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1、 基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE Useful Questions 常用问句Useful Expressions 惯用表达语 Affirmative Responses (肯定回答)Negative Responses(否定回答) Basic Dialogue 基础对话 Useful Questions 常用问句 What do you prefer ,tea or coffee?你喜欢什么?茶还是咖啡.Woulld you please sign here ?请在这儿签名好吗?A table for two?两人的一张台吗? How long do you plan to stay

2、?你计划住多久.Could you please spell your name ?请拼一下你的名字吗?What kind of room would you like ?你要哪类房间?Useful Questions 常用问句May I see your passport ?我可以看你的护照吗?May I have your telephone number ?我可以知道你的电话号码吗?Whats the trouble, sir?你怎么啦?先生.Shall I call a doctor for you ?我为你叫一个医生吗?Do you eyoy the play?你喜欢这个节目吗?Do

3、 you like this song?你喜欢这首歌吗? Useful Expressions 惯用表达语Enjoy you breakfast ,sir ?请享用你的早餐,先生.Here is the menu.给你菜谱.The service guide is on the desk.服务指南在桌面上.The recreation center is over there .康乐中心在那边.Go ahead ,please.请接着讲.The line is busy .线路正忙.You look great .你看上去真棒.Please consult the song list .请翻阅

4、点歌单.Its a very touching story.这是一个非常感人的故事.Without music,the world would be dull.如果没有音乐,这世界将会变得很沉闷. Affirmative Responses (肯定回答)Surely.当然可以.Certainly ,sir (madam).当然可以,先生(小姐).Yes,sir,(madam).是的,先生(小姐).Thats true ,sir (madam).是这样的,先生(小姐).Very well.非常好. Negative Responses(否定回答) No ,sir (madam).不,先生(小姐)

5、.I dont think so.我不这样认为.Of course not.当然不.Im afraid thats not a good idea.恐怕,那个主意不好. 基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE G: Excuse me, but wheres the toilet?对不起,请问卫生间在哪里?W: Go straight, then turn left.一直向前走,然后向左拐。W: Good afternoon. Can I help you?下午好!要帮忙吗?G: Yes. Can you tell me where the Chinese Restarant is?是的。请问

6、中餐厅在哪里?W: Please take the elevator to the third floor.请乘电梯到三楼。G: Thank you very much.非常感谢。W: My pleasure.很愿意为您效劳。 基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE W: I hope youve enjoyed your dinner.我希望您吃得很满意。G: The service is fast and the food is excellent. Weve all enjoyed ourselves.服务很快,饭菜味佳。我们都很满意。W: Thank you for your comi

7、ng. I hope you will come again.谢谢您的光临。我希望您下次光临。G: Sure. By the way, where is the coffee lobby?肯定。顺便问一句,请问咖啡厅在哪里?W: Its on the third floor, opposite to the lift.在三楼,正对电梯。G: Thank you, and when does it close for breakfast?谢谢。早餐用到什么时候?W: It closes at 10 a.m.开到上午10点。G: Thanks a lot. Bye-bye.谢谢。再见。W: Goo

8、d-bye, madam and sir.女士,先生,再见。 基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE G: Excuse me, when does your Chinese Restaurant close?对不起,请问中餐厅什么时候打烊?W: It closes at 9:00.九点关门。G: 0h, my God, its already 10:00. Im afraid the Chinese Restaurant has closed. I love Chinese food.啊,天哪,已经10点了。恐怕中餐厅已经打烊了。我喜欢中国菜。W: Would you like room s

9、ervice instead? There are some Chinese food items in the room service menu. We provide room service till 12:00 p.m.您想要房内用膳服务吗?房内用膳服务菜单上有些中国菜。该项服务一直可以到晚上12点钟。G: I see. Thank you.我明白了。谢谢 基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE Stranger: Excuse me, sir. But could you please show me the way to the nearest bank?对不起,先生。您能告诉我

10、离这儿最近的银行怎么走吗?Wang: Sure. Its not very far from here. Go straight ahead along this street and turn left when you see a junction.当然可以。银行离这里不远。沿着这条街向前走。当看到一个路口时左拐弯。Stranger: How long does it take to walk there?步行去需要多少时间?Wang: Fifteen to twenty minutes, I guess. But you can take Bus No.5 and get off at

