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1、Iron and the Iron and the Effects of Effects of ExerciseExerciseUnit 2Unit 2 Consolidation Writing Detailed Study Presentation Assignment ContentBOOK 3 Unit 2New Horizon College EnglishI.IronChallenge How much do you know about iron? Take the quiz and tell your reasons for your choices! Everyoneneed



4、shorpoultryd.alloftheaboveIronChallengeQuestion3/10Therearetwotypesofiron.Oneisheme(亚铁血血红素素),whichiseasilyabsorbedbythebody;andtheotherisnon-heme,whichisnotaswella b so r b e d . C h o o se o n e f o o d t h a tc o n t a i n s h e m e i r o n . ( r e f e r e n c e )IronChallengeQuestion4/10a.branfla

5、kes b.beefhamburgerc.eggsd.redkidneybeansMeat,fishandpoultrycontaindifferentamountsofhemeiron.Choosethefoodwiththemosthemeiron.(reference)IronChallengeQuestion5/10a.salmonsteakb.beeftenderloinc.chickenbreastd.porktenderloinYoumaybeirondeficientifyou_.(reference)IronChallengeQuestion6/10a.oftenfeelti


7、nChallengeQuestion8/10a)eatfoodsenrichedorfortifiedwithironb)havevitaminC-richfoodswiththeirmealsc)avoidteaandcoffeeduringtheirmealsd)doalloftheaboveHowmuchboiledspinachwouldyouneedtoeattoequaltheironavailableinaservingofsirloinsteak?(reference)IronChallengeQuestion9/10a.1cup/250mL b.2cups/500mLc.3c

8、ups/750mLIronChallengeQuestion10/10Agoodwaytomaintainahealthylevelofironinthebodyisto_.(reference)a.eatiron-fortifiedbreakfastcerealsoftenb.enjoyavarietyofmeatdishesonaregularbasisc.includevitaminC-richvegetablesinyourmealsd.doalloftheseAlloftheseII. Related Information1) Iron and teens1. More knowl

9、edge about iron1. More knowledge about iron2) Iron deficiency3) Two sides of iron4) Ways to get ironWatch the following video clip and learn how to see a doctor and how toelaborate on your symptoms.2. Seeing a doctor2. Seeing a doctorbruise 瘀伤,擦伤cast 石膏kneecap 膝盖steep峻峭sedate 给服镇静剂release 出院medicati

10、on 药物治疗precaution 防备Related WordsSeeing a Doctor Sentence AnalysisAppositive同位同位语1.,saysRoseanneM.Lyle,associateprofessoratPurdue.(L6)2.Thefirstandmostcommonishavinglowironreserves,aconditionthattypicallyhasnosymptoms.(L34)Split the above two sentences into simple sentences respectively.1.,saysRosea

11、nneM.Lyle.SheisanassociateprofessoratPurdueUniversity.2.Thefirstandmostcommonishavinglowironreserves.Itisaconditionthattypicallyhasnosymptoms.3.Now combine the following simple sentences into one sentence by using appositives.The ancient Chinese were a people of inventors and discoverers.The ancient

12、 Chinese were a people of philosophers and soldiers.The ancient Chinese were a people of poets and craftsmen.The ancient Chinese gave the world many of its most useful things.TheancientChinese,apeopleofinventorsanddiscoverers,philosophersandsoldiers,poetsandcraftsmen,gavetheworldmanyofitsmostusefult

13、hings.Paraphrase1.But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels.2. (L11)Butthosewomenwhobeganaprogramofexercisewhilegoingonwiththeirdietasusualshowedadecreaseinironlevels.2. Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat (L19)Inad

14、dition,manywomenwhocaremuchabouttheirhealthrefusetoeatredmeatsuchasbeefandmuttonandthusincreasethedangeroflosingiron3. And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency. (L22)Andbecausewom

