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1、Unit One The Dinner PartyA father and son are driving along the highway when suddenly their car goes out of hand and crashesinto a tree. The father dies instantly; his son is rushed to the hospital. He needs an emergency operation. The doctor comes into the operation room, looks at the boy and says,

2、 “ I cannot operate on that boy. That boy is my son.”Question: Is it possible that the boy is the doctors son? If so, how?Warm-up ActivitiesWarm-up ActivitiesGender Roles Gender Roles are are Stereotyped Stereotyped Gender BiasGender Bias Gender DiscriminationGender DiscriminationHow does Tennyson s

3、ee the roles of men and women? Explain his poem in your own words. You may begin your explanation with: His poem tells us that man works in the field while woman should stay at home. Man In literature works Man for the field and woman for the hearth (炉边, 喻家庭)Man for the sword and for the needle she

4、Man with the head and woman with the heartMan to command and woman to obey;All else confusion. from The Princess (1847) Man for the field and woman for the hearth Man for the sword and for the needle she Man with the head and woman with the heart Man to command and woman to obey男人耕作女持家;男人耕作女持家;男上战场女

5、纺纱。男上战场女纺纱。男人冷静女犹柔;男人冷静女犹柔;男施命令女听话。男施命令女听话。他耕耘劳作永无言,她看家护院心期盼。他耕耘劳作永无言,她看家护院心期盼。他浴血奋战在边关,她勤俭持家在家园。他浴血奋战在边关,她勤俭持家在家园。他思维缜密行从容,她心细如发露真情。他思维缜密行从容,她心细如发露真情。他指挥若定心地广,她谨小慎微不出行。他指挥若定心地广,她谨小慎微不出行。historyherstoryhousewifehousehusbandcareer womancareer manIn languageIn language Man:1. 男人男人2. 人类人类Chairman, busi

6、nessman, policeman In daily lifeIn daily lifeWho is braver?Woman VS ManIfyouareaman,areyoureadytoprotectawomanindanger?Ifyouareawoman,doyouexpectprotectionfromaman?Why?Now we are going to see what the authors opinion is and what the author tries to tell us.LocationIndia, officially called Republic o

7、fIndia, is a country in southern Asia,locatedonthesubcontinentofIndia.ItisboundedonthenorthbyAfghanistan,China,Nepal,andBhutan; on the east by Bangladesh,Myanmar(alsoknownasBurma),andtheBayofBengal;onthesouthbythePalk Strait and the Gulf of Mannr(whichseparatesitfromSriLanka)andtheIndianOcean;andont

8、hewestbytheArabianSeaandPakistan.Indiaisdivided into 26 states and 7 unionterritories.CapitalNewDelhiisthecountryscapitalandoneofitslargestcities.BeforeReading_India_MahatmaGandhi Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) - Indian Nationalist LeaderThecampaignofnonviolentcivilresistanceorganizedbyIndiannationalist

9、leader Mahatma Gandhi against British rule in India led to the countrysindependencein1947.Amemberofthemerchantcaste,MohandasK.Gandhi,latercalledMahatma(Sanskritfor“greatsoul”),GandhistudiedlawinLondon,England. As a lawyer and later as a political activist, he effectively foughtdiscriminationwiththep

10、rinciplesoftruth,nonviolence,andcourage,whichhederivedinpartfromtheteachingsofHinduism.BeforeReading_India_TheTajMahal The Taj Mahal The Taj Mahal The The Taj Taj Mahal, Mahal, designed designed as as a a tomb tomb for for the the wife wife of of a a 17th-century 17th-century Mughal Mughal emperor,

11、emperor, was was constructed constructed by by about about 20,000 20,000 workers workers from from 1631 1631 to to 1653 1653 in in a a city city in in northern northern India.India.The massive domed structure was constructed in the Indo-Islamic style, using white marble and inlaid gems. At each corn

12、er is a minaret (prayer tower), and passages from the Koran, the Muslim holy book, adorn the outside walls. The bodies of the emperor and his wife remain in a vault below the building. BeforeReading_India_SacredCow Sacred Cow Sacred Cow India has more cattle than any other country in the world. As a

13、 central part of Indias agrarian economy,cattle haul carts, plow fields and produce milk for dairy products.Considered sacred by many Hindus,cattle are protected from slaughter in most states and are often allowed to roam free.greetingsBeforeReading_Cobra Cobra Cobra Cobras, found in some parts of A

14、frica and Asia, are poisonous snakes.Mostcobrasbitetheirvictimsandtheirbitemaycausedeathwithinafewhours.The king cobra,the largest of all poisonous snakes, may reach a length of 18 ft (5.5 m) and feeds chiefly on other snakes. When disturbed, it raises its hooded head to get a better view or to stri

