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1、 高二下学期高二下学期(xuq)三月三月份考试份考试 英英 语语 书书 面面 表表 达达 错错 误误 分分 析析2014.03.19双辽一中双辽一中 李淑芳李淑芳 第一页,共25页。1.Some people thinks it is not2.It also help us to study hard and 3.But we doesnt have enough time to do it.4.but our bodies is more important.5. Students doesnt have many time to study.6.Too much exercise mak

2、e students tired.thinkhelpsdontaredontmakes主谓一致主谓一致(yzh)错误错误_第二页,共25页。1. Here are their opinion.2. This are the results.3. So our grade are not very good.4. This is my thoughts.5. The students advice are different.6. Some students think we student should do exercise every day.7. Many high school stu

3、dent think8. and more sport activity can make us feel tired.opinionsThese gradesThese (are)ideas/opinionsstudentsstudentsactivities数的一致数的一致(yzh)错误错误_第三页,共25页。1.Too many sports activities made us tired, and it is bad for our body.2. Most students thought exercise is good for our body and makethink时态一

4、致时态一致(yzh)错误错误_第四页,共25页。1. As a high (school) student, (the) study time is short for them.2. In a word, I think doing exercise is good for our health and teamwork, but we should not do a lot of them. him/herit指代指代(zh di)一致错误一致错误_第五页,共25页。主谓一致主谓一致(yzh)错误错误数的一致数的一致(yzh)错误错误时态时态(sh ti)一致错误一致错误指代一致错误指代一

5、致错误一致性错误一致性错误一、一、错误类型归类错误类型归类第六页,共25页。 1. students thought we should do exercise every day.2. Our school take a survey about this. thinkhas taken二、时态二、时态(sh ti)与语态错误与语态错误_第七页,共25页。 keep our healthy, most of students, 65% students, almost students, little diseases, can strong their body, Our time is

6、limit. a exercise class, do exercise everyday, we are illness, have few time, much sports activities, make our body more healthier, Doing exercise can be tired. Healthy is studentss time, we start discuss, give us healthy, another students/people三、词的使用错误三、词的使用错误(cuw)(误用)(误用)_第八页,共25页。a plenty of, mi

7、ght injured, could used, should to deal with, should doing,We should used more time on study.We are suppose to study hard.Exercise has beneficial for us.It has bad to study. on morning, I hope you to join inmake our head to relax,make our head to have a good rest,四、固定用法四、固定用法(yn f)错误错误_第九页,共25页。1)Th

8、e two ideas both are right. 2) It also can make them relaxed.The two ideas are both right._It can also make them relaxed.1、放错、放错 位置位置(wi zhi)1) A healthily body is more important.2) Well become a strong and study well student.3)have a health body._healthywell-studying2、定语、定语(dngy) 误用误用_healthy第十页,共2

9、5页。1)do it careful.2)study good.3)they very like sports._carefullywellthey like sports (very) much3、状语、状语(zhungy) 误用误用第十一页,共25页。放错位置放错位置(wi zhi)定语定语(dngy)误用误用状语状语(zhungy)误用误用五、修饰语方面五、修饰语方面 的的 错错 误误第十二页,共25页。1) Have a healthy body is more important than study.2) Do exercise (Do more sports) can make

10、us strong.3) Some students think should do exercise every day.4) They think that do exercise can make us stronger and stronger._Having a healthy bodyDoing exercise/more sportsthey /students shoulddoing exercise1、主语方面、主语方面(fngmin)的错误的错误第十三页,共25页。1) We have very tired.2) They are agree to do exercise.

11、3) when we doing exercise_are_are去掉去掉(q dio)用词用词(yn c)错误错误1)They also think do more exercises will make us tired. 2) So they think not to do sports is good.3) So exercise one hour a day, live a whole happy life._that we should , which will make _that we shouldnt do, which is_exercise, and live多个谓语动词

12、多个谓语动词(dngc)连用(连动式)连用(连动式)_do第十四页,共25页。1) We cant without health.2) We can happy.3) It bad for body.4) We body important, too._cant live( a happy life)_can be It is bad for Our bodies are _谓语动词谓语动词(dngc)缺失(不全)缺失(不全)第十五页,共25页。用词用词(yn c)错误错误多个谓语动词多个谓语动词(dngc)连用连用 (连动式)(连动式)谓语动词谓语动词(dngc)缺失(不全)缺失(不全)2、

13、谓语方、谓语方 面的错误面的错误第十六页,共25页。1) They should take part in.2) They have discussed.They should take part in sports / doing exercise.They have discussed the topic.3、宾语、宾语(bny)方面的错误方面的错误第十七页,共25页。1) There are 35 percent students think so. 2) Finally, not only the study is very important, but also health is

14、more and more important than others.There are 35 percent students who think so.4、某些、某些(mu xi)特殊句型方面的错误特殊句型方面的错误Finally, not only is study very important,_第十八页,共25页。1)The topic is the high school students tired, it is bad for studying.2) And its bad for study, it can make us tired1)So our school disc

15、ussed that whether high school students should exercise every day.2) Although study is important, but before that, we must have a healthy body.So our school had a discuss about if we should do exercises every day.and 或或itwhich_whether无无连连词词(linc)多多连连词词(linc)错错连连词词(linc)5、连词方面的错误、连词方面的错误第十九页,共25页。1、主

16、语方面、主语方面(fngmin)的问题的问题2、谓语、谓语(wiy)方面方面的问题的问题3、宾语方面、宾语方面(fngmin)的问题的问题4、某些特殊句型方面的错误、某些特殊句型方面的错误5、连词方面的错误、连词方面的错误 六、六、句法错误句法错误第二十页,共25页。1. Because it can improve our bodies.They should take exercise, because it can improve our bodies.2. When they take too much exercise. That will make them tired.When

17、they take too much exercise, they will be easily tired.七、(复合句)句子七、(复合句)句子(j zi)不完整不完整第二十一页,共25页。It might hurt when we are playing sportsIt might be hurt in sports.Most important that it maybe get injuredit is not able to our study.doing exercise may got hurt.Do exercise maybe hurt themselves._We mig

18、ht get hurt_Most importantly, we _doing exercise may make us hurt._八、含糊八、含糊(hn hu)第二十二页,共25页。In my opinion, I think that we shouldIn my opinion, we should 九、累赘九、累赘(li zhu)1.Well have a discussion about the high students if should exercise every day.2.It leads we cant have enough time to study.3.On m

19、y school have some students think, we should join in exercise everyday十、十、Chinglish第二十三页,共25页。1、首字母大写大小写问题、首字母大写大小写问题2、标点符号问题、标点符号问题3、换行问题、换行问题4、书写工整、卷面、书写工整、卷面(jun min)整洁问题整洁问题5、使用矫正带问题、使用矫正带问题十一十一(ShY)、书写规范性问题、书写规范性问题第二十四页,共25页。错误错误(cuw)类型归类类型归类一、一致性错误一、一致性错误(cuw)二、时态二、时态(sh ti)与语态错误与语态错误三、词的使用错误(误用)三、词的使用错误(误用)四、固定用法错误四、固定用法错误五、修饰语方面的问题五、修饰语方面的问题六、句法错误六、句法错误七、(复合句)句子不完整七、(复合句)句子不完整八、含糊八、含糊九、累赘九、累赘十、十、Chinglish十一、书写规范性问题十一、书写规范性问题主谓、数、时态、指代主谓、数、时态、指代错位、定语、状语错位、定语、状语主语、谓语、宾语、特殊句型、连词主语、谓语、宾语、特殊句型、连词第二十五页,共25页。



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