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1、Unit 4 Language PointsLanguage points1. represent寓词于境寓词于境 阅读下列句子,注意阅读下列句子,注意represent的意思和用法。的意思和用法。1) The rose represents England.2) He represented our school at the meeting.3) He represented himself as a wealthy man, but in fact he was a poor man.4) Let me try representing my idea to you in English

2、.自我归纳自我归纳 represent作作_词词, 意为意为“_”(句句1)、“_” (句句2), 后多跟名词后多跟名词或代词等或代词等; represent oneself as意为意为“假假称是、装作称是、装作”(句句3);另外还可意为;另外还可意为“_” (句句4), 多用于短语多用于短语represent sth. (to sb.),意为,意为“(向某人向某人)陈述、说明、阐述陈述、说明、阐述”。动动陈述陈述, 阐述阐述象征象征, 表示表示作为作为.的的代表代表拓展拓展 representative作名词,是可数作名词,是可数名词,意为名词,意为“代表代表”;作形容词,意;作形容词,意

3、为为“有代表性的、典型的有代表性的、典型的”。即学即练即学即练 翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1. 鸽子通常象征着和平。鸽子通常象征着和平。The dove usually represents peace. 2. 他假装自己是英语专家。他假装自己是英语专家。 3. 我想向你说明一下我迟到的原因。我想向你说明一下我迟到的原因。I wanted to represent the reason why I was late.He represented himself as a English major.1)representoneselfas/tobe自称是;自言Herepresentedhim

4、selftobeamemberofourgroup.Dontrepresentyourselfasaleader.2)representsth.tosb.阐述;表达Letmerepresentmyideatoyouinanotherway.Canyourepresentittousindetail?3)representsth.代表;代理Youtwowillrepresentourschoolatthemeeting.2. After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people e

5、nter the waiting area looking around curiously. 考点考点 curiously副词副词“好奇地好奇地”, 其其形容词为形容词为curious。考例考例 People have always been curious _ how living things on the earth exactly began. (辽宁辽宁2006)A. in B. at C. of D. about点拨点拨 本题考查了本题考查了be curious about sth. 结构。结构。 curious adj. = eager to learn or knowbe c

6、urious about sth. 对对好奇好奇be curious to do sth. 急于急于out of curiosity 出于好奇出于好奇 e.g. As a little girl, she was curious about the origin of human beings. The tourists were surrounded by the curious children.4. Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.verb + sb. in/ on/ by +

7、the 身体部位身体部位(1) 阅读下列句子,注意阅读下列句子,注意 approach的用法。的用法。1. Someone is approaching our car.2. She approaches everything in a new way.3. Summer is approaching.4. The approach of the exam is making him nervous.5. Lets try another approach.6. All approaches to the city are cut off.自我归纳自我归纳 approach作作_ 动词动词,

8、意为意为“_”(句句1)、“_” (句句2);也可作;也可作_动词动词, 意为意为 “_”(句句3); 还可以作还可以作_词词, 意为意为“_”(句句4)、“_” (句句5)、“_”(句句6), 作作“方法方法”、“通路通路”、“入口入口”讲时讲时, 多与介词多与介词to连用。连用。接近接近,靠靠近近及物及物着手处理着手处理, 开始对付开始对付不及物不及物接近接近,靠近靠近;即将达到即将达到 名名来临来临方法方法通道通道即学即练即学即练 用用approach的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1. The dog is _ my little child.2. With the _ of wint

9、er, the weather grows colder.3. They _ the birds quietly and watched them.4. It is one of the best _ to studying English.approachingapproachapproachedapproachesmakeapproachestosb.设法接近或认识某人Heisgoodatmakingapproachestostrangers.Whenisthebesttimeto_myemployeraboutanincreaseinsalary?A.arriveatB.gettoC.r

10、eachD.approach(2) touch vt. a. 触摸触摸, 接触接触, 触及触及, 轻触轻触e.g. I told you not to touch my things. b. touch sb./ sth. (with sth.) 感动感动(某人某人)触动某人触动某人(某人的感情某人的感情)e.g. Her miserable experience touched us all deeply / touched our hearts. 她的不幸经历让我们深受触动她的不幸经历让我们深受触动/ 触动触动 了我们的心弦。了我们的心弦。c. 接触,联系接触,联系 n. get / ke

11、ep in touch with sb. 与与取得取得/保持联系保持联系 be in/ out of touch (with sb.) 与与有有/无联系无联系e.g. Weve been out of touch for years.touchsbshome触到某人的痛处touchsbsheart感动某人,出动某人心弦Givesbatouch碰碰某人Touchbottom触到底Touchdown着陆5. introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人把某人介绍给某人 introduce sth. into 采用;引进采用;引进e.g. Please allow me to intr

12、oduce Mr. Smith. Potatoes were first introduced into Europe from South America.introduction n. 介绍,引进介绍,引进e.g. Yao Ming is a person needs no introduction.拓展:拓展:a letter of introduction介绍信介绍信make a self-introduction 作自我介绍作自我介绍make introduction to each other 互相介绍互相介绍6. apologize v. 道歉道歉e.g. I must apol

