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1、Chapter 10 商业广告的翻译商业广告的翻译实用商务英语翻译(Practical Business English Translation)第一节广告的分类和组成部分广告的分类和组成部分P 141 1.三大类:三大类:2.产品广告(产品广告(product-oriented advertising)3.企业广告(企业广告(institution-oriented advertising)4.服务广告(服务广告(service-oriented advertising)产品广告又可分为三类a.通知性广告b.劝告性广告c.提示性广告企业广告1.企业形象广告2.倡议性广告3.服务广告实用商务英

2、语翻译(Practical Business English Translation)第二节广告的语言与结构特点广告的语言与结构特点P 143 1.单音节词语的使用Feel the new space. Sumsung译文:译文:感受新境界。三星2.大量使用形容词及其比较级、最高级Lets make things better. Philips译文:译文:让我们做得更好。飞利浦一. 广告的词汇特点-3. 大胆借用或杜撰词语 Hi-fi, Hi-fun, Hi-fashion, only from Sony. Sony译文:译文:高保真,高乐趣,高时尚,只来自索尼。 索尼fidelity(inf

3、idelity)一. 广告的词汇特点- 1.多用简单句多用简单句Without Lenovo, Without life. - Lenovo 译文:人类失去联想,世界将会怎样。译文:人类失去联想,世界将会怎样。- 联想联想二. 广告的句式特点-2. 句式多样句式多样Obey your thirst. - Sprite译文:服从你的渴望。译文:服从你的渴望。- 雪碧雪碧 (祈使句)(祈使句)Where is our own Silicon Valley?Go straight 500 meters. - Zhongguan Village 译文:译文:我们自己的硅谷在哪里?向前500米。 中关村

4、 (疑问句)二. 广告的句式特点-3. 多用现在时America spells cheese,KRAFT. - Kraft译文:译文:奶酪的美国拼法:KRAFT。-卡夫奶酪二. 广告的句式特点-1. Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. -Rolex译文:译文:与我不同,我的劳力士永不言休。-劳力士(拟人)2. Join Worldenglish, Enjoy Englishworld. New English World译文:译文:置身世界英语,享受英语世界。新世界国际英语(押韵)三. 广告的修辞特点-A Mars a day keeps you w

5、ork, rest and play. Mars译文:译文:一天一块玛氏巧克力,使你永葆工作、休息和娱乐。玛氏(仿拟)解释:解释:语出西方谚语“An apple a day keeps doctor away.”三. 广告的修辞特点-实用商务英语翻译(Practical Business English Translation)第三节广告的翻译P 146 1. We lead, Others copy. Ricoh译文:译文: 我们领先,他人仿效。我们领先,他人仿效。理光理光一. 广告的直译The worlds local bank.HSBC译文:译文: 环球理财,当地智慧。环球理财,当地智慧

6、。汇丰银行汇丰银行Invented for life. Bosch译文:译文: 科技成就生活之美科技成就生活之美博世博世二. 广告的意译实用商务英语翻译(Practical Business English Translation)第四节广告的翻译-翻译创译法与零译法;套译法P 147 Things go better with Coca-cola-Coca-cola译文:饮可口可乐,万事如意。译文:饮可口可乐,万事如意。可口可乐可口可乐一.创译法“OPEC、WTO、E-mail、CD、MTV”商品品牌的零译也很多,如商品品牌的零译也很多,如“Esprit、DHL、LG” 二. 零译法(zer

7、o-translation) Where there is a way for car, there is a Toyota.Toyota译文:译文: 车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。丰田丰田Apple thinks different.Apple译文:译文: 苹果电脑,不同凡苹果电脑,不同凡“想想”。苹果电脑苹果电脑三.套译法实用商务英语翻译(Practical Business English Translation)翻译技巧-常见句子结构的翻译P 149 1. All the family members call the dog “Tudou” (土豆)

