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1、第2讲 国际贸易合同 国际贸易合同概述国际贸易合同概述 国际贸易合同的缮制国际贸易合同的缮制 国际贸易合同实例国际贸易合同实例2.1 国际贸易合同概述国际贸易合同概述2.1.1 国际贸易合同的形式国际贸易合同的形式合合 同同确认书确认书 销货合同销货合同(卖方草拟)(卖方草拟)(Sales Contract) 购货合同购货合同 (买方草拟)(买方草拟)( Purchase Contract ) 销货确认书销货确认书(Sales Confirmation ) 购货确认书购货确认书 ( Purchase Confirmation)合同是正式的贸易文本。合同是正式的贸易文本。确认书是一种比较简单的贸


3、询盘询盘(Inquiry)发盘发盘(Offer)还盘还盘(Counter offer)接受接受(Acceptance)有效接受须具备三条件:有效接受须具备三条件:1.接受由受盘人本人做出。接受由受盘人本人做出。2.接受在发盘有效期内做出。接受在发盘有效期内做出。3.接受的内容与发盘相符。接受的内容与发盘相符。受盘人对发盘提出的添加或修改是受盘人对发盘提出的添加或修改是“实质性实质性”的变更发盘条件,的变更发盘条件,即构成还盘,即使发盘人未提出任何异议,合同也不成立。也就即构成还盘,即使发盘人未提出任何异议,合同也不成立。也就是说:一旦受盘人还盘则原发盘失效。是说:一旦受盘人还盘则原发盘失效。货

4、物价格、付款、货物质量和数量、交货地点和时间、货物价格、付款、货物质量和数量、交货地点和时间、赔偿责任范围、解决争端等的添加或不同条件。赔偿责任范围、解决争端等的添加或不同条件。 案例案例案例案例11我某公司于我某公司于7 7月月1616日收到法国某公司发盘:日收到法国某公司发盘:“马口铁马口铁500500公公吨,单价吨,单价545545美元美元,CFRCFR中国口岸,中国口岸,8 8月份装运,即期月份装运,即期L/C L/C 支付,限支付,限7 7月月20 20 日日复复到有效到有效”。我方于。我方于1717日复电:日复电:“若单若单价价500 500 美元美元 CFR CFR 中国口岸可接

5、受,履约中如有争议,在中国口岸可接受,履约中如有争议,在中国仲裁中国仲裁”。法国公司当日复电:。法国公司当日复电:“市场坚挺,价不能减,市场坚挺,价不能减,仲裁条件可接受,速复仲裁条件可接受,速复”。此时马口铁价格确实趋涨。我。此时马口铁价格确实趋涨。我方于方于1919日复电:日复电:“接受你方接受你方16 16 日发盘,日发盘,L/CL/C已由中国银行已由中国银行开出。开出。”结果对方退回结果对方退回L/CL/C。合同是否成立?。合同是否成立? 案例分析案例分析 合同并未成立。合同并未成立。 我方我方1919日电并不是有效日电并不是有效的接受,因为的接受,因为16 16 日的法商发盘经我方日

6、的法商发盘经我方17 17 日还盘已经日还盘已经失效,法商不再受约束。我方应接受的是法国公司失效,法商不再受约束。我方应接受的是法国公司17 17 日复电。日复电。 案例案例案例案例22 我方我方A A公司向美国旧金山公司向美国旧金山B B公司发盘某商品公司发盘某商品100100公吨,每公公吨,每公吨吨24002400美元美元CIFCIF旧金山,写明收到信用证后两个月内交货,旧金山,写明收到信用证后两个月内交货,以不可撤销即期信用证支付,限以不可撤销即期信用证支付,限3 3天内答复。第二天收到天内答复。第二天收到B B公司回电称公司回电称“AcceptAcceptyouryour offero

7、ffershipmentshipmentimmediatelyimmediately”,A A公司未作答公司未作答复,又过两天复,又过两天B B公司由旧金山花旗银行开来即期信用证,公司由旧金山花旗银行开来即期信用证,注明注明shipmentshipmentimmediatelyimmediately,当时该货国际市场价格,当时该货国际市场价格上涨上涨20%20%,A A公司拒绝交货,并立即退回信用证,试问这种公司拒绝交货,并立即退回信用证,试问这种做法有无道理?有何依据?做法有无道理?有何依据? 案例案例案例案例33 我我某某出出口口企企业业于于8月月2日日向向法法商商发发盘盘供供应应东东北北

