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1、Haveyoueverbeentotheseplaces?Hong KongHainanHangzhouGuilinYunnanBeijingShanghaiSydneyBrazilAmazon jungleMexicoHawaiiNiagara FallsFloridaUnit7Wherewouldyouliketovisit?Section A 1a-2d 掌握掌握:1)单词单词:tiring,fascinating,thrilling,trek,jungle,fall,touristy2)短语短语: wouldlike(love)to,wanttodosth,takeiteasy,hop

2、etodosth,toomany3)句型句型:-Id like/hope/d love to go somewhere relaxing some day. /I like places where the weather is always warm.情感目标情感目标:用不同的形容词描绘想去参观的用不同的形容词描绘想去参观的地方并能说明原因地方并能说明原因Where would you like to visit?dangerous touristy fascinatingWhatdoyouthinkoftheseplaces?NiagaraFalls尼亚加拉瀑布尼亚加拉瀑布naigr有趣味

3、的有趣味的迷人有吸引力的迷人有吸引力的令人震颤激动的令人震颤激动的funfascinatingthrilling累人的累人的危险的危险的 有趣的有趣的令人兴奋的令人兴奋的tiringdangerousinterestingexcitingAmazon Jungle亚马逊亚马逊 丛林丛林有教育意义的有教育意义的无聊的无聊的游客很多的游客很多的educationalboring touristy美丽的美丽的迷人有吸引力的迷人有吸引力的 放松的放松的平静的平静的beautifulfascinatingrelaxingpeacefulWhere would you like to go on vaca

4、tion?Id like to _, because I like_.trek through the jungleexciting vacationshas been stressed out;likes to relax on a beachFlorida1b.Listenandfillinthechart. Brazil likes excitingvacationsSamwouldliketovisitbecausegoonvacation去度假去度假gotrekking去长途跋涉去长途跋涉bestressedout有压力的有压力的peaceful和平的,宁静的和平的,宁静的2a Li

5、sten and number these statements in the orderthat you hear them.2432b Listen again. Why do the people decide not to visitthese places? Match each place with a reason.b bachopetodosth.希望做某事希望做某事beinterestedindoingsth.对做什么感兴趣对做什么感兴趣betourity游客太多的游客太多的someday将来有一天将来有一天payfor支付支付Practiceyourlistening,go




9、go traveling 去旅游去旅游sounds like fun 听起来很有趣听起来很有趣 too many tourists 太多游客太多游客 want to do sth 想要做某事想要做某事 in this season 在这个季节在这个季节 at this time of year 一年中的这个时候一年中的这个时候 It would be better to do sth. 最好去做某事最好去做某事Workingroupstodiscussyourownvacationplans.Report:Inourgroup,everyonelikestravelling.XXwouldli


11、ng.=Idlike我想去能使人放松的地方。我想去能使人放松的地方。3.IhopetogotoFrancesomeday.我希望有一天我能去法国。我希望有一天我能去法国。4.Ilikeplaceswheretheweatheriswarm.我喜欢我喜欢天气天气温暖温暖的地方。的地方。Where would you like to visit?Id like to visit. Because. Summervacationiscoming!Summervacationiscoming!A little earlierMy dream vacation I hope to visit Paris

12、 some day. 浪漫之都浪漫之都巴巴黎黎圣圣母母院院N otre D am e C a th e d r a lEiffel Tower艾艾菲菲尔尔铁铁塔塔凯旋门凯旋门theArchofTriumph香榭丽舍大街香榭丽舍大街ChampsElysee塞纳河塞纳河SeineUnit7Wherewouldyouliketovisit?Section A 3a-4c WORDSANDEXPRESSIONS:spotlightn.公众注意中心公众注意中心considerv.考虑;思考;认为考虑;思考;认为livelyadj.活泼的;活跃的活泼的;活跃的EiffelTower(法国巴黎)埃菲尔铁塔(

