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1、Page 1翻译中的病句分析翻译的最高境界修炼主讲:郭宝霞Becky GuoPage 21、不会发现译文中的问题,意味着自己也会犯同样的毛病。2、对译文的反复推敲和对错误的快速、准确识别,是通向快速提高翻译的捷径。3、学会剖析病句和修改病句,可让您的翻译水平逐渐实现质的飞跃。前言为什么要对大量的病句或自己的译文进行锤炼?对翻译水平的提高有何作用?Page 3病句改写病句改写WARMING-UPEXERCISESOFILL-FORMEDSENTENCESPage 4破句平行结构中的错误修饰语位置不对一产生歧义病句类型串句悬垂修饰语一逻辑主语一致性Page 51. He tried many ti

2、mes to give up smoking he never managed to.He tried many times to give up smoking,buthe never managed to.He tried many times to give up smoking. However, he never managed to.He tried many times to give up smoking;however,he never managed to.2. She didnt feel particularly well, she went to bed.She di

3、dnt feel particularly well.Therefore,she went to bed.3. Dont tease the dog you might get bitten. Dont tease the dog,oryou might get bitten. 串句Page 64. Smokers claim the right to smoke in public places. While nonsmokers claim the right to clean air.Smokers claim the right to smoke in public places wh

4、ilenonsmokers claim the right to clean air.5. After I arrived in Chicago by bus. I checked into a room. Then I went to a dinner to get something to eat. After I arrived in Chicago by bus, I checked into a room,andthen I went to a dinner to get something to eat.6. Staring at the clock on the far wall

5、. I nervously began my speech.Staring at the clock on the far wall,I nervously began my speech.破句Page 77. Student cheating is still widely practiced. In spite of the fact that the violators get severe punishment once they are caught.Student cheating is still widely practiced inspiteofthefactthat the

6、 violators get severe punishment once they are caught.8. My aunt likes watching daytime television shows. Especially old movies and soap operas.My aunt likes watching daytime television shows,especiallyold movies and soap operas.Cotton grows well in their county. Particularly in Vanguard Commune.Cot

7、ton grows well in their county,particularlyin Vanguard Commune. 破句especially,specially,forexample,suchas,forinstance,like,also,aswellas,except,but,besides后接名后接名词时,不能不能单独存在,独存在,只能成只能成为句子的一部分。句子的一部分。Page 8破句平行结构中的错误修饰语位置歧义病句类型串句悬垂修饰语-逻辑主语Page 99. Kate has been a waitress, a nurse and taught school. Ka

8、te has been a waitress, a nurse and ateacher.10. Recent movies reflect major improvements in not only photograph but also in editing.Recent movies reflect major improvements not only inphotograph but also inediting.11. In fact, flying is often less dangerous than to drive a car.In fact, flying is of

9、ten less dangerous than drivinga car.平行结构Page 1012. Jane is a beautiful and the kindest woman I have never met.Jane is the most beautiful and the kindest woman I have never met.13. President Chen Xiao showed appreciation to all employees for their support and active participation in business activit

10、ies in 2009.President Chen Xiao showed appreciation to all employees for their support to and active participation in business activities in 2009. 14. The math teacher not only irritates me by his high-pitched voice, but also I began to hate the math class.The math teacher not only irritates me by h

11、is high-pitched voice, but also makes me hate the math class.平行结构-小组讨论Page 11破句平行结构中的错误修饰语位置歧义病句类型串句悬垂修饰语-逻辑主语Page 1215. Alice could see a lot of cars running fast outside through her window.Throughherwindow, Alice could see a lot of cars running fast outside.16. He gave the rose to the lovely actre

12、ss that he had bought for his wife.He gave the rose thathehadboughtforhis wife to the lovely actress.He gave the lovely actress the rose thathehadboughtfor his wife.17. The house was in the woods that burned last night.Thehousethatburned last night was in the woods.18. People who walk normally are h