8、大大豆豆2000公公吨吨,限限8月月8日日复复到到。法法商商表表示示接接受受的的电电传传于于8月月9日日上上午午送送到到我我方方,当当时时我我方方即即电电话话通通知知对对方方接接受受,并并着着手手备备货货。一一周周后后,大大豆豆价价格格剧剧烈烈下下跌跌,法法商商于于8月月17日日来来电电称称:“9日日电电传传系系在在你你方方发发盘盘已已失失效效时时作作出出,属属无无效效接接受受,故故合合同同不不能成立。能成立。”你认为法商这一说法合理吗你认为法商这一说法合理吗? 案例案例案例案例44我某进出口公司想进口包装机一批,对方发盘的内容是:我某进出口公司想进口包装机一批,对方发盘的内容是:“兹可供普通

9、包装机兹可供普通包装机200台,每台台,每台500美元美元CIF青岛,青岛,6至至7月份装运,限本月月份装运,限本月21日复到我方有效。日复到我方有效。”我方收到对方发我方收到对方发盘后,在发盘规定的有效期内复电:盘后,在发盘规定的有效期内复电:“你方发盘接受,请你方发盘接受,请内用泡沫,外加木条包装内用泡沫,外加木条包装”。问:我方的接受是否可使合同成立?为什么?问:我方的接受是否可使合同成立?为什么? 案例案例案例案例55 我我某某公公司司于于5 5月月2020日日以以电电传传发发盘盘,并并规规定定“限限5 5月月2525日日复复到到”。国国外外客客户户于于5 5月月2323日日复复电电至

10、至我我方方,要要求求将将即即期期信信用用证证改改为为远远期期见见票票后后3030天天。我我公公司司正正在在研研究究中中,次次日日5 5月月2424日又接到对方当天发来的此笔交易能否达成?日又接到对方当天发来的此笔交易能否达成? 案例案例案例案例6666香香港港某某中中间间商商A A就就某某商商品品以以电电传传方方式式邀邀请请我我方方发发盘盘,我我方方于于6 6月月8 8日日向向A A方方发发盘盘并并即即6 6月月1515日日复复到到有有效效。1212日日我我方方收收到到美美国国B B商商按按我我方方发发盘盘条条件件开开来来的的信信用用证证,同同时时收收到到中中间间商商A A的的来来电电称称:“

11、你你8 8日日发发盘盘已已转转美美国国B B商商”。此此时时,该该商商品品的的国国际际市市场场价价格格上上涨涨,于于是是我我方方将将信信用用证证退退回回开开证证行行,再再按按新新价价直直接接向向美美国国B B商商发发盘盘,而而美美商商B B以以信信用用证证于于发发盘盘有有效效期期内内到到达达为为由由,拒拒绝绝接接受受新新价价并并要要求求我我方方按按原原价价发发货货,否否则则将追究我方的责任。问对方的要求是否合理?将追究我方的责任。问对方的要求是否合理? OFFEROFFEROFFEROFFER 5000 DOZEN SPORT SHIRTS SAMPLED MARCH 15TH 5000 DO


13、同的组成部分: 约首、本文、约尾约首、本文、约尾1. 约首约首合同名称合同名称合同号码合同号码签约时间地点签约时间地点卖方名称地址卖方名称地址买方名称地址买方名称地址订约意思订约意思2. 本文本文品名、规格品名、规格数量数量单价单价金额金额总值总值保险保险支付支付包装包装唛头唛头装运装运3. 约尾约尾卖方签字(盖章)卖方签字(盖章)买方签字(盖章)买方签字(盖章)国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制1. 约首约首销货合同(销货合同(Sales Contract)货确认书(货确认书(Sales Confirmation)购货合同(购货合同(Purchases Contract)购货确认书(购

14、货确认书(Purchases Confirmation)合同名称合同名称国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制1. 约首约首合同编号合同编号按便于归类、查找的原则编填,按便于归类、查找的原则编填,一般包括签约时间、识别一般包括签约时间、识别/归归类代码、合同序号。如类代码、合同序号。如: 200907CG0122.2 国际贸易合同的缮制国际贸易合同的缮制2.2.1 国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制1. 约首约首签约时间地点签约时间地点按实际填写按实际填写 January (Jan.)一月;一月;February (Feb.)二月;二月;March (Mar.)三月;三月;April

15、(Apr.)四月;四月;May五月;五月;June 六月;六月;July 七月;七月;August (Aug.)八月;八月;September (Sep.)九月;九月;October (Oct.)十月;十月;November (Nov.)十一月;十一月;December (Dec.)十二月十二月 后面要打点后面要打点(.)啊啊英文年月日的表示方法必须熟记!特别是十二个月的简写表示方法!英文年月日的表示方法必须熟记!特别是十二个月的简写表示方法!2.2 国际贸易合同的缮制国际贸易合同的缮制2.2.1 国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制1. 约首约首(3)签约时间地点按实际填写 缔约双方缔约

