断层影像解剖学:2011-c-the jmaging sectional anatomy of male

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《断层影像解剖学:2011-c-the jmaging sectional anatomy of male》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《断层影像解剖学:2011-c-the jmaging sectional anatomy of male(82页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUContents1.Basic information of male pelvis & perineum 男性盆部和会阴的应用解剖学男性盆部和会阴的应用解剖学2.Transverse section of male pelvis & perineum 男性盆部和会阴的横断层解剖男性盆部和会阴的横断层解剖 3.Transverse MRI & CT of male pelvis & perineum 男性盆部和会阴的横断层男性盆部和会阴的横断层MRI & CT4.Section & imaging anto

2、my of the prostate(topic) 前列腺的断层影像解剖学(独立讲解)前列腺的断层影像解剖学(独立讲解)2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUContents1.Basic information of male pelvis & perineum 男性盆部和会阴的应用解剖学男性盆部和会阴的应用解剖学2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUMark: psoas major 标志:腰大肌标志:腰大肌Ureter 输尿管输尿管,Testicular vessels in sperma

3、tic cord精索内的睾丸血管和输精索内的睾丸血管和输精管精管Common,int & ext iliac vessels, Ureter髂内外血管和输尿管髂内外血管和输尿管2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU1.Mark:psoas major and iliacus 腰大肌和髂肌腰大肌和髂肌2.Femoral N(L) 股神经股神经3.Lumbosacral trunk and obturator N(M) 腰骶干腰骶干、闭孔闭孔N4. Lumbar sympathetic trunk & sacral plexus 腰交感干、骶丛腰交

4、感干、骶丛2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU Mark: psoas major :腰大肌:腰大肌Lumbar plexus:femoral N(L)plexus:obturator n &Lumbosacral trunk(M) 腰丛:股神经,闭孔神经和腰腰丛:股神经,闭孔神经和腰骶干骶干Sacral plexus 骶丛骶丛2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU psoas major:腰大肌:腰大肌Femoral N 股股NLumbosacral trunkObturator N 腰骶干

5、和闭孔腰骶干和闭孔NSacral plexus 骶丛骶丛2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUAmpulla of deferent duct输精管壶腹输精管壶腹2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU Seminal vesicle 精囊精囊2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUAmpulla of deferent duct 输精管壶腹输精管壶腹(Superomedial) 内上内上Seminal vesicle精囊精囊(Inferolater

6、al) 外下外下2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUPosition relation:Ampulla of deferent duct & Seminal vesicle,ureter 输精管壶腹与精囊;输精管与输尿管输精管壶腹与精囊;输精管与输尿管2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSeminal vesicle 精囊精囊Vesicoseminal A 膀胱精囊角膀胱精囊角Vesicoseminal Angle 膀胱精囊角膀胱精囊角2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept

7、 of Anatomy WZMUVesicoseminal Angle 膀胱精囊角膀胱精囊角definition: between the posterior wall of the urinary bladder and anterior wall of semimal vesicle 膀胱后壁与精囊前壁之间的夹角膀胱后壁与精囊前壁之间的夹角Normal :2040Clinical significance:diminish or disappear,the cancer of the posterior wall of urinary bladder 变小或消失:膀胱后壁肿瘤的指征变小或消

8、失:膀胱后壁肿瘤的指征2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUMuscles of pelvic floor,rectum & urethra 盆低肌、直肠和尿道盆低肌、直肠和尿道2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUMark:ischial spine level, acetabulum,hip joint disease坐骨棘平面:髋臼与髋关节疾病坐骨棘平面:髋臼与髋关节疾病2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUApex of coccyx &

