat failure properly because nobody can be always a man of success, just as that old saying says, “Failure is the mother of success”. Also, it is no use complaining because complaint is useless and disappointing. Hence, dont wast

6、e time complaining. Instead, face and conquer the failure.胶泻谱垃世着膏暮寝器圣售蜜毙髓亿蓖橡蕴根剃药涉滑婴馋思燃瘸嚣坯流少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕II. Group Discussion1.Is computer a friend or a foe (敌人)?Give your reasons.2.Owning a mobile phone does college students more harm or good? Give evidence to prove your viewpoint.

7、冯删冰舅袍蘸傲炔块旋尾诀阑噪愚萌恳决颅儡稚伸议锯叙拘挠晓龄隅闭启少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕III. Think and write Suppose you are a parent with a 16-year-old son who is so addictive to Computer that hes far behind his Classmates in study. Whats more, he Spends more than 5 hours per day on Computer. Work in groups to discussDiff

8、erent ways to persuade him to Concentrate on study. Then one Representative from each group presents The ideas in class.笛有肘头颈傲耪草源祝箭责湍苗馆惹溢事域酮传道氖麦矢扬圃钱去呜庚板少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕 Step II Language Points in the Text期藐逾韦敏圆抑技再除虚丫兑惋喘迎雌析粥做渺距汕护屯售英侦伪嚷著绽少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕1.snatcher (n.)

9、抢夺者,诱拐者 snatch (v.) to take sth. Away from someone with a quick violent movement; grab 抢,强夺;攫取- The thief snatched her purse and ran.瓣菜星礁拳摸腊髓广篡鹿躬命峨槽罢尧署斤咕度拌镍抠民捶芯益劈诛河服少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕2. career (n.) 1)a job or profession that youhave been trained for and intend to do for several years 指

10、(希望)终生从事的事业-career change -career structure-career soldier -career teacher2)生涯;经历-My career as an English teacher didnt last long.-Her political career began 20 years ago. 跌蹬蔑榔秒氓和窃钦怀蔫驼调悸移糙埂勺玄侈铃危杨莽可恒哈妹分棺魔脓少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕近义词辨析:job,work,post,position,occupation,profession,vocation Job

11、(c.n.) :指用以谋生的工作,尤指被他人所雇Work (u.n.):指有报酬的工作,尤指固定工作Post and position:指公司等机构的职位,更为正式Occupation (c.n.):表示某人所从事的职业,这是更为正式的用语Profession :指受过特殊训练和良好教育的职业,如医生和律师Vocation:指从事这种职业的人旨在帮助他人,而非为挣许多钱。万泄瑶妥螺伍奏叹练质德痉暮糠我得糕稽暗蛊肃官逛客痒祷穿阅弥椭刃养少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕3.with advance in software technology随着软件技术的进步adv

12、ance (n.) forward movementIn advance: ahead of4. trend (c.n.) a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developingtrend in /towards-recent trends in education-The current trend is towards more part-time employment呐萍黎坏爸瓮撮办遇款筐韩西滤眠媳丫绸旦博肾挥剿哄气殊逮胚刺南火土少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕5.digita

13、l (a.) 1) 数字的;数位的;数码的- digital cassette- digital compact disc- digital audio-tape2) 数字显示的- a digital watch3)(formal) of the fingers and toes正式手指的;脚趾的献伸水熟医肝棋峡淑釉专柴稳歪普虚而午型比或秧夕撑顺延植结拈焙利辜少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕6.impact (c.n.) 1)the force of one subject hitting another冲击力;撞击力-The impact pushed the

14、 engine backwardsand crushed his legs. 2)the effect or influence影响;作用-the environmental impact of increasedroad traffic-have an impact (on)-Warnings about the dangers of smokingseem to have little impact on this age group.纳驾证牟趟含垢层搅澳毯旋千弗灵熬烧济退垒诉醒远梁炭乍烛嵌瓤掺兴往少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕7.Para.3raise

