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1、2024/7/27Genetics1遗传学遗传学2024/7/27Genetics2主主要要教教学学参参考考书书2024/7/27Genetics3教学安排教学安排 (共共32学时学时)第一章第一章 绪绪 论论 2 2学时学时第二章第二章 细胞生殖和模式遗传生物细胞生殖和模式遗传生物 2 2学时学时第三章第三章 孟德尔学说:遗传的基本原则孟德尔学说:遗传的基本原则 2 2学时学时第四章第四章 孟德尔学说的扩展孟德尔学说的扩展 4 4学时学时第五章第五章 孟德尔学说的染色体基础孟德尔学说的染色体基础 4 4学时学时第六章第六章 染色体结构和数量的变化染色体结构和数量的变化 2 2学时学时第七章第

2、七章 真核生物的连锁、交换和染色体作图真核生物的连锁、交换和染色体作图 4 4学学时时第八章第八章 微生物的遗传学微生物的遗传学 4 4学时学时第九章第九章 复杂性状的遗传复杂性状的遗传 4 4学时学时第十章第十章 群体遗传学群体遗传学 4 4学时学时2024/7/27Genetics4费曼物理学讲义费曼物理学讲义前言前言我讲授的主要目的,不是帮助你们应付考试,我讲授的主要目的,不是帮助你们应付考试,也不是帮你们为工业或国防服务。我最希也不是帮你们为工业或国防服务。我最希望做到的是,让你们欣赏这奇妙的世界以望做到的是,让你们欣赏这奇妙的世界以及物理学观察它的方法及物理学观察它的方法”。Rich

3、ard Phillips Feynman 我的教学理念我的教学理念在获得知识的同时,获得快乐与满足!在获得知识的同时,获得快乐与满足!2024/7/27Genetics5课程目标课程目标 展示重大发现,阐述基本原理展示重大发现,阐述基本原理展示科学概念的发展,阐述科学的进展展示科学概念的发展,阐述科学的进展展示人类遗传疾病、遗传学与社会发展之间展示人类遗传疾病、遗传学与社会发展之间的关系,阐述人类遗传学的关系,阐述人类遗传学展示实验数据和问题的综合分析,发展学生展示实验数据和问题的综合分析,发展学生们的评判性思维们的评判性思维2024/7/27Genetics6教学思路教学思路我们的态度:我们

4、的态度:思路决定出路、态度决定前思路决定出路、态度决定前途、细节决定成败、过程决定收获。途、细节决定成败、过程决定收获。教学方式:教学方式:反转式课堂教学反转式课堂教学考核方式:考核方式:期末考试期末考试70%平时平时30% 包括:出勤、互包括:出勤、互动、作业、平时测验动、作业、平时测验上海外滩夜景上海外滩夜景思源湖畔读书思源湖畔读书2024/7/27Genetics172024/7/27Genetics18Genetics, a Science about Similarities and DifferencesThree Great Milestones in GeneticsDNA a

5、s the Genetic MaterialGenetics and EvolutionLevels of Genetic AnalysisGenetics in the World: Applications of Genetics to Human EndeavorsChapter Outline2024/7/27Genetics19Section 1Genetics, a Science about Similarities and DifferencesThe Science of genetics focuses on a material that links generation

6、s and that explains the similarities and differences among individuals.2024/7/27Genetics202009年考入我校的双胞胎姐妹年考入我校的双胞胎姐妹和三胞胎兄弟和三胞胎兄弟2024/7/27Genetics21The defining feature of the hereditary material is that it passes from one generation to the next.Replication (复制复制)Expression (表达表达)Mutation (突变突变)2024/

7、7/27Genetics22Key PointsGenetics is the study of the hereditary materials.The hereditary material explains both the similarities and differences among organisms.2024/7/27Genetics23Section 2Three Great Milestones in GeneticsGenetics is rooted in the research of Gregor Mendel, a monk who discovered ho

8、w traits are inherited. The molecular basis of heredity was revealed when James Watson and Francis Crick elucidated the structure of DNA. The Human Genome Project is currently engaged in the detailed analysis of human DNA.2024/7/27Genetics241、Mendel: Genes and the Rules of Inheritance2024/7/27Geneti

9、cs25Mendels method involved hybridizing plants that showed different traitsfor example, short plants were hybridized with tall plantsto see how the traits were inherited by the offspring.2024/7/27Genetics26Mendels careful analysis enabled him to discern patterns, which led him to postulate the exist

10、ence of hereditary factors responsible for the traits he studied. We now called these factors genes (基因基因). He discovered that these genes exist in different forms, which we now call alleles (等位基因等位基因).2024/7/27Genetics27Mendel proposed that pea plants carry two copies of each gene.These copies may

11、be same or different.During reproduction, one of the copies is randomly incorporated into each sex cell or gamete.配子配子2024/7/27Genetics28These discoveries were published in 1866 in the Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Brnn, the journal of the scientific society in the city where Mendel

12、lived and worked.In 1900, sixteen years after he died, the paper finally came to light, and the science of genetics was born.The science of genetics was born2024/7/27Genetics292、Watson and Crick: The Structure of DNAWhat is gene?Genes were shown to consist of substances called nucleic acids.2024/7/2

13、7Genetics302024/7/27Genetics313、The Human Genome Project: Sequencing DNA and Cataloguing Genes2024/7/27Genetics32Key PointsMendel postulated the existence of genes to explain how traits are inherited.Alleles, the alternate forms of genes, account for heritable differences among individuals.James Wat

14、son and Francis Crick elucidated the structure of DNA, a macromolecule composed of two complementary chains of nucleotides.2024/7/27Genetics33Key PointsDNA is the hereditary material in all life forms except some types of viruses, in which RNA is the hereditary material.The Human Genome Project dete

