oliver ask for more

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1、 Module 3 LiteratureIntroduction Reading and Vocabulary (1) &Speaking 1Introduction 1Discussion-Discuss the following questions.1. Do you like literature?2. Do you like Chinese novels or novels from other countries?3. Can you name some famous novelists and their works?1. Who is the person? 1. Who is

2、 the person? Charles Dickens. Charles Dickens.2. What is Charles Dickens?2. What is Charles Dickens? He is a famous novelist.He is a famous novelist.3. What is his nationality?3. What is his nationality? He is an Englishman. He is an Englishman.4. Did he write many famous novels?4. Did he write many

3、 famous novels? Yes, he wrote many novels. Yes, he wrote many novels.David CopperfieldA Tale of Two CitiesGreat ExpectationsOliver TwistCharles DickensReading and Vocabulary (1)-1 Look at the following pictures and say what do you know about Charles Dickens and his novelOliver Twist. Charles Dickens

4、:查尔斯:查尔斯-狄更斯狄更斯 (1812- 1870),英国著名小说家。著有,英国著名小说家。著有奥列佛奥列佛 特维斯特特维斯特(又译又译雾都孤儿雾都孤儿) (1838 )、老古玩店老古玩店(1841)、大卫大卫科波菲尔科波菲尔 (1850)、双城记双城记(1859) 和和远大前程远大前程 (1861) 等等。等等。狄更斯生活和创作的时间,正狄更斯生活和创作的时间,正是是1919世纪中叶维多利亚女王时代前期。世纪中叶维多利亚女王时代前期。狄更斯毕生的活动和创作,始终与时代潮流狄更斯毕生的活动和创作,始终与时代潮流同步。他主要以写实笔法揭露社会上层和资同步。他主要以写实笔法揭露社会上层和资产阶

5、级的虚伪、贪婪、凶残,满怀激愤和深产阶级的虚伪、贪婪、凶残,满怀激愤和深切的同情展示下层社会,特别是妇女、儿童切的同情展示下层社会,特别是妇女、儿童和老人的悲惨处境,并以严肃、审慎的态度和老人的悲惨处境,并以严肃、审慎的态度描写开始觉醒的劳苦大众的抗争。与此同时,描写开始觉醒的劳苦大众的抗争。与此同时,他还以理想主义和浪漫主义的豪情讴歌人性他还以理想主义和浪漫主义的豪情讴歌人性中的真、善、美,憧憬更合理的社会和更美中的真、善、美,憧憬更合理的社会和更美好的人生。好的人生。Video TimeOliver Twist is one of the most popular novels of Ch

6、arles Dickens. Oliver is a poor orphan boy who lives with other children in a large house called a workhouse. Oliver Asks for More雾都孤儿雾都孤儿以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇,主人公奥立弗在孤儿孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇,主人公奥立弗在孤儿院长大,经历学徒生涯,艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,院长大,经历学徒生涯,艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,又被迫与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最又被迫与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最后在善良人的帮助下,查明

7、身世并获得了幸福。后在善良人的帮助下,查明身世并获得了幸福。What did Oliver ask for? And why?Oliver asked for more food, because Oliver Twist and his companions in the workhouse were very hungry.Reading and vocabulary (1)-2 skimming 1Read the text as quickly as you can and answer the question.(a) The boys in the workhouse decide

8、d that they need more food. Oliver Twist said that he would ask the warden for more to eat. The workhouse managers decided that Oliver must be hanged. Reading and vocabulary (1)-2 skimming 2Read the text and choose the best summary(b) The boy in the workhouse were starving and choose Oliver Twist to

9、 ask for more food. When Oliver did this, the workhouse managers were very angry and locked Oliver in a room(c) The boys in the workhouse chose Oliver Twist to ask for more food. When he did his, the Workhouse managers were very angry and sent Oliver out to work.1. When were the boys allowed to eat

10、2.another 60 grams of bread?A. At weekend. B. On special holidays. C. On everyones birthday. D. Every day.Reading and vocabulary (1)-3 careful reading 2 Read the text more carefully and answer the questions.B2 The wardens face became very pale because he _.A. was a fat manB. was in complete astonish

11、mentC. could not standD. was frightened B3. When Oliver repeated his words, thewarden _.A. held on to the pot for supportB. stared in complete astonishment at the boyC. hit the boy on the head with the soup spoonD. ran out of the roomC1. warden(a) a person whose job is to control the boys(b) a perso

12、n whose job is to make sure the boys are happy Reading and vocabulary (1)-3 careful reading 3 Look at the words from the passage and choose the best meaning.2. appetite(a) the feeling of wanting to eat(b) the feeling of wanting to drink3. pick out(a) to pick something up from the ground(b) to choose

13、 one person or thing from a group4. nudge (a)to push someone a little with a part (b) of your body(b) to kick someone 5. misery(a) great anger(b) great unhappiness6. hang someone(a) to put someone in prison(b) to kill someone by pulling a rope tightly around his/her neckastonishment companion courag

14、e desperate eager employ reward seize support whisperReading and vocabulary (1)-3 careful reading 4 Complete the sentence with the correct form of the words in the box.1. He tried to find work, but no one wanted to _ him.2. The boy_ the bowl of soup and started to eat it.3. When Mr. Bumble returned

15、to the room, the boys started _ to each other.seizedemploywhispering4. Oliver and his _ had very little to eat.5. When he told them what had happened, their faces showed _. “I dont believe it!” one man panionastonishment6. The child was weak from hunger and almost fell. “help him, he needs _” said a

16、n older boy.7. The boys _ wanted to leave the workhouse.8. It was very brave of him. He has a lot of _.supporteagerlycourage9. They promised a _ to anyone who could help them.10. The children _ explained what had happened.rewarddesperately1. On special holidays the boys were allowed to eat _.2. The

17、boys stared at the pot because _ _.another 60 grams of breadthey were very hungry and wanted more toReading and vocabulary (1)-3 careful reading 5 Read the passage again and complete these sentences.eat 3. The boys decided that one of them should ask for more food because_.4. The wardens face became

18、 very pale because_.big boy would eat another small boyhe was astonished by what Oliverthey thought onesaid5. When Oliver repeated his words, the warden _.6. Mr. Bumble told the managers of the workhouse that_.7. In order to punish Oliver, the managers _.8. The managers did not want Oliver to_.hit h

19、im on the head with the spoon Oliver had asked for more locked him in a room stay in the workhouse The boys in the _ were starving and chose Oliver Twist to ask for more _. When Oliver did this, the workhouse managers were very _ and _ Oliver in a room. Everybody believed that Oliver would be _.work

20、housefoodangrylockedhangedReading and vocabulary (1)-4 post reading Summary of the text.Speaking 1Activity 2 Work in groups of five and choose a character to play.Student 1 Oliver Twist Student 2 Mr. BumbleStudent 3 the wardenStudent 4 Mr. LimbkinsStudent 5 the gentleman in a white jacketPrepare to act out the scene you have just read. Use the words in the story, and any extra sentences you want to add.Act out the scene.Homework1. Revise what you have learnt 2. during this period of class.3.2. Get ready for the next period.Goodbye!Goodbye!



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