11、the second stop.我猜想要花15到20分钟。但是你可以坐5路车去,到第二站下车。Stranger: I think Ill take a bus. Thank you very much.我想我乘公共汽车去。非常感谢。Wang: You are welcome.不用谢。WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 单词和短语public area 公共区域 business area营业场所 toilet (W.C.)n 厕所to go straight直走 turn left左拐 elevator (lift)n 电梯corridorn 走廊 excellenta 极好的 opp

12、osite to在对面 provide v. 提供 instead adv代替,顶替 enjoy oneself 过(用)得愉快 Chinese Restaurant中餐厅 block n 街区 advertisement n 广告get off 下车 opposite a 相反的,反方向的 traffic lights 红绿灯 much obliged 非常感谢WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 单词和短语 mug n (有柄的)大杯 fail v 失败accident n 事故 serious a 严重的,严肃的ankle n 脚踝recover v 恢复,康复air-condit

13、ioner n 空调menu n. 菜单dessert n. 甜品fantastic a. 好极的compliment n. 恭维的话banquet n. 宴会WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 单词和短语particulara 特别的fondnessn 爱好;喜欢variousa 各种各样的entrancen 入口salmonn. 三文鱼terrifica. 棒极的delighteda. 高兴的,快乐的fancyn. 喜欢,癖好table tennis乒乓球WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 单词和短语checking-savings account 支票储蓄帐户deposi

14、t n 存款open an account 开帐户Minimum a. 最小的,最低的fill in (out) the form 填写表格draw on account提取存款the current rate for RMB人民币现价exchange rate兑换率Euron 欧元Exchange memo水单,兑换单WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 单词和短语airmail n 航空信 surface mail平信 register v 挂号,登记 ordinary a. 普通的 drop v 投(信) pillar-box n 邮筒postage n 邮资 overweight

15、 a. 超重package n 包裹 weighv 称重量money order (postal order) 汇票 recipient n 收款人legibly adv易读地,字迹清楚地abbreviate v 编写initial n 姓名或字的起首字母reverse a 反面的,背面的remarks n 附言,评论properly 正确的,合适的 基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE G: Hello, waiter.您好,服务员。W: Just a minute please, madam.夫人,请稍等。Sorry to have kept you waiting, madam.对不起

16、,夫人,让您久等了。G: Thats OK. Can you get me one more mug of beer?没关系。能否请您给我再来一杯啤酒?W: I beg your pardon?对不起,您说什么?G: 0ne more mug of beer, please.请再来一杯啤酒。W: 0ne moment, please. Ill get it for you right away.请稍等。我马上给您送来。 基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE G: Excuse me, but when does the Chinese Restaurant close?对不起,请问中餐厅什么

17、时候打烊?W: It closes at around 9:00, Mr Brown.布朗先生,9点左右打烊。G: Its 8:45 and the Chinese Restaurant will close in 15 minutes. But my friend will not be able to arrive here before 9:15.现在8:45,中餐厅15分钟后打烊。但是我朋友9:15之前还到不了。W: Dont worry. Ill call the restaurant and book a table for you for 9:30.别着急。我来给中餐厅打个电话,

18、给您订一桌9:30的。G: Thank you.谢谢。 基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE W: Good morning, Mr Scott.司各特先生,早晨好。G: Morning, Xiao Wu. Im leaving for Shanghai for seeing my wife. My wife is expecting me there.小吴,早晨好。我马上要去上海过生日。我太太在那边等我。W: Happy birthday to you, and please remember me to Mrs Scott.生日快乐。代我向司各特太太问好。G: Thank you, I

19、will. See you next time.谢谢,我会的。再见。W: Good bye, Mr Scott. Have a nice trip.司各特先生,再见。祝旅途愉快。 基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE W: Good evening, sir. Can I help you?先生,晚上好。要帮忙吗?G: Yes. A table for two.是的。我要一张两人桌。W: How about a window table over there?那边靠窗的座位怎么样?G: Thats marvelous.太好了。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEW: How would y

20、ou like your beef done?您喜欢您的牛排怎么烧?G: Both medium well.来两份适中偏熟的。W: Yes, sir. Would you like to have some dessert?好的,先生。要来些甜点吗?G: No, thanks.不要了,谢谢。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEW: What do you think of the food served here?您觉得这里的餐饮服务如何?G: The food served is not bad and the service is fantastic.饭菜味美,服务上乘。W: Thank

