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1、电大英语听力教程Book3Unit6Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望Unit 6. Vocabulary (See Page 39.)Vocabulary (See Page 39.)n n hug v. hug v. 拥抱拥抱n n pout v.pout v.噘嘴噘嘴n n aphasic a.aphasic a.失语症的失语症的n n cherish v. cherish v. 钟爱、珍爱钟爱、珍爱n n endure v. endure v. 长时间地长时间地

2、 忍受,忍耐忍受,忍耐n n reptile n. reptile n. 爬行动物爬行动物n n dinosaur n.dinosaur n.恐龙恐龙n n fossil n.fossil n.化石化石n n creature n.creature n.人,动物人,动物2Part One Core Listening Dialogue: Traveling in South-East Asian nTake time off: spare time for vacationTake time off: spare time for vacationn nStart off: leave for

3、, set out Start off: leave for, set out 出发出发; ; where did you where did you start off: where did you go first? start off: where did you go first? 你首先去往哪里你首先去往哪里?n nWithout being a New-Zealander: instead of being Without being a New-Zealander: instead of being a New-Zealand citizen. a New-Zealand cit

4、izen. 而不必是新西兰人而不必是新西兰人n nRaise money: to collect money, to get the money Raise money: to collect money, to get the money together. together. 筹集资金筹集资金n nMalaysia: Malaysia: 马来西亚马来西亚3Part One Core Listening Passage 1 Passage 1 Heart Song Heart Song 心声心声Tuning In Tuning In 译文译文: :1. 1.她是个聪明、快乐的小姑娘,那个伟人

5、非常爱她。她是个聪明、快乐的小姑娘,那个伟人非常爱她。2. 2.当当小小姑姑娘娘渐渐渐渐长长大大的的时时候候,伟伟人人会会拥拥抱抱她她并并对对告告诉诉她她,“ “小姑娘,我爱你!小姑娘,我爱你!” ”3. 3.他的长处之一就是他对家人表达爱意的能力。他的长处之一就是他对家人表达爱意的能力。4. 4.她她对对将将要要长长期期忍忍受受的的损损失失感感到到悲悲痛痛,她她失失去去了了曾曾经经使使她宽慰的爱的话语。她宽慰的爱的话语。5. 5.心心脏脏不不停停地地跳跳着着,始始终终漠漠不不关关心心对对身身体体其其他他部部分分的的伤伤害。害。4Part One Core ListeningPassage 1

6、 Passage 1 Heart Song Heart Song 心声心声Hum: Hum: v. v. to to produce produce a a tune tune without without opening opening the the lips lips or or forming words. forming words. 哼哼; ; hum a tune: hum a tune: 哼小调哼小调Pout: Pout: v. v. to to push push the the lips lips forward, forward, esp. esp. to to sho

7、w show displeasure displeasure 噘嘴噘嘴Stroke: Stroke: n. n. a a sudden sudden loss loss of of brain brain function function caused caused by by a a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel to the brain blockage or rupture of a blood vessel to the brain 中风中风Aphasic: a. of loss of the ability to speak; Apha

8、sic: a. of loss of the ability to speak; 失语症的失语症的Tears ran from both of their eyes: both of them cried.Tears ran from both of their eyes: both of them cried.She She drew drew her her arms arms around around the the useless useless shoulders shoulders of of her her father: father: 她她伸伸出出两两臂臂拥拥抱抱住住爸爸爸

9、爸那那毫毫无无用用处处的的双双肩肩。 drew her arms: stretched, reached out her arms. drew her arms: stretched, reached out her arms. 5Part One Core ListeningPassage 1 Passage 1 Heart Song Heart Song 心声心声She She felt felt grief grief for for the the loss loss she she was was to to endure, endure, the the words words o

10、f of love love that that had had comforted comforted herher: :她她对对将将要要长长期期忍忍受受的的损损失失感感到到悲悲痛痛,她她失失去去了了曾曾经经使使她她宽宽慰慰的的爱爱的的话话语语。1. 1. She She was was to to endureendure是是定定语语从从句句,修修饰饰the the loss. loss. 2. 2. was was to to do do sth sth 是是过过去去将将来来时时态态的的用用法法。3. 3. 划划线线部部分分是是the the lossloss的的同同位语,说明失去的是什

