八年级英语上册 Chapter 1 A letter from a pen-friend 上海牛津版 知识精讲_外语学习-英语学习

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八年级英语上册 Chapter 1 A letter from a pen-friend 上海牛津版 知识精讲_外语学习-英语学习_第1页
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《八年级英语上册 Chapter 1 A letter from a pen-friend 上海牛津版 知识精讲_外语学习-英语学习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语上册 Chapter 1 A letter from a pen-friend 上海牛津版 知识精讲_外语学习-英语学习(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 八年级英语上册 Chapter 1 A letter from a pen-friend (1) 上海牛津版 知识精讲 八年级英语上册 Chapter 1 A letter from a pen-friend (1) 上海牛 津版 【本讲教育信息】 一. 教学=like doing sth. = enjoy doing sth. 12. be friendly to sb. 对某人友善 e.g: He is friendly to everyone 13. at school 与 in the school 的区分: at school 前不加冠词,表示在学校,强调的是地点 in the s

2、chool 前加冠词, 也表示在学校,但强调的是在学校学习这件事。 14. in the middle 在中间 eg: He stood in the middle of the classroom. 15. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事。 eg: Please tell me something about English. 16. best wishes 最美好的祝愿. 注意:wish 要变复数。 17. look the word in the dictionary 查字典 18. as well 也 = too= also 注意:虽然它们意思相同但是用法不同

3、。 as well 放在句末 , too 也放在句末,前面加“,” ,also 放在句中 eg: I also like playing the violin. = I like playing the violin, too. = I like playing the violin as well. 19. all in = tired 劳累 用心 爱心 专心 1 20. difficult to hear = inaudible 听不见的 21. come out of 出自于 come out 出来,呈现 eg: I came out of my mother s body. 22. a

4、mbition= strong wish 志向,雄心 23. full name 全名: His full name. 他的全名。 24. not at all 根本不 eg: I dont like dog at all. 我根本就不喜欢狗。 二. 重点句子: 1. Which is your favourite sport? 你最喜欢的是哪一项体育运动? = Which sport do you like best ? favourite = like best 最喜欢 eg: I like Chinese best. = My favourite language is Chinese.

5、 2. A boy called Sidney. = A boy with the name of Sidney. 一个叫做西德尼的男孩。 3. I would like to be your pen-friend. 我愿意成为你的笔友。 = I want to be your pen-friend. would like to do = want to do would like sb. to do = want sb. to do 4. I will tell you some things about myself. 我将告诉你一些关于我本人的事情。 tell 意为告诉, 常用句式: t

6、ell sb. about sth. 或 tell sb. to do sth. He told me a story last night. 他昨天晚上给我讲了一个故事。 Our teacher often tells us not to talk in the class. 我们的老师经常告诉我们不要在课堂上讲话。 5. They came from Hong Kong , but I have never been there. 他们来自于香港, 但我从未去过那儿。 have been to +地点, 表示去过某处,现在已经回来了,不在那里了。 Have you ever been to

7、 Hawaii? 你去过夏威夷么? He has been to Beijing . 他去过北京。(现在不在北京) He has gone to Beijing . 他去北京了。(现在在北京) 6. I was born in Newcastle in 1986. 我于 1986 年出生于纽卡斯尔. be born 表示出生, 且动词 be 通常用 was 或 were. be born 后可跟形容词、名词,或不同的介词短语,表达不同的意思。 be born +形容词(名词) She was born happy. 她生来就很幸福。 He was born French . 他成为法国人。 b

8、orn + in/on 介词短语, 表示“ 出生的时间、地点” 。 Li Ping was born on May 5, in 1988 in Shenyang. 李平 1988 年五月五日出生于沈阳。 be born + of + ( 名词),表示,从产生。 This invention was born of need. 这项发明是因需要而产生的。 be born + with , 表示天赋, 命运 She was born with a good memory. 他生来记性就好。 用心 爱心 专心 2 7. e works as an architect in London. 他在伦敦做

9、建筑师工作。 as 意为 “ 作为,以身份” He works as a teacher. 他当老师。 He talked to me as a father. 他以父亲的身份跟我谈话。 8. I hope you will write to me soon. 我希望你尽快给我写信。 hope 意为希望,其后常接不定式或宾语从句。 I hope to go to Shanghai with you . 我希望和你一起去上海. He hopes his mother will come back soon . 他希望他的妈妈尽快回来. 【典型例题】 1. My new classmate Bet