15、ke. Large individuals may raisethemselves to a height of about 1 m (about 4 ft).The Indian cobra is usually 4-5 ft (1.21.6 m) long. The snakes color ranges from yellowish to dark brown.It has a mark like a pair of spectacles on the back of its hood. It preys on rats and is therefore often found in h

16、ouses. The Indian cobra and the Egyptian cobra are often displayed by snake charmers. The cobras appear to respond to the music played by the charmer, but, like all snakes, they are deaf and only follow the movements of the charmer.BeforeReading_Cobra_ThekingcobraBeforeReading_Cobra_TheIndiancobraGl

17、obeReading._RearrangetheOrderofthePicturesRearrange the Order of the Pictures 3_2_5_1_4_6_Answer the following questions: Where and when does the story take place? What is the subject of discussion between the young girl and the major? What is the threat to all the people? How does the hostess react

18、? What is the naturalist reaction at the sight of the cobra?In India, before World War I Whether women have become braver or not A cobra Asks the servant to place a bowl of milk as bait calmlyDevelopment of the StoryA heated discussion on women The hostess strange expression and action The naturalis

19、ts reaction The hostesss answerOpeningDevelopmentClimaxEndingresponse and contrastThe theme of the story is reinforced and highlighted more effectively:Women are able to face a crisis with perfect calmness and self-control.A heated discussion about whether men are braver than women is settled in a r

20、ather unexpected way.Language Focusheated n+edadjhaving the characteristics of angry or excited skilled;experienced;aged The discussion was so heated that they fight with each other.settle solve, deal with 他以武力解决了此事,这点我不赞同。他以武力解决了此事,这点我不赞同。1. He has settled the affair by force, which I do not agree

21、with. account settlement 到账到账unexpected unthought-of 他们突然决裂使我非常震惊。他们突然决裂使我非常震惊。 I was shocked by their unexpected breakup. Unexpected death 猝死猝死An unexpected visitor 不素之客不素之客Article1-2_WIfirstheardthistaleinIndia,whereitistoldasiftruethoughanynaturalistwouldknowitcouldntbe.(T)Latersomeonetoldmethatt

22、hestoryappearedinamagazineshortly before theFirstWorld War. Thatmagazine story,andthepersonwhowroteit,Ihaveneverbeenabletotrackdown.The Dinner Party Mona Gardner我最初听到这个故事是在印度,那儿的人们今天讲起来仍好象实有其事似的-尽管任何一个博物学家都知道这不可能是真的.track downfind sb./sth. by searching By using tracker dogs, the police finally track

23、ed down those criminals.examples:1.By careful examination, the docotors hope to track down the source of the infection (感染).2. The police were determined to track down the criminal wherever he might be hiding. Article1-2_WThe country is India. A colonialofficialandhiswifearegivingalargedinner party.

24、 They are seated withtheir guests officers and theirwives, and a visiting Americannaturalistintheirspaciousdiningroom,whichhasabaremarblefloor,open rafters and wide glass doorsopeningontoaveranda.colonial colony + al adj 香港曾经是英国的殖民地。香港曾经是英国的殖民地。 Hong Kong was once a colony of Britain. official/offic

25、er officer 更多地指长官,行政长官,军官等更多地指长官,行政长官,军官等 那些等级较高的官员。那些等级较高的官员。 official更多是指普通官员,公务员等。更多是指普通官员,公务员等。CEO Chief Executive Officerbe seated:sit down1. The Australian team will be seated in business class. 澳大利亚队将乘坐商务舱。2. There were chairs, but no one motioned her to be seated. 旁边有椅子, 但是没有人示意她坐下来.3. The p

26、erformance was put on in the open air, with audience seatedseated on benches, chairs or boxes(这里省略了be) spaciousspace + ous adj. full of space famous; dangerous; curious spacious dining roombare: adj. not covered 经过几年的努力,那些原本光秃秃的山现在已经被绿树覆盖。经过几年的努力,那些原本光秃秃的山现在已经被绿树覆盖。 After years of efforts, those ori

27、ginally bare hills are covered with green trees. no more than; mere最低限度的生活必需品最低限度的生活必需品the bare necessities of lifev. reveal 当蛇一露出牙齿,她马上就叫起来了。当蛇一露出牙齿,她马上就叫起来了。 She screamed as the snake bared its teeth.verandaArticle3-5_WA spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who says that women have

28、outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era and a major who says that they havent. “A womans reaction in any crisis,” the major says, “is to scream. And while a man may feel like it, he has that ounce more of control than a woman has. And that last ounce is what really counts.” sprin

29、g up: arise or grow quickly sprang; sprung 许多楼房已在原是一片沙漠的地带涌现出来。许多楼房已在原是一片沙漠的地带涌现出来。Many buildings have sprung up in what was a desert. outgrow1) grow more than 他长得比他哥哥还高。他长得比他哥哥还高。He has outgrown his elder brother.2) grow too large forThe boy has outgrown this suit.3) lose or discard in the course o

