中考英语 第一部分 教材同步复习 Grade 9 Units 1314课件

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1、教材同步复习教材同步复习第一部分第一部分 Grade 9 Units 1314(1)afford作动词,意为“买得起,负担得起”,通常与can, could, be able to 等连用,尤其用于否定句或疑问句中。eg.Can you afford a house in Beijing?你能在北京买得起一套房子吗?中考考点中考考点 精讲精讲afford的用法1(2)afford之后可以接不定式作宾语。eg.The piano is too dear.I cant afford to buy it.这架钢琴太贵了,我买不起。(3)afford指“给予”时,可接双宾语。 eg.My parent

2、s afford me nearly all the things.我的父母几乎给予了我一切。2四者都有“花费”之意,但用法不同:辨析take, spend, cost与pay 考点过去式主语 用法意思例句taketookit作形式主语It takes sb. some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间It took him seven days to make the big cake. 做那个大蛋糕花了他7天时间。spendspent主语是人spendon sth.; spend (in) doing sth.某人花时间(金钱)做某事I spent 5 dollars

3、on the book. 我买那本书花了5美元。costcost主语是物sth. costs sb. some money某物花费某人多少钱The book cost me 5 dollars. 那本书花了我5美元。paypaid主语是人sb. pays some money for sth.某人为某物付款多少I paid 5 dollars for the book. 我买那本书花了5美元。3【图解助记】45辨析attend, join, join in与take part in 考点用法attend指“出席(会议);到场;上(课)”等,侧重指去看或听,但自己不一定起积极作用。join侧重指

4、加入某党派、团体、组织、人群等,并成为其中一员,相当于become a member of。join in多指参加小规模的活动,如“球赛、游戏”等,常用于日常口语。take part in指参加某一活动并在其中起积极作用。take an active part in表示“积极参加”。6【图解助记】7eg.He did not attend the meeting yesterday.昨天他没有参加会议。When did your brother join the army?你哥哥什么时候参军的?Come along, and join in the ball game.过来和我们一块儿打球。I

5、n early days only male athletes were allowed to take part in the Olympic Games.在奥林匹克运动会早期,只有男性运动员才被允许参加比赛。8辨析turn on, turn off, turn up与turn down 考点含义例句turn on打开I want to watch TV. Can I turn on the TV?我想看电视,我能打开电视吗?turn off关上You should turn off the light when you go to bed.你应当在睡觉时关灯。turn up 开大点I ca

6、nt hear the radio very well.Could you turn it up a bit? 我听不太清楚,你能把收音机声音开大点吗?turn down关小点Do you mind if I turn down the music?你介意我把音乐关小点吗?9辨析separate与divide 考点用法例句separate意为“分开;分离”,侧重把原来在一起或靠近的事物分隔开来,分开后的部分具有相对的独立性,它常与介词from连用。Wed better separate the good ones from the bad ones.我们最好把好的和坏的分开。divide意为“

7、分开;分散”,侧重于把一个整体分成若干部分,常与into连用。The world is divided into seven continents.世界被分成七大洲。10辨析too much, too many与much too 考点用法例句too much“太多的”,后面跟不可数名词We have too much work to do.我们有太多的工作要做。too many“太多的”,后面跟可数名词(复数)There are too many students in our class.我们班上有太多的学生。much too“非常;太”,后面跟形容词或副词The box is much t

8、oo heavy, so I cant carry it.箱子太重了,所以我搬不动它。11请点击此处进入请点击此处进入WORD文档文档12本阶段的两个单元属于复习单元,它的语法将围绕以下八个语法项目而展开。它们分别是:(一)现在进行时(二)used to的用法(三)被动语态(四)现在完成时(五)情态动词(六)宾语从句(七)一般将来时(八)动名词13功能例句主语Skating on the thin ice is dangerous.在薄冰上滑冰很危险。宾语I finished doing my homework.我完成作业了。表语The nurses job is looking after

