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1、Warming upWarming upDo you enjoy Do you enjoy BoonBoonieie BearBears s? ?And do you know how to make And do you know how to make cartoons?cartoons?Do you like cartoons?Do you like cartoons?日本日本动画制作完全流程揭秘制作完全流程揭秘1 1、策划、策划 2 2、制作经费、制作经费 3 3、动画前期一、动画前期一: : 脚本脚本 4 4、动画前期二、动画前期二: : 导演的工作导演的工作 5 5、动画前期三:分

2、镜图和副导的工作、动画前期三:分镜图和副导的工作 6 6、动画前期四:人物设计和人物设计师的工作、动画前期四:人物设计和人物设计师的工作 7 7、动画前期五:机械造型设计和背景设计的工作、动画前期五:机械造型设计和背景设计的工作 8 8、动画前期六:色彩设计及色彩指定的工作、动画前期六:色彩设计及色彩指定的工作 9 9、动画中期一:构图、动画中期一:构图, ,原画和原画指导原画和原画指导 10 10 、动画中期二:动画师、动画中期二:动画师 1111、动画中期三:着色、动画中期三:着色/ /上色人员上色人员 1212、动画中期四:特效及特效人员、动画中期四:特效及特效人员 日本日本动画制作完全

3、流程揭秘制作完全流程揭秘1313、动画中期五:摄影及摄影效果、动画中期五:摄影及摄影效果 1414、动画后期一:剪接、动画后期一:剪接 1515、动画后期二、动画后期二: :音响音响1 1:配音及声优:配音及声优 1616、动画后期三、动画后期三: :音响音响2 2:音乐,效果音及合成:音乐,效果音及合成 1717、试映、试映, ,宣传宣传, ,行销行销What do you know about ?What do you know about ?Artists use many symbols in comic strips to show special meanings. Match t

4、he symbols below with their meanings. Write the correct letter in each box.1This is a “speech bubble” for the words that the character says.2If a characters eyes pop out like this ,it means he/she is very surprised.3 The light bulb symbol means that the character has an idea.4 This is a “thought bub

5、ble” for the words that the character is thinking of.cbadThere are six stages of making a cartoon. Do you know thecorrect order? Read the first sentence of each paragraph in the article on page 51 and write the numbers 1-6 in the boxes. Before you readBefore you reada Make a rough sketch of the stor

6、y.b Have a good idea for a story.c Use a computer program to put the pictures together.d Think about the characters.e Add colour to the drawings.f Record the voices and sound effects.3154261.How many stages are there of making a cartoon according to the passage? A. 4 B. 6 C. 8First, you need to deci

7、de on some basic ideas for a story.In the second stage , think about the kinds of charactersNow make a rough sketch of the story.Next, use a computer to draw detailed pictures and add colour. To make the characters and things appear to move, each picture should be made a little different from the on

8、e before it.In the next stage, a computer program is used to put the pictures together as a film.Finally, record the voices and sound effects.B读课文,选择正确答案2.What should you do first when making a cartoon?A. To decide on the idea for a story .B. To make a rough sketch of a storyC. To think about the ch

9、aracters of a story AFirst, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story.3.People use _to put the pictures together as a film A. comic strips B. video camera C. a computer programcIn the next stage, a computer program is used to put the pictures together as a film.4.What does They are actually

10、 video cameras(line 11) they stand for ?A. Hans new book B. Hans square eyes C. the pictureBHan is a tall robot. He has square eyes. They are actually video cameras.报纸47期第一版阅读任务First Decide on some _1_ideas for storySecond Think about the kinds of _2_you want and what they will _3_like Third Make a

11、rough _4_of the story FourthUse a computer to draw detalied pictures and _5_ colour Fifth Use a computer _6_ to put the pictures _7_ a flim Sixth_8_the voices and sound effectsbasiccharacterslooksketchaddprogrammetogetherRecordD2 Read the article again and make a summary of it. Remember to use your

12、own words. You may begin like this:Second period VocabularyVocabularyC1 The words in italics explain the meanings of some words from the article on page 51. Find the words to complete the sentences. Change their forms if necessary.1The_ideaofthestorymustbesimpleaswellasimportant.(line1)2Thepaintingi


14、lyseparatelyC2 Jason is writing an email to his friend Anna in Germany. Complete his email with the words in the box. Change their forms if necessary.actor appear basic decide on recordTo:To:AnnaFrom:From:JasonHiAnna,Ive(1)_astoryformycartoon.ItsaboutaboycalledJim.Helivesonanotherplanetintheyear2200


16、urs.JasondecidedondecidedonappearsappearsbasicbasicrecordrecordactoractorMaking summariesMaking summaries When you make a summary, you When you make a summary, you give the most important information in give the most important information in your own words. You should include the your own words. You

17、 should include the main points only. Then the main idea can main points only. Then the main idea can be understood quickly and easily.be understood quickly and easily.StrategyStrategy Anna: After Ive decided on the story of my cartoon, what should I do? Jason: (1) _ Anna: What should I do after tha