13、法国巴黎)埃菲尔铁塔NotreDameCathedral(法国)巴黎圣母院(法国)巴黎圣母院churchn.教堂教堂convenientadj.便利的便利的;方便的方便的undergroundadj.地下的地下的generaladj.一般的一般的;概括的概括的;全面的全面的ingeneral通常通常;大体上大体上;一般而言一般而言winen.葡萄酒葡萄酒;酒酒translatev.翻译翻译;解释解释TRAVEL SPOTLIGHT: PARIS1.Read this newspaper article about Paris. Circle the things you like about

14、visiting Paris. Underline the things you dont like.2.Answer these questions after you read the article about Paris.Where is Paris?.Are there any beaches?.What is the most famous sight in Paris?.Do Frenchmen speak English?.If you go to Paris, how will you visit the city? .What do you think of Paris?4

15、1(2) consider是动词,意为是动词,意为“仔细考虑,深思熟虑仔细考虑,深思熟虑”,后面可接,后面可接名词、从句、副词名词、从句、副词,接动词时要用,接动词时要用v-ing形式形式。 consider as把把当做当做e. g. We considered his suggestion. 我们仔细考虑了他的建议。我们仔细考虑了他的建议。 He is considering studying abroad. 他正在考虑出国留学。他正在考虑出国留学。 We considered how we should help them. 我们仔细考虑应该如何帮助他们。我们仔细考虑应该如何帮助他们。

16、Consider carefully before you decide. 你要慎重考虑后再决定。你要慎重考虑后再决定。2. Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.巴黎是法国的首都巴黎是法国的首都,并且是欧洲最美丽的并且是欧洲最美丽的城市之一。城市之一。 one of+最高级最高级+名词复数名词复数, 意为意为 “最最的之一的之一”。 Beijing is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.3.In general , t

17、hough ,France is quite an expensive place . 不不过,总的来的来说法国是一个法国是一个高消高消费的地方。的地方。 Quite an / a + 形容形容词+ 名名词单数数 意意为一个相当的一个相当的相当于相当于a very +adj. + n. Its quite a big desk =Its a very big desk .Listen and fill in the blanks Foryournextvacation,whynotconsider_ Paris?Parisisthe_ofFrance,andisoneofthelivelies

18、t_inEurope.Itdoesnthaveanybeachesormountains,butthereare_manythingstodothere.Forexample,ithassomefantasticsights,_ theEiffelTowerandNotreDamecathedral,oneofthemost_churchesintheworld.TravelingaroundParisbytaxican_alotofmoney,butitsusuallyquiteconvenientto_theundergroundtraintomostplaces.Ingeneral,th

19、ough,Franceis_anexpensiveplace.OnethingthatisnotexpensiveinFrance,however,isthe_.MostpeopleinFrancehavelearned_.ButmanypeopledontliketospeakEnglish,_ inParis.SounlessyouspeakFrenchyourself,its_totravelwithsomeonewhocantranslatethingsforyou.capitalcitiesstillfamousvisitingincludingcostEnglishespecial

20、lybestquitetakewine4a1.through2.Where3.take4.hope5.visitPractice the conversation below . Then make new conversation with the information in the box.A: where would you like to go, Kathy?B: Id like to go to Kunming.A: Isnt it supposed to be very hot?B: Yes, it is. Im only going to pack light clothes.

21、 But Kunming is also beautiful, and it has lots of wonderful sights.Hong Kong / very crowed / interesting / great entertainmentMexico City / relaxing / exciting / lots to doNew / York / touristy / fascinating / wonderful galleriesSydney / expensive / beautiful / fantastic beachesSample conversation

22、3:Sample conversation 3:A A: Where would you like to go, Kathy?: Where would you like to go, Kathy?B B: Id like to visit New York.: Id like to visit New York.A A: : Isnt it supposed to beIsnt it supposed to be very touristy. very touristy.B B: Yes, it is. But New York is : Yes, it is. But New York i

