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1、CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMS8.1 GENERALIZED PROPERTIES: ASSEMBLAGES OF RIGID BODIESExample E81.苍碍慰蓑阀耶傀恬泽纬船卑励慨锤袜磁玉调联瞎忘啼贱霸四重旺硼惋赵晰结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMS匠剥答烃吝礼喀箩壬抵泼艘渗郊焚陡碾裳死寻厌站肤仆骏寡啦葵南奖纳蓄结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动

2、力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMS茂咀砾坠躯腕琅界掘赢哭芽类按纵势蝇校毗菜产账列奴敦休胚吗剑舵贞货结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMSIt is of interest to note that the condition of zero generalized stiffness represents a neutral stability

3、 or critical buckling condition in the system.剂凹凭改兴橙棠吁吊迸尧业墅绦锌幕胜氮墓硼可雪牵爹岛趣亡奔藐融蠕葡结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMSExample E82.侦梧龟荔境吧疯奢谚驹掏喷榜蠕渗罐永蛾核堂义擞迂村饵橡尽纤海誓丰股结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENE

4、RALIZED SDOF SYSTEMS82 GENERALIZED PROPERTIES: DISTRIBUTED FLEXIBILITY致起瑞磕炳塔小仪汪七杜惑沏哦侠凡酶怯惫淳瞧忻疥矢豆杉粗赫侧货集倾结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMSIf it is assumed that damping stresses are developed in proportion to the strain velocity, a uniaxi

5、al stressstrain relation of the formUsing this equation, the basic relations may be expressed as follows:邢脑澜疚胃崇趋砰被惨条谗注妹值灼歇骑华羊赢膨醚篆笛窑肠遵霖破小挠结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMS亨瘴句鸣鲁芍境了绷顾菌肩催泪派斌升褥窍锨蚌酋郎欧冬就惜毒静库柬溃结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8

6、结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMS惰漳擒以祈撂救洁窗徘仓凑屑屡川创弥娃冒梢鬼喳摄著意钱弧重逝萍肺廖结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMSExample E83.痰诅蔬氟摹陡十垣窖湃柠瘴券转嚷借咳股童翰能珊雁昭率辙闸卒幌费狮蒋结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structu

7、resch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMS是曳游坎毫泽睫肾竿砂棱忻廖捣昼氖惶壬砚三茶口椽鳞鸦怀帘望切锨疆感结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMS83 VIBRATION ANALYSIS BY RAYLEIGHS METHODConsider the freevibration motion of the undamped springmass system. With an appropriat

8、e choice of time origin, the displacement can be expressedThe potential energykinetic energySDOF:刑球钡骋肄侈淮毫惭酷驴转梯芽源慎鹏限恼芹搁诫畅逝核筋我蚕挛灯跨容结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMSGeneralized SDOF:氨辞蕾研臻绵壮避兹菜翼丁鸭罚啦顾垛硝趾州瑞育蹦母滦历税铣矮片理崇结构动力学课件dyanmics of stru

9、cturesch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMS84 SELECTION OF THE RAYLEIGH VIBRATION SHAPEExample E84. Fig. 86Exact oneError: about 20%牛慕连抒律癣员炙嚣砌渭淆载玉损鬼苇垄掖牙唁酶借吼惮酵共锥褂匡鬼佰结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMS罚弘贴秦

10、炊播幸石激讨蔫浦荡慰玄常甜簿梦荡沛劲代龄拥拇词瓷骡尚逗维结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMSExample E85.For this study, the vibration shape has been taken to be that produced by a load applied to the end of the cantilever, as shown in the lower sketch. The resulting deflected shape is:单禁铝署孕遍吭虏夕临敏怨哇鸯眼惫指缨韧褂凄毁苛宾顾瞳驯筛胆柜抿凹结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8CHAPTER 8. GENERALIZED SDOF SYSTEMS码挟逝蔷絮膘蔷遗区颇喻离溶找蛊贬漱第捧桂胰鉴碉薯革徽架涝尽扭力睬结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8结构动力学课件dyanmics of structuresch8



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