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1、新思维综合英语(3)课程辅导Unit 6(2630)巴州电大Unit6 Learning objectivesvHow to ask for and give explanation做解释以及要求别人做解释Give reasons讲明理由Talk about hopes and wishes谈论愿望Write a letter写一封信 新闻报道中图片和标题的运用新闻报道中图片和标题的运用v一、图片一、图片图片和文字是报纸版面中的两个重要元素,随着读图时代的到来,图片成为人们打开报纸后的“第一视点”,图片的功能已经从版面的美化手段上升为传播信息、佐证事实、吸引读者注意力、提高报道现场感的一个亮点

2、,成为增强报纸竞争力的一大要素。特写属于软性的报道,强调趣味性。要抓住事件、人物重要的或者具有特殊意义的一两个片段,用描写法集中突出的刻画,将有特征性的“镜头“放大,展现在读者眼前,使之如临其境,因而图片在特写报道中的作用就更为突出。 特写配发的图片丰富多彩,可以使整个版面具有立体感,跃然纸上,给人视觉上的享受。漫画漫画所占的比重虽然不多,但是作为一种新的运用手法,以幽默和夸张的方式表现文章的主题,多用于一些描写新出现的社会现象或趋势的特写中,给人耳目一新的感觉(如上单元作业中的漫画如上单元作业中的漫画) 二、标题二、标题v新闻标题是新闻内容的概括,体现最重要的新闻事实。从新闻事实的高度概括和

3、浓缩的要求出发,力求使新闻标题准确具体,文题相符。新闻标题既要做到能反映新闻的精华,又能吸引读者。好的新闻标题可以使新闻大为增色,引起读者阅读新闻的兴趣。特写报道的标题应该和文章一样,适当的软化,采用灵活的表现手法,既要点明文章的主旨,又要生动新颖,形式多样。如果都是千篇一律的只概括文章内容,就会显得没有个性和可读性,与硬新闻的标题没什么区别。因此要克服呆板、沉闷的弊病,提高可读性,就要采用轻松、灵活、准确的写法。报纸的大多数特写都是采用直白地概括文章内容的标题。例如:Chinese actress ZhangZiyi grows into an international star(中国女星

4、章子怡将成为国际巨星,中国日报2005年8月20-21日)Tibet: Chinas beautiful mystery(西藏中国的美丽神话,上海日报2005年8月27-28日)。也有设问式的标题Want Stardom? Try Podcasting(想成为明星吗?试试播客吧!中国日报2005年9月7日)。上单元的上单元的Hanging Tough本单元的本单元的 The Mysterious Gift of the ProdigyLesson 26The Mysterious Gift of the Prodigyv课文主题和结构课文主题和结构这是一篇人物特写,主要对中外神童事业生活上的共

5、同点,以及他们的主观感受进行了报道。课文可分两大部分:第一大部分(1, 2自然段):导言部分。通过第一段莫扎特为例,引出一些其他大家熟悉的天才儿童,也就引出了天才儿童的主题。第一个特点:少年得志。第二大部分(310自然段):正文部分, 分析神童其他共同特点。分为四小部分。部分一(3,4,5自然段):特点二、三、四:精神疾病;寿命不长;家庭特点。部分二(58自然段):特点五:与众不同带来的孤独感。部分三(9自然段):特点六:环境的作用。部分四(10自然段):特点七:对成果表示疑问。vFocus Questions1. When did composer Franz Schubert die?2.

6、 What are the common features of these prodigies?3. Is only potential enough to be prodigies?Language points in the text v 神童不可思议的天赋神童不可思议的天赋第一大部分(1, 2自然段):导言部分。通过第一段莫扎特为例,引出一些其他大家熟悉的天才儿童,也就引出了天才儿童的主题。第一个特点:少年得志。 第一自然段讲述了神童、世界上最优秀的作曲家莫扎特的故事,并以他为引子,引出下文。 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be remembered as

7、one of historys most famous child prodigies. (莫扎特)将作为历史上最有名的神童之一永远留在人们的记忆里。Remember sb. as sth.:“某人作为而让世人记住/怀念”。 But the world recognizes him as one of the finest composers who ever lived. 虽然莫扎特逝世时还不满三十六周岁,但世人都公认他是有史以来最优秀的作曲家之一。vRecognize sb. as sth.:“承认 / 公认某人是” Recognize: “认出”“意识到”。 I recognized P

8、eter although I hadnt seen him for 10 years.虽然我有10年没看到彼得了,但我认出了他。 I dont recognize this word - what does it mean?我不认识这个单词,它的意思是什么? Many fail to recognize that all these things are in danger of being denied.许多人没有看到这一切正处于失去的危险之中。 “承认;认可”eg. to recognize a new government承认一个新政府。第2自然段泛泛而谈人们对神童的看法。并以钢琴家和