21、 you for your compliments.谢谢赞美。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEG: Wheres the Banquet Reservation Office?宴会预订处在哪里?W: It is at the entrance of the restaurant.在餐厅入口处。G: Thank you.谢谢。W: Is there anything I can do for you?有什么需要我帮忙吗?G: No, thanks. Ill go there and reserve a dinner by myself.不用了,谢谢。我去那边预订。W: Have a nic

22、e weekend.周末愉快。G: The same to you.周末愉快。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEM: Good afternoon, Human Resources Department. Mary speaking. May I help you?下午好,人力资源部。我是玛丽。要我帮忙吗?F: Frank speaking. Could I speak to Mr Brown, please?我是弗兰克。请问我可以跟布朗先生说话吗?M: Im sorry, Mr Frank, but Mr Brown is not at his desk at the moment. I

23、ll ask him to ring you up later. Would you like to leave your telephone number?对不起,弗兰克先生,布朗先生现在不在办公室。我请他过会儿给您去电话。请把您的电话号码留给我好吗?F: Yes, my phone number is 635-567-79.好的,我的电话号码是63556779。M: 635-567-79. Ill be sure to ask Mr Brown to call you back, Mr Frank.635-567-79。弗兰克先生,我一定告诉布朗先生给您去电话。基础对话 BASIC DIA

24、LOGUE - His carelessness makes me angry.他的粗心使我很生气。- Very sorry, but he didnt mean that.很对不起,他不是有意的。- Do you mind my opening the window?您介意我开窗吗?- Yes. Better keep the window closed.是的,我介意。最好别开窗。- Im displeased with your service.我对你们的服务很不满意。- Awfully sorry, well be sure to do better next time.实在对不起,我们

25、下次一定做好些。 基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE - Im keen on table tennis.我喜欢打乒乓球。- There is table tennis on the five floor.5层楼可打乒乓球。- I care for (go for) seafood.我喜欢吃海鲜。- We have various seafood at the entrance of the restaurant.这餐厅入口处我们有各种各样的海鲜。 - I love (like, enjoy) salmon.我喜欢吃三文鱼。- Would you like salmon tonight?你

26、今晚想吃三文鱼吗? 基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE- This is what I wanted.这正是我想要的。- Congratulations.恭喜恭喜。 - Oh, thats fantastic (wonderful, terrific, marvelous, great)!啊,太棒了!- Im glad you like it.我很高兴您喜欢它。 - We are happy (comfortable, good) here.我们在这里很高兴(很舒服,很好)。- Im glad (happy, delighted) to hear that.听到这消息我很高兴。基础对话 B

27、ASIC DIALOGUEA: Good afternoon, Miss.小姐,下午好。B: Good afternoon. Can I have 500 US dollars worth of RMB?下午好。能否给我换500美元的人民币?A: Yes, of course.当然可以。B: Would you please tell me the current rate for RMB?请告诉我人民币的现价,好吗?A: Please wait a minute. Ill find out the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB.请等一下。我

28、来查一查美元与人民币之间的兑换率。Its 820 yuan for 100 US dollars.100美元可以兑换820元人民币。B: Thank you very much.谢谢。A: Youre welcome.别客气。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEClerk: How can I help you?能为您效劳吗?Jack: I want to send this package to Los Angeles by parcel post, please.我想把这包东西以包裹邮件寄往洛杉机。Clerk: Registered?挂号吗?Jack: Yes.对。Clerk: Ill

29、have to weigh it first. 150 yuan, please.我得先把它称一下。请付150元。Jack: Here is 200.给你 200元。Clerk: Your change, please.这是你的找头。Jack: Thank you.谢谢。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景1:客人抵店客人抵店,行李员接行李并引领至前台行李员接行李并引领至前台B : Good evening, maam. Welcome to the ABC Hotel.晚上好,女士。欢迎光临ABC饭店。G : Thank you.谢谢。B : How many pieces of

30、luggage do you have?您有几件行李?G : Just these three.就这三件。B : Two suitcases and one bag. Is that right?两个手提箱,一个提包,对吗?G : Yes. Thats all.对,就那些。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEB : Ill show you to the Front Desk. This way, please.我领您去前台,这边请。B : I will put your bags by the post over there.我把您的提包放在那边的柱子旁。G : I see, thanks