8、土豆) 译文:译文: 所有的家庭成员都把这条狗称为所有的家庭成员都把这条狗称为“土豆土豆”。(主谓宾补)(主谓宾补)2. They feed the dog milk and steak. 译文:他们给狗喂牛奶和排骨。(主谓双宾)译文:他们给狗喂牛奶和排骨。(主谓双宾)3. This contract has been signed. (主谓结构)(主谓结构)一.英语与汉语简单结构的相似性4. The modal is the latest.译文:译文: 该型号是最新的。(主语该型号是最新的。(主语+判断词判断词+形容形容词)(主语词)(主语+ 谓语谓语+ 表语)表语) 5.He likes

9、dancing. 6. (主主 + 谓谓 + 宾)宾)一.英语与汉语简单结构的相似性1. 简单句转译成复合句简单句转译成复合句 I would really appreciate your persuading your management.译文:译文: 如果你能说服管理团队,我会由衷感激。如果你能说服管理团队,我会由衷感激。二. 句式转换法-译为主从复合句译为主从复合句2. 并列句并列句转译成复合句转译成复合句We are prepared to give your product a trial, provided (that) you can guarantee delivery on

10、 or before the 20th of September. We reserve the right of refusal of delivery and/or cancellation of the order after this date.译文:译文: 若你方能够确保在若你方能够确保在9月月20日或以前发货,日或以前发货,我方乐于尝试购进你方产品,但保留在此日我方乐于尝试购进你方产品,但保留在此日期之日期之日/之前取消订单的权利。之前取消订单的权利。provided conj. 以以为条件;假如,除非为条件;假如,除非二. 句式转换法-译为主从复合句译为主从复合句(1) 短语译成

11、复合句短语译成复合句Having made repeated applications for payment of this amount without avail, we now give you notice that we shall take out a summons for recovery of the same.译文:译文: 为结清本账目,我方多次催促,但未有为结清本账目,我方多次催促,但未有任何效果。所以为收回本帐款项,准备向法任何效果。所以为收回本帐款项,准备向法院起诉,特此通知。院起诉,特此通知。二. 句式转换法-短语译成复合句简单句译为并列句简单句译为并列句My o

12、ffer was based on reasonable profit instead of wild speculations.译文:译文: 我的报价以合理利润为依据,而不是漫我的报价以合理利润为依据,而不是漫天要价的。天要价的。2. 句式转换法-译成并列句主从复合句译为并列句主从复合句译为并列句 In addition to some information about the current investment environment in your country, Id like to know about your foreign trade policy.译文:译文: 我非常想

13、了解有关贵国的投资环境,并我非常想了解有关贵国的投资环境,并且还想了解有关的对外贸易政策。且还想了解有关的对外贸易政策。2. 句式转换法-译成并列句复合句译为简单句复合句译为简单句We would have to compare notes on what we have discussed during the day. As an alternative I wish to propose May 3rd .译文:译文: 另一个方便时间是另一个方便时间是5 月月 3 日。日。2. 句式转换法-译成简单句实用商务英语翻译(Practical Business English Translat

14、ion)练习P 151 试将下列广告语翻译成中文。试将下列广告语翻译成中文。A Kodak Moment. ( Kodak )就在柯达一刻。Beauty Meets Performance. ( Samsung )艺术触发设计灵感。艺术触发设计灵感。Like no other. ( Sony )独一无二。独一无二。Engineered to move the human spirit. ( Mercedes-Benz )人类精神的动力。人类精神的动力。 Quality never goes out of style. ( Levis )光临风韵之境。We cant forge ahead by

15、 sticking to existing roads. ( Audi )开拓进取,来源于勇于创新。开拓进取,来源于勇于创新。将下列个句翻译成汉语。1Im sorry to say that your price has soared. Its almost 20% higher than last years.译文: 很遗憾,贵方的价格猛涨,比去年几乎高出20%。2. You may have another certificate showing the goods to be free from radioactive contamination.译文:你们还要出具另一份证明书,以证明货