9、作曲家Felix Mendelssohn (门德尔松)和英国十九世纪哲学家John Stuart Mill (穆勒)的简单生平为例。Pianist and composer Felix Mendelssohn had composed a fair amount of music by the time he was 11. 钢琴家和作曲家Felix Mendelssohn (门德尔松) 在十一岁之前就创作了相当多的音乐作品。vFair:adj. “公平的,合理的;正当的”a fair businessman一位公道的商人。 “还可以的;相当的”(本文意思)a fair amount of s

10、th.:相当多的东西。“白皙的(皮肤);浅色的(头发)”。English people usually have fair skin.英国人通常是白皮肤。vJohn Stuart Mill, the nineteenth century British philosopher, read Greek at three and had worked his way through elementary geometry and algebra and a large body of literature and history by the time he was 12.英国十九世纪哲学家Joh

11、n Stuart Mill (穆勒)三岁就念希腊文,十二岁已学完了初等几何和代数,并阅读了大量文学作品和历史vwork ones way through=to make by work or effort:“通过努力完成、取得; 靠做工干成”。e.g. She worked her way through to college.va large body of literature:“大量的文学作品”。v正文的部分一(3,4,5自然段):讲述成功并没有总是给这些神童带来幸福。特点二、三、四:精神疾病;寿命不长;家庭特点。 vSuccess has not always brought happ

12、iness to prodigies. Bring happiness to sb. 给某人带来幸福。 v“I seemed to have nothing left to live for.” 我好象已经失去了活下去的目的。Live for sth.:为了某个目的生活。vThey did not live very long lives. 他们的寿命都不长。Live a happy/hard life, 过幸福 / 艰苦的生活。v there has been a fascination with child prodigies for centuries,几个世纪来人们对神童现象一直很着迷

13、,a fascination with(注意介词搭配)。(注意介词搭配)。vchild prodigies:注意和:注意和woman teacher/ women teachers区别区别vSome surprising common characteristics have been identified. 研究发现了一些令人惊讶的共同特点。vsurprising common characteristics:令人惊讶的共同点 / surprisingly common characteristics:共同到令人惊讶的特点。vOften, their parents are past the

14、 usual child-bearing age. 他们的父母在生育他们的时候往往已经超过了普通的生育年龄。vPast=Beyond in time; later than or after:“超过,比晚:在某个时间之后;迟于或在之后”:past midnight; 半夜以后a quarter past two.;两点过一刻。vMany are born by Caesarean section(剖腹产)rather than by natural childbirth. 许多神童不是通过自然分娩而是通过剖腹产出生的。vThey often have parents who seem to b

15、e trying to realize their own ambitions through their amazing children. 神童的父母亲往往是那些想通过他们神奇的孩子来实现自己的愿望的人。v部分二(58自然段):特点五:与众不同带来的孤独感。 vThose who have studied todays prodigies closely have observed that they often live under the great weight of their loneliness. 对现在的神童进行过仔细研究的人已经发现,神童们往往陷入深深的孤独中。vIn sc

16、hool with children their own age they may become bored or frustrated, and simply turn off learning completely. 当他们在学校里和同龄的孩子在一起时,他们感到厌倦或是失落,甚至会完全放弃学习vturn off doing=lose interest:“失去兴趣”。ve.g. He turned off singing when his teacher scolded him for singing badly.vMany children, as they enter adolescen

17、ce, begin to turn to other teenagers for affection, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. 许多孩子在进入青春期时,就开始从其他青少年伙伴那里寻找友情、鼓励和归属感。vTurn to sb for sth.: 找某人寻求某物。.vThis can be a very difficult time in the lives of prodigies. 对于神童来说,这一段日子会是非常难过的。Not all prodigies, however, fit this pattern. 然而,并不是所有神童都

18、符合这个规律。fit the pattern:符合这个规则/模式。e.g. All children like to play with other children, but Johnny doesnt fit this patternv部分三(9自然段):特点六:环境的作用。光有基因是不够的。vAlthough a child may be born with outstanding genetic potential, this potential will now necessarily develop. 虽然一个孩子可能有与生俱来的非凡基因潜质,但这种潜质却未必就能得到发展。vbe

19、born at 8 oclock./ in Atlanta/ on January 15, 1929.Born: “天生的,天赋的”:eg. a born artist.一个天生的艺术家; a person born to lead.一个注定要成为领袖的人。“导致的,引起的”:eg.wisdom born of experience.经验所得的智慧 “在某一特定国家或地方出生的(常用于复合词)”:Irish-born; 爱尔兰裔的;Southern born and bred;南方生养大的;vSomething in the environment must nourish the poten

