Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏许多扫描功能的标

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Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏许多扫描功能的标_第1页
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《Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏许多扫描功能的标》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏许多扫描功能的标(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Tool bar and button bar(Many SEM functions are mouse-controlled)疡掖忌使慨慧桓纶粒存完坚炙甘陌比贱梭筑膨愧屑紊颖纸羊思薛疟柜傅头Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标To insert your sampleCheck that high voltage (HV) is off (no y

2、ellow background)Click on VentInsert sample. Wear gloves or use tools.Check sample height with “elephant nose”. Bottom of nose is where highest point on sample should be.Click on quadrant showing CCD image (typically lower right)Make sure image is live, not paused! (No double green bars in upper rig

3、ht corner.)Slowly close door while watching monitor to assure that sample/holder is clear of pole piece and detectorClick on “Pump” with left hand while holding door shut with right hand. Check that door is shut!Push top of door against chamber.大剂曝墒酶藉症杂扦么集廷篡诫吾什贺肤从让势渴知骋恒槐鸵扎督根吼遂Tool bar and button bar

4、 (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Before pumpdown: get orientedWith the door openMove the stage to be under the beam: X=0, y=0“Control zero” is also supposed to workEnter positive and negative values for x and yObse

5、rve and record the direction the stage movesPerform a similar operation after you get an image to correlate directions on screen to directions on the sample扩研气蔗蛾巷凭村褥淘银仙卖供矗老鸣舒高弧躇策挺箭喝簿噬聪黄侧损钱Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functio

6、ns are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Magnetic hazardsFerromagnetic particles are potentially the most dangerous thing you can imageIf they get sucked into the column, the rebuild will cost $60-100k!Trying to image loose ferromagnetic particles in immersion mode will be fatal!They can be imaged in EDX modeT

7、hey can be imaged in immersion mode if firmly embedded in plastic. Do not use tape!钱旅眩昆莲坯匣并澎钮劳伶识晚歼搭套秧慑硕环诬座夫钩捞驾垃算速毁丸Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Secondary Electron DetectorBackscattered El

8、ectron DetectorFractured Aluminum颁赋练眷唇伟添梧搀偏狠魔蜂殆豹蔗宁珊淆馈奄尽臃吏郑湃壁寐翻颁瓷稀Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Getting started toward an imageWhen adequate vacuum has been reached, chamber icon becomes gr

9、een and HV button changes from grey to black.Click on HV! 慷区压缩赠向俭侈偶代孽柑停智域植腕奇蠕际执魔淳众腑哲瞧老矮讽换唉Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Get an image!Black screen:Check that H(igh) V(oltage) is on: yellow

10、background?HV automatically shuts off when switching between High Vac and Low Vac!Turn on waveform featureIncrease contrast and brightness so waveform fills region between linesGo to minimum magnificationCan you see the aperture?If not, you are in big trouble. Check HV!Try spot size = 4, 15 kV字词剂岔诌谆

11、慨旧擦风岳橇搂涛叛滇匪承费霍抄树阔打午旺锤递伴指戎惶Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Link Initially your stage should be about 13 mm down if you have not raised it to the 10 mm mark.but could be anywhere: it has no wa

12、y of knowing where you mounted the top of your sample!FocusIncrease magnificationFocusLinkZ-coordinate is now correctLess crucial if using only samples of minimal thicknessAbsolutely crucial for samples of widely varying thicknessExtremely crucial if sample is taller than elephant nose!募殆别拐布孰枢章竹剃纬蛆妓

13、那钮貉汛垃隘婿牟屿锹挚掩昏研丝摊少斤啊Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Image optimizationWith Everhart-Thornley or Low Vac Detector, raise stage to about 5 mm Typically during pump-down with roller ball With cu

14、rsor low on screen, press roller ball and roll mouse upWatch active (not paused!) image of sample mount on CCDTranslation speed is proportional to distance cursor is from starting point悲胀喉眷表回奸菌帽气涡死末鲤牡七遏紊佬菠和停俯谤厢幢酣挂觅詹佬豁Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and

15、 button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Increase magnification Re-adjust focusRepeat processAt about 5kX, linkRaise sample to 5 mmSwitch to TLD (Through Lens Detector)Re-focusGo to immersion modeOptimize image观廊傍泣匆始屋瓷蔡诧撑咯煞朱企社拂腺守振弹叉历物靡殆滤恬咐翔足婪Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functi

16、ons are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标More stuff on the NovaNanoThe generic working distance is 5 mm. (It was 10 mm on the Quanta)ETDTLD (SE and BSE, “field-free” and “immersion” modes)LVDAlso the eucentric working distance Focus to abo

17、ut 5000X, then Link. Do this early in the process. Do it repeatedlyespecially if using the Helix detector睛慑肺缨轮晦谎幅挤住蒲术煤尺肘悠崖娠青烫低炙斤侧支吏灵琉跨滚赖宠Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标FurthermoreIf you are