31、.好的,谢谢。B : A bellman will show you to your room when you have finished checking-in.您登记完了之后将会有应接服务员领您去您的房间。G : OK. Fine.很好。B : Please enjoy your stay.祝您愉快。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景2:客人办理完入住手续客人办理完入住手续,行李员将行李送至客房行李员将行李送至客房 B : Good evening, maam. Ill show you to your room.晚上好,女士。由我来领您到您的房间。B : You have

32、two suitcases and one bag. Is that right?您有两个手提箱,一个提包,对吗?G : Yes, thats right.对,没错。B : Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag?提包里有贵重或易碎物品吗?G : Yes, theres a bottle of whisky.有。一瓶威士忌。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEB : Could you carry this bag, maam?女士,您来拿这个提包行吗?B : Im afraid the contents might break

33、.我怕弄碎里面的东G : Sure, no problem.当然,没问题。B : Thank you, maam. May I have your room key, please?谢谢您,女士。请把您房间的钥匙交给我好吗?G : Yes, here you are.好的,给你。B : Thank you, maam. Your room is on the 23rd floor.谢谢您,女士。您的房间在23楼。B : Please follow me.请随我来。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景3:行李员离开客房并介绍安全出口行李员离开客房并介绍安全出口B :This is yo

34、ur room. After you, maam.这就是您的房间。女士,您先请。B : May I put your bags here?提包可以放在这里吗?G : Sure. Just put them anywhere.当然可以,随便放在哪里都行。B : Is this the correct number of bags?行李的件数对吗?G : Lets see.我看看。G : Yes, thats all.对,就这些。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEB : Here is your room key.这是您房间的钥匙。G :Wheres the emergency exit?紧急

35、出口在哪里?B :Your nearest emergency exit is at the end of this corridor.离您最近的紧急出口在楼道的尽头。B :It has a green sign with only “Exit” marked on it.那里有一个绿色的“Exit”标志。B : Is there anything else I can do for you?还需要我为您做些什么吗?G : No. Thank you.没有了,谢谢。B :Please enjoy your stay.祝您愉快。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景4:客人致电行李员拿行

36、李客人致电行李员拿行李(退房退房)BC : This is the Bell Captains Desk. May I help you? 这里是服务生领班办公室,我能为您做什么?G : Im going to check out soon. 我一会儿就要去结账。G : Could you pick up my luggage, please? 请帮忙拿一下我的行李好吗?基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEBC : Certainly, maam. May I have your room number, please? 当然了,女士。能告诉我您的房间号吗?G : Yes, its 2932

37、.是2932。BC : Room 2932.2932房。BC : We will send a bellman immediately. 我们这就派一名服务生去。BC : Could you wait in your room, please? 请在您的房间稍候。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景5: 行李员到达客人房间行李员到达客人房间B : Good morning, maam. Ive come for your bags. 早安,女士,我来拿您的行李。G : Thank you. Could you take these two suitcases, please?谢谢。请

38、你拿这两个手提箱好吗?G : Ill bring the shoulder bag with me. 我自己拿这个肩包B : Certainly, maam. Two suitcases? 当然,女士。两个手提箱?G : Yes.是的。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景6:客人退房后到礼宾台取行李客人退房后到礼宾台取行李G : I asked for my bags to be picked up from my room. 我让把我的行李从我房间拿下来。G : Do you have them? 在你们这里吗?BC : Certainly, maam.在的,女士。BC : May

39、 I see your room key, please? 请把房间钥匙给我看看好吗?G : I dont have it. Ive already checked out. 我没有钥匙,我已经退房了。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEBC : I see. May I see your final bill then, maam? 明白了。能看一下您的离店账单吗,女士?G : Sure, here you are. 当然,给你。BC : Thank you, maam. 谢谢,女士。BC : A bellman will bring your bags. Just a moment, p

40、lease.服务生会给您拿您的行李,请稍候。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景7:客人到礼宾台寄存行李客人到礼宾台寄存行李G : Id like to leave this with you.我想把这个放在你们这里B : Certainly, maam. Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag? 当然可以,女士。您的提包里有贵重或易碎物品吗G : No.没有。B : Thank you. Here is your tag, No. 33. 谢谢。这是您的号牌,33号。G : When does the cloakroo

41、m close? 寄存处什么时间关门?B : This cloakroom is open until 9 p.m. 寄存处一直开到晚上9点。Reserving / Booking a Roomvocabulary:预定v. reserve / book n. reservationmake a reservation客房预定部Room Reservations确认v. confirm n. confirmation取消v. cancel n. cancellation客户client空房间vacancyvacant room大批订房block booking套房单人房双人房suite/ si