10、ty is about _. A. five-feet-tall B. five-feet tall C. five feet tall D. five foot-tall. 答案:选 C。因为有连词符的词是一个词,而五英尺是分开的词。 冠词表示在学校强调的是地点前加冠词也表示在学校但强调的是在学校学习这件事在中间告诉某人关于某事最美好的祝愿注意要变复数查字典也注意虽然它们意思相同但是用法不同放在句末也放在句末前面加放在句中劳累用心爱心育运动最喜欢一个叫做西德尼的男孩我愿意成为你的笔友我将告诉你一些关于我本人的事情意为告诉常用句式或他昨天晚上给我讲了一个故事我们的老师经常告诉我们不要在课堂上讲

11、话他们来自于香港但我从未去过那儿地点表示去纽卡斯尔表示出生且动词通常用或后可跟形容词名词或不同的介词短语表达不同的意思形容词名词她生来就很幸福他成为法国人介词短语表示出生的时间地点李平年五月五日出生于沈阳名词表示从产生这项发明是因需要产生的表示2. Most of the students _ playing computer games. A. be keen B. are keen C. be keen on D. are keen on 答案:选 D。因为主语是复数。 3. I hope _ visit the Great Wall. A. you to B. you are going

12、 C. them to 答案:选择 D。因为 hope 后面跟的是从句。 D. you will 4. The boy _ Simon is from English. A. calls B. call C. called 答案:选择 C。因为 called 是过去分词做定语。 D. calling 【模拟试题】 (答题时间:100 分钟) 一. 选择并抄写单词 1. His _ is playing computer games . ( sport; hobby) 2. My _ subject at school is physics. ( best; good) 3. A person

13、who plans building is called an _ (architect; engineer) 4. My _ is to be a policeman. ( work; ambition) 5. My brother is 15 years old and about five _ tall. ( feet; foot) 6. Parents are _ for looking after their children. ( used; responsible) 7. I _ club at the City Center. It was very interesting.

14、( listened; attend) 8. A “ whiz - kid ” is probably a young person who is very _. (successful; important) 9. Wendy doesn t _ herself to school because she is not old enough. ( drive; walk ) 10. The movie is _. Few people like it. ( exciting; boring) 二. 字母组词 1. The new student is in _ six. ( mofr ) 2

15、. Can you choose the best _ for this passage? ( ittel ) 3. Would you like to have some _ for dinner? ( hncup ) 4. My mother bought a new pair of _ for me. ( sntearir) 5. A lot of boys are good at _. ( ssiyhcp ) 6. He is in the vegetable _ in Shenyang. ( suenbssi ) 用心 爱心 专心 3 7. Now he can write _ se

16、ntences in English. ( lmespi ) 8. People often _ to their home towns in the Spring Festival. ( rnteur ) 9. I often _ my mother with her work in the kitchen. ( tssais ) 10. The boy is at the _ of his class. ( pot ) 三. 根据汉语提示写单词 1. I have many _ , singing, dancing and playing volleyball. (爱好) 2. She_

17、a photo and a card in my letter. ( 附上 ) 3. My friend s son went to Beijing _ last year. ( 大学 ) 4. My father puts his _ on my English paper every week. ( 签名 ) 5. The old man often speaks in an almost _ voice. ( 听不见的 ) 6. She often goes to work in her _ car. ( 自己的 ) 冠词表示在学校强调的是地点前加冠词也表示在学校但强调的是在学校学习这件

18、事在中间告诉某人关于某事最美好的祝愿注意要变复数查字典也注意虽然它们意思相同但是用法不同放在句末也放在句末前面加放在句中劳累用心爱心育运动最喜欢一个叫做西德尼的男孩我愿意成为你的笔友我将告诉你一些关于我本人的事情意为告诉常用句式或他昨天晚上给我讲了一个故事我们的老师经常告诉我们不要在课堂上讲话他们来自于香港但我从未去过那儿地点表示去纽卡斯尔表示出生且动词通常用或后可跟形容词名词或不同的介词短语表达不同的意思形容词名词她生来就很幸福他成为法国人介词短语表示出生的时间地点李平年五月五日出生于沈阳名词表示从产生这项发明是因需要产生的表示 四. 单词组句 1. a, called, the, is,

19、letter, Denny, from, boy _ 2. Chinese, a, my, Newcastle, parents, in, own, restaurant _ 3. favourite, is, hobby, my, games, computer, playing. _ 4. always, I, up, feeling, get, morning, happy, the, in _ 5. sometimes, phone, I, make, to, calls, the, to, clients, on, school, way _ 6. driver, takes, me