11、么。位语,说明失去的是什么。Steadily Steadily unconcerned unconcerned about about the the damage: damage: didnt didnt care care the the damage damage at at all. all. 毫毫不在乎伤害不在乎伤害Remarks: Remarks: Do Do you you really really think think the the little little girl girl had had heard heard her her fathers fathers he

12、art heart song? song? Anyway, Anyway, we we have have to to admit admit that that the the ability ability to to express express ones ones love love to to the the family family is is important. important. Do Do you you remember remember that that Ni Ni Ping, Ping, CCTV CCTV host, host, suggested sugg

13、ested every every audience audience hug hug his/her his/her family family during during Chinese Chinese New New Year Year TV party?TV party?6Part One Core Listening Passage 2 Passage 2 Oldest Running ReptileOldest Running Reptilen nRemains: Remains: n. n. Ancient Ancient ruins ruins or or fossils.fo

14、ssils.古古代代的的残残迹迹或或化化石石, , 遗遗骨骨。 Fossil : Fossil : 遗骨化石遗骨化石n nEudibamus Eudibamus cursoris cursoris / / Eudibamas Eudibamas : : the the oldest oldest known known member member of of a a major major group group of of early early reptiles. reptiles. It It was was very very small, small, less less than

15、than 28 28 cm cm long, long, and and weighed weighed less less than than kg; kg; it it only only ate ate plants. plants. It It was was the the oldest oldest running running reptilereptile. .n nReptile: Reptile: n. n. cold cold blooded blooded egg-laying egg-laying animal animal that that creeps cree

16、ps or or crawls crawls 爬爬行行动动物;物; creep: creep: 用肢体爬行。用肢体爬行。Crawl:Crawl:蠕动爬行蠕动爬行n nIt It does does not not appear appear to to be be directly directly linked linked to to more more modern modern reptiles: reptiles: 它它似似乎乎与更现代的爬行动物并无直接联系。与更现代的爬行动物并无直接联系。 Appear to: seem toAppear to: seem to似乎似乎n nLiz

17、ard: n. Lizard: n. 蜥蜴蜥蜴n nOne-half kilogram: One-half kilogram: 半公斤。半公斤。Kilogram: kilo or kgKilogram: kilo or kg7Part One Core Listening Passage 2Passage 2 Oldest Running ReptileOldest Running Reptile n nRecover: Recover: v. v. to to restore restore (oneself) (oneself) to to a a normal normal state;

18、 state; recovered recovered the the fossils: fossils: restored the fossils into their original state. restored the fossils into their original state. 使化石复原。使化石复原。n nposition: position: the the arrangement arrangement of of body body parts; parts; posture posture 姿姿势势,姿姿态态 running running : : 奔奔跑姿态跑姿

19、态n nPoint: v. direct or aim; by pointing its knees forwardPoint: v. direct or aim; by pointing its knees forward通过膝盖向着前方通过膝盖向着前方n nSandstone: n. Sandstone: n. 砂岩砂岩n nIn what was once part of East Germany: In what was once part of East Germany: 那里曾经是东德的地盘那里曾经是东德的地盘n nThe The discovery discovery of of

20、 a a complete complete fossil fossil 年年Germany Germany provides provides strong strong evidence evidence that that the the earth earth was was once once huge huge area area of of land:land: 在在德德国国发发现现的的全全部部化化石石提提供供了了强强有有力力的的证证据据,地地球球曾曾经经是是一一片片巨巨大大的的陆陆地地。(划划线线部部分分是是evidenceevidence的的同同位位语)语)n nLandma

21、ss: n. A large unbroken area of land.Landmass: n. A large unbroken area of land.大片陆地大片陆地8Part Two Self-Assessment ExercisesI. Listening ComprehensionI. Listening ComprehensionDialogue Dialogue TravelTraveln nGoing away for a holiday: leaving for a holidayGoing away for a holiday: leaving for a holid