30、f maturation 她长大成熟后不再拥有年轻时代的幻想。她长大成熟后不再拥有年轻时代的幻想。She outgrew her youthful idealism. She outgrew her closthes so rapidly that her mother had to buy new ones.The girl may outgrow her interest in fashion.Did she outgrow your preference?The little girl outgrows her fear of pet animals.Do we never truly

31、outgrow naughty behavior?at (the) sigh of sb. / sth.She burst into tears at the sight of her mother. at first sight They fell in love at first sight.crisis : time of great difficulty or danger an economic crisis 真正的朋友是在你有难时能伸出援手的人。真正的朋友是在你有难时能伸出援手的人。 A true friend is the one who will help you when y

32、ou are in times of crises. at a crisis 在在紧紧急关急关头头bring to a crisis 使陷入危机使陷入危机come to a crisis 陷入危机陷入危机face a crisis 面面临临危机危机pass a crisis 渡渡过过危机危机, 脱离危脱离危险险期期feel like:have a liking for, wish for; want (sth. to do sth.)多么好的天气啊!我真想去游泳。多么好的天气啊!我真想去游泳。What lovely weather! I do feel like a swim.Since th

33、e weather was cold, James did not feel like a swim.Do you feel like going to a movie? 你想看电影吗? This new man-made material feels like real leather. 这种新型人造材料摸起来像真皮一样。 While conj.during the time thatHe knocked the door while I was washing my hair.to show a contrast (whereas)I like winter most while he l

34、ikes summer most. although While Mary loves Mike very much, she wont give up her job for him. as long as While there is life there is will.count: vi. be of value or importanceIts not the weapons but the men who use them that count.你读了多少书并不重要,而你读了什么书才是真你读了多少书并不重要,而你读了什么书才是真正重要的。正重要的。count /matter Its

35、 as if your opinions, your likes and dislikes just dont count. 就好像是你的意见、你的好恶根本不重要似的。就好像是你的意见、你的好恶根本不重要似的。 The votes in the marginals are those that really count. 边缘席位的选票才是最关键的。边缘席位的选票才是最关键的。 Article3-5_WThe American does not join in the argument but watches the other guests. As he looks, he sees a s

36、trange expression come over the face of the hostess. She is staring straight ahead, her muscles contracting slightly. She motions to the native boy standing behind her chair and whispers something to him. The boys eyes widen: he quickly leaves the room. argument: n. 1) discussion by persons who disa

37、gree; dispute The two girls were having an argument over the death of their pet.stare (at)to look directly at sb./sth. for a long time Dont stare at me!contract: vi. 1) make or become tighter or narrowerHer stomach contracted at the sight of a cobra.2) make or become smaller or shorterMetal contract

38、s as it cools.金属遇冷收金属遇冷收缩缩。3) settle or arrange by formal arrangement Their firm has contracted to build a bridge across the river.sign contract n. sales contract contract price contract workermotion v. indicate to sb. by a gesture 他边讲电话边示意我坐下。他边讲电话边示意我坐下。1. He motioned me to sit down while talking

39、over the phone.2. She motioned for the locked front doors to be opened. n. signal by hand or head He made a motion to make me sit down. moving set the new plan in motion Article6-9_WOf the guests, none except the American notices this or sees the boy place a bowl of milk on the veranda just outside

40、the open doors.The American comes to with a start. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thing bait for a snake. He realizes there must be a cobra in the room. He looks up at the rafters the likeliest place but they are bare. Three corners of the room are empty, and in the fourth the servants are

41、waiting to serve the next course. There is only one place left under the table.Article6-9_W_cometoDirections:You are required to match the definitionsabovewiththemeaningofthisphraseinthefollowingsentences.*come to: 1) be aware of, regain consciousness 2) occur to sb. 3) amount to, be equal to The ol

42、d lady fainted on the street and found herself in the first aid room when she came to. Jims rent comes to thirty per cent of his salary. The doctor applied some medicine and the driver began to come to.It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong all along. all of a sudden突然地,突如其来地,猛然地; 恍 1.All o

43、f a sudden, right after the summer, Mother gets married 2.All of a sudden my heart hardened against her3.So why did he get interested all of a sudden? Search me.likely adj./adv. probable/probably The weather is likely to change. The weather will likely change.Article6-9_WHis first impulse is to jump

44、 back and warn the others, but he knows the commotion would frighten the cobra into striking. He speaks quickly, the tone of his voice so commanding that it silences everyone. “I want to know just what control everyone at this table has. I will count three hundred thats five minutes and not one of y

45、ou is to move a muscle. Those who move will forfeit 50 rupees. Ready!” impulsen. sudden wish to do sth. 我突然想去逛街。我突然想去逛街。 I feel an impulse to go shopping. impulse buyingcommotionn. noisy confusion or excitement This country is totally in commotion. frighten sb. Into doing sth. 那小孩被吓得大哭起来。那小孩被吓得大哭起来。