20、, always, home, school, my, after _ 7. already, games, she, written, computer, has, several, successful _ 8. over, half, we, every, sell, a, year, million, games _ 五. 单选 1. I hope _ visit the Great Wall. A. you to B. you are going C. them to D. you will 2. Hong Kong has been back in China for 10 yea

21、rs. But I _ there. A. have never gone B. have never been to C. have never gone to D. have never been 3. He works _ an engineer for the underground. A. to be B. as C. like D. likes 4. Yesterday I went to _ work on _ foot. A. /; / B. /; the C. the; / D. the; the 5. Wendy finishes _ her homework in an

22、hour or two after supper. A. does B. do C. to do D. doing 6. Who is responsible _ homework in your class? A. at collect B. at collecting C. for collect D. for collecting 用心 爱心 专心 4 7. Father usually _ his newspaper after dinner. A. read B. reads C. reading 六. 补全对话 D. is reading A: Hi Victor. Have yo

23、u got any plans for the coming holiday? B: Not yet. _1_. A: Yes. I plan to go to London this summer. B: _2_. But didn t you go there last year? A: Yes. I did. _3_ B: That s true . Will you travel alone? A: No, _4_ But it seems that everyone has his own plan. B: _5_ When I saw him yesterday , he was

24、reading a book about London. A: Thank you for telling me. I will call him later. 冠词表示在学校强调的是地点前加冠词也表示在学校但强调的是在学校学习这件事在中间告诉某人关于某事最美好的祝愿注意要变复数查字典也注意虽然它们意思相同但是用法不同放在句末也放在句末前面加放在句中劳累用心爱心育运动最喜欢一个叫做西德尼的男孩我愿意成为你的笔友我将告诉你一些关于我本人的事情意为告诉常用句式或他昨天晚上给我讲了一个故事我们的老师经常告诉我们不要在课堂上讲话他们来自于香港但我从未去过那儿地点表示去纽卡斯尔表示出生且动词通常用或后可

25、跟形容词名词或不同的介词短语表达不同的意思形容词名词她生来就很幸福他成为法国人介词短语表示出生的时间地点李平年五月五日出生于沈阳名词表示从产生这项发明是因需要产生的表示 七. 完形填空 Everyone today uses electricity in one way or another. It is hard to imagine life in our towns would be like without it. the streets and buildings, and warms people and animals. It heats food in cookers cool

26、s it in refrigerators. It drives trains and trams and works the traffic lights, lifts and the machines in work to do in the country as it does in the towns. 1. A. Most B. Almost C. Nearly D. Mostly 2. A. that B. which C. how D. what 3. A. light B. lights C. lighted D. lighting 4. A. or B. and C. yet

27、 D. but 5. A. a kind of B. all kind of C. all kinds of D. kinds of 6. A. wonders B. wonder C. wonderful D. wonderfully 7. A. bring B. take C. to bring D. to take 8. A. million B. million of C. millions D. millions of 9. A. also B. too C. could D. would 10. A. a few B. a little C. much D. many 八. 阅读理

28、解 (A) Its hard to make friends if you stay home alone all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will put you 接触) other people. It s easier to make friends when you 用心 爱心 专心 5 have similar interests. Dont be afraid to show people what you re really good at. Talk about the tings you like a

29、nd do best. People will be interested in you if there is something interesting about you. Look people in the eye when you talk to them. That way, theyll find it easier to talk to you, or people may think you re not interested in them and may stop being interested in you. Be a good listener. Let peop

30、le talk about themselves before talking about “me, me, me”. Ask lots of questions. Show an interested in their answers. Try to make friends with the kind of people you really like, respect, and admire- not just with those who are easy to meet. Be friendly with a lot of people. That way, you ll have

31、a bigger group of people to choose from and have more chances for making friends. 1. How can we have more friends, get in touch with other people or stay at home? _ 2. Cindy always talks about herself when she talks to other people. What advice do you think she needs to follow? _ 冠词表示在学校强调的是地点前加冠词也表