13、ealthier than those who dont.People who walk are normallyhealthier than those who dont.Normally, people who walk are healthier than those who dont.Page 13破句平行结构中的错误修饰语位置歧义病句类型串句悬垂修饰语-逻辑主语一致性Page 14所谓垂悬结构(The Dangling Construction)就是一个句子成分,如分词短语,不定式动词短语等,找不到被修饰的主语或被修饰的对象不合逻辑。垂悬结构是种错误的句法,应该避免。下面是三种常见的

14、垂悬结构及其改正方法:1、垂悬分词或分词短语,如:、垂悬分词或分词短语,如: Climbing up the hill, several boars were seen. (误)正:Climbing up the hill, the explorers saw several boars. When the explorers climbed up the hill, they saw several boars/ several boars were seen.2、垂悬副词短语,如:、垂悬副词短语,如: After putting a shrimp on the hook, the fish

15、 began to bite. (误)正:(a) After putting a shrimp on the hook, the fisherman found that the fish began to bite. (b) After the fisherman had put a shrimp on the hook, the fish began to bite.3、垂悬不定式动词短语,如:、垂悬不定式动词短语,如: To write well, a lot of practice is needed. (误) 正:To write well, one needs a lot of p

16、ractice/a person has to practice a lot.Page 15述三类垂悬结构中,第一类发生的频率最高,必须注意。但是在下列三种情况下,分词短语是对的,它们并非垂悬结构:第一,独立结构(第一,独立结构(TheAbsoluteConstruction,见见3月月7日日中英合谈中英合谈)中的分词短语有自己的主语,所以不是垂悬结构。例如:中的分词短语有自己的主语,所以不是垂悬结构。例如: Such being the case, we can go home now./it is not wrong to call it a day.第二,当分词含有介词或连词性质时,它不

17、需要逻辑主语,所以没有垂悬问第二,当分词含有介词或连词性质时,它不需要逻辑主语,所以没有垂悬问题存在。例如:题存在。例如: Owing to a lack of funds, the project has to be discontinued. Provided that there is sufficient time, everyone can do the job better.第三,当分词短语是用来表示说话者的态度或意见时,也不需要逻辑主语,第三,当分词短语是用来表示说话者的态度或意见时,也不需要逻辑主语,因此也不存在着垂悬问题。例如:因此也不存在着垂悬问题。例如: Judging

18、from his facial look, the news must have been terrible. Taken as a whole, there is nothing wrong with the logic behind that idea.Page 16垂悬结构练习Coming soonPage 1719. When bathing the baby, the water should be warm, not hot.When bathing the baby, youshouldbe sure the water should be warm, not hot.20. T

19、o learn English well, much practice is necessary.To learn English well, weneedmuch practice.21. To pass the examination, work hard is expected. To pass the examination,youare expected to work hard. Page 1822. Although only a small boy, my father expected me to do a mans work.Although Iwasonly a smal

20、l boy, my father expected me to do a mans work.23. While reading the paper last night, an article on solar energy attracted my attention.While reading the paper last night, Ibecameinterested in an article on solar energy.24. When on the top floor of the tall building, the cars looked like tiny fish

21、in a stream.When Iwason the top floor of the tall building, the cars looked like tiny fish in a stream.Page 19破句平行结构中的错误修饰语位置歧义病句类型串句悬垂修饰语-逻辑主语一致性Page 2015种低级错误标点符号错误翻译技巧运用不成熟实际翻译运用中病句案例Page 21Page 21低级错误目录15类经典低级错误类经典低级错误10、序号错误序号错误自撰术语自撰术语用词不统一用词不统一粗体的用法粗体的用法缩写的用法缩写的用法斜体的用法斜体的用法Page 22Page 22翻译技巧目

22、录词义延伸、同义区别、举一反三词义延伸、同义区别、举一反三重复法和省略法的实战应用重复法和省略法的实战应用词性转换、成分转换、正反转换词性转换、成分转换、正反转换分清主从法、拆并句法、语序调整分清主从法、拆并句法、语序调整Page 23低级错误和标点用法错误过渡页Page 241、我们抽查了2009年8月、9月份生产物料统计报告。We sampled Production Materials Statistical Reports in August and September, 2009. We sampled Production Materials Statistical Reports