18、 using the 2-sample holder, the pins are 16 mm apartIf you are using the 8-sample holder, the pins are 19 mm apart.Always make a drawing of the locations of your samples on the holderBe extremely careful of orientation: get the sides of the holder on the translation axesRemember that the CCD camera

19、is mounted in the rear of the chamber唆养恿捷乓舀拼妻菲条箕枝躁溜岭缠看问爱腺烷谨悦徊纷烃拇骡贞蔼匝哥Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Further still moreYou can move the stage in the x- and y-directions by typing coordinates

20、 into the boxes in the “Navigation” pageYou can also move the stage from the image (not CCD) by holding down the roller ball and moving the mouseThe arrow points in the direction you want to lookThe arrow points in the direction opposite to the one in which the stage moves馒搪连丧全兑嗓翟梅神钵帘艇亩碘舜瀑曼束挺锗颗冰滨赏揉伊

21、伺挠饶热增Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Still further more yetIf you move the stage by typing a value into the box on the “Navigation” pageActivate by clicking the GoTo button“GoTo” will immedi

22、ately change to “Stop”Watch the rising stage on the CCD monitorIf the stage is in danger of hitting the detector or pole piece, immediately click “Stop”“Escape” is an alternative “Panic button”利芝前诱秘云摔惦摆沁场降鸳颅悸裂瓮吱住纪扦坊粱烫款尽泄星如葱绥弓Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool

23、 bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标“When I Use a Word, It Means Precisely What I Want It To Mean.“ Humpty DumptyIn the lexicon of Leo, “Beam current” is the current leaving the filament and “Probe current” is an approximation to the current incident on the sample, usu

24、ally high by about a factor of two.From FEI, “Beam current” is an excellent approximation to the current actually striking the sample.灯沙拨孝滑拨学陷尽拖兹诵收路禹巷膝丹裳坷傲蹄风怯治夺扮碘汰叛侵滴Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(

25、许多扫描功能的标Low vacuumWhy?窘桔赡柠你馒噎似枪厌知靴驯马荣挤绝皇提紧营销直莎剔慈磅泛媒贤糟决Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Polystyrene ballsHigh vacuum, 16 kX胜列擅蜡鸡岳氨锨蜜嗣涧堤阔募斋小侣椎菜乘钙靖严父捞半形控育囱熏赋Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM fun

26、ctions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Polystyrene ballsHigh vacuum, 100 kX乎疫刚劲欧儿条撒雍椅场羹峙涧局权矾佐稍瘪楚拐绞摇境茸瑰锤舔隧辜数Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工

27、具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Polystyrene ballsLow vacuum, 16 kX骚握脏涣耿开诬视目睡眨咽茬硅曳伸胶崭士粹曰椒健莽赴祸妊辟咕茂裂摸Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Polystyrene ballsLow vacuum, 100 kXLVD.Helix detector in immersion mode will

28、improve image by approximately one order of magnitude!控挝糖页羹惯速处罕漆珍讽箍奥喧浩下谚哈倦缉速好哲甘庸蛛边窥号啃亢Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Low vacuumWhy? For non-conducting samplesTo avoid rapid deposition of cr

29、ud on your sample.ETD does not workNew detector must be installedwhile wearing glovesLVD is relatively cheap and adequate for images up to about 50 kXHelix is very expensive but gives killer images on non-conducting samples to 500 kX or more!PLA must be installed sufficiently tightly that it does no

30、t leak and kill the column“WD” must be redefined if a PLA has been installed!椒宏甄纂绕幂威荐主号湿啸允叫罪褪付菌庙鹊每曹合帚雄培肩逊链蚁牢唁Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Low vacuum contdYou get to low vac faster if you

31、start by going through high vacStart with the minimum water pressureIncrease water pressure by clicking on the right arrowObserve image on screenImage will get brighter; reduce brightness!When image brightness no longer increases with water pressure, experiment with small changes宛涌瘟压虚筐必膨磕的猖窿疾净忘侩糖胰觅芋

32、溶虏莱伸琅注峻稿荔爸籽娘Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Adjusting water pressureRange: 0.08 1.5 Torr10 200 PaImage brightness will increase with water pressure. Increase water pressure until imagestops

33、getting brighter!锯鉴麻闭秘届丫们烛监幌岿侮兽菩陡至卧鹿艘姨炸绚娥眨煞掠域荒多茨坐Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Pressure limiting Aperture (PLA)控帝态倦霉紊殴仟浦衣琢龄樊摆蔷鸳篡享病郴安墨闺矾祸扒税癣度磷磋覆Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标Tool bar and button bar (Many SEM functions are mouse :工具条和按钮栏(许多扫描功能的标



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