32、示在学校但强调的是在学校学习这件事在中间告诉某人关于某事最美好的祝愿注意要变复数查字典也注意虽然它们意思相同但是用法不同放在句末也放在句末前面加放在句中劳累用心爱心育运动最喜欢一个叫做西德尼的男孩我愿意成为你的笔友我将告诉你一些关于我本人的事情意为告诉常用句式或他昨天晚上给我讲了一个故事我们的老师经常告诉我们不要在课堂上讲话他们来自于香港但我从未去过那儿地点表示去纽卡斯尔表示出生且动词通常用或后可跟形容词名词或不同的介词短语表达不同的意思形容词名词她生来就很幸福他成为法国人介词短语表示出生的时间地点李平年五月五日出生于沈阳名词表示从产生这项发明是因需要产生的表示3. Whats the mai

33、n idea of the passage? _ About four hundred years ago, Mr Bacon said that warm water freezes more quickly than cold water. But few people believed him_1_1970. In that year Dr Kell, a well-known scientists, found that Mr. Bacon was _2_ He filled one _3_ bowl with cold water, and the _4_ with warm wat

34、er. Then he exposed _5_ to the low temperature (温度). The warm water froze first. The _6_ was that the two bowls had no covers. Some of the warm water _7_into vapour(汽). It went into the air. This _8_ that less of the warm water was _9_ to freeze. So the warm water froze _10_than the cold water thoug

35、h it had a greater temperature drop to make. 九.书面表达(5%) 请以“Your Mother s Day” 为题把妈妈一天的生活情况写出来。(起床,慢跑,健康饮食,做饭,帮助你学习) 要求:行文通顺,语法规范,40 词左右。 _ 用心 爱心 专心 6 【试题答案】 一. 选择并抄写单词 1. hobby 6. responsible 二. 字母组词 2. best 7. attend 3. architect 8. successful 4. ambition 9. drive 5. feet 10. boring 1. Form 2. titl

36、e 3. punch 4. trainers 5. physics 6. business 7. simple 8. return 9. assist 10. top 三. 根据提示写单词 1. hobbies 2. enclosed 3. University 4. signature 5. inaudible 6. own 四. 单词组句 1. The letter is from a boy called Denny. 2. My parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle. 3. My favourite hobby is playing

37、 computer games. 4. I always get up in the morning feeling happy. 冠词表示在学校强调的是地点前加冠词也表示在学校但强调的是在学校学习这件事在中间告诉某人关于某事最美好的祝愿注意要变复数查字典也注意虽然它们意思相同但是用法不同放在句末也放在句末前面加放在句中劳累用心爱心育运动最喜欢一个叫做西德尼的男孩我愿意成为你的笔友我将告诉你一些关于我本人的事情意为告诉常用句式或他昨天晚上给我讲了一个故事我们的老师经常告诉我们不要在课堂上讲话他们来自于香港但我从未去过那儿地点表示去纽卡斯尔表示出生且动词通常用或后可跟形容词名词或不同的介词短语表

38、达不同的意思形容词名词她生来就很幸福他成为法国人介词短语表示出生的时间地点李平年五月五日出生于沈阳名词表示从产生这项发明是因需要产生的表示5. I sometimes make phone calls to clients on the way to school. 6. My driver always takes me home after school. 7. She has already written several successful computer games. 8. We sell over half a million games every year. 五. 单选 1

39、. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. B 六. 补全对话 1. E 2. B 3. G 4. F 5. C 七. 完形填空 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. C 八. 阅读理解 (A) 1. Get in touch with other people. 2. Be a good listener, let people talk a bout themselves before talking about. 3. Put you in touch with other people and make f

40、riends. (B) 1. until 2. right 3. open 4. other 5. both 6. secret 7. changed 8. meant 9. left 10. faster 九. 书面表达:略 用心 爱心 专心 7 用心 爱心专心 8 冠词表示在学校强调的是地点前加冠词也表示在学校但强调的是在学校学习这件事在中间告诉某人关于某事最美好的祝愿注意要变复数查字典也注意虽然它们意思相同但是用法不同放在句末也放在句末前面加放在句中劳累用心爱心育运动最喜欢一个叫做西德尼的男孩我愿意成为你的笔友我将告诉你一些关于我本人的事情意为告诉常用句式或他昨天晚上给我讲了一个故事我们的老师经常告诉我们不要在课堂上讲话他们来自于香港但我从未去过那儿地点表示去纽卡斯尔表示出生且动词通常用或后可跟形容词名词或不同的介词短语表达不同的意思形容词名词她生来就很幸福他成为法国人介词短语表示出生的时间地点李平年五月五日出生于沈阳名词表示从产生这项发明是因需要产生的表示



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