13、ogize that if I offended you I didnt mean to. 我必须向您道歉我必须向您道歉, 如果冒犯了您如果冒犯了您, 我我不不 是有意的。是有意的。拓展:拓展:apology n. 道歉,认错,愧悔道歉,认错,愧悔 apologize to sb. for sth. / doing sth. make an apology to sb. for (doing) sth. accept / refuse an apologye.g. Im afraid I was rather bad-tempered yesterday, I think I should a

14、pologize to you for it./ I think I owe you an apology. 恐怕我昨天的脾气不怎么好恐怕我昨天的脾气不怎么好, 我认为应该我认为应该向你道歉。向你道歉。7. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. 各种文化背景下的人相互问候的方式各种文化背景下的人相互问候的方式 不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距的程不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距的程

15、 度也不尽相同。度也不尽相同。此句中此句中, not all意为意为 “并非全都并非全都”表示部分否定。表示部分否定。英语中有一些表示英语中有一些表示“全体全体”或或“完全完全”意义的总括词意义的总括词, 如如all, every (及及everybody, everything等等),both, always, quite, wholly, entirely, altogether, completely等,含有这些词等,含有这些词的否定句并非表示全部否定,而表示的否定句并非表示全部否定,而表示部分否定。如:部分否定。如:e.g. Not all explanations are corre

16、ct. 并不是全部的解释都正确。并不是全部的解释都正确。区分:区分:All explanations are not correct. 所有的解释都是不正确的。所有的解释都是不正确的。部分否定部分否定全部否定全部否定e.g. Not everything in the book is caught by me. 我不能完全掌握书中的内容。我不能完全掌握书中的内容。 Everything in the book is not caught by me. 书中所有的内容我都不能掌握。书中所有的内容我都不能掌握。部分否定部分否定全部否定全部否定Not both children are clever

17、. 并不是两个孩子都聪明。并不是两个孩子都聪明。Both children are not clever. 这两个孩子都不聪明。这两个孩子都不聪明。部分否定部分否定全部否定全部否定notall并非所有”为半否定。半否定的句型有:Notall并非所有Allnot并非所有Notevery并非每一个Everynot并非每一个Allthestudentsinourclassarenotleaguemember.我们班并非所有同学都是团员。Everythingthatglittersisnotgold.并非每一个发光的都是金子。特别提示:全否定用Noneof句型。Noneofthestudentsino


19、both;noneC.all;noneD.both;neitherexpress vt. (用语言,神色,动作等)用语言,神色,动作等) 表达,表示表达,表示(感情,意见)(感情,意见)express sth. ( to sb.)e.g. The guests express their thanks before leaving. I cant express to you how grateful I am for your help. 你对我的帮助,我感激不尽。你对我的帮助,我感激不尽。express oneself (清楚地清楚地)表达自己的意思表达自己的意思e.g. He is st

20、ill unable to express himself in English. 他仍然不能用英语表达自己的意思。他仍然不能用英语表达自己的意思。express 作作n. 快车(快车(=express train)e.g. That evening they saw her get on the No.12 special express to London. 那天晚上他们看见她上了开往伦敦那天晚上他们看见她上了开往伦敦 的的12次特快车。次特快车。也可指也可指(邮局邮局, 铁路铁路, 公路等部门提公路等部门提供的供的) 速递速递, 速运速运e.g. send goods by expres

21、s 特快货运特快货运expression n. 表达,表情表达,表情 e.g. a happy expression 愉快的神情愉快的神情我简直无法表达我当时的想法。误IcouldhardlyexpressthatIthoughtthen.正IcouldhardlyexpressmyopinionthatIthoughtthen.析express之后不能直接接that从句。我想向你表示衷心的感谢。误Letmeexpressyouourheartfeltthanks.正Letmeexpressourheartfeltthankstoyou.析express不可以人作宾语,也不可用于express


23、nideas.纠正:eventhoughshehadbeenstudyingEnglishforalongtimebeforeshecametoAustralia,itisstilldifficultforhertoexpressherself.翻译:尽管她在来澳洲前已经学了很长一段时间的英语,但她还是很难将自己的想法表述清楚。分析:expressoneself是“表示自己的意思”的固定用语。spoken English 口语口语written English 书面语书面语English-speaking countries 讲英语的国家讲英语的国家1. I dont do well in _

24、 English. A. speaks B. to speak C. spoken D. speak2. We must practise _ English every day. A. to speak B. speak C. in speaking D. speaking9. However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them. 阅读下列句子,注意阅读下列句子,注意likely的意

25、思和的意思和用法。用法。1. The weather is likely to be fine.2. He is likely to be late.3. It is likely that he will succeed.自我归纳自我归纳 likely 意为意为“可能的、有希望的、预料可能的、有希望的、预料的的”; 常用结构有常用结构有: _ (句句1、句、句2) 和和 _(句句3)。be likely to do sthIt is likely that .1)可能作表语A.跟不定式Areyoulikelytobehereearlytomorrowmorning?明天早上你可能早点到这儿吗