9、 pubic symphysis level尾骨尖与耻骨联合上缘平面尾骨尖与耻骨联合上缘平面2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUIliac ala,greater sciatic foramen,schial spine(acetabulum),apex of coccyx(pubic symphysis)& ischial tuberosity etc levels髂骨翼、坐骨大孔、坐骨棘(髋臼)、尾骨尖(耻骨联合上缘)髂骨翼、坐骨大孔、坐骨棘(髋臼)、尾骨尖(耻骨联合上缘)和坐骨结节层面和坐骨结节层面2024/7/26Chengchun

10、Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUTransverse section of male pelvis & perineumOrgans arrangement in tOrgans arrangement in transverse section 器官器官 配布配布Anterior group:Anterior group: urinary & hypogastric organs :urinary urinary & hypogastric organs :urinary bladder,prostate,urethra,intestines etc bladder,pro

11、state,urethra,intestines etc 前:下腹部和泌尿器官:小肠、前:下腹部和泌尿器官:小肠、前:下腹部和泌尿器官:小肠、前:下腹部和泌尿器官:小肠、膀胱前隙膀胱前隙膀胱前隙膀胱前隙、膀胱、前列腺和、膀胱、前列腺和、膀胱、前列腺和、膀胱、前列腺和尿道尿道尿道尿道Middle group:Middle group: male internal genital & hypogastric male internal genital & hypogastric organs:Seminal vesicle & ampula deferent duct and intestines

12、 organs:Seminal vesicle & ampula deferent duct and intestines etc etc 中中中中: :下腹部和男性内生殖器官:小肠、精囊和输精管壶腹下腹部和男性内生殖器官:小肠、精囊和输精管壶腹下腹部和男性内生殖器官:小肠、精囊和输精管壶腹下腹部和男性内生殖器官:小肠、精囊和输精管壶腹posterior group: posterior group: rectum anus & retrorectal space etc rectum anus & retrorectal space etc 后:直肠与后:直肠与后:直肠与后:直肠与直肠后隙直

13、肠后隙直肠后隙直肠后隙2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUAmpulla of deferent duct输精管壶腹输精管壶腹AMP2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUTransverse section of male pelvis & perineumDivisions of tDivisions of transverse section(3 parts) 上中下三部分的规律上中下三部分的规律L5-S1 interveterbral disc TO acetabulumL5-S1 in

14、terveterbral disc TO acetabulum:the hypogastric the hypogastric organs:intestines L5-S1 IDorgans:intestines L5-S1 ID髋臼层面:下腹部的小肠髋臼层面:下腹部的小肠髋臼层面:下腹部的小肠髋臼层面:下腹部的小肠Acetabulum TO pubic symphysisAcetabulum TO pubic symphysis:hypogastric organs: hypogastric organs: intentines,urinary organs:urinary bladder

15、 & male internal intentines,urinary organs:urinary bladder & male internal genital organs:prostate,Seminal vesicle & ampula of deferent genital organs:prostate,Seminal vesicle & ampula of deferent duct etc duct etc 髋臼髋臼髋臼髋臼耻骨联合层面:下腹部的小肠;泌尿系的膀耻骨联合层面:下腹部的小肠;泌尿系的膀耻骨联合层面:下腹部的小肠;泌尿系的膀耻骨联合层面:下腹部的小肠;泌尿系的膀胱

16、胱胱胱 ;男性内生殖器的前列腺、精囊和输精管壶腹;男性内生殖器的前列腺、精囊和输精管壶腹;男性内生殖器的前列腺、精囊和输精管壶腹;男性内生殖器的前列腺、精囊和输精管壶腹Below the pubic symphysisBelow the pubic symphysis:male external genital male external genital organs:penis,testis,urethra, anus & ischioanal fossa etc organs:penis,testis,urethra, anus & ischioanal fossa etc 耻骨联合以下层