42、ngle room/ double room双人对床房twin room三人房(双人房内加一床)triple room总统套房executive suitewith / without bath带 / 不带浴室的with shower带淋浴的宽敞的 spacious旺季peak season价格,费用 rate 折扣 discount基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景8:预订预订C : Good morning. This is Room Reservations. May I help you?早安。这里是房间预订处,我能为您做什么?G : Yes. Id like to res

43、erve a room.我想订一个房间。C : Thank you, sir. For which date?谢谢,先生。定哪天的?G : From October 15th.十月十五号。C : For how many nights?订几天呢?G : For three nights.三天。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEC : How many guests will there be in your party?随同您来的有几位客人?G : Just my wife and myself.就我太太和我。C : Which kind of room would you prefer,

44、 a double or a twin?我们有大床间和双人间,您要订哪种?G : A twin please.双人间。C : Could you hold the line, please?请别挂电话。C : Ill check our room availability for those days.我查一下那几天还有没有房间。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景10:预订预订C : Good morning. This is Room Reservations. May I help you?早安。这里是房间预订处,我能为您做什么?G : Yes. Id like to rese

45、rve a room.我想订一个房间。C : Which kind of room would you prefer, a double or a twin?我们有大床间和双人间,您要订哪种?G : A twin please.双人间。C : We have a twin at 250¥ and at 350¥. Which would you prefer?双人间有房价为250元和350元的两种,您要订哪种?基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEG : Well take the one at 350.我们要350的。C : Certainly, sir. May I have your n

46、ame and initials, please?当然可以,先生。请问您的名字和缩写?G : Yes, its Carruthers. T.E.好的,我的名字是Carruthers. T.E.。C : How do you spell that, please?请问怎么拼写?G : C, A, double R, U, T, H, E, R, S.C, A, 双写R, U, T, H, E, R, S。C : Mr. Carruthers. May I have your phone number, please?Carruthers先生,请问您的电话号码?基础对话 BASIC DIALOGU

47、EG : Yes, the number is 06-321-2345.电话号码是06-321-2345。C : 06-321-2345. Is this your home phone number?06-321-2345。这是您家中电话吗?G : Yes, it is.是的。C : What time do you expect to arrive, sir?您预计什么时间到达,先生?G : Oh, around 6 p.m., I suppose. 哦,我想大约下午6点钟基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景11:外部客人致电在店客人外部客人致电在店客人C : Good morn

48、ing. This is the Information Desk. May I help you? 早安。这里是服务台,我能为您做什么?G : Yes. Id like to speak to Mr. John Crowe. 我想跟John Crowe先生讲话。G : Could you tell me his room number? 您能告诉我他的房间号吗?基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEC : Certainly, sir. How do you spell his last name, please?当然可以,先生。请问怎么拼写他的姓氏?G : C, R, O, W, E.C,

49、 R, O, W, E.C : Thank you, sir. Just a moment, please.谢谢,先生。请稍候。G : Yes.好的。C : Ill transfer your call. Could you hold the line, please?我把您的电话转接过去,请别挂机。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景12:接听电话接听电话为客人留言为客人留言C : This is Information Desk. May I help you? 这里是服务台,我能为您做什么?G : I tried to contact Mr. Gulbenkian in Roo

50、m 834 but he was out. 我想与834房的Gulbenkian联系,但是他外出了G : Could you take a message for him, please? 请你给他留个信,好吗?C : Certainly, sir. For Mr. Gulbenkian in Room 834. 当然可以,先生。给834房的Gulbenkian。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEC : Who is this calling, please?请问您贵姓?G : Yes. My name is James Ellens.我叫James Ellens。C : Mr. Elle

51、ns. Go ahead, please.请继续,Ellens先生。G : Could you ask him to call me back as soon as he arrives at the hotel? 请让他回到酒店给我回电话,可以吗?C : Certainly, sir.当然,先生。C : Is that the message?留言就这些吗?基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEG : Yes, thats all.就这些。C : Certainly, sir. I will repeat your message.好的,先生。我重复一下您的留言。C : The messag