23、s fascinating, fascinating, and it has and it has lots of wonderful lots of wonderful galleries.galleries.Sample conversation 4:Sample conversation 4:A A: Where would you like to go, Kathy?: Where would you like to go, Kathy?B B: Id like to visit Sydney.: Id like to visit Sydney.A A: : Isnt it suppo

24、sed to beIsnt it supposed to be very very expensive?expensive?B B: Yes, it is. But Sydney is also beautiful : Yes, it is. But Sydney is also beautiful and it has lots of fantastic beaches. and it has lots of fantastic beaches.Summary:1. consider doing sth2. lively 的最高级形式的最高级形式 liveiest3. be convenie

25、nt to do sth 4. quite a +单数名词单数名词 = a very + 单数名词单数名词5. the capital of 的首都的首都/省会省会6. in general 通常、大体上通常、大体上7. translate into 把把 翻译成翻译成 8. unless = if not 除非除非Unit7Wherewouldyouliketovisit?Section B 1a-2f 掌握掌握:1)单词单词和短语:和短语: sail,survey,receive,choice,realistic,assoonaspossible,dreamof,bewillingto,h

26、oldonto2)句型句型:Wherewouldyouliketogo?Idliketogosomewherewarm.Whatelsecanyoutellme?Theycanhelpprovidebetterlivesfortheirparents.重难点重难点:掌握本节课的重点单词和短语;会运用句型描掌握本节课的重点单词和短语;会运用句型描述自己的希望和梦想。述自己的希望和梦想。技能目标技能目标:能进行关于旅游胜地的听说练习并进行相应能进行关于旅游胜地的听说练习并进行相应的阅读训练。的阅读训练。If you want to travel somewhere relaxing, you ca

27、n ask the travel agency for information. travel agency123Listening(1b:)Listening(1b:)to go some-to go some-where warmwhere warmto flyto flyto go on a to go on a nature tournature tourto go to go anywhere coldanywhere coldto go some-to go some-where thats where thats fun for kidsfun for kidsto go to

28、a big to go to a big citycityListening(1c:)Listening(1c:)Survey(Pariwork)A: Where would you like to go?B: Id like to go somewhere warm.A: What else can you tell me?B: I dont want .组卷网组卷网 What What elseelse can you tell me? can you tell me? 你还能告诉我一些别的吗?你还能告诉我一些别的吗?你还能告诉我一些别的吗?你还能告诉我一些别的吗? 本句中的形容词本句中的

29、形容词本句中的形容词本句中的形容词elseelse修饰修饰修饰修饰whatwhat作后作后作后作后 置定语。置定语。置定语。置定语。 辨析:辨析:辨析:辨析:elseelse 与与与与 otherother else else与与与与otherother都可作形容词都可作形容词都可作形容词都可作形容词, else, else只用于只用于只用于只用于修饰不定代词,疑问代词和疑问副词,修饰不定代词,疑问代词和疑问副词,修饰不定代词,疑问代词和疑问副词,修饰不定代词,疑问代词和疑问副词,ExplanationExplanation 并且必须要位于这些修饰词之后,作并且必须要位于这些修饰词之后,作并且

30、必须要位于这些修饰词之后,作并且必须要位于这些修饰词之后,作后置定语;后置定语;后置定语;后置定语;而而而而otherother用来修饰名词用来修饰名词用来修饰名词用来修饰名词,其,其,其,其位置与位置与位置与位置与elseelse正好相反,它位于被修饰的正好相反,它位于被修饰的正好相反,它位于被修饰的正好相反,它位于被修饰的名词之前。名词之前。名词之前。名词之前。组卷网组卷网组卷网组卷网e. g.e. g. What What elseelse can you see in the picture? can you see in the picture? 在图画中,你还能看到别的什么吗?在图