18、t? Jason: (2) _ Anna: How do I make the characters and things appear to move? Jason: (3) _ Anna: What should I do next? Jason: (4) _ Anna: What should I do last? Jason:(5) _ D1 Anna wants some advice on how to make cartoons. She has asked Jason some questions in a chat room. Read the article on page

19、 51 and help Jason answer her questions in complete sentences.YoushouldthinkaboutthekindsofcharactersyouwantandwhatYoushouldthinkaboutthekindsofcharactersyouwantandwhattheywilllooklike.theywilllooklike.Youshouldmakearoughsketchofthestory.Youshouldmakearoughsketchofthestory.YousholdmakeeYousholdmakee

20、achpicturealittledifferentfromtheonebeforeit.achpicturealittledifferentfromtheonebeforeit.YoushoulduseaYoushoulduseacomputerprogramtoputthepicturestogetherasacomputerprogramtoputthepicturestogetherasafilm.film.YoushouldrYoushouldrecordecordthevoicesandsoundeffects.thevoicesandsoundeffects.My chat ro

21、omHow to make a cartoonHow to make a cartoonFirst, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story. This story is about a robot, Han. He always forgets things. One day, Han meets his friends Sarah and Tim at the underground station. He says, “Im happy. I bought a new notebook. Now l wont forget t

22、hings.” Sarah says , “Yes. I have one too. Here it is .” Tim asks, “Wheres yours , Han? Han says “Oh, no! l forgot to bring it!” In the second stage , think about the kinds of characters you want and what they will look like. Han is a tall robot. He has square eyes. They are actually video cameras.

23、Tim wears glasses, so he looks clever. Sarah is a pleasant girl. She has straight black hair.Now make a rough sketch of the story.Next, use a computer to draw detailed pictures and add colour. To make the characters and things appear to move, each picture should be made a little different from the o

24、ne before it.In the next stage, a computer program is used to put the pictures together as a film.Finally, record the voices and sound effects. The actors will do the characters voices. Their speech must match the pictures. Sound effects, like the noise of the underground, must also be added separat

25、ely.After everything has been checked, the cartoon is ready to be played for everyone to enjoy.DiscussTo make a cartoon, what do we need to do first?We need to decide on some basic ideas for a story.What do we need to do in the second stage?We need to think about the kinds of characters we want and

26、what they will look like.Before we draw detailed pictures and add colour, what do we need to do?We need to make a rough sketch.What do we use to draw detailed pictures and add colour?We use a computer to draw detailed pictures and add colour.How can we make the characters and things seem to move?We

27、should make each picture a little different from the one before it.What is the computer program used to do after all the pictures are ready ?It is used to put the pictures together as a film.What is necessary when the actors do the voices of the characters?Their speech must match the pictures.How sh

28、ould we add sound effects to the cartoon?We should add sound effects separately.短语收藏夹comic strippop outdecide onvideo cameraplay againstthink aboutadd . to . (be) different from . put . togetherdo sbs voicebe ready to do连环漫画张大;睁大;瞪起决定;选定摄像机同比赛考虑把加入与不同把放在一起为某人配音准备好做根据中文意思完成句子。1. 他惊讶得瞪大了眼睛。His eyes _

29、_ in surprise.2. 她选定了一辆新车。She has _ _ a new car.3. 下一局我将和你对阵。Ill _ _ you in the next game.4. 在通往成功的路上,我准备好迎接所有的挑战。_ _ _ _ all the challenges on my way to success.Im ready to meetpopped outdecided onplay againstDictationcartoonwarningrole-playsymbolbubblethoughtroughsketch动画片;卡通片警告;警示角色扮演符号泡;气泡心思;思想粗

30、略的速写;概述程序 录制;录(音) 效果 基本的;基础的 段;步;步骤 友好的;和善的;文雅的 详细的;细致的 显得;看来;似乎 programrecordeffectbasicstagepleasantdetailedappear演员 与 相配 单独地;分别地 播放 连环漫画 眼睛张大;睁大;瞪起 决定;选定 摄像机 actormatchseparatelyplaycomic strippop outdecide onvideo camera根据句意和所给首字母写出所缺单词。1. First, you should learn some b_ vocabulary and grammar o

31、f this language.2. She is a p_ girl, for she is always kind to others.3. Dad, the red tie doesnt m_ your shirt. I think you should try this one.4. I dont know how to p_ the video. Can you show me?5. What happened to them? They a_ to be unhappy.6. Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous c_ characters

32、in the world.asicleasantatchlayppearartoon根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Look at the _(warn) on the wall. We cant take photos here.2. His dream is to be a great _ (act).3. David and his parents lived _ (separate).4. The sound effects can be _(record) later.5. This _ (think) made him happy.thoughtwarningactorseparatelyrecorded根据中文意思完成句子。1. 这景象使她瞪大了眼睛。The view made her eyes _ _.2. 我们应该积极思考,决定一项行动计划。We should think actively and _ _ a plan of action.3. 我们把这些部件组合起来做一个机器人吧。Let s _ these parts _ to make a robot.4. 我们需要加些色彩到这些图片上。We need to _ some colours _ these pictures.add topop outdecide onput together



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