9、the patients.护士的工作是照顾病人。定语She is reading in the reading room.她正在阅读室里看书。宾语补足语He kept the machine running for ten hours.他让机器运转了10个小时。状语They went out of the classroom, talking and laughing.他们边说边笑走出教室。14注意:1英语中一些词后常跟动名词作宾语,初中阶段这类词有:finish(完成),mind(介意),be worth(值得),be busy(忙于),practice(练习),have fun(玩得高兴)

10、,feel like(想要),be used to(习惯于),consider(考虑),enjoy(喜欢)等。2主语behappy(glad, pleased, angry, sorry, careful, ready)等to do sth.。 eg.Im glad to see you again. 我很高兴再次见到你。Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我感到遗憾。15161718请点击此处进入请点击此处进入WORD文档文档19分析近年来全国中考真题,书面表达考查“环保与健康”方面的话题,主要涉及以下内容:1健康方面的内容,主要包括保持健康的重要性和必要性,中学生面临

11、的健康问题以及如何保持健康生活等,如2016年邵阳,2016年广安等;2环境保护方面,包括环境存在的问题以及如何保护环境、节约资源等,如2016年玉林防城港崇左,2016年连云港等。话题写作话题写作 指导指导环保与健康 20【开头句】1Keeping healthy is very necessary for us.2Its our duty to save water.3As we know, water is very important to us.4Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy

12、.5At present, protecting the environment is the most important thing for us.21仿写:1对于我们来说保持健康很重要。 It is very important for us to keep healthy. 2离开了水, 我们不能生活。 We cant live without water. 22【中间句】1We should eat the food healthily.2Dont stay up too late. 3Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.4Tre

13、es are very helpful and important for us.5Remember to use your own bag while shopping.6We should not spit in a public place/cut down the trees/smoke here.7We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat.8Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle and its important to eat a balanced diet.9We must tak

14、e some actions to stop the water from being polluted.23仿写:1你最好早睡早起。 Youd better go to bed early and get up early. 2我们应该种更多的树。 We are supposed to plant more and more trees. 24【结尾句】1In a word, health is the most important thing for everyone. 2Its everyones duty to love and protect theenvironment.3If y

15、ou follow these advice, I believe you will have a healthier body and a better life.4If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.5We have only one earth. We must try our best to protect her, and make our home more beautiful.25仿写:1我们应该尽我们最大努力

16、保护环境。 We should try our best to protect the environment. 2让我们好好照顾我们的眼睛。 Lets take good care of our eyes.26(2016来宾)根据以下提示,请以“How to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇短文。从良好的生活习惯、适当的体育锻炼以及健康的饮食习惯等方面,为“How to keep healthy”提出良好的建议。要求:1.表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯; 2.不得使用真实的地名、校名和姓名等; 3.词数:80左右。文章的开头与结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。部分参考词汇:熬夜stay up;

17、垃圾食品junk food;均衡饮食keep a balanced diet;按时饮食have meals regularly27How to Keep HealthyNowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy._28【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,可以提取以下信息:1文章要求围绕“如何保持健康”展开,写作时用第一人称,时态上用一般现在时;2文章内容应当包括良好的生活习惯、适当的体育锻炼以及健康的饮食习惯三个方面,在三个方面的写作中应做适当的拓展。3词数80词左右。文章的开头与结尾部分已给出,不计入

18、总词数,不得出现真实的姓名、校名和地名等信息。29【写作模板】30【高分范文】How to Keep HealthyNowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy.Here are three main ways to keep healthy.Firstly,it is necessary to keep a balanced diet. We arent supposed to eat too much junk food. It is better for us to have more frui

19、t and vegetables every day.Whats more,we are supposed to have meals regularly.Secondly, we shouldnt stay up too late. Getting enough sleep is also necessary.Finally,it is important to take exercise, such as swimming, jogging and so on.In a word, we should develop a good habit of keeping healthy. In this way, we can enjoy a happy life.31请点击此处进入请点击此处进入WORD文档文档32



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