17、面耻骨联合以下层面耻骨联合以下层面耻骨联合以下层面: :男性外生殖器的阴茎、睾丸、尿道,肛男性外生殖器的阴茎、睾丸、尿道,肛男性外生殖器的阴茎、睾丸、尿道,肛男性外生殖器的阴茎、睾丸、尿道,肛管和管和管和管和坐骨肛门窝坐骨肛门窝坐骨肛门窝坐骨肛门窝等等等等2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUTransverse section of male pelvis & perineumKey contents Key contents 核心内容核心内容核心内容核心内容Pelvic spacesPelvic spaces:retrorectal spa

18、ce,prevesical space,rectovesical retrorectal space,prevesical space,rectovesical pounchpounch,obturator canal & ischioanal fossa obturator canal & ischioanal fossa 盆腔间隙:直肠盆腔间隙:直肠盆腔间隙:直肠盆腔间隙:直肠后隙、膀胱前隙、直肠膀胱陷凹、闭膜管和坐骨肛门窝等后隙、膀胱前隙、直肠膀胱陷凹、闭膜管和坐骨肛门窝等后隙、膀胱前隙、直肠膀胱陷凹、闭膜管和坐骨肛门窝等后隙、膀胱前隙、直肠膀胱陷凹、闭膜管和坐骨肛门窝等Vesicose

19、minal A ngle Vesicoseminal A ngle 膀胱精囊角膀胱精囊角膀胱精囊角膀胱精囊角Prostate glandProstate gland:(:(:(:(special subjectspecial subject)前列腺)前列腺)前列腺)前列腺Arrangement of vessels & n:femoral nArrangement of vessels & n:femoral n、ext iliac AV,Ureterext iliac AV,Ureter、obturator Nobturator N、sacrolumbar trunksacrolumbar

20、trunk、int iliac AV(from int iliac AV(from anterolateral to postomedial) anterolateral to postomedial) 股股股股N N、髂外、髂外、髂外、髂外AVAV、输尿管、闭孔、输尿管、闭孔、输尿管、闭孔、输尿管、闭孔N N、腰骶干和髂内腰骶干和髂内腰骶干和髂内腰骶干和髂内AV(AV(前外至后内)前外至后内)前外至后内)前外至后内)Ureter,sciatic N & pudental canal etcUreter,sciatic N & pudental canal etc输尿管、坐骨输尿管、坐骨输尿管

21、、坐骨输尿管、坐骨N N和阴部管和阴部管和阴部管和阴部管2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2.Transverse section of male pelvis & perineum 男性盆部和会阴的横断层男性盆部和会阴的横断层Contents 内容内容2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUTransverse section T superior part of 1st sacral verterbra L1S Rectus abdominis 腹直肌Femoral N股NGluteus

22、Minimusmedius,maximus臀大中小Psoas majorS1 & Sacral canal S1 和骶管Cecum & A盲肠和阑尾R common iliac V髂血管Erector spinae 骶脊肌2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUcecumSigmoid colon乙状结肠Linea albaL int & ext iliac aFemoral niliopsoasSacroiliac joint 骶髂关节Interosseous Sacroiliac ligamentsOwlTransverse section

23、through inferior part of 1st sacral verterbra S1 I2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSummary of 1st sacral veterbral section1.Owl :sacrum,sacral canal and ant sacral foramen 特征特征“鹰头鹰头”:骶骨、骶管和骶前孔构成:骶骨、骶管和骶前孔构成2.Ext iliac a & v 髂外髂外A & V3.Femoral n between the psoas major and iliacus 股股N 位于髂肌

24、和腰大肌之间位于髂肌和腰大肌之间4.Int iliac a &v 髂内髂内A & V5.Lumbosacral trunk & obturator N 腰骶干和闭孔腰骶干和闭孔N6.Sacroiliac joint 骶髂关节骶髂关节2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUIleum回肠Articular cartilageMedian sacral crestMesentery小肠系膜Ala of sacrumSacral foraminaTransverse section T superior part of 2nd sacral verte