16、物没有受放射线污染。3. Having established ourselves in this city, as merchants and general agents, we take the liberty of acquainting you of it, and solicit the preference of your order.译文:我方已在本市开设贸易与总代理店,特此通知。同时,我方冒昧打扰,恳请订购。4. We are certain that we are offering a sound article at popular price, and we shoul

17、d appreciate an opportunity to substantiate our claims. 译文: 我们确保所提供的货色优良,价格公道,感谢贵公司给我们一个机会,使我们的要求得以实现。substantiate:使实体化 5. We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than US$1,000, for a period over six months at the rate of 6% PA.译文:定期存款的条件为年利率6%,存期六个月以上,只要金额超1000美元,我们均乐意接受。

18、PA.=per annum (拉丁文)6. We wish to state that if the account is not paid by next Monday, we shall be forced to place the matter in the hands of our solicitors.译文:我方在此表明如贵司下周一前尚未结清款项,我司则不得不委托我方律师处理该事。7. We regret that we are not able at the moment to make you a settlement.译文: 非常遗憾,本公司目前实在无力结清该账。8. I th

19、ink I speak for all my fellow employees when I say that we at Action are delighted to be working with an industry leader like you.译文:我谨代表Action公司的全体同仁表示: 能与贵公司这样的业界翘楚合作我们感到非常高兴。9. All other appropriate forms have been modified. Ive also set things in motion to revise our orientation process. Were re

20、ady to go!译文:其他相关的表格也都修改了,同时也在积极地修订拓展训练的程序,一切基本就绪。10. Well start with an orientation video. It runs about 15 minutes. 译文:我们将先播放拓展训练的视频,大概放15分钟。Please translate:NESTL invented NESCAF,the worlds first soluble coffee in 1938. 雀巢公司于1938年发明了世界上第一杯速溶咖啡雀巢咖啡。NESCAF quickly gained popularity around the world

21、. Today NESCAF is the worlds leading coffee brand with more than 4,000 cups of NESCAF enjoyed every second throughout the world.雀巢咖啡很快就在全球盛行起来。今天,在全球平均每秒就有4,000杯雀巢咖啡被享用,雀巢咖啡已成为世界领先的咖啡品牌。NESTL commenced selling NESCAF in China in the mid-1980s. NESCAF quickly became very popular and NESTL decided to

22、proceed with local production. 雀巢公司自20世纪80年代开始在中国销售雀巢咖啡产品,这种咖啡很快便广为消费者喜爱,于是雀巢决定进行本地化生产。NESCAF has been produced in Dongguan ( Guangdong Province ) since 1992, where NESTL operates a state-of-the-art factory using some of NESTL most advanced proprietary technology. 1992年,雀巢在广东省东莞市建立了一个国际化一流的咖啡加工厂,运用雀

23、巢集团最先进的技术生产雀巢咖啡。 NESTL is by far the leading coffee brand in China.如今,雀巢咖啡在中国咖啡市场已成为领先品牌。NESTL has pioneered the fast expansion of coffee consumption in China.雀巢是中国咖啡消费这一快速发展产业的先导。 NESCAF has become a favourite beverage among young, dynamic urban consumers.雀巢咖啡已获得年轻、有活力的都市消费者喜爱。试将下列广告译为英文。理想伴侣咖啡壶由时尚

24、的优质材料制成, 无论是咖啡的芳醇度还是外观设计, 都是追求卓越品质的您的理想选择。Perfect companySophisticated coffeemakers made of modern high quality material for people seeking excellent quality, in coffee aroma as well as in design. Sleek and stylish designs will catch your eyes. 优美时尚的外观设计格外令人关注。The unique personalized brewing system

25、ensures your coffee is brewed exactly to your taste and those of your family and friends.独一无二的个性化烹煮系统, 可确保烹煮的咖啡始终符合您和家人朋友的独特口味。烹煮系统独特的冲煮系统可从咖啡粉中提取最丰富的美味和醇香, MyAroma 控制让咖啡总能满足您的口味, 就像专门为您调制。Brewing systemThe unique boil & brew system extracts the richest, fullest flavor and aroma from the coffee grou