31、画中,你还能看到别的什么吗?在图画中,你还能看到别的什么吗?在图画中,你还能看到别的什么吗?Id love to sail across the PacificIts the boys dream. He dreams of sailing across the Pacific.Task 1.skimming(浏览浏览)Paragraph2Paragraph3、4Task 2 reading with focus(重点阅读重点阅读)1.Whatsthesurveyabout?2.HowmanystudentsinChinatookpartinthesurvey?Itsabouthopesand

32、dreams.ThousandsofstudentsacrossChinatookpartinthesurvey.Herearesomeofthefindingsofasurveyabouthopesanddreams,inwhichthousandsofstudentsacrossChinatookpart.Somestudentswouldliketostartworkassoonaspossible Otherstudentshopetocontinuestudyingandtogotouniversity.1、Whatwouldthestudentsliketodoafterfinis

33、hingtheireducation?”different answers to2,Whatisthemostpopularchoiceofjob?What are the hopes of teenagers?To work after school as soon as possible To help provide a better life for parentsTo go on studying in the universityTo get jobs they enjoy betterSurvey result: the popular choice is computer pr

34、ogramming.Whatisthemostpopularchoiceofjob?ThemostpopularchoiceofjobiscomputerprogrammingAll kinds of dreamsMore realisticless realisticimpossiblegotothemoontobevolunteersforHopeProjectgoonexcitingtripsbecomefamousbeabletoflyAccordingtothesurvey,lessrealisticdreamsarealsocommon,butmanystudentsreporte

35、dthattheywerewillingtoworkhardtoachievetheirdreams.乐意(做某事)乐意(做某事)have a good education find a good jobParagraph5ItseemsthatmoststudentshopetosimilarTheteenagershave_hopesOntheotherhand,studentsdreamofverydifferentthingsIts very important to dream, so hold on to your dreams, one day they may just com

36、e true. 1.It seems some students would like to start work as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their parents.看起来有些同学想尽可能快地开始工作,以便能够为看起来有些同学想尽可能快地开始工作,以便能够为他们的父母提供好的生活。他们的父母提供好的生活。 itseems(that);似乎,看来,仿佛觉得。似乎,看来,仿佛觉得。通常用于表示根据某些见到的迹象推断出结论。通常用于表示根据某些见到的迹象推断出结论。eg.Itseemst

37、hatnobodyknewwhathadhappened.似乎没有人知道发生了什么。似乎没有人知道发生了什么。 sothat引导一个目的状语从句,引导一个目的状语从句,意思是意思是“以便以便,为了为了”,相当于相当于“inorderthat”结构。结构。eg.BringitnearersothatIcanseeitbetter. After You Read2d Answer these questions.1.Why do some students want to start work as soon as possible?2. What is important to students

38、 about the work they do?3. What example is given of an impossible dream?Tohelpprovidebetterlifefortheirfamilies.Theywanttodotheworktheyenjoy.Tobeabletofly.1.sail2.Pacific3.finding4.thousands of5.as soon as possible6.continue7.programming8.translator9.report10. willing航行;在航行;在航行;在航行;在上航行上航行上航行上航行太平洋太

39、平洋太平洋太平洋数以千计的数以千计的数以千计的数以千计的尽快地尽快地尽快地尽快地发现;发现物;调查(研究)结果发现;发现物;调查(研究)结果发现;发现物;调查(研究)结果发现;发现物;调查(研究)结果(使)继续;坚持下去(使)继续;坚持下去(使)继续;坚持下去(使)继续;坚持下去编程编程编程编程翻译员翻译员翻译员翻译员报道;报告报道;报告报道;报告报道;报告乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的Summary:11. be willing to12. quite a few13. dream14. dream of15. spo

40、rtspeople16. conclusion17. hold on to18. come true19. attitude乐意(做某事)乐意(做某事)乐意(做某事)乐意(做某事)相当多;不少相当多;不少相当多;不少相当多;不少梦想;幻想;向往梦想;幻想;向往梦想;幻想;向往梦想;幻想;向往爱好运动的人;运动员爱好运动的人;运动员爱好运动的人;运动员爱好运动的人;运动员v. v. 做梦;梦到;做梦;梦到;做梦;梦到;做梦;梦到;n. n. 梦想;幻想梦想;幻想梦想;幻想梦想;幻想结论结论结论结论继续;坚持;保持继续;坚持;保持继续;坚持;保持继续;坚持;保持(预言、期望等)实现;成为事实(预言