20、tial. 外界环境中一定得有某些因素培养这种基因。Nurture/ cultivate/ foster: “促使的生长和发展”:nurturing hopes; 滋生希望;cultivating tolerance; 培养耐性;foster friendly relations; 促进友善的关系;vIn Yanis case, that something is probably her father, who gave up his own career as a painter in order to nurture Yanis talent and growth. 以雅妮的例子来说,这

21、种外因以雅妮的例子来说,这种外因可能就是她父亲,他放弃了自己的画家职业来培养雅妮的才能并促进她的成长。vIn sbs case:以某人为例子。:以某人为例子。 That指上一句something。v部分四(10自然段):特点七:对成果表示疑问。And although many prodigies enjoy the satisfaction of extraordinary achievement, public praise, and material wealth, even the most successful sometimes question the value of thei

22、r lives and accomplishments. 虽然许多神童都因取得非凡成就而感到满足,并获得了公众赞誉以及物质财富,但是即使是其中最成功的神童也对自己的生活和取得的成绩所体现的价值表示疑问。“I have a longing which grows stronger as I get older,” confesses the acclaimed American concert pianist Eugene Istomin, “to be mediocre.” 美国深受欢迎的音乐会钢琴演奏家Eugene Istomin 这样表白自己:“随着年龄的增长我越来越渴望做一个平常人。”l

23、ong:vi. 渴望(long to do sth)。Answers to the Focus Questionsv1. When did composer Franz Schubert die?Composer Franz Schubert died at 31.2. What are the common features of these prodigies?Successful when they are quite young; suffering a serious mental crisis; short-lived; similar family background; und

24、er the great weight of their loneliness because of being different from other children; doubt about the success theyve got.3. Is only potential enough to be prodigies?No. Something in the environment must nourish the potential.vLesson 27 Sometimes I wishJohn Walsh is tutoring Luke Bennett in math. F

25、ocus Questions1. What is John good at?2. What is Luke good at?3. Why is John tired of others calling him a genius all the time?4. What are they going to do on Monday?Language points in the dialoguevThanks.-No problem./You are welcome. / My pleasure1No problem.:朋友之间亲密随意的(尤其年轻人之间)说法。在对话的最后一句中的Dont men

26、tion it. 还有Its nothing.都相当于No problem.2You are welcome.:美国人用得较多。3My pleasure:更正式更礼貌的用法。通常男士对女士会用此回答。Lets face it. 让我们共同面对吧。be faced with:客观上不得不面对的情况、局面。work on to give ones attention to doing or trying to do:致力于。e.g. Hes been working on the reconstruction of the area since the earthquake happened la

27、st year.自从去年地震以来,他就一直致力于该地区的重建工作。4 Im no genius like you are. Im no genius 和Im not a genius 的区别在于,前者强调强调说话人根本不具备天才的特征。no 在这里强调不具备某种特征或素质,还例如:She is no fool, Im telling you.v5 any fifteen-year-old whos graduating from high school is short for any fifteen-year-old whos graduating from high school has

28、to be a genius.6I kind of like you:is another way of saying “I somewhat like you.” 这句话多少带有一点幽默感,可以译为“我还真有点儿喜欢你”。7Id better get going 的意思是Id better leave now.Answers to the Focus Questionsv1. What is John good at?John is good at math.2. What is Luke good at?Luke is good at soccer.3. Why is John tired

29、 of others calling him a genius all the time?Because he feel others make himself different from them.4. What are they going to do on Monday?They are going to play soccer then.Lesson 30On your ownv练习写谈论决定的一篇短文/信件。1Answer the letter. Tell your friend about your hopes and wishes for next semester or th

30、e future.2Write a personal or business letter, giving as many reasons as you can for any sort of decision youve made recently.v商务英语书信(Business or Commercial English Correspondence)是指交易时所使用的通信。在美国,常用Business writing,它包括书信、电报、电话、电传、报告书、明信片等。英语和美语在书信体例方面存在着一定的差异,比如信头和称呼、书信格式、遣词、结尾客套语等均有所不同。 传统的英国书信相对保守

31、,美国书信较有活力。英国书信较为保守,许多英国人喜欢用老式书信体,用词较为正式刻板,而美国书信语言非常生气、有活力,格式也较为简便。因此当我们写信的对象是英国或其旧殖民地国家时,要使用标准式英语Queens English;如果写信的对象是美国或美国势力范围的地区时,就要用美国英语。当然,英国式的语言文化近年来也有变化,但总体来说,两者间的差异是很明显的。商务英语书信格式商务英语书信格式英文书信的垂直式和齐头式英文书信的垂直式和齐头式v商业英文书信,一般都要求用打字机或电脑整齐地打印,左边各行开头垂直的,称为垂直式或齐头式(Block style),美国常用这种格式;每段的第一个词缩进去,称为