22、ayn nIts all fixed up: Its all arranged.Its all fixed up: Its all arranged.n nEdinburgh: n.Edinburgh: n.爱丁堡爱丁堡( (英国苏格兰首府英国苏格兰首府) )n nCottage: n. a small, single-storied house, especially Cottage: n. a small, single-storied house, especially in the country in the country 村舍,小别墅村舍,小别墅n nA package holi

23、day: a kind of tourism arrangement A package holiday: a kind of tourism arrangement by tourism agenciesby tourism agencies(旅行社安排一切的)一揽子旅行社安排一切的)一揽子旅游旅游 9Part Two Self-Assessment ExercisesI. Listening comprehensionI. Listening comprehensionPassagePassage Dinosaur Deaths Dinosaur Deaths 恐龙之死恐龙之死n nYuc

24、atan: Yucatan: 尤卡坦半岛尤卡坦半岛n nThe scientists plan to test rocks The scientists plan to test rocks they believe were presentthey believe were present when when the asteroid hit the earth about 65 million years ago: the asteroid hit the earth about 65 million years ago: 科学家们科学家们打算检验一些石头,他们认为在大约打算检验一些石头,

25、他们认为在大约65006500万年以前当小行万年以前当小行星撞击地球时这些石头就存在。星撞击地球时这些石头就存在。 Be present: existBe present: existn nClue: n. Something that serves to guide or direct in the solution Clue: n. Something that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem or mystery. Hint, evidence of a problem or mystery. Hint, ev

26、idence 线索线索n nThey hope to find clues about They hope to find clues about what led to the death of dinosaurs what led to the death of dinosaurs and other creaturesand other creatures: : 他们希望发现有关导致恐龙和其他动物他们希望发现有关导致恐龙和其他动物死亡原因的线索。死亡原因的线索。 划线部分是介词划线部分是介词aboutabout的宾语从句的宾语从句10Part Two Self-Assessment Ex

27、ercisesI. Listening comprehensionI. Listening comprehensionPassage Passage Dinosaur Deaths Dinosaur Deaths 恐龙之死恐龙之死n nResearch scientists proposed the theory Research scientists proposed the theory that the that the crash of an asteroid or comet created a large cloud crash of an asteroid or comet cr

28、eated a large cloud of dustof dust : : 科学研究者提出学说:一颗小行星或科学研究者提出学说:一颗小行星或彗星的坠落造成了巨大的尘云。划线部分是同彗星的坠落造成了巨大的尘云。划线部分是同位语从句,说明位语从句,说明theorytheory。11Part Two Self-Assessment ExercisesII. Dictation (要背诵)(译文):罗伯特爱吸烟。他每天大约吸罗伯特爱吸烟。他每天大约吸2020支。有一支。有一天他吸烟的时候上床睡觉,没有吸完就睡着了。天他吸烟的时候上床睡觉,没有吸完就睡着了。很快他的床就着了火,满屋都是火焰。当他的很快

29、他的床就着了火,满屋都是火焰。当他的室友回来看到房子着了火,就打电话给消防队。室友回来看到房子着了火,就打电话给消防队。他们说能从他们的车上闻到烟并看见火焰。真他们说能从他们的车上闻到烟并看见火焰。真幸运,他们能够扑灭火,罗伯特获救了。后来,幸运,他们能够扑灭火,罗伯特获救了。后来,他说他再也不在床上吸烟了。他说他再也不在床上吸烟了。12Part Three Supplementary ListeningDialogue Dialogue TravelTraveln nRing: v. Call, phone, Ring: v. Call, phone, 打电话打电话n nHold on: v

30、. remain on line, keep through the phone and dont hang upHold on: v. remain on line, keep through the phone and dont hang upn nAdvertisement: advert, ad. Advertisement: advert, ad. 广告广告n nOverland to Greece: a title of the tour arrangement, sightseeing to Overland to Greece: a title of the tour arra