25、rbra S2S 2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUAnterior sacral foraminaTransverse section T inferior part of 2nd sacral verterbra S2I2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSummary of 2nd sacral veterbral section1.Pirifomis appear first(S2-4) 梨状肌出现(梨状肌出现(S2-4)2.Greater sciatic foramen,piri

26、fomis , Suprapiriformal and infrapiriformal foramina and their contents(next section) 坐骨大孔、梨状肌上下孔及其内容(下一层面)坐骨大孔、梨状肌上下孔及其内容(下一层面)3.Pudental canal & its contents(next section) 阴部管及其内容(下一层面)阴部管及其内容(下一层面)4.Others same as last sections 其他如上层面其他如上层面 2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSummary of 2

27、nd sacral veterbral section4.Others same as last sections 其他如上层面其他如上层面 Owl :sacrum,sacral canal and ant sacral foramen 特征特征“鹰头鹰头”:骶骨、骶管和骶前孔构成:骶骨、骶管和骶前孔构成 Ext iliac a & v 髂外髂外A & V Femoral n between the psoas major and iliacus 股股N 位于髂肌和腰大肌之间位于髂肌和腰大肌之间 Int iliac a &v 髂内髂内A & V Lumbosacral trunk 腰骶干腰骶干

28、 Sacroiliac joint 骶髂关节骶髂关节2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUpiriformisSciatic n.坐骨NRectum直肠Transverse section through 3rd sacral verterbra S3Retrorectal space直肠后隙2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSummary of 3rd veterbral section1.Rectum and retrorectal space appear 直肠和直肠后隙直肠和直肠后隙

29、2.Suprapiriformal & infrapiriformal foramina and their contents 梨状肌上下孔及其内容梨状肌上下孔及其内容3.Sciatic n 坐骨坐骨N4.Sup gluteal a,v &n 臀上臀上AVN5.Inf gluteal a,v &n;pudental n and int pudental a & v 臀下臀下AVN 和阴部管以及阴部和阴部管以及阴部N和阴部内和阴部内AV2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUBody 0f iliumsartoriumInternus obtura

30、tor 闭孔内肌rectumSciatic n 坐骨NRetrorectal space直肠后隙Transverse section through 4th sacral verterbra S4 2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSummary of 4th veterbra section1.Retrorectal space: between the post wall of rectum and ant sacral fascia 直肠后隙:直肠后壁与骶前筋膜之间直肠后隙:直肠后壁与骶前筋膜之间2.Contents: rectal

31、venous plexus and anterosacral LN 内容:直肠静脉丛和骶前内容:直肠静脉丛和骶前LN3.Clinical significance:key position of rectal cancer and operation 直肠癌手术的关键位置直肠癌手术的关键位置2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUischiumAcetabulum髋臼Urinary bladder膀胱Transverse section through 5th sacral verterbra S5Ischial spine坐骨棘Internus

32、 obturator2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU ischial spine & acetabulum level Urinary bladder appears in the section 膀胱出现于髋臼、坐骨棘层面2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSummary of the 5th veterbral section1.Urinary bladder and acetabulum appear on same section 膀胱、坐骨棘与膀胱、坐骨棘与髋臼出现在同一层面髋

33、臼出现在同一层面2.Retrorectal space 直肠后隙直肠后隙3.Ischial spine & internus obturator appears坐骨棘和闭孔内肌坐骨棘和闭孔内肌2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMULigament of head of femurFemoral head股骨头Body of ischiumIschial spineiliopsoasrectovesical pounch直肠膀胱陷窝Transverse section through supeior part of coccyx CSSperma

34、tic cord 精索2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSummary of sup part of coccygeal sectionvesicorectal pounch appears first 直肠膀胱陷窝出现直肠膀胱陷窝出现Spermatic cord appears first 精索精索Hip joint 髋关节髋关节Ampula of deferent duct & Seminal vesicle will appear精囊和输精管壶腹将出现精囊和输精管壶腹将出现Others same as last section其它同上