41、、期望等)实现;成为事实(预言、期望等)实现;成为事实(预言、期望等)实现;成为事实态度态度态度态度Summary:.1、Is there anyone in the world who does not hope or dream?2、Might the dreams of Chinese teenagers be different from Western teenagers?3、Can dream come true?Task 3. Discuss the following questions in groups.Unit7Wherewouldyouliketovisit?Secti

42、on B 3a-Self check 掌握掌握:1)单词单词:company,attitude,ideal2)短语短语: asmuchasIcan,findout,haveanattitude,providewith,atthistimeofyear3)句型句型:Couldyouprovidemewithinformationaboutstudentexchangeprograms?Wehopetoseesomeelephants.Youneedtopackwarmclothesifyougothere.重难点:重难点:熟练掌握本单元的生词和短语熟练掌握本单元的生词和短语;巩固一些与旅巩固一些

43、与旅游相关的词汇;学会表达想去某地或不想去某地,学会游相关的词汇;学会表达想去某地或不想去某地,学会描述一个自己想去的地方。描述一个自己想去的地方。情感目标:情感目标:表达自己想去的地方及原因表达自己想去的地方及原因,树立自己的理想,树立自己的理想,谈论家乡谈论家乡,热爱家乡热爱家乡.Discuss the dream you have.Id love to.I can achieve it by working hard at school to learn as much as I can.by finding out how successful people did it.by cho

44、osing to study the right subjects at university.by having a “winners”attitude:I can do this.3a hope pack save provide cook1.Could you _ me with information about student exchange programs?2. My mother is going to _ Beijing Duck tonight. Would you like to come for dinner?3.Im _ my money so I can buy

45、a new bicycle.组卷网组卷网4. Shanghai is cold this time of year. You need to _warm clothes if you go there.5. Were going to Africa on vacation. We _ to see some elephants.providesavingcookhopepackthe Golden Gate Bridge the Eiffel Tower in Paris Big Ben in Londonthe Sydney Opera House I like Eiffel Tower b

46、est. It has a long history. It is different from some towers in our country, and it is made of iron instead of wood or bricks. Many years ago, one of my teachers told me there was a famous tower inWriting(2:)Writing(2:) Europe, I mistook it as the Tower of Pisa, but later I knew that they are differ

47、ent. I hope some day in the future I could have an chance to visit the Eiffel Tower.Where would you like to visit? would like to do dream of doing come true provide sb. with sth. quite a few hope to do as soon as possible be willing to do consider doing thousands of continue doingBrainstorm some sen

48、tences to make a story:Wok in pairs and make conversations with like this:1.Would you like some ?Yes,please. No, thanks.2.Would you like to do ? Yes, Id like /love to. Id like/love to ,but3.Where would you like to visit/go on vacation? Id like to/hope to visit/go to WhyBecause I like places where th

49、e weather is always warm. I like places where the people are really friendly. would like复习目标:复习目标:1.掌握掌握Unit3的重点词组、句型和文章。的重点词组、句型和文章。2.学会用学会用wouldliketo和一些和一些形容词形容词介介绍自己喜欢参观的地方及其他旅游胜绍自己喜欢参观的地方及其他旅游胜地地3.学会表达自己对某事物的好恶学会表达自己对某事物的好恶4.夯实基础夯实基础,提高能力提高能力,直击中考。直击中考。Verbs trek consider translate pack provide