31、ngement, sightseeing to Greece by the way of landGreece by the way of landn nVacancy: n. the condition of being vacant or unoccupied. Vacancy: n. the condition of being vacant or unoccupied. 空缺,余票空缺,余票n nYugoslavia: Yugoslavia: 南斯拉夫南斯拉夫n nOstend: n. A city of northwest BelgiumOstend: n. A city of no

32、rthwest Belgium奥斯坦德比利时西北城市奥斯坦德比利时西北城市n nAccommodations: n. Room and board; lodgings.Accommodations: n. Room and board; lodgings.膳宿膳宿13Part Three Supplementary ListeningPassage 1 Passage 1 Class Reunion Class Reunion 班级重聚班级重聚1. 1.令人惊奇的是,一个电话怎么能彻底搅乱一令人惊奇的是,一个电话怎么能彻底搅乱一个人的生活。个人的生活。2. 2.我在过去我在过去2020年的生活

33、里究竟做了什么成就?年的生活里究竟做了什么成就?3. 3.我去购买完美的衣服我去购买完美的衣服你知道,能使我看上你知道,能使我看上去年轻去年轻2020岁的衣服。岁的衣服。4. 4.我意识到,我每天晚上爬楼梯时听见的可笑我意识到,我每天晚上爬楼梯时听见的可笑的嘎吱嘎吱的声音实际上是我的膝盖发出的。的嘎吱嘎吱的声音实际上是我的膝盖发出的。5. 5.就在我准备认输那一刻,我七岁的儿子拍了就在我准备认输那一刻,我七岁的儿子拍了拍我的肩膀。拍我的肩膀。 14Part Three Supplementary ListeningPassage 1 Passage 1 Class Reunion Class

34、Reunion 班级重聚班级重聚Amazing: adj. Surprising, astonishing Amazing: adj. Surprising, astonishing 令人惊异的令人惊异的Upside down: a. in great disorder.Upside down: a. in great disorder.It had been a former high school classmate asking for help with our It had been a former high school classmate asking for help wit

35、h our 20 year reunion: 20 year reunion: 那是以前高中的一个同学让帮助张罗我们的那是以前高中的一个同学让帮助张罗我们的2020年重聚。年重聚。Shudder: v. to shiver convulsivelyShudder: v. to shiver convulsively痉挛性地痉挛性地, , as from fear; quiver; as from fear; quiver; tremble; tremble; 战栗,发抖战栗,发抖Chill: n. coldness Chill: n. coldness 寒战寒战Tiny beads of sw

36、eat popped out on my forehead: Tiny beads of sweat popped out on my forehead: 小汗珠在我的前小汗珠在我的前额冒了出来。额冒了出来。Crevice: n. a small furrow, wrinkle on a normally smooth surface; Crevice: n. a small furrow, wrinkle on a normally smooth surface; 皱纹皱纹Patronizing: a. Patronizing: a. 神气十足的。神气十足的。 smile lines smi

37、le lines 神气十足的笑线神气十足的笑线 15Part Three Supplementary ListeningPassage 1 Passage 1 Class Reunion Class Reunion 班级重聚班级重聚No double chin yet: I dont look fat in my face yet. No double chin yet: I dont look fat in my face yet. 还没有双下颚还没有双下颚The next few weeks were pure hell: I experienced extremely hard time

38、 The next few weeks were pure hell: I experienced extremely hard time during the next few weeks.during the next few weeks.Futile: a. useless, inefficient. attempt: Futile: a. useless, inefficient. attempt: 徒劳的尝试徒劳的尝试Bounce off the unsightly baggage: v. get rid of the excessive, bad-Bounce off the un

39、sightly baggage: v. get rid of the excessive, bad-looking fat by running and leapinglooking fat by running and leapingThigh: n. the portion of the human leg between the hip and the knee. Thigh: n. the portion of the human leg between the hip and the knee. 大腿大腿I came to my sense: I restored my normal

40、 ability to think or judge. I came to my sense: I restored my normal ability to think or judge. 我恢复了理智我恢复了理智Crunching: a. of a noisy crackling sound. Crunching: a. of a noisy crackling sound. 吱吱嘎嘎声的吱吱嘎嘎声的Bran flake: n. a Bran flake: n. a cerealcereal food; a breakfast food made from commercially foo