23、 forAugust and September, 2009.2. We grew rapidly to become a company of 131-strong with the turnover of over S$28million a year. 我们发展迅速,员工总数为131人,每年营业额超过两千八百万美元。 我们发展迅速,员工总数为131人,每年营业额超过两千八百万新两千八百万新币。3、春节拜访作为公司每年一次的重要的商务公关活动,对于推进公司各项业务的发 展有着重要的促进作用。As the important annual business activity, Spring

24、Festival plays a significant role in enhancing the development of Company business.As an important annual business activity, SpringFestivalvisitplays a significant role in promoting the business development of the Company.Page 254、一、海洋运输:-运输方式,运价组成与计算技巧,海运提单; 一、 Sea transport: - mode of transport, f

25、reight composition and calculation skills and Ocean Bill of Lading;I.Sea transport: mode of transport, freight composition and calculation skills, and Ocean Bill of Lading; 5、没人可以忽视金钱的重要性。 None can negative the importance of money. None can deny the importance of money.6、很多人喜欢去电影院看电影。 There are many

26、 people like to go to the movies. There are many people who like to go to the movies.7、我方已于2009年12月为你方代理了以下合同号项下的4船原油: As your agent, We purchased 4 ships of crude oil with contract number as follows: As your agent, we purchased 4 shipments of crude oil in December, 2009 under the following Contract

27、s No.:小组讨论Page 268、车辆应符合安全条件,司机应该有驾驶资质及证件。在厂区内行驶需严格遵 守厂区限速等交通规则。The vehicles shall meet the safety requirements. The drivers shall possess driving qualification and certificates. When driving within the plant area, the driver shall strictly observe traffic rules such as speed restriction.The vehicle

28、s shall meet the safety requirements. The drivers shall possess driving qualification and certificates andstrictlyobservetrafficrulessuch as speed restriction when driving within the plant area.9、对于不可预见费用的使用,我们理解是按年度项目进行报批。According to our understanding, for the use of contingency budget, we will re

29、port for approval as items within annual budget.According to our understanding, theuseofcontingency budget shall be reported and approved as per the annual items.10、本园建于清末,占地5亩,毁于20世纪50年代。 With the area of 5 mu, this garden was built at the end of the Qing Dynasty, but destroyed in the fifties of th

30、e 20th century. This garden, first built on a 5-mu site towards the end of the Qing Dynasty, was ruined in the 1950s.标点符号的妙用Page 27Page 27低级错误目录15类经典低级错误类经典低级错误10、序号错误序号错误自撰术语自撰术语用词不统一用词不统一粗体的用法粗体的用法缩写的用法缩写的用法斜体的用法斜体的用法Page 28Take a break!Page 29(1)中英翻译中注意尽量用词代替词组,用词组代替句子。(2)注意恰当处理重复部分的翻译。1、翻译的简洁性高级

31、翻译技巧运用(1)悬垂修饰的时候,确保逻辑主语的一致性。(2)学会恰当地运用介词结构、分词结构对句子隐含的逻辑关系进行整合。2、翻译的逻辑性(1)注意语言思维习惯的切换(2)正确选词非常关键,是意思表达到位的关键(3)肯定和否定的转换3、翻译的地道性高级翻译技巧运用Page 301、如何让译文变得简洁?Page 311、医生给了她一些治疗感冒的药。 The doctor gave her some medicine to cure her cold. The doctor gave her some medicine for her cold.2、进一步完善2010年底工作计划,提升业务团队的

32、工作效率。 Further improve the work plan at the end of 2010 to promote the working efficiency of BT.Further improve 2010year-endworkplan to enhance the working efficiency of BT.3、去年买的车坏了。 The car which was bought last year has broken down. The car boughtlastyearhas broken down. 译文的简洁性-1细节部分的恰当处理,让译文立刻简洁!