50、 sail continue dream sights Places jungle fall tower cathedral church Pacific Descriptions educational peaceful fascinating thrilling lively tiring touristy tiringeducationalpeaceful1.引起疲劳的;累人的引起疲劳的;累人的2.教育的;有教育意义的教育的;有教育意义的3.和平的;平静的;宁静的和平的;平静的;宁静的4.适宜游览的;游客很多的适宜游览的;游客很多的5.航行;在航行;在上航行上航行6.活泼的活泼的,充满生

51、气的,生机勃勃充满生气的,生机勃勃的的7.名胜名胜;风景风景8.包含包含;包括包括9.教堂教堂10.将来某一天将来某一天touristysaillivelysightincludingchurchone day/some dayWords累人的累人的_迷人的迷人的_令人激动的令人激动的_包含包含_地下的地下的_翻译翻译_态度态度_理想的理想的_接受接受_推断推断_tiringfascinatingthrillingincludingundergroundtranslateattitudeidealreceivesupposeWordstour(形容词形容词)_lively(最高级最高级)_ch

52、urch(复数复数)_便利的便利的_gallery(复数复数)_choose(名词名词)_trek(过去式过去式)_法国法国_法语法语_现实的现实的_company(复数复数)_touristyliveliestchurchesconvenientgallerieschoicetrekkedFranceFrenchrealisticcompanies For your next vacation, why not consider _(访问访问) Paris? Paris is the _(首都首都) of France, and is one of the _ (最有活力的最有活力的) _

53、(城市城市) in Europe. It doesnt have any _(沙滩沙滩) or mountains, but there still many things to do there. For example, it has some fantastic sights, _ (包括包括) the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous _ in the world. _ (旅行旅行) around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but its usu

54、ally quite _to take the underground train to most places. visitingcapitalliveliestcitiesbeachesincludingchurchesTravelingconvenient _ (一般来说一般来说), though, France is quite an _(昂贵昂贵)place. One thing that is not expensive in France, however, is the_(葡萄酒)(葡萄酒).Most people in France have learned English.

55、 But many people dont like to speak English, especially in Paris. So _(除非除非)you speak French yourself, its best_(旅行旅行) with someone who can _(翻译)(翻译)things for you.unlesstranslatetotravelIngeneralexpensivewine方便的;便利的方便的;便利的翻译翻译把把打包;把打包;把装箱装箱从容,轻松,不紧张从容,轻松,不紧张一般而言,大体上一般而言,大体上提供某物给某人提供某物给某人数以千计的数以千计的;

56、许许多多的许许多多的尽快地尽快地convenienttranslatetranslator翻译员翻译员packthousandsofassoonaspossibleprovide sb with sth.=provide sth. for sbingeneraltakeiteasy(短语短语)继续继续;坚持坚持;保持保持在热带丛林中旅行(长途跋涉)在热带丛林中旅行(长途跋涉)相当多相当多,不少不少(短语)梦想(短语)梦想;幻想幻想;向往向往乐意做某事乐意做某事考虑做某事考虑做某事一年的这时候一年的这时候holdontotrekthroughthejunglequiteafewdreamof/d

57、reamaboutconsider doing sth.this time of yearbewillingtodosth希望做某事希望做某事hope to do(预言,期望)实现,成为事实(预言,期望)实现,成为事实come true 1.在亚马逊河热带丛林中在亚马逊河热带丛林中2. 一个筋疲力尽的人一个筋疲力尽的人 3.一项累人的工作一项累人的工作 in the Amazon junglea tired persona tiring job4.一个迷人的故事一个迷人的故事5.不太实际的梦想不太实际的梦想 6.刺激的假期刺激的假期7.紧张的紧张的 8.在海滩上在海滩上 a fascinati

58、ng story less realistic dreams an exciting vacationstressed outon the beach 9.实现梦想实现梦想10.付款付款11.旅游热点,旅游胜地旅游热点,旅游胜地12.考虑做某事考虑做某事13.接受良好的教育接受良好的教育14.法国的首都法国的首都achieve ones dreampay fortravel spotlightconsider doing sth. have a good educationthe capital of France 15.最有活力的城市之一最有活力的城市之一 16.最著名的教堂之一最著名的教堂