52、e is for Mr. Gulbenkian in Room 834 from Mr. James Ellens.留言是James Ellens先生给834房的Gulbenkian先生的。C : Please call him back when you arrive at the hotel.请您到酒店时给他回电话。C : Is that correct?对吗?G : Thats right.很对。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景13: 解答客人询问解答客人询问G : Could you please tell me how to get to the Bar? 请问到酒吧怎

53、么走?C : The Bar is on this floor.酒吧就在这层楼。C : Please go straight along the hallway, turn right at the end and the Bar is on your left. 请沿着走廊直行,到头右转,酒吧在您的左手边。G : Thank you.谢谢。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEG : Excuse me, where is the telephone? 请问,电话在哪里?C : The public phone, maam? 公用电话吗,夫人?G : Yes.对。C : Its over t

54、here at the back of the elevator hall. 在那边,电梯间的后面。G : Thanks a lot.多谢。C : Youre welcome, maam.别客气,夫人。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景14: 接收客人包裹接收客人包裹C : Good afternoon, maam. May I help you?下午好,女士。我能为您做什么?G : Id like this package to be delivered to Mrs. Dickinson in Room 543. 我想把这个包裹交给543房间的Dickinson夫人。C : C

55、ertainly, maam. Is there anything valuable or breakable in this package? 当然可以,女士。包裹里面有什么贵重或易碎物品吗?基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEG : No, there isnt.没有。C : I see, maam. Could you fill out this form, please?好的,女士。请您填写一下这张表格好吗?G : Of course. Here you are.当然,给你。C : Thank you, maam. We will deliver it to her room whe

56、n she arrives. 谢谢您,女士。我们会在她回来时把包裹交给她的。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景15: 退房退房C : Good morning, sir. May I help you? 早安,先生,我能为您做什么?G : Yes, Id like to settle my bill, please.我想结帐。C : Certainly, sir. May I have your room key, please?当然,先生。请把您房间的钥匙给我好吗? G : Sure. Here you are.那当然。给你。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEC : Just

57、 a moment, please. Ill draw up your bill for you.请稍候,我整理一下你的账单。C : Thank you for waiting, sir. Your bill totals ¥ 6349.让您久等了。您的账单总计是6349元。G : That much! Would you mind letting me have a look at it?那么多!你不介意让我看一下吧?C : Not at all, sir. Here you are. 不介意,先生,给您。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEG : Thanks.谢谢。G : Well,

58、it seems to be all right.看起来都对。G : How much is that in dollars, please?用美元是多少钱C : Just a moment, sir. Ill calculate that for you.请稍候,先生。我帮您算一下。C : It comes to 241 dollars and 41 cents at todays exchange rate.按今天的汇率是241美元41美分。G : I see, OK.明白了。好的。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景16: 公司付款公司付款C : How would you l

59、ike to make payment? 您想如何付账?G : On the company account, please. 请记在公司账上。C : May I know the name of your company, please? 请问您公司的名称?G : Yes, its G.N. Electrics, America. 是美国G.N.电器公司。C : May I have two of your business cards, please? 请给我两张您的名片好吗?基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEG : Why?为什么?C : Wed like one for our f

60、iles, and one for the account.我们用一张来存档,一张用来付账。G : I see. Here you are.明白了。给你吧。C : Just a moment, please.请稍候。C : Thank you for waiting, sir. Could you sign, here, please?让您久等了,先生。请在这里签字好吗?C : Thank you. We hope to welcome you again soon.谢谢。希望您再次光临。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景17: 外币兑换及使用保险箱外币兑换及使用保险箱C : Go

61、od evening, maam. May I help you?晚上好,女士,我能为您做什么?G : Yes, Id like to change some money, please.我要换一些钱。C : Certainly maam.好的,女士。C : How much would you like to change?您希望换多少?G : Lets see. Ill need about six hundred dollars.我想想。 我需要大约六百美元。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景: 使用保险箱使用保险箱C : Good evening. May I help y

62、ou?晚上好,我能为您做什么?G : Yes. Id like to use a safety deposit box.我想用一个保险箱。C : Certainly, sir. Could you fill out this form, please?当然,先生。请您填一下这份表格好吗?G : Here you are.给你。C : Thank you, sir. You would like to use it until May 20th?谢谢,先生。您想用到5月20号对吗?G : Yes.是的。C : This way, please. Your box number is 520.这边