26、nds. And with MyAroma Control, youll get coffee the way you like it. Have your coffee in your way, exactly your way.大量咖啡来了许多亲朋好友?不必担心。飞利浦提供的咖啡壶还可容纳多达15杯咖啡,每个人都可以尽情享用。The Plenty of coffeeLots of friends and family coming over? Dont worry. Philips offer coffee makers with a capacity of up to 15 cups.

27、There is plenty of coffee for everyone.自动关熄工作时间太忙碌,无暇关闭咖啡壶?自动关闭功能将令您高枕无忧。Auto switch offRecognize those hectic mornings? Mornings that you might forget to turn off your coffee maker. The auto switch off functionality will give you peace of mind.一目了然飞利浦咖啡壶物超所值,不仅具有出众的外观和易用性,更能调制味道和口感一流的咖啡。参照图标,选择更加快速

28、准确。At a glancePhilips coffee makers offer value for money. Youll get the best taste, smell, looks and ease of use. Watch the icons foe the perfect choice.从默默无闻的创业者到国际市场的领导者从默默无闻的创业者到国际市场的领导者From humble beginnings to global market leaderDHL在40年前由三名早期蓬勃的创业者Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hillblom和Robert Lynn共同创建

29、,至今仍以惊人的速度发展。Founded in San Francisco almost 40 years ago by 3 budding entrepreneurs Adrian Dalsey,Larry Hillblom and Robert Lynn DHL has continued to expand at a phenomenal rate. 如今,DHL已经成为国际快递与物流行业的市场领导者。Today ,it stands tall as the global market leader of the international express and logistics i

30、ndustry.追溯到1969年,DHL的创始人们自己乘坐飞机来往于旧金山和檀香山之间运送货物单证,向今后事业的发展方向迈出了一小步。多年后,DHL拓展了网络建设,逐步将业务拓展到世界各个角落。Back in 1969,DHL took its first small steps in building for the future by personally shipping papers by airplane from San Francisco to Honolulu. The years passed and the DHL network grew ever larger ,gra

31、dually reaching out to new customers in every corner of the world.同时,随着市场扩大,市场环境日益复杂,为了适应本地及全球客户需求的变化,DHL对自身进行了重组。At the same time, the marketplace developed and became more complex,so DHL adapted itself to meet the changing needs of its customers both at global and local level. 今天,DHL的国际网络已经连接了世界上2

32、20多个国家和地区,员工达到300,000人。Today,DHLs international network links more than 220 countries and territories worldwide and employs some 300,000 employees.此外,DHL在快递、空运与海运、国际运输、合同物流解决方案及国际邮递等领域提供了无可比拟的专业性服务。DHL also offers unparalleled expertise in express,air and ocean freight ,overland; 横越大陆的/陆上的 transport

33、,contract logistics solutions as well as international mail services.从1969年的3名员工到2008年的300,000名员工,DHL一如既往的秉持专业精神与服务理念。我们的成功源自始终为客户递送卓越服务,永不满足。 From 3 employees in 1969 to 300,000 employees in 2008,the approach and dedication has remained the same. Our success has always been based around delivering

34、excellent service for our customers. Never complacent,DHL品牌所代表的个性化服务承诺、积极主动的解决方案与本地优势已深入人心。DHL has become a brand acknowledged for personal commitment ,proactive solutions and local strength.DHL成功 的核心在于其员工始终关注客户需求,并提供定制化的解决方案。At the heart of its success are its employees who focus on the customers needs and provide individually customized solutions. DHL是德国邮政环球网络旗下的一个品牌。整个集团在2007年的营业收入达到了630亿欧元。DHL is a Deutsche Post World Net brand. The group generated revenues of more than 63 bn Euros in 2007.



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