33、细节部分的恰当处理,让译文立刻简洁!Page 324、尽管他很懒,我还是很喜欢他。In spite of the fact that he is lazy, I like him.In spite of hislaziness, I like him.5、各保险公司都必须加速改革,以便迎接即将到来的挑战。Various insurance companies must hasten their reforms in order to meet challenges that are coming soon.Insurance companies will need to hasten thei

34、r reforms in order to meet forthcomingchallenges.6、8月20日起日发电量增加了3-4倍,燃料消耗同比例提高。 From August 20th, the electric quantity was increased by 3-4 times, and fuel consumption was also increased in the same proportion. From August 20th, the electric quantity was increased by 3-4 times, resultinginproportio

35、nalincrease of fuel consumption.译文的简洁性-2词组或单词代替句子,让译文立刻简洁!词组或单词代替句子,让译文立刻简洁!Page 337、 上海有一千三百多万人口,是世界上最大的城市之一。Shanghai is a city with a population of over thirteen million and is one of the largest cities in the world.Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world witha population of over 13 mil

36、lion.8、 除了生产工业产品所需的原料外,一个工业社会还必须有可靠的电力来源,具备有效的运输来源,具备有效的运输工具,并拥有熟练的人员来运作工厂。Beside the raw materials needed to produce industrial products, an industrial society must have reliable sources of electricity, possess efficient vehicles, and own skilled staff to operate factories.Besides the raw materials

37、 needed to produce industrial goods, an industrial society must have reliable sources of power, efficient means of transportation, and skilled people to operate factories.译文的简洁性-3(小组讨论)对重复部分的恰当处理,让译文立刻简洁!对重复部分的恰当处理,让译文立刻简洁!Page 34(1)中英翻译中本着尽量用词代替词组,用词组代替句子。(2)注意恰当处理重复部分的翻译。1、翻译的简洁性高级翻译技巧运用(1)悬垂修饰的时候

38、,确保逻辑主语的一致性。(2)学会恰当地运用介词结构、分词结构对句子隐含的逻辑关系进行整合。2、翻译的逻辑性(1)注意语言思维习惯的切换(2)正确选词非常关键,是意思表达到位的关键(3)肯定和否定的转换3、翻译的地道性高级翻译技巧运用Page 352、如何让译文具有逻辑性?Page 361、汽车比自行车速度更快。 Comparing with the bike, the car runs much faster.Compared with the bike, the car runs much faster.2、Walton 比其他城市冷。 The climate in Walton is c

39、older than other cities. The climate in Walton is colder than thatofother cities.3 、读完信后,我的心跳加快了。 After reading the letter, my heart was beating fast. After reading the letter, Ifoundmy heart beating fast.4、尽管我还只是个小男孩,我父亲却希望我去做男人的工作。 Although only a small boy, my father expected me to do a mans work

40、. Although Iwasonly a small boy, my father expected me to do a mans work.5、吃三明治的时候,五个蚊子叮了我。While eating my sandwich, five mosquitoes bit me. While Iwaseating my sandwich, five mosquitoes bit me. While eating my sandwich, Iwasbittenby five mosquitoes.译文的逻辑性讲解+讨论悬垂结构中找不到修饰主语的逻辑错误!悬垂结构中找不到修饰主语的逻辑错误!Pag

41、e 376、像冰箱、洗衣机这一类产品的市场并没有饱和,但是价格还是太高,如果不下调,是很难进一步普及的。 Products like the refrigerator and the washing machine have not yet their market saturated; but their prices are still too high. If not decreased, it is difficult to make them become more popular.The market for such products as the refrigerator an

42、d the washing machine has not been saturated yet, but their prices are still too high. If the prices do not go down, it is difficult to further popularize them. 悬垂结构中的省略从句逻辑错误!悬垂结构中的省略从句逻辑错误!Page 387、他将拿到更高的工资,提高生活水平。He will get a higher salary to improve his living level.He will get a higher salary

43、, thusimprovinghis life.8、中国的改革开放政策,引起了社会经济结构的巨大变化。结果使得国民经济大大发展,人民的生活水平大幅度提高。Chinas reform and opening-up policy has caused tremendous changes in the countrys social economical structure; and the result has made national economy to greatly develop and peoples living standard to raise to a great exte