63、请。您箱子的号码是520。G : Thank you.谢谢。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景18: 洗衣服务洗衣服务G : Hello. Is this Housekeeping?你好,是客房部吗?H : Yes. May I help you?是的,我能为您做什么?G : Yes. Could you send someone to pick up my laundry, please? 请你们派人来取我要洗的衣服好吗?H : Im afraid its too late for todays laundry, maam. 恐怕时间太晚了今天洗不了,女士。基础对话 BASIC

64、DIALOGUEH : We can deliver it tomorrow around 6 p.m.我们要明天下午6点左右才能送还。G : Thats OK. Its not urgent.那没关系,我不着急。H : Could you leave it on the bed, if you are going out maam?如果您要外出的话,女士,请把衣服留在床上G : Sure. Ill do that.好吧,我会的。H : Thank you, maam. Goodbye.谢谢,女士,再见。G : Goodbye.再见。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景19: 客人遗

65、失物品客人遗失物品H : Housekeeping. May I help you? 客房部,我能为您做些什么?G : Yes, Ive lost my camera.我的照相机丢了。H : Im sorry to hear that, sir.听到这个我深感遗憾,先生H : Shall we check your room for you? 要我们替你检查一下房间吗?G : No, Ive already checked there.不用,我已经查过了。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEH : Could you give me some information about your c

66、amera, please?请告诉我有关您的照相机的一些情况好吗?G : Yes, of course.那当然。H : What make is it?是什么牌子的?G : Its a Nikon FE.是Nikon FE。H : What color is it?什么颜色?G : Black and silver.黑色加银色。H : Please dont worry. We will do our best to find your camera.请别着急。我们会尽全力寻找您的照相机。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景20: 客人遗失物品客人遗失物品H : Housekeepi

67、ng. May I help you?客房部,我能为您做些什么?G : Yes, Ive lost my camera.我的照相机丢了。H : When and where did you first miss it, sir?您什么时候在哪里发现它不见了,先生?G : This morning after breakfast in the Coffee Shop.今天早上早饭之后,在咖啡厅。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEH : We will check there first.我们会先检查那里。G : Ive already been there but they didnt fi

68、nd it.我已经去过,可是他们没找到。H : Did you go anywhere else after that? 之后您去过什么地方吗?G : No, we went to the Drug Store and then straight back to our room. 没有。我们去了药店,然后直接回房间了。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEH : We will check there and with the Security Section, too.我们会和保安部门也检查那里。H : When will you be checking out, sir?您什么时候退房,

69、先生?G : Tomorrow morning.明天上午。H : Thank you, sir. Please dont worry.谢谢您,先生。请别着急。H : We will do our best to find your camera.我们会尽全力寻找您的照相机。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景21: 客人离店后将物品遗失在房间内客人离店后将物品遗失在房间内H : Housekeeping. May I help you? 客房部,要帮忙吗?G : Yes, Ive just checked out but I think I must have left my coa

70、t in my room. 我刚退了房,可是我想我肯定把外套忘在房间里了。H : May I have your name and room number, please? 请问您贵姓和房间号?基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEG : Yes. Its Mrs. Wilson and I was in Room 1120.我是Wilson夫人,住在1120房。H : Could you come to Room 3720 now?请您现在到1120房好吗?H : And we will wait for you there.我们在那里等您。G : OK. Ill be there righ

71、t away.好的,我马上就到。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景22: 客人需要绿茶客人需要绿茶G : Could you bring some green tea, please? 请拿些绿茶来H : Certainly, sir. For how many persons, please? 好的,先生,请问要几位的?G : For two.两位。G : By the way, how do you use this coffee server? 顺便问一下,怎么用这个咖啡机?基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEH : Fill the container with wate

72、r and let it boil for about 7 to 8 minutes. 把容器装满水,然后把水煮7到8分钟。G : I see, thanks.明白了,谢谢。H : Youre welcome, sir. We will bring your green tea immediately. 别客气,先生。我们马上给您拿绿茶来。基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUE情景情景23: 直拔电话直拔电话O : This is the Hotel Operator. May I help you? 我是酒店接线员,我能为您做什么?G : Yes. Id like to make an overseas call. 我想打一个国际电话。O : Certainly, sir. Is this a paid call? 当然,先生。是您付费吗?基础对话 BASIC DIALOGUEG : Yes, its a station call. 是,是叫号电话。O : You may call direct from your room, sir. 您可以直接从您的房间打,先生。O : It is cheaper than booking it through the operator. 要比通过接线员预订便宜。



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