41、d; a breakfast food made from commercially processed grain such as wheat, oats, or corn.processed grain such as wheat, oats, or corn.麦片麦片16Part Three Supplementary ListeningPassage 1 Passage 1 Class Reunion Class Reunion 班级重聚班级重聚n nBran flakes had become a part of my daily routine: I had eaten bran

42、Bran flakes had become a part of my daily routine: I had eaten bran flakes for slim sake even if I might not like them.flakes for slim sake even if I might not like them.n nTurned out the way Id planned: changed my desired style of lifeTurned out the way Id planned: changed my desired style of lifen

43、 nWorking part-time as a secretary and being a mom hardly fit the Working part-time as a secretary and being a mom hardly fit the definition of someone definition of someone my classmates had voted as “most likely to my classmates had voted as “most likely to succeed.”succeed.”: : 做兼职秘书和做母亲一点也不符合我的同

44、学们公认的做兼职秘书和做母亲一点也不符合我的同学们公认的“ “最有可能成功最有可能成功” ”的人士的定义。的人士的定义。 划线部分是划线部分是someonesomeone的定语从句。的定语从句。n nAbout the time I was ready to throw in the towel, my seven-year-old About the time I was ready to throw in the towel, my seven-year-old son tapped me on the shoulder: son tapped me on the shoulder: 就在

45、我准备认输那一刻,我七岁的就在我准备认输那一刻,我七岁的儿子拍了拍我的肩膀。儿子拍了拍我的肩膀。 n nThrow in the towel:v. admit defeat; give up Throw in the towel:v. admit defeat; give up 认输认输17Part Three Supplementary ListeningPassage 2Passage 2 Harvard Harvard 哈佛大学哈佛大学 The oldest institution of higher learning: The oldest institution of higher

46、learning: 最老的高等学府最老的高等学府 higher learning: higher learning: higher educationhigher educationIn Cambridge, Massachusetts:In Cambridge, Massachusetts:马萨诸塞州(麻省),马萨诸塞州(麻省), 剑桥市。剑桥市。 注意英语先注意英语先说小地名,后说大地名。说小地名,后说大地名。In Shenzhen, Guangdong, P. R. ChinaIn Shenzhen, Guangdong, P. R. ChinaColony: n. a group of

47、 emigrants or their descendants who settle in a distant Colony: n. a group of emigrants or their descendants who settle in a distant territory but remain subject to or closely associated with the parent country; territory but remain subject to or closely associated with the parent country; community

48、;community;殖民地,社区殖民地,社区Puritan: n. A member of a group of English Protestants who in the 16th and Puritan: n. A member of a group of English Protestants who in the 16th and 17th centuries advocated strict religious discipline along with simplification of 17th centuries advocated strict religious dis

49、cipline along with simplification of the ceremonies and creeds of the Church of England. the ceremonies and creeds of the Church of England. 清教徒清教徒: : 兴起于兴起于1616和和1717世纪的英国新教徒一派的成员世纪的英国新教徒一派的成员Anglican: a. Anglican: a. 英国国教的英国国教的Program: n. A course of academic study Program: n. A course of academic

50、 study 学术课程,学习计划学术课程,学习计划It is very difficult to be accepted to study there: It is very difficult to be accepted to study there: 被录取在那里(哈佛)学习被录取在那里(哈佛)学习是很难的。是很难的。18Review Unit 6n nReciteRecite(背诵)背诵)Tuning-In in Passage 1, Tuning-In in Passage 1, Heart Song Heart Song 心心声声, on Page 44, Guidebook II

51、I, on Page 44, Guidebook IIIn nRecite II. Dictation, on Page 47, Guidebook IIIRecite II. Dictation, on Page 47, Guidebook IIIn nRead aloud Passage 2, Read aloud Passage 2, Harvard Harvard 哈佛大学哈佛大学 , on Page 49, , on Page 49, Guide Book III repeatedly, until you can read it fluently Guide Book III repeatedly, until you can read it fluently and correctlyand correctly(熟读)熟读). .19



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