44、nt.Chinas reform and opening-up has led to tremendous changes in the countrys social economic structure, resultingina great development in national economy and a substantial rise of peoples living standard. 因果逻辑关系的处理因果逻辑关系的处理Page 399、在6000平方米展览厅内,将陈列的地毯品种多、规格齐全、选择余地大。In the 6000 square meters exhibi

45、tion hall, the carpets displayed are featured with varieties, complete specifications and many choices.In the 6,000 sq. meter exhibition hall, a great variety of carpets of all specifications will be on display, providing a widerangeofchoices for both Chinese and foreign traders,. ing成分做伴随,表示潜在的逻辑关系

46、成分做伴随,表示潜在的逻辑关系Page 4010、这家设在珠海的企业,在珠江三角洲地区拥有三座工厂。其总公司与中山大学珠海校区毗邻,周围有方便的交通网,并与京珠高速公路便捷相通。This enterprise in Zhuhai has got three factories in the Pearl River Delta area. Its main office is adjacent to Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai District, has convenient traffic and easily connects with the highway

47、, which is from Beijing to Zhuhai.This Zhuhai-based enterprise has three factories in the Pearl River Delta area. Its main office is adjacent to Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus, with a convenient communication network around it and an easy access to the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway.标点符号标点符号- -连接号的

48、恰当选用,体现译文的简洁!连接号的恰当选用,体现译文的简洁!介词结构的运用,恰当地处理了从属成分。介词结构的运用,恰当地处理了从属成分。Page 4111、交易会深受中外客商的注目,现已成为地毯洽谈成交出口和市场信息交流的重要窗口。The trade fair has toughly obtained attention of domestic and foreign businessmen and now an important window of carpet negotiating & export and market information exchange.Wellreceive

49、dby traders both at home and abroad, theChinaCarpetFairhas become an important window on business talks and business transactions for export of Chinese carpets and exchange of market information. 过去分词的妙用,体现句子的层次和逻辑性!过去分词的妙用,体现句子的层次和逻辑性!Page 42(1)中英翻译中注意尽量用词代替词组,用词组代替句子。(2)注意恰当处理重复部分的翻译。1、翻译的简洁性高级翻译技

50、巧运用(1)悬垂修饰的时候,确保逻辑主语的一致性。(2)学会恰当地运用介词结构、分词结构对句子隐含的逻辑关系进行整合。2、翻译的逻辑性(1)注意语言思维习惯的切换(2)正确选词非常关键,是意思表达到位的关键(3)肯定和否定的转换3、翻译的地道性高级翻译技巧运用Page 433、如何让译文变得地道?Page 441、我上这个班是为了提高英语水平。I attend this class to raise my English level.I attend this class toimprovemy English. 2、请团队及承包商加紧清理现场垃圾,以免给后续工作带来不便。The busine

51、ss teams and contractors are expected to clear away the site garbage as soon as possible so as to prevent bringing any inconvenience for future work.The business teams and contractors are expected to clear away the site garbage as soon as possible so as to avoid any inconvenience for future work.3、这

52、样可以帮助孩子学习如何利用好时间。It will help children to form a good habit of dealing with time.It will help children learn to makegooduseoftime.译文的地道性-1如何对语言思维习惯进行转换,让译文地道!如何对语言思维习惯进行转换,让译文地道!Page 454、催化剂的包装形式为集装箱货柜。The packing form of catalyst shall be based on the containers.The catalyst shall be packedincontai

53、ners. 5、在外面吃饭最省事的一点就是吃完饭不用洗碗。Eating outside has the most advantage that we can go at any time when we finish eating without doing any washing.Thebestpartofeatingoutis that we can leave everything behind after meal. 译文的地道性-2如何对语言思维习惯进行转换,让译文地道!如何对语言思维习惯进行转换,让译文地道!Page 466、2009年8月20日销售给无锡公司的PPSS非标产品,批