16、双方 详细、准确填写卖方的详细、准确填写卖方的名称、地址(含电报挂名称、地址(含电报挂号、电传号、电传/传真号码等)传真号码等) 详细、准确填写买方的详细、准确填写买方的名称、地址(含电报挂名称、地址(含电报挂号、电传号、电传/传真号码等)传真号码等) 2.2 国际贸易合同的缮制国际贸易合同的缮制2.2.1 国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制1. 约首约首(3)签约时间地点(5)订约意思 订约意思订约意思 文字表明双方达成一定交易条件,如:This Contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers whereby the

17、 Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the under mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated below. 2.2 国际贸易合同的缮制国际贸易合同的缮制2.2.1 国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制2. 正文正文成交商品的名称,如成交商品的名称,如 “东北大豆东北大豆”(Northeast Soybean)等等 品名条款品名条款 p无唛头用无唛头用N/M表示表示p有唛头采用双方约定有唛头采用双方约定内容或者采用如下格式:内容或者采用

18、如下格式:u买方公司名称可简写买方公司名称可简写u合同号合同号u目的地目的地u数量数量成交商品的详细品质成交商品的详细品质/规格,如规格,如 Oil content Min. 20%; (含油)(含油)Moisture Max. 12%; (湿度)(湿度)Admixture Max. 1%;(杂质)(杂质) Imperfect Grains Max. 8%”(不完善粒)(不完善粒)品质条款品质条款2.2 国际贸易合同的缮制国际贸易合同的缮制2.2.1 国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制2. 正文正文 数量条款数量条款成交商品的数量,如成交商品的数量,如 “100公吨公吨”(100 M/T

19、S)。必要时可加列溢短装条款,如)。必要时可加列溢短装条款,如 “允允许许5%溢短装卖方决定(溢短装卖方决定( 5% more or less,at sellers option)”单价条款单价条款成交商品的价格成交商品的价格, 由计价单位、计价货由计价单位、计价货币、价格金额、贸易术语组成。如币、价格金额、贸易术语组成。如 “每每公吨公吨120美元美元FOB天津天津” (USD 120 PER M/T FOB TIANJIN)。)。国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制2. 正文正文价值金额(价值金额(=数量数量*单价),如单价),如1万万2千千美元(美元(USD12,000.00)金额金

20、额总值总值价值总额(大写)如:价值总额(大写)如:SAY TWO CARTONS ONLY2.2 国际贸易合同的缮制国际贸易合同的缮制2.2.1 国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制2. 正文正文 装运条款装运条款FOBCFR: “to be covered by the buyer” ; 保险条款保险条款装运时间:装运时间:during/in xx 、before xx装运港、目的港:据实填(有重名的,加国别)装运港、目的港:据实填(有重名的,加国别)CIF成交时成交时“to be covered by the seller for ll0% of invoice value again

21、st W.P.A. and W.R as per CIC dated Jan.1.1981) FOB成交时呢?成交时呢?F.P.AALL Risk国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制2. 正文正文支付条款支付条款汇付:The Buyer shall pay 100% of the Sales proceeds by T/T to reach the Seller not later than Dec.20th,2008 托收:By D/A(D/P)xx days sight信用证:The buyers shall open through a bank acceptable to the

22、sellers an irrevocable sight letter of credit, to reach the sellers xx days before the month of shipment, valid for negotiation in china until the 15th day after the month of shipment 国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制2. 正文正文In cartons of 50 kgs each 包装条款除包装材料、方式外还须有包装规格除包装材料、方式外还须有包装规格(数量),如:(数量),如:或或 20pcs to a

23、 box,10 boxes to a carton 国际贸易合同内容缮制国际贸易合同内容缮制3. 约尾约尾InspectionClaimForces majureArbitritionGoverning LawVersions 其他条款其他条款检验、索赔、不可抗力、仲检验、索赔、不可抗力、仲裁、法律适用、文字译本等裁、法律适用、文字译本等 当事人签字当事人签字卖方名称、签字(盖章)买方名称、签字(盖章)异议索赔条款(异议索赔条款(异议索赔条款(异议索赔条款(Discrepancy ClausesDiscrepancy ClausesDiscrepancy ClausesDiscrepancy

24、Clauses)罚金或违约金条款(罚金或违约金条款(Penalty ClausesPenalty Clauses)订约意思订约意思读懂合同读懂合同CENTS SIXTY ONLYCENTS SIXTY ONLY.规格/型号电动工具电动工具支付条支付条款款读懂进口购货合同读懂进口购货合同10.Packing10.Packing To be packed in new strong fumigated wooden To be packed in new strong fumigated wooden cases or cartons suitable for long distance ocea