15、rmined the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA of the human genome.Sequencing the DNA of a genome provides the data to identify and catalogue all the genes of an organism.2024/7/27Genetics34Section 3. DNA as the Genetic MaterialThe central dogma (中心法则中心法则) in biology is that information flows from DN

16、A to RNA to protein.2024/7/27Genetics35DNA Replication: Propagating Genetic Information2024/7/27Genetics36Gene Expression: Using Genetic Information2024/7/27Genetics37The central dogma of molecular biology2024/7/27Genetics38Mutation: Changing Genetic InformationThe nature and consequence of a mutati

17、on in the gene for human -globin.Glutamic acid valine谷氨酸 缬氨酸2024/7/27Genetics39The process of mutation has another aspectit introduces variability into the genetic material of organisms.Over time, the mutant genes created by mutation may spread through a population much like the mutant -globin (珠蛋白珠

18、蛋白) gene has spread in some human populations.These changes in the genetic composition of a population are the basis of biological evolution.2024/7/27Genetics40Key PointsWhen DNA replicates, each strand of a duplex molecule serves as the template for the synthesis of a complementary strand.When gene

19、tic information is expressed, one strand of a genes DNA duplex (双螺旋双螺旋) is used as a template for the synthesis of a complementary strand of RNA.For most genes, RNA synthesis (transcription, 转录转录) generates a molecule (the RNA transcript) that becomes a messenger RNA (mRNA)2024/7/27Genetics41Key Poi

20、ntsCoded information in an mRNA is translated into a sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide.Mutations can alter the DNA sequence of a gene.The genetic variability created by mutation is the basis for biological evolution.2024/7/27Genetics42Section 4.Genetics and EvolutionGenetics has much to contr

21、ibutes to the scientific study of evolution.2024/7/27Genetics43Who are we?Where did we come from?What aspects of the genetic material make us human?Has it changed over times?Is our genetic material related to that of other species?Is our history part of the larger history of life?2024/7/27Genetics44

22、Charles DarwinAlfred Russel Wallace 进进化化论论的的创创始始者者2024/7/27Genetics452024/7/27Genetics46Key PointsEvolution depends on the occurrence, transmission, and spread of mutant genes in groups of organisms.DNA sequence data provide a way of studying the historical process of evolution.2024/7/27Genetics47Se

23、ction 5.Levels of Genetic AnalysisGeneticists approach their science from different points of view from that of a gene, a DNA molecule, or a population of organism.2024/7/27Genetics48Classical GeneticsThe period prior to the discovery of the structure of DNA is often spoken of as the ear of classica

24、l genetics (经典遗传学经典遗传学).During this time, geneticists pursued their science by analyzing the outcomes of crosses between different strains of organisms, much as Mendel had done in his work with peas.2024/7/27Genetics49In this type of analysis, genes are identified by studying the inheritance of trai

25、t differencestall pea plant versus short pea plant, for examplein the offspring of crosses (杂交杂交).The trait (性状性状) differences are due to the alternate forms of genes.Sometimes more than one gene influences a trait, and sometimes environmental conditionsfor example, temperature and nutritionexert an

26、 effect.2024/7/27Genetics50The classical approach to the study of genes can also be coordinated with studies on the structure and behavior of chromosomes, which are the cellular entities that contains genes.By analyzing patterns of inheritance, geneticists can localize genes to specific chromosomea

27、practice called chromosome mapping.Because these studies emphasize the transmission of genes and chromosomes form one generation to the next, they are often referred to as exercises in transmission genetics (传递遗传学传递遗传学).2024/7/27Genetics51However, classical genetics is not limited to the analysis of

28、 gene and chromosome transmission.It also studies the nature of the genetic materialhow it controls traits and how it mutates.2024/7/27Genetics52Molecular GeneticsWe will present examples of molecular genetic analysis in Molecular Biology in next semester!2024/7/27Genetics53Population GeneticsGeneti

29、cs can also be studied at the level of an entire population of organisms.Individuals within a population may carry different alleles of many genes.These differences make individuals genetically distinct, possibly even unique.In other words, the members of a population vary in their genetic makeup.20

30、24/7/27Genetics54Geneticists seek to document this variability and to understand its significance.Their most basic approach is to determine the frequencies of specific alleles in a population and then to ascertain if these frequencies change over time.If they do, the population is evolving.The asses

31、sment of genetic variability in a population is therefore a foundation for the study of biological evolution.2024/7/27Genetics55It is also useful in the effort to understand the inheritance of complex traits, such as body size or disease susceptibility.Often complex traits are of considerable intere

32、sting because they have an agriculture or a medical significance.2024/7/27Genetics56Key PointsIn classical genetic analysis, genes are studied by following the inheritance of traits in crosses between different strains of an organism.In molecular genetic analysis, genes are studied by isolating, seq

33、uencing, and manipulating DNA and by examining the products of gene expression.In population genetic analysis, genes are studied by assessing the variability among individuals in a group of organisms.2024/7/27Genetics57Section 6.Genetics in the World: Applications of Genetics to Human EndeavorsGenet

34、ics is relevant in many venues outside the research laboratory.2024/7/27Genetics58Genetics in agriculture2024/7/27Genetics59Genetics in Medicine2024/7/27Genetics60Genetics in SocietyMany many questions?2024/7/27Genetics61Key PointsDiscoveries in genetics are changing procedures and practices in agriculture and medicine.Advances in genetics are raising ethical, legal, political, social, and philosophical questions.2024/7/27Genetics62房前屋后房前屋后种瓜种豆种瓜种豆种瓜得瓜种瓜得瓜种豆得豆种豆得豆



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