35、层面其它同上层面2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUcoccyxSpermatic cord精索Coccygeus 尾骨肌iliopsoasTransverse section through infeior part of coccyx CIrectovesical pounch & its contents 直肠膀胱陷窝及内容2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSummary of inf part of coccygeal sectionvesicorectal pounch and

36、ampula of deferent duct & Seminal vesicle 直肠膀胱陷窝、精囊和输精管壶腹直肠膀胱陷窝、精囊和输精管壶腹Others same as last section 其它同上层面其它同上层面2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUGreater trochanterNeck of femurpectineusFemoral a.v.& nRectus femorisGemellus superiorLevator ani 肛提肌肛提肌Transverse section through sup part of p

37、ubic symphysis PSSIschioanal fossaz 坐骨肛门窝坐骨肛门窝Pubic symphysis 耻骨联合耻骨联合2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSummary of pubic symphyseal section1.Retropubic or prevesical space 耻骨后隙或膀胱前隙耻骨后隙或膀胱前隙2.Rectovesical pounch:ampulla of ductus deferens;semial vesicle直肠膀胱陷窝、精囊和输直肠膀胱陷窝、精囊和输精管壶腹精管壶腹3.Retro

38、rectal space 直肠后隙直肠后隙4.Ischioanal fossa 坐骨肛门窝坐骨肛门窝5.Obturator canal & its contents 闭膜管及闭孔闭膜管及闭孔AVN2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUAmpulla of ductus deferen输精管壶腹输精管壶腹Spermatic cordObturater internuspectineusPubic symphysis 耻骨联合耻骨联合Pubic symphysisTransverse section through middle part of p

39、ubic symphysisPSM2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSeminal vesicle 精囊Gluteus maximusGreater trochanterProstatic venous plexus前列腺静脉丛Obturater externus闭孔外肌Pubic symphysis 耻骨联合耻骨联合iliopsorseTensor fasciae lataeVesicoseminal Angle 膀胱精囊角Transverse section through inf part of pubic symphysis PSI

40、2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUVesicoseminal Angle 膀胱精囊角膀胱精囊角definition: between the posterior wall of the urinary bladder and anterior wall of semimal vesicle 膀胱后壁与精囊前壁之间的夹角膀胱后壁与精囊前壁之间的夹角Normal :2040Clinical significance:diminish or disappear,the cancer of the posterior wall of urinary

41、 bladder 变小或消失:膀胱后壁肿瘤的指征变小或消失:膀胱后壁肿瘤的指征2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUischial tuberosity坐骨结节iliopsoasTensor fasciae lataepectineusProstate 前列腺前列腺Transverse section through sup part of pubic arch PAS2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUIschoanal fossa坐骨肛门窝iliopsorseLevator aniIsch

42、ial tuberosity坐骨结节Transverse section through inf part of pubic arch PAI2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUSummary of pubic arch section1.Prostate gland 前列腺前列腺2.Ischial tuberosity 坐骨结节坐骨结节3.Ischioanal fossa 坐骨肛门窝坐骨肛门窝4.External genital organ:scrotum & penis 外生殖器:阴囊和阴茎外生殖器:阴囊和阴茎2024/7/26Cheng

43、chun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUiliopsorseCavernous body of penisCavernous body of urethraIschoanal fossaShpinecter ani externuslesser trochanterIschial tuberosityRamus of ischium2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUtestis 睾丸Cavernous body of urethra尿道海绵体iliopsorseShaft of femur2024/7/26Chengch

44、un Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUContents3.Transverse MRI & CT of male pelvis & perineum 男性盆部和会阴的横断层男性盆部和会阴的横断层MRI & CT2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUiodine2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024

45、/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU5th Lumber interverterbral disc2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26

46、Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2

47、024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anato

48、my WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUPeripheric lobeCentral lobeIschioanal fossa 2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMUTHANK YOU2024/7/26Chengchun Chen Dept of Anatomy WZMU



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