29、estlike;reach2. probable: 常用于结构:常用于结构: it is probable +that 主语不能是人主语不能是人, 几几 乎不能说乎不能说it is probable to do sth.1.possible 常常用于下列结构常常用于下列结构: 2. It is possible for sb. to do sth. 3. It is possible that 从句从句主语不能是人主语不能是人即学即练即学即练 根据提示,完成下列句子。根据提示,完成下列句子。1. _ (很有可能很有可能) that it will rain. 2. _ (我们很可能犯错误我们很

30、可能犯错误) when we learn English.3. _ (我有可能我有可能) finish the work within a week.It is very likelyWe are very likely to make mistakes I am likely to11. general adj. 1). 普遍的,全面的普遍的,全面的 A matter of general concern/ interest 普遍(公众)关心普遍(公众)关心/感兴趣的事情感兴趣的事情e.g. Air-conditioner is in general use now.2). 总的,整体的总的

31、,整体的 in general 大体上大体上, 通常通常, 总的来讲总的来讲e.g. In general, he is a good guy.generally speaking 一般而言一般而言, 总的来说总的来说e.g. Generally speaking, this may be true. Generally speaking, we enjoyed the trip.类似用法的有:类似用法的有:frankly speaking honestly speakingPeople_likeher,althoughsometimessheannoysthemA.ingenerallyB.

32、generalC.ingeneralD.inageneralavoid vt. 避开,避免避开,避免 常用结构:常用结构:avoid (sth / doing)e.g. I think she is avoiding me. 我想她在躲着我。我想她在躲着我。 Try to avoid accidents.尽量防止事故。尽量防止事故。 He avoided answering my questions. 他避而不答我的问题。他避而不答我的问题。defendagainst/from保护使不受WeoughttodefendourselvesagainstH1N1flu.我们应该保护自己不受甲流侵害。





37、,heturnedhisbackonme.我求他帮忙时,他不理睬。Hehasturnedhisbacktohispastwayoflife.他脱离了过去的生活方式。1. She set up an _ (社团社团) to help blind people.2. She didnt come back to her _ (宿舍宿舍) until half past eleven last night.I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示或汉语提示, 写出该单词的正确形式。写出该单词的正确形式。associationdormitory3. Ill

38、book you on a direct _ (航班航班) to London.4. The light wind gently brushed his _ (脸颊脸颊).5. She knows very little Japanese; this often leads to _ (误解误解) when she visits Japan.cheeks misunderstandings flight6. Not only children but also _ (成年成年人人) like the film.7. Please turn right at the next _ (十字路口十字

39、路口), and you will see the station.8. The soldier gave his life in d_ of his country.crossroadsefenceadults9. There are two m_ political parties in the United States.10. The professor sometimes dines at the student c_.ajoranteen1. The competition attracted over 600 competitors _ (represent) 10 differ

40、ent countries.2. She asked him _ (curious) why he had that hobby.II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。representingcuriously3. The time is _ (approach) when we must leave. 4. He _ (dash) out without telling us where he was going.5. I thought she was his wife I must have _ (misunderstand).approachingda

41、shed misunderstood 6. Do you practise _ (speak) English every day?7. It is _ (like) that he will do the job well.spoken / speaking likely1. At the important meeting held last week, he introduced me _ all the people present.2. The mother reached _ her hands to her little son.III. 用适当的介词或副词填空。用适当的介词或副

42、词填空。toout3. I nodded _ him as I passed his office.4. People in this country greet each other _ shaking hands.5. Miss Wang lives close _ her school.at byto1. As soon as her son came up to her, she _ (吻了吻了一下他的面颊一下他的面颊).2. _ (我们我们环顾四周环顾四周), but we found nothing strange.IV. 根据提示完成下列句子根据提示完成下列句子(每空一词每空一词

43、)。kissed him on the cheekWe looked (a) round / about3. _ (看起来好像看起来好像) there was something wrong with him.4. It doesnt seem ugly to me; _ (恰恰相反恰恰相反), I think its very beautiful.5. _ (请请先举手先举手) before you ask your teacher questions in class.on the contraryPlease put up your hand firstIt looked as if 1

44、. likely, likeA) Is it _ that the swimming team of our university will win the gold medal in the coming competition?B) Life is _ a box of chocolates.V. 从所给的每组词中选出正确的词并从所给的每组词中选出正确的词并用其适当形式填空。用其适当形式填空。likelylike2. closely, closeA) Do you know why I always want to sit _ to the TV?B) Good teaching and

45、good testing are _ related.3. short, shortsA) In that country, its bad manners to wear _ in public.B) _ hair is cooler in summer.Shortclosecloselyshorts高考作文模板一、英语书信的常见写作模板开头部分:Hownicetohearfromyouagain.Letmetellyousomethingabouttheactivity.ImgladtohavereceivedyourletterofApr.9th.Impleasedtohearthaty












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