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1、Module 4 Great ScientistsReading PartWho is he?He is a _(生(生物学家)物学家) and _(遗传学家)(遗传学家), whose name is _.biologistgeneticistYuan Longping Why do this article use this title ”the student who asked questions”?FastreadingQ: Find which paragraph matches the title of passage.A: Para 2.DetailreadingReadthe

2、passageandmatchthewordsinpage33.1.plants people grow for food 2.a very important discovery3.to produce new plants or animals4.to give help5.to give food to6.to make information known, for example, in a report or a book7.someone who makes things or grows food8.a type of plant or animal9.the science o

3、f farmingcropbreakthroughbreedsupportfeedpublishproducerspeciesagricultureLookatthepassageagainandchoosethecorrectmeaningofthewordsinitalics.1.A staple food is one you eat _. (a) rarely (b) regularlyPara1: In a hungry world rice is a staple food2.If you cross two plants you _. (a)walk past them (b)p

4、roduce a new plantPara 3: -by crossing different species of rice plant, and then3.A yield refers to _. (a) quantity (eg of food) (b) quality (eg of food)Para 3: and then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants.Para 6: Its yield is much greater

5、than the yield of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.4. A sterile plant is a plant which doesnt _. (a) grow quickly (b) produce seedsPara 4: It had to be male. It had to be sterile. Finally, in 1970 a naturally sterile male rice plant was discovered.5.A hybrid is a plant which comes from _. (a) o

6、ne plant (b) two different plantsPara 6: The new hybrid rice has been developed by the Yuan Longping Hightech Agricultural Company of China.Match the main idea of each paragraph.para 1para 2para 3para 4para 5para 6A. As a boy, he liked asking questions.B. Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the ric

7、e-growing world.C. His discoveries have brought in great profit.D. The yield of the new hybrid rice is much greater than that of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.E. As a young teacher, he began experiments in crop breeding.F. He discovered a new type of rice.Fillintheblanks.YuanLongpingisa_figu

8、reintherice-growingworld.Hewasbornand_inChina.Whenhewasatschool,hewasinterestedinplantsandwasgiventhe_“thestudentswhoasksquestions”.Asayoungteacher,hebegan_incropbreeding.Hethoughttherewasleadingbrought upnicknameexperimentsonlyonewaytohavemorericequickly.Thatwastocrossdifferentspeciesofriceplant.Th


10、tist,YuanLongping,is.Asaboy,hewas.Fromanearlyage.andlater.First.(In1966.)Then.(In1970.)Finally.(In1990s.)Read the passage again and try to analyze the structure of this passage.Q:Whytheauthorchoose“thestudentwhoaskedquestions”asthetitleofthispassage?Whydidtheauthoruse“YuanLongping”asthetitle?indirec

11、tmore interestingPractice1Readthepassagesonthepaper,findwhichtitleismoresuitableforthepassage.1. B 2.BPractice2Pleasegivetherightorderofthepassage.Payattentiontothetime.A: 6, 4, 7, 8, 1; 2, 3, 5SummaryarticlethestudentwhoaskedquestionsindirectandinterestingHomeworkWrite a new article which is simila

12、r to the passage that we have learnt.爱因斯坦(爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)是二十世纪最伟大的科学家之)是二十世纪最伟大的科学家之一。他最著名的发现是相对论(一。他最著名的发现是相对论(Theory of Relativity)。他)。他1879年出生在德国的年出生在德国的Ulm。孩童时期,他学习说话很慢,。孩童时期,他学习说话很慢,但是他对自然有极大的好奇心且擅长解决数学难题。当他但是他对自然有极大的好奇心且擅长解决数学难题。当他离开高中后,他去往瑞士(离开高中后,他去往瑞士(Switcherland)上大学,并拿)上大学,并拿到数学学位(到

13、数学学位(degree)。)。1905年,他发表一些列重要论文;年,他发表一些列重要论文;1921年获得诺贝尔物理奖(年获得诺贝尔物理奖(the Nobel Prize for Physics)。)。1933年,因他是犹太人(年,因他是犹太人(Jewish),他离开了德国,移居),他离开了德国,移居到美国。他持续研究直到到美国。他持续研究直到1955年去世。年去世。Thanks for listening! 1.美育包括美术教育和审美教育,文化是美育的底色和灵魂,不能忽视文化精神的培养。2.欣赏中国绘画,应该了解其中计白当黑、浓淡生趣、意境天成等艺术手法和精神追求。3.美育在中国近代历史上是一




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