25、n/air cases or cartons suitable for long distance ocean/air freight transportation and well protected against freight transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The seller shall be liable for any d

26、amage to the The seller shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the selle

27、r and in such protective measures taken by the seller and in such case or cases and all loses and/or expenses incurred case or cases and all loses and/or expenses incurred in consequence thereof shall be borne by the seller.in consequence thereof shall be borne by the seller.1111、Shipping MarkShippi

28、ng Mark The Seller shall mark the following on the four The Seller shall mark the following on the four adjacent surfaces of each package with fadeless adjacent surfaces of each package with fadeless paint the package number, measurements (Lpaint the package number, measurements (LW WH), H), gross w

29、eight, net weight, contract number, port of gross weight, net weight, contract number, port of destination and the wordings destination and the wordings “KEEP AWAY FROM KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTUREMOISTURE”, , “HANDLE WITH CAREHANDLE WITH CARE”, , “THIS SIDE UPTHIS SIDE UP”, , the lifting position, gravi

30、ty centre and the the lifting position, gravity centre and the shipping mark. shipping mark. Shipping Marks: Shipping Marks: SCK-732SCK-732 XINGGANG TIANJIN.CHINA XINGGANG TIANJIN.CHINA支付条款支付条款单据条款单据条款品质保证条款品质保证条款15.Inspection and claim(15.Inspection and claim(检验索赔条款检验索赔条款) ) After arrival of the go

31、ods at the port of After arrival of the goods at the port of destination the buyers shall apply to destination the buyers shall apply to the China Entry-the China Entry-Exit Inspection and QuarantineExit Inspection and Quarantine (Hereinafter Referred to (Hereinafter Referred to as CIQ) for a furthe

32、r inspection in respect of the as CIQ) for a further inspection in respect of the specification and quantity/weight of the goods. If specification and quantity/weight of the goods. If damages of the goods are found, of the specifications damages of the goods are found, of the specifications and/or q

33、uantity are not in conformity with the and/or quantity are not in conformity with the stipulations of this contract, with the exception of stipulations of this contract, with the exception of the responsibilities for which insurance company or the responsibilities for which insurance company or ship

34、ping company are liable, the buyers shall, within shipping company are liable, the buyers shall, within 90 days after arrival of the goods at the port of 90 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, lodge claims against the sellers, or destination, lodge claims against the sellers,

35、 or reject the goods according to the inspection reject the goods according to the inspection certificates issued by the above-mentioned institution.certificates issued by the above-mentioned institution. 16. Arbitration(16. Arbitration(仲裁条款仲裁条款) ) Any dispute arising from or in connection Any dispu

36、te arising from or in connection with this contract, shall be settled amicably with this contract, shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case shall can be reached throu

37、gh negotiation, the case shall be submitted to the foreign trade arbitration of be submitted to the foreign trade arbitration of CCPIT for arbitration in accordance with the CCPIT for arbitration in accordance with the commissioncommissions arbitration rules in effect rules at s arbitration rules in

38、 effect rules at the time of applying for arbitration, the arbitral the time of applying for arbitration, the arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties, award is final and binding upon both parties, arbitration fee shall be bore by the losing party.arbitration fee shall be bore by the lo

39、sing party.17.Force Majeure(17.Force Majeure(不可抗力条款不可抗力条款) ) The Seller shall not be held responsible for delay The Seller shall not be held responsible for delay in shipment or non-delivery of the contract goods due in shipment or non-delivery of the contract goods due to Force Majeure such as wart

40、o Force Majeure such as war、serious fireserious fire、floodflood、typhoontyphoon、earthquake or other cases, which are agreed earthquake or other cases, which are agreed upon by both parties as the cases of Force Majeure . upon by both parties as the cases of Force Majeure . The Seller shall advise the

41、 Buyer immediately of the The Seller shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within 14 days occurrence mentioned above and within 14 days thereafter, the Seller shall send by air mail to the thereafter, the Seller shall send by air mail to the Buyer for their accepta

42、nce a certificate of the Buyer for their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authorities accident issued by the competent government authorities at the place where the accident occurs as evidence at the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. Unde

43、r such circumstances, the Seller, however, thereof. Under such circumstances, the Seller, however, is still under the obligation to take all necessary is still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the contract goods.measures to hasten the delivery of the contract goods.18.This Contract is made out in English 3 copy to be held by the Buyer and 1 copy by the Seller.The Buyer The Seller 文字、份数买方签字盖章卖方签字盖章



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