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1、Unit 5 Feeling HappyTopic 1Why all the smiling faces?Section A Warming-up 1.Did you have a good holiday? 2.What did you do in the Spring Festival? 3.How did you feel during that time? “happy, excited.” . worriedfunnyhappysadangryafraidactiveHe is/looks/feels_.Michael is/looks/feels_funnyactive.worri

2、edfunnyhappysadangryafraidactiveThe teacher is/looks/feels _.She is/looks/feels_.The mother is/looks/feels_.angrysadworriedA: How does the food A: How does the food tastetaste? ?B: It B: It tastestastes deliciousdelicious. .A: How do the children look?B. They look very happy.Talk about the pictures

3、according to the example.A: How does the music sound?B: It sounds wonderful.A: How do they feel?B: They feel excited.feel/excitedComplete the two stories.Ji Gong is very poor, but he is _ and _. He often helps others. He is very _ with the poor. So he is always _.happy/unhappy popular/unpopular poor

4、/rich smart/silly kind/cruelhappysmart/kindkind/smartpopularThe landlord is rich but _. He is _ to the poor, so he is _ with the people. He is _.unhappy/sillysilly/unhappycruelunpopularSum up 系动词系动词+ 形容词形容词 常见的系动词有常见的系动词有: be, look, become, get, turn,seem, feel, taste, smell, sound,touchHe is happy.

5、 You look excited. The music sounds great. He feels tired. 根据句意用合适的单词完成句子。根据句意用合适的单词完成句子。lucky, worried, sad, happy, excited1. He won in the long jump. He was very_.2. The old man is very _ because of his lost purse. 3. Mary gets a bad cold. Her mother is _ about her. 4. We sang and danced in the pa

6、rty last night. We were so _. 5. I got many birthday presents. I was_. excitedsadhappyluckyworriedKangkang looks excited. Michael is so happy. Read and sayWe are so happy . What about Kangkang and Michael? Read 1 and try to find the answers.Look ,listen and sayKangkang:Hi_! Jane: Very well, thank yo

7、u. You look so _. Why?Kangkang: My father and mother want to _your parents to go to the movies with them. Maria: Really? What movie are they going to see? Kangkang: The sound of Music. Jane: Oh, it is _my favorite_. When are they going? Kangkang: This Saturday. And we can_ the evening at my house. M

8、y mom will _delicious food _us. Michael: Wow! Thats great.! Im so happy . Please _your mom. How are you doing?excitedone ofmoviesinvitespendprepareforsay thanks to1. How are you doing ?= How are you?2. One of , 之一之一 , 后面的名词要用后面的名词要用复数复数 The sweater is one of my favorite clothes. He is one of the tal

9、lest boys in his class.3.spend 花费花费, 主语一定是人主语一定是人 spend time/money on sth. 花费时间或金钱做某事花费时间或金钱做某事 He spent ten yuan on his book. spend time /money in doing sth.花费时间或金钱做某事花费时间或金钱做某事 He spent ten yuan in buying his book. 4. prepare for . 为为 而准备而准备 My mom prepared food for us. 5. say thanks to 向向(代我代我) 表

10、示感谢表示感谢.类似的短语还有类似的短语还有: say hello to sb.向向问好问好 say goodbye to sb 向向告别告别Read 3a and answer the questions. 1 How do the students feel? 2 How does Mr Lee feel? Why? They look very happy. He feels disappointed. He didnt buy a ticket .Explanation1. Why all the smiling faces? 为什么你们都笑容满面为什么你们都笑容满面? (1) 此句是

11、省略句此句是省略句, 完整形式应为完整形式应为: Why do all of you have smiling faces? (2) why 是用来回答是用来回答because 的原因状语从句的原因状语从句.如如 Why didnt he go to school yesterday? Because he was ill. 2. I went to buy tickets , but there was none left. 我去买票我去买票,但票已经但票已经 售完了。售完了。 Left是是 leave 的过去分词的过去分词. 在次做形容词在次做形容词. 意思为意思为: 剩下的剩下的,留下备

12、用的留下备用的 None 是代词是代词,表示表示”几个人或物中没有一个几个人或物中没有一个. I was going to offer you some cakes but theres none left. 3. What a shame! 真遗憾真遗憾/真可惜真可惜!检测题检测题:一、根据汉语语提示完成句子1. I want to _ _ _ (去看电影)but I have no ticket.2. We will _ _ _(度过夜晚)at Jims home this Sunday.3. You _ _ _(看起来很开心)this morning.4.Why all the _ _(

13、满脸笑容)5.That is _ _ _ _(我最喜爱的之一)songs.go to the moviesspend the eveninglook very happysmiling facesone of my favorite1. We all felt _ after we knew the _ news. A. excited , excites B. exciting, exciting C. excited, exciting 2. We are _. We all have good parents. A. surprised B. lucky C. rich 3. - I w

14、ant to go but there were no tickets left. - _. A. What a pity B. Sorry C. OK 5. Why is he so worried? -Because he wanted us _, but we cant now. A. go with him B. going with him C. to go with him 6. A: _. B: Im fine, thanks. A. How is she? B How are you doing? C How do you like it? 1.When Miss Yang s

15、aw Kate talking in class, she _ angry. 2. You _ unhappy. Whats wrong? I lost my bike.3. The food in that restaurant _ delicious.4. This song _ beautiful. Can you teach me to sing it? With pleasure. 5. Mr. Smith _ disappointed because he couldnt go to the party. becamelooktastessoundsfelt . 请根据句意从方框中

16、选择恰当的词请根据句意从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,每词限用一次。并用其适当形式填空,每词限用一次。become,look,taste,sound,feel. 请根据汉语意思,完成下列英语句子,每空一词。请根据汉语意思,完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 1. 我将邀请吉姆明天到我家来。我将邀请吉姆明天到我家来。I will _ Jim _ my home tomorrow. 2. 瞧!妈妈正在为我们准备可口的饭菜。瞧!妈妈正在为我们准备可口的饭菜。Look! Mom is _ delicious food _ us now. 3. 王老师很担心李明的英语。王老师很担心李明的英语。Mr. Wang _ _ about Li Mings English. 4. 请向我们的老师道谢。请向我们的老师道谢。Please _ _ to our teachers. 5. 历史是我最喜爱的科目之一。历史是我最喜爱的科目之一。History is _ _ my favorite subjects. invitetopreparingforis worriedsaythanksoneof



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