54、号为715P1E,数量208吨,没有签订质量协议。 208 tons PPSS non-standard products (batch No. 090715P1E) sold to Wuxi Company on August 20th, 2009 did not sign quality agreement. No quality agreement was signed for PPSS nonstandard products(Batch No. 715P1E) with the quantity of 208 tons sold to Wuxi Company Limited on

55、August 20th, 2009.译文的地道性-3见词翻词导致的搞笑病句,不符合英文逻辑!见词翻词导致的搞笑病句,不符合英文逻辑!Page 477、要求在六周内完成综合评价并形成评价报告。 It is required to complete the comprehensive assessment and form the assessment report within six (6) weeks.It is required to complete the comprehensive assessment and generate the assessment report withi

56、n six (6) weeks.8、设备静电线脱落。The static wire came off the equipment.The anti-static wire came off the equipment.9、建立监控信息系统,记录监控薄弱环节,实施监控整改措施Establish Controls Information System, record weak links of controls and implement controls rectification measures. Establish Controls Information System to record

57、 weaknesses of controls and implement controls rectification measures.译文的地道性4-词的选用词的恰当选用,体现译文的地道!词的恰当选用,体现译文的地道!Page 4810、随着又更多的人拥有汽车,中国正从一个自行车王国走向一个汽车社会。Following more people who are owning cars, China is going into an automobile society from a kingdom of bicycles. With increasing numbers of people

58、 owning cars, China is progressing from a kingdom of bicycles towards an automobile society.词的恰当选用词的恰当选用+ + 词组代替句子,体现译文的地道和简洁!词组代替句子,体现译文的地道和简洁!Page 49(1)中英翻译中本着尽量用词代替词组,用词组代替句子。(2)注意恰当处理重复部分的翻译。1、翻译的简洁性高级翻译技巧运用(1)悬垂修饰的时候,确保逻辑主语的一致性。(2)学会恰当地运用介词结构、分词结构对句子隐含的逻辑关系进行整合。2、翻译的逻辑性(1)注意语言思维习惯的切换(2)正确选词非常关键

59、,是意思表达到位的关键3、翻译的地道性高级翻译技巧运用(3)肯定和否定的转换Page 50让我们再看看几个英中翻译的例子让我们再看看几个英中翻译的例子-肯定和否定转换的运用肯定和否定转换的运用Page 5111. Appearances are often deceptive.外表常常具有欺骗性。外表常常是靠不住靠不住的。12. The young people of the present day are beyond my comprehension.现今的年轻人超出我的理解范围。我看不懂看不懂现今的年轻人。13. You may spare yourself the trouble.你可

60、免于这个麻烦。你不必找不必找这个麻烦。E-C中肯定向否定的转换Page 5214. In negotiations and other relationships, Americans and Chinese both usually lack sufficient information and cultural background to emphasize well with each other.在进行谈判和处理其他关系时,美国人和中国人缺乏足够的信息和文化背景,因而不能很好地相互沟通。在进行谈判和处理其他关系时,美国人和中国人通常都不大了都不大了解对方解对方及其文化背景,因而不能很好

61、地相互沟通。E-C中肯定向否定的转换高难度句子Page 5315. There is nothing that has not its opposite.没有一样事物是没有对立面的。凡事凡事皆有皆有其对立面。其对立面。16. There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it.对于外国人来说,要欣赏丰富

62、多彩的英语,可能没有比莎士比亚使用英语的各种方法更好的方法。对于外国人来说,要欣赏丰富多彩的英语,学习莎士比亚使用英语的各种方法可能是最好的方法可能是最好的方法。E-C中双重否定变肯定Page 54(1)中英翻译中注意尽量用词代替词组,用词组代替句子。(2)注意恰当处理重复部分的翻译。1、翻译的简洁性高级翻译技巧运用(1)悬垂修饰的时候,确保逻辑主语的一致性。(2)学会恰当地运用介词结构、分词结构对句子隐含的逻辑关系进行整合。2、翻译的逻辑性(1)注意语言思维习惯的切换(2)正确选词非常关键,是意思表达到位的关键3、翻译的地道性高级翻译技巧运用(3)肯定和否定的转换Page 55谢谢THANKS



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