32、缩进式或锯齿式(indented style),英国常用此格式。垂直式的职务及签名都在左边的边栏界线,这种格式,在极度尊重工作效率的美国公司,已普遍采用。正式的商业英语书信要在称呼的上方写上收信公司名称和地址或收信人的名字全称、的职务及地址,称为信内地址(Inside address)。信内地址的写法也有垂直式和缩进式之分,垂直式和称美国式将各行并列,缩进式或称英国式将各行依次退缩。普通书信的写法普通书信的写法v近来英国商业书信信内地址并未依次缩进,似乎与美国式相同。此外,在美国还流行一种普通收信人地址的写法,就是在书信的Inside Address中,把门牌号和街名都省略掉。在英文书信中要使

33、用敬语,最普遍的敬语是Mr, Mrs和Miss(用于未婚女性)。英国人常在男性的姓名之后用Esq. (Esquire的缩写),不过在商业上也在慢慢地改用Mr. Mmes.(Madam的复数形式),用于二个女士以上。Messrs(Mr的复数形式)用于二个以上的男人,或用于二个以上的男人组成的公司或团体。在英国式英文信里,Mr, Mrs, Messrs,均不加缩写句点,相反地趋向于进步自由的美语反而加缩写句点如Mr., Mrs., Messrs.。在称呼方面,商业上最普遍的有Gentlemen(美国式)与Dear Sirs(英国式)二种,相当于我国的“敬启者”或“谨启者”。典型的美国式书写法典型的

34、美国式书写法v给公司单位写信时美语用Gentlemen(复数形式),英语用Dear Sirs。如果对方公司只一人时,必须使用Sir/Dear Sir。称呼后一般要使用标点符号,英国式采用逗号(comma),美国式用分号(colon)。书信结尾客套语(complimentary close)有多种,相当于我国书信在结尾时使用的“敬礼”、“致敬”、“顺安”等句。最为典型的美国式写法是Sincerely和Best regards,典型的英国式表达有Yours sincerely(熟人或知道对方姓名),Best wishes, kind regards 和yours faithfully(不知姓名)。

35、v当分析和解释某一事物,某一现象时,可用下列这些句型来说明其基本的或多方面的原因。There are probably many/several/three/a number of reasons for my decision. First.Second. Id like to.For one thing.For another. Perhaps the main/ most important reason is.Id like toOne reason isAnother reason isPerhaps the main/ most important reason is.Thanks

36、 to/ Due to/ Because of/ As a result ofMy decision comes from/ is chiefly because of/ is largely due to the fact., partly because., partly because. not only because, but because.not so much because, as becauseThats the reason why.一些表示一些表示“原因原因结果结果”的句型的句型v范文: 两个月前,你得到了一份工作,担任设计与时尚杂志的编辑。但是现在你发现工作并不是你想

37、象当中那么如意,所以你决定辞职。写一封信给你的老板王先生,告诉他你的决定,说明你的理由,表示你的歉意。那么这封信,实际上就是一封辞职信。辞职信,严格意义来说,也就是道歉信的一种。 首先要注意应用文的格式并准确理解提纲的要求。另外应该在这几个方面注意:第一,这篇应用文中要避免写的太空洞,言之无物,当谈辞职时要交代清楚背景,不能只说我辞职,要谈谈辞职的准备时间,对原因,你不能说我不适合这个工作,应该再具体一点,比如举一个例子,比如我不适应这个公司的工作强度,报酬方式等等。 第二,你要注意辞职的语气,你是下级对方是上级,下级对上级在语气和口味中一定要客气一点。第三,安排好你的逻辑,先说辞职的过程,再

38、谈辞职的原因,最后谈你希望你能顺利此致,并对未来有展望。vDear Mr. Wang,I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign from my current position. A few factors are given to prove my decision and makes me feel intolerable,First of all, the salary in reality is much lower than you have promised and you can see it is diffic

39、ult for me to support such a big family with such a low salary. What is more, the office politics are so complex that I feel so uneasy because human relationship seems to be more important than your achievement. Most importantly, the office is located in the downtown area, yet I live in the suburbs,

40、 it is so inconvenient for me the commute for such a long distance and long hours.I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Yours sincerely,Li MingWrap-up tipsvHow to ask for and give explanation做解释以及要求别人做解释vHow to give reasons讲明理由vHow to talk about

41、 hopes and wishes谈论愿望vWrite a letter写一封信短语或词组短语或词组vremember sb. as sth.:某人作为而让世人记住/怀念recognize sb. as sth.:公认某人是a fair amount of sth.:相当多的东西work ones way through:通过努力完成、取得; 靠做工干成a large body of literature:大量的文学作品bring happiness to sb.: 给某人带来幸福turn off doing:失去兴趣fit the pattern:符合这个规则/模式be born with:有与生俱来的潜质in sbs case:以某人为例子 work on: 致力于



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