15、enoftenlimittheirfood,tryingtocontrolweight,theymaynoteatenoughfoodcontainingmuchiron,andthereforearelikelytohavelessironthannecessary.*翻翻译时,常运用,常运用词性性转换的方法,如:源言的方法,如:源言语中中运用的是名运用的是名词,目的,目的语中那么可以把中那么可以把该名名词译成成动词。tip over the edge: bring about a noticeable changeTranslation1. For a woman who already

16、has a poor iron status *, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into对于那些曾经缺铁的女性,任何因锻炼而产生的更多铁离子流失都足以导致体内缺铁情况的恶化。a more serious deficiency (L27) be compromised = be affected severely = badly2. and exercise performance is severely compromised. (L38)运动成果大打折扣。throw

17、 up = vomit; be sick3. Supplements may produce a feeling of wanting to throw up . (L55)服用铁离子补充剂能够使人想呕吐。 supplement(v.) = add to4. This added iron supplements the small amount that naturally occurs in grains. (L60)这些添加的铁补充了谷物中自然含铁量的缺乏。Check Yourself1.The years _ which he was away were2. long years to

18、 her.A. withB. duringC. ofD. to2. After lunch, we all got on with our _ jobs.A. respectiveB. respectingC. respectableD. respectful3. Before 1949, China, whose people are _, was frequently involved in war.A. love peaceB. peace-lovedC. peace-loveD. peace-loving4. If we dont leave early, we will run th

19、e risk _ the plane.A. to missB. missedC. of missingD. miss5. We have _ oil reserves to last for three months.A. suffixB. efficientC. effectD. sufficient6. I _ great satisfaction from my work.A. depriveB. deriveC. surpriseD. detect7. Dont interfere _ him. He is preparing for the final exam.A. inB. to

20、 C. on D. with 8. Weve had a _ of hot dry summers.A. successive B. success C. successionD. successor9. We are able to provide accommodation _ two students.A. for B. with C. toD. towards10. David _ his companys success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work .A. attributedB. con

21、tributed C. distributedD. devotedStructure AnalysisCause & Effect1.From effect back to causes 2.From causes to effectFrom effect back to causesStructure AnalysisSample The Problem of Human PopulationHuman population has increased rapidly.Thesetworeasonsshowwhyhumanpopulationincreasesalot.Itisurgentt

22、opracticeastrictbirth-controlpolicybeforet h e w o r l d b e c o m e s t o o c r o w d e d .Therearetwomajorreasonsforthisrapidgrowthofpopulationinmoderntimes.First,theindustrialandagriculturalrevolutions,startingin1650,ledtoincreasesinsuppliesoffoodandothernecessitiessothatabiggerpopulationcanbesus

23、tained.Second,theemergenceofmodernmedicine,startingin1850,enabledpeopletolivelongerandhealthierlivesandproducedmorechildren.Structure AnalysisSampleFrom causes to effects (cause) The knowledge economy brings a lot of benefits to a country.Simplystated,theknowledgeeconomyisasystembasedontheproduction


25、dition,itcanhelpraisetheoverallqualityofacountryslaborforceandtrainingmorespecializedpersonnel(effect3).The Knowledge EconomyYour TaskWrite a short composition using the text structure of cause and effect.TopicsReasons for obesity2. Causes for my fear of the water / fire / Tips for WritingCauses:Eff

26、ect:Effect:Hereditary influences ObesityObesityLack of exerciseSlow metabolic rateOvereatingCauses:Effect:Effect:Hereditary influences ObesityObesityLack of exerciseSlow metabolic rateOvereatingSuggested outline for topic 1Suggested outline for topic 1CausesEffectheredityfactorsobesitylackofexercise

27、slowmetabolicrateovereatingAssignmentBOOK 3 Unit 1New Horizon College EnglishInterview1.What are included in your meals ? Pork, beef, fish, chicken, tofu, spinach, or ?2.Do you like to have some drinks during your meal? If so, what are they?3.Have you ever had any iron supplement?4.Do you often donate blood?PresentationMake a presentation of the iron status of your classmates and your suggestions according toy o u r i n t e r v i e w s .SuggestedStructure



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