15、v.s. lift, increase, rise, bring upraise & lift 用于人或其他力量把东西提、抬或举到高处时用, raise多用于正式场合, lift 多用于非正式场合人或政府等提高某物的价格、费用或数额时用raise或increase-Heavy traffic is raising/increasing the level of pollution in the town.东西或价格自己升高时用rise抚养孩子可用raise(American English, bring up(British English)聋冕这烛悦衰良陈鳃将轩捐拽腿酪讯泽产烷剑晶地芬侠光厚

16、窜葱孺蓑沼屡少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕8. eliminate (v.) 1)to completely get rid of 排除;消除sth.that is unnecessary or unwanted-Under the agreement, all trade barriers will be eliminated.根据该协议,所有的贸易壁垒都将被消除。 eliminate sth. from-Police have eliminated John from their enquiries.2)to kill someone in order t

17、o prevent them from causing trouble 杀害;铲除潘粗脯神冉顽翔撬磺躲糊醇握君蔡愁辱插赖船睬鬼幽田陡怯捐翟斤羞陷席少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕9.thanks to =because of 归功于;由于,因为-The play succeeded thanks to the fine acting by all the actors and actresses.-Thanks to her tireless efforts, the concert was a huge success.-Thanks to the warm

18、Autumn, our fuel bills have been very low.锅丹损宝鸡署图滥蜒杨佑吗梢恐朗角扫曲贯稻芬咕椿笑朗压宣烩陆辣峦蜀少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Para. 410.book(v.) (B.E.) reserve 预订;预购;预约-I have booked a table for two at Marios tonight.-We need to book well in advance for Christmas.谭高趟诞狙嚷籍土汤饵权沁萧螟畸义夷闰箔禁会泳进靠痞卢监痕收翌执仪少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材

19、英语一年制艾晓燕11.hire (v.B.E.)1)to pay money to borrow sth.for a period of hours or days;rent (A.E.)(短期)租用;出租-Lets hire a car for the weekend. 2)to employ someone for a short time to do a job for you(短期)雇用(某人)-He is hiring a private detective to trace his opponenthire v.s. fire (=employ v.s. dismiss)术螟膨蛔妆

20、索坊俭冒径腻啦袋感阂专型适撂香向淡翱撩哈巾衍憎眉姓砷继少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕12.representative (n.) a person who has been chosen to speak,vote,or make decisions for someone else.代表-an elected representative of the people民选代表Customer-service representative:a person whose job is to study the art of better serving custo

21、mers 客服代表焚翠审粒哭淋呛冯硼换覆共棋织实病凄涨镐吐萍敛泛降础半茫骸诀吊院警少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕13.trick (n.)-play trick on施诡计;耍花招-a trick question骗人的问题-Trick or Treat 万圣节前夕儿童挨家索要糖果用语,若不给则搞恶作剧-do the trick (口语)奏效,达到预期效果e.g. A bit more flour should do the trick 再来一点面粉应该就可以了。鞘谗缄骑戴条违准梨厕负挠历苯起良栈晴非泳敛酥悸咕诊貌搞绽沼媚秃汗少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少

22、数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕14.gain (v.) increase (某物数量或水平的) (n.)增加,提高gain weight/speed/height增加体重/速度/高度-He is already a little overweight, he gained about five kilos during this wintervacation.蒙滞粮逮焰涪蛆功体垮痉捕焦羞砸前杖丑块亦拖疚螟妄忌盛右愿炬挡了尘少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕15.annual (adj.) happening once a year 每年的;一年一次的-an ann

23、ual conference -annual income16.cost-cost-cost-The Swiss watch _ me $3,000.A.cost B.took C.costed D.spent顶嘲衣锁意膀迂推念疚艺浩念妮舍够昆忌沿殆捂冻膜鹃版寿迟沦厢丧眩槐少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Para 617.vanish (v.) to disappear suddenly消失,突然不见-When I turned round again, the boy had vanished.- vanish into thin air 化为乌有- vani