59、之一17. 迷人的景观迷人的景观 one of the liveliest citiesone of the most famous churchesfantastic sights 18.乘地铁乘地铁19. 消费相当高的地方消费相当高的地方20. 在旅行社在旅行社 21.去暖和的地方去暖和的地方 take the underground trainquite an expensive placeat a travel agencygo somewhere warm22.最最好做好做 23.省钱,存钱省钱,存钱 24.装一些薄的衣服装一些薄的衣服 Its best to do/had bett

60、er do sth.save money pack some light clothes25.有关有关的信息的信息26.将来将来 27.调查结果调查结果 some information on/about in the futurethe findings of a survey 3.need v.需要,需要, 必须必须, 实意动词,有人称和数的变化实意动词,有人称和数的变化need sth. 我需要你的帮助。我需要你的帮助。 _need to do 他需要提高他的数学。他需要提高他的数学。_need doing sth. 某物需要被某物需要被 房子需要刷房子需要刷_=The house ne

61、eds to be painted. Ineedyourhelp.Heneedstoimprovehismath.Thehouseneedspainting.情态动词,没有人称和数的变化情态动词,没有人称和数的变化用于句首,构成一般疑问句,否定为用于句首,构成一般疑问句,否定为_后必须接后必须接_.如:如:He_gohomebybus.他不必他不必做公车回家。做公车回家。另外:另外:need还可是名词还可是名词n.要求,需要,必要求,需要,必要性要性Afriendinneedisafriendindeed.患难患难朋友才是真正的朋友朋友才是真正的朋友neednt动词原形动词原形neednt一、

62、用所给动词的适当形式填空。一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Im sorry _ (say) that theres nothing _ (eat). 2. This afternoon the biggest football match of this year _ (be) on TV. 3. They tells us that Mr. Wu _ (see) the film before. 4. It is ten years since I _ (leave) my hometown. 5. You need something _ (drink), dont you? to

63、sayto eatwill behave seenleftto drink6. Either he or I _ (be) right. 7. No _ (smoke) in the hospital, please. 8. He would take out his money and _ (pay) for the bill. 9. Its time for rest; lets stop _ (have) our lesson. 10. What color do you decide _ (buy)? amsmokingpayhavingto buy1. Id like to trek

64、 _ the jungle. A. through B. acrossC. over D. on 2. Why do the people decide _ these days? Because theres not much to do. A. visit B. to visit C. not visiting D. not to visit 3. -How about the movie you saw yesterday? - Some people think its boring, _ think its exciting. A. others B. other C. each D

65、. anotherADA4. The Travel Agency offered him a hotel _ 30 dollars every day. A. / B. for C. to D. with 5. My parents want to go _ on vacation. A. somewhere peaceful B. dangerous somewhere C. somewhere boring D. fascinating somewhereBAD6. They _ all over the country. So they plan _ some other countri

66、es. A. have traveled, visit B. traveled, to visit C. traveled, visiting D. have traveled, to travel 7. We want _ a trip to Guilin this summer vacation. A. take B. takes C. taking D. to take8. Im not sure if it _ tomorrow. If it _, we wont climb the South Hill. A. will snow; snows B. will snow; will

67、snow C. snows; snows D. snows; will snowAD9. Some robots are _ to do the same things _ people. A. enough smart, as B. enough smart, with C. smart enough, as D. smart enough, for 10. _ would you like to live in? A. where B. which city C. which D. when CB1、IdliketovisitSydney.(变一般疑问句变一般疑问句)_2、Hewouldl

68、iketovisitTaiwan.(划线提问划线提问)_3、Wouldyouliketogowithme?(肯定回答肯定回答)_4、Wouldyoulikesomebananas?(肯、否回答肯、否回答)_ChangethesentencesWouldyouliketovisitSydney?Wherewouldheliketovisit?Yes,Idlove/liketo.Yes,please./No,thanks.Translation 1、去旅行、去旅行2、一年中的这个时候、一年中的这个时候3、从容、从容4、应该做某事、应该做某事5、通常、通常6、丛林中长途跋涉、丛林中长途跋涉7、数以千