46、 That child was frightened into crying. 眼眼镜镜蛇的出蛇的出现现吓得客人吓得客人们们尖叫起来。尖叫起来。 The appearance of a cobra frightened the guests into screaming. Exercises1.trick.into, marry2. force.into, buy3. talk.into, accept4. persuade .into,give up5. shock.into,realizeArticle10-13_WThe 20 people sit like stone images w

47、hile he counts. He is saying “. two hundred and eighty” when, out of the corner of his eye, he sees the cobra emerge and make for the bowl of milk. Screams ring out as he jumps to slam the veranda doors safely shut. “You were right, Major!” the host exclaims. “A man has just shown us an example of p

48、erfect self-control.”“Just a minute,” the American says, turning to his hostess. “Mrs. Wynnes, how did you know that cobra was in the room?”A faint smile lights up the womans face as she replies: “Because it was crawling across my foot.” emergecome or appear 我觉得还会出现一次经济危机。我觉得还会出现一次经济危机。 I think anot

49、her economic crisis will emerge. make for go toward 现在太晚了,我们回家吧。现在太晚了,我们回家吧。 Its too late, lets make for home. 一下课,大家都涌向食堂。一下课,大家都涌向食堂。 When the class is over, every one makes for the canteen.ring outsound loudly and clearly 当那位明星出现时,粉丝群中突然爆发出当那位明星出现时,粉丝群中突然爆发出一阵尖叫。一阵尖叫。 When that pop star appeared,

50、 screams rang out from the group of fans. faint adj. weak or slight a faint hope v. lose consciousness unexpectedly light up give light to 火光照亮了整个房间,也照亮了他的脸庞。火光照亮了整个房间,也照亮了他的脸庞。1. The fire lit up the whole room, and his cheek too. 2 On September 5, at the end of the festival, a massive display of fi

51、reworks will light up the sky around Broadlands. 9月月5日,也就是庆祝活动的最后,会有大型焰日,也就是庆祝活动的最后,会有大型焰火表演照亮布罗德兰附近的夜空。火表演照亮布罗德兰附近的夜空。look very surprised or happy1.Sues face lit up with surprise.她一脸惊诧。2.You should see his eyes light up when he talks about home. 你真该看看他谈到家的时候眼睛放光的模样start burning or smoking1.He held

52、a match while she lit up.他拿了根火柴为她点烟。2.He took his time lighting up a cigarette. 他不慌不忙地点了一支烟。3. The coal in the BBQ grill finally lit upa spirited discussion, outgrow, at the sight ofcome to with a start, frighten sb. into doing sth. , sit like stone imagesslam the doorcrawl ones feet SummaryA coloni

53、al offical and his wife were_(正在举行晚宴). A little girl and a major _(展开激烈的讨论)The girl believed that _(女性不会像过去一样见到老鼠就跳到椅子上),but the major argued with certainty that a mouse would _(肯定会吓得女性尖叫).Exercisesempty (内部)空的 an empty box 一个空盒子一个空盒子 bare (部分)赤裸的 如:如:bare fist 赤手空拳的赤手空拳的 bare foot光着光着脚的脚的 bare legg

54、ed 光着腿的光着腿的 一)1.bare2.empty3.empty4.bare5.empty6.bare二)1.shortly2.trackdown3.faint4.motioned5.atthesightof6.feellike7.slamming8.rangout9.contract10.madefor11.heated12.emerged三)1.host2.sprangup/rangout3.impulse4.cameto5.trackdown6.unexpected7.outgrow8.widened9.shortly10.emerge/springup11.atthesightof




58、oseobjectingshouldexplaintheirreasons.6.Afteradayswork,IfeltIhadlittleenergyleft.7.Iknewofsomeoftheathletestakingpart.8.Thesuccessobtainedsurprisedthosewhohadgivenuptheprojectasimpossible.七)1.Duringthetimethat2.Aslongas3.Although4.aslongas5.whereas6.Although7.whereas8.Although1. They frightened the

59、child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into

60、giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1.Guestsaretobebackinthehotelbytwelveoclock.2.Aninvestigationistobemadenextweek.3.Iamtomeetthemattheairport.4.YouaretofinishyourhomeworkbeforeyouwatchTV.5.Themedicineistobetakenthreetimesadayaftermeals.6.BobandSus


62、here27.made28.eyes九)1.dothecooking3.hardlythoughtso3.settleddown4.halfexpected5.equipment6.boiledover7.whythingsweresoquiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefieldTranslationTheir argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word. The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the

63、commanding tone of the American. Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone. While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane. The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself. While she felt like joining the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home? The hunters face was lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and make for the trap he had laid. Thank you for listening



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