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1、重阳节 The Double Ninth Festival The Double-Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month and has a history of more than 1,700 years. Among Chinese numbers, one, three, five, seven and nine are positive numbers and two, four, six and eight are negative ones. Thus, the ninth day of the

2、ninth lunar month is called Double-Positive or Double-Nine. The Double-Ninth Festival sees various activities such as climbing a mountain, admiring chrysanthemums, wearing cornel (Cornus officinalis) and eating Double-Ninth cake and so on. 农历九月初九是重阳节。这是一个很古老的节日,距今已有1,700多年的历史。 在中国数字中,一、三、五、七、九为阳数,二、

3、四、六、八为阴数。因此,九月初九被称作重阳或重九。中国古代,重阳节是一个重要的节日,这一天要举行各种活动,如:登高、赏菊、插茱萸、吃重阳糕等。Missing Brothers in Shandong on the Double-Ninth Day 九月九日忆山东兄弟 王维 As an alien visitor in a strange land all by myself, I think all the more of my loved ones on every festive occasion. I know in the far away that when my brothers

4、climb the mountain, All wear cornel but one person is absent. - Tang Dynasty Wang Wei Ancient people thought climbing a mountain on this day could help them avoid misfortune and prevent disasters, and this gradually evolved into a relaxation and exercise. 登高是重阳节的主要习俗。古人认为,九九重阳,登高可以避祸免灾。后来,重阳节登高爬山,逐渐

5、演变成了人们放松心情、锻炼身体的体育和旅游活动。 It is also the traditional custom to wear cornel and admire chrysanthemums. Cornel is a kind of plant with edible fruit, while its stem and leaves have medicinal value. Chrysanthemum blooms in September, and enjoys the reputation of a flower of Longevity. To prevent plague a

6、nd drive off foul smells, people wear cornel and chrysanthemum on the Double-Ninth Festival, and drink tea and wine made from the flowers. 插茱萸和赏菊也是重阳节的传统习俗。茱萸是一种植物,果实可以吃,茎、叶都是药材。菊花在九月盛开,有“长寿花”的美称。为了避免瘟疫,驱除恶气,重阳节这天,人们就把茱萸和菊花插戴在身上,还要观赏菊花,饮菊花茶和菊花酒。茱萸果菊花 Made of flour, the Double-Ninth cake can be sweet

7、 if jujube, ginkgo, pine nuts and apricot kernel are added, or salty if meat is added. Some exquisite cakes are made into nine layers with a pattern of two sheep above, which is homophonic of Double Ninth. 重阳糕是一种用面粉做的食品,可以加枣、银杏、松子、杏仁做成甜的,也可以加肉做成咸的,讲究的还要做成九层,再在上面做两只小羊,以谐“重阳(羊)”之音。 There is no longer

8、any custom of wearing cornel on the Double-Ninth Festival, but many people will climb a mountain, admire chrysanthemums and appreciate the beautiful scenery of autumn. In recent years, new contents have been added into this ancient festival, which has become a time to show respect for the elderly. People hold various activities in honor of senior citizens, wishing them good health and a long life. 现在过重阳节,已经见不到插茱萸等风俗了,但是很多人仍然会在这一天登高赏菊,观赏秋天的美景。近年来,这个古老的节日又增加了新的内容,成为一年一度的“敬老节”。每当佳节来临,人们都要举办各种敬老活动,祝愿老年人步步登高,健康长寿。



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