72、lpeopledidit.3.bychoosingtostudytherightsubjectsatuniversity4.byhavinga“winners”attitude:Icandothis!Idlovetohavemyowncompanyoneday.Composition Idlovetohavemyowncompanyoneday.Tomakemydreamcometrue,IshouldworkhardinschooltolearnasmuchasIcan.ThenIcanenteragooduniversity. Atuniversity,Ishouldchoosetostu

73、dytherightsubjectssothatIcanhavetheknowledgeandabilitytorunmycompany. Finally,IthinkIshouldholdontomydreamevenifIhavealotofdifficulties.IthinkmydreamwillcometrueonedaybecauseIhavea“winners“attitude:Icandothis!AndIwilllearnfromthesuccessfulpeopleandfindouthowtheydidit.s_ to travel on water by shipP_

74、one of the biggest oceans f_ something learnt as the result_ as quickly/early as one canc_ go on happening/ doingp_ planning the system for a computert_ express sth in another languages_ a person who plays or enjoys sports; c_ the end ; decision; agreementa_ ways of thinking, feeling or behavingc_ t

75、_ cause to become into reality ail acific indingas soon as possibleontinuerogrammingranslateportspeopleonclusionttitudeomerueDescriptions(形容词形容词)beautifultiringeducationalfascinatingfunthrillingrelaxingdangerouspeacefulinterestingboringexcitingtouristylivelyfantasticexpensivePlaces of interest Amazo


77、kSydneyKunmingA:Wherewouldyouliketovisit?B:IdlovetoA:Why?B:BecausePractice A:Whynotconsidervisiting?B:Practice Itstootouristy.Theresnotmuchtodothere.Idontknowthelanguage.Itstoohotatthistimeofyear.Itsquiteanexpensiveplace.HawaiiNiagaraFallsMexicoTaiwanParis Describe Paris thecapitalofoneofthecitiesin

78、EuropedoesnthavebuttherearehassomefantasticsightsincludingItsconvenienttoFranceisquiteanMostpeopleinParisspeakUnlessyouspeakFrench,itsbesttoHopesThingswewouldliketodo.Thingswehopetoachieveinthefuture.DreamsId love to sail across the Pacific.partsmainideasintroductionWhatarethehopesofteenagers?Whatar

79、ethedreamsofteenagers?ConclusionIntroduce the _ in which thousands of students in China took part.findings of a surveyTeenagers hopes are _. differentTeenagers have _dreams.all kinds of Teenagers have _hopes and _ dreams; _ your dreams!similar differentHold on to start work as soon as possiblecontin

80、ue studyingdo jobs they enjoybe volunteers work hardachievesail across the Pacific Oceanbe able to flyConclusion:1. similar hopes: 2. different dreams:have a good educationfind a good job_ and _thingsIn a word, its important to _, so _ your dreams; one day they may_.dreamhold on to come truegoodcraz

81、y()startworkassoonaspossible()continuestudyingafterfinishingschool()goingtothemoon()bevolunteersforHopeProject()becomefamoussportspeopleorsingers()goonexcitingtrips()sailacrossthePacificOcean()beabletofly()haveagoodeducation()findagoodjob Hopes (H) or Dreams (D) HDDHDDDHDHGrammar1、wouldlikesth.想要想要.Iwouldlikeanapple.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:肯定回答:否定回答:否定回答:Wouldyoulikeanapple?Yes,please.No,thanks.2、wouldliketodo想要去做想要去做Iwouldliketogoshopping.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:肯定回答:否定回答:否定回答:Wouldyouliketogoshopping?Yes,Idlike/loveto.Idloveto,butIhavenotime.



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