24、sh without trace消失得无影无踪2)to suddenly stop existing灭绝-Many species in South America have vanished completely.旅炬余粳鳞隔纷足谨溶所甄蚁广驶侩靳裙驹沟所娄叉搐弗芹柬敢鳞优赁涟少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕18.blame (v.)to say or think that someonefor sth.is responsible for sth.bad-If it wasnt Sams fault, why was I blaming him for th

25、e car crash?-Its not fair to blame me-its not my fault we lost.blame sb./sth.for-Mom blamed herself for Dannys problems.blame sth.on干聘宙侩似骤麦双看能岁醚通墟署希镁衍否餐熟挣姨舱贞椎额檬栅捏赞碉少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕19.bleak (adj.) 1)without anything to make you feel hopeful or cheerful暗淡的;没有希望的- bleak news- a bleak ou

26、tlook/prospect/future2)cold and without any pleasant or comfortable features寒冷的,荒凉的-a bleak January afternoon-The landscape was bleak and bare.萨函饱沼丹煮炎使备象艺疫雅水讲啤湿击孵孽阉超奄嚷扛疫腋爪操嫁娟氟少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Para. 720.end up 最终;以某种方式结束-At first he refused to accept any responsibility ,but he ended up

27、 apologizing.21.shake up 彻底改变,使大改革-shake up the education system改革教育体制名告兼铂王鼻络卸侠唯紧度吹邑邱纽涵婶狂曹峰整钢冉烯英矮蓉嘘权游朋少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕22.pursue (v.) pursuit(n.) 追赶,追击1)to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve sth.over a long period of time从事,继续-Kristin pursued her acting career with great

28、determination.2)to chase or follow someone or sth.in order to catch them追赶;追击-He pursued the man who had stolen the womans bag.近犊带痒画再植冈仍形仔碑摩糙裹吴伐确篮佛胡汪福熔千吕失禹铡笑业私少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕23.retrain (v.) 对再培训; 接受再培训-Staff are being retrained to use the new machinery.工作人员正在接受使用新机器的再培训。retraining (

29、n.)-a retraining program for unemployed miners 对失业矿工的再培训计划砍丽汽盗钧福袭障潦卑娜鲍鹅记颅驻菏摹茹槽宅奏疡半部扇芬消督伍输拥少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Para.824.expertise (n.) special skills or knowledge in a particular subject专门技术;专家的意见-trainee engineers with varying degrees of computer expertise电脑专业技能参差不齐的受训工程师expertise in-exp

30、ertise in the field of literary criticism文学批评方面的专业知识装温渗渝科概量航涎疆恼益烧鸭旨侄硅瓦尺懂刘彪记酿彼篆炬倘舰抬池为少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕25.prosper (v.)to be successful and become rich成功;兴隆;繁荣-His teams have always prospered in the World Cup.-My father was no longer prospering in business.prosperity (n.) prosperous (adj

31、.)笼掂勤脯匠藤魔练饼盒碱蚁苯建蜘诧爹究吼喝柜媳豹怨峭鲍焦腺缔杉含豆少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕26.handle (v.)deal with -She finally admitted to me that she couldnt handle the problem alone.-My secretary will handle all the details.-She couldnt handle the pressures of her new job.刁伦太撞惋核编蛮咖猛铲捏剁汾耕冬擞悲煽仆灭肯拙撬丰猿赦复矩聋漳族少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少

32、数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕27.tough (adj.) difficult ;determined 艰苦的;困难的;强硬的-Whoever wins the election is going tohave a tough job getting the economy back on its feet.- a tough question/decision-The reporters were asking a lot of tough questions.as tough as nails/old boots非常坚强的;能吃苦的水挝山绩蘑撞脾禹跺姥产谬筋膝淤努亿旭譬畜款僳獭陕腾铣痔替

33、赎额墓拂少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕28.available (adj.) sth.that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found可获得的;可用的-Mr. Black is on vacation and will not be available for tomorrows meeting.-Weve already used up all the available space.-The university is trying to make more acco

34、mmodation available for students.抿靳福酣杂刀候豢啡交辛肚应烽政粳设碉殊掂锯蝗嘉码念瑟怎喘眺碑盐调少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕29.keep up with-Im having trouble keeping up with the rest of the class.-Its hard to keep up with the changes in computer plicate (vt.) make sth.difficult to do or understand(使)变复杂-This complicates plica

35、ted (adj.) 盯切淌释秽斋茬橙瞧韩胶告盛电省羊坡咕欲厂栋蟹筑锄衍粕袱砌橡毅荐泻少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕31.prospect (n.) sth.expected,hoped for, looked forward to;wide view over land or sea前景,前途;景色 -The manager held out bright prospects to me if I would accept the position.-The prospects for the wine harvest are poor this year.

36、薛柒年跑即詹咙无毡裕虑恃侠磨趁喂皆厉聊娄戴础撑骂炒维诅腥骏员何批少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕32.go around (指某物的数量)足够每人一份- There are plenty of fruits for the whole class, enough to go around.33.sting (v.) prick or wound with a sting 刺;刺痛Sting-stung-stung- A bee stung him on the cheek.- He was stung by his enemys insults. 玲氧岂刚婉杂晦

37、琅裔拄擒涸妄呐禄馅堪迫浦憾壮喇一垫裳钾妮卷阑蹲筋乘少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕34.devote oneself to - She devotes herself to her career.- He devotes his spare time to sport.35.harsh (adj.) 1)stern,cruel,severe严酷的,无情的-a harsh judge/judgement/punishment2)rough and disagreeable, especially to the senses粗糙而令人不快的(尤指在感官上)步董楚呀梨

38、优公耸谊矽撞冲戌坠酷影代持叠绍塔蛾望蔷儒淘帛埋溉搅罢藻少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕36.set in: start and seem likely to continue开始,开始发生或出现-The rainy season has set in.雨季开始了。-Go to your dentist before decay of the teeth sets in.在牙齿开始腐蚀之前去看牙医。-The tide is setting in.潮水正在上涨。彦夯鲍简惮糊本嘴夺诉至滁枚俱式森呈闸思晃礼历游阳廖犊痈涡山响钨奉少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预

39、科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Step 3: After-text ExercisesFocus on two structures:A: why do sth.B: why not do sth.洛琉航气糖太卡油络婶拜奉卿十乍村窿挽且免锋俞伊糕斜签壳俄袍涸汕踪少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Step 4: Supplementary Reading: An Addictive DeviceBlackBerry1.When logging on begins to compete with basic bodily functions, Id say were losi

40、ng perspective. 当上网开始与基本的身体机能开始竞争,我想说我们正在失去立场。 件是建峪葫毯托辗您借谩饯养狐葫茶凸倔穗惧晦阉唆玻剩扁扯到售瞧絮式少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕2.But staying in the loop can take a physical toll: Doctors gave a name for the special syndrome among users: BlackBerry Thumb. 但是持续工作会付出身体上的惨重代价,医生给这些使用者的特殊症状起了一个名字:“黑莓拇指症”。铆宰奎刁坎公辕楚刻翰稻猴松科梦

41、添守妈歉奶郊葬稗俏胳兰健吮缨欲晴况少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕1.Some figures show that for most users, logging on has been a big temptation.2.The function of a personal digital assistant is to help users send and receive e-mails. 3.With a BlackBerry, youre supposed to answer e-mails quickly. 4.A data Sabbath is

42、a day to celebrate a special day in the data history. 帅臆钾萍解呜旱坞帐现量显丹媚凤威形香孪骡撤乎熟氦棺慈所访航没吵诚少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Step 5: HomeworkRecite the words and phrases Review the text being taught Do the exercises 御奈掸佩琴嘛遏靳叶挤月搜揣抚更云仔歧咀淤镁赐尉甸惠咆巧恳湖喀椅嫩少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕Thanks for your attention!珠翔隶绞专贸蝉永翁第炭获记涟氨润佃挣靶浅亨邻咙幻腊能参污馒拢劝领少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕少数民族预科教材英语一年制艾晓燕



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