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1、1. I havent met him _ the 2. last committee metting.3. A. for B. since4. C. at D. beforeB2. Are you going to fix the car yourself, or are you going to have it _ ? A. fixing B. to fix C. fix D. fixedD have + sth + 过去分词过去分词 让让/ /叫叫/ /使使/ /请别人做某事请别人做某事 3. I think its high time we _ measures to stop pol

2、lution. A. will take B. are taking C. took D. have takenC Its ( high / about ) time that sb. did / should do 4. The grain output of this year is much higher than _ of last year. A. that B. which C. such D. whatA 5. If _ in the fridge, the fruit can remain fresh for a week. A. keeping B. be kept C. k

3、ept D. to keepC 6. The criminal didnt realize the value of freedom _ he lost it. A. if B. as C. while D. untilD 7. Our president will hold a party at May Flower Hotel _ your honor. A. with B. at C. in D. onC in ones honor 表示对某人的敬意表示对某人的敬意 8. Not for a moment _ doubt the truth of your report. A. we h

4、ave B. did we C. we had D. we areB 9. She wanted to know _ child it was on the grass. A. that B. whose C. what D. whomB 10. _ last Friday, he would have got to Paris. A. Would he leave B. Had he left C. If he has to leave D. If he was leavingB If + had done,主语,主语 + would / might / should / could + h

5、ave done If + were / did / (动词过去式动词过去式),主语,主语+ would / might / should / could + do11. She got a message from Mr. Zhang _ Professor Wang couldnt see him this week. A. which B. whom C. that D. whatC 12. This time next week Ill be on vacation. Probably _ on a beautiful beach. A. am lying B. will have l

6、ain C. will be lying D. have lainC 13. At the national conference, the famous scientist gave an report _ on his experiment. A. basing B. based C. to be based D. to baseB 14. I think that Jane is _ far the most active member in our group. A. by B. with C. as D. atA 15. I still unable to make myself_

7、in the discussion , whichworries me a lot.A. be understood B. understoodC. understanding D. understandB 16. I stayed up all night _ to find a solution to the math problem. A. trying B. have tried C. try D. triedA 17. We could not have fulfilled the task in time if it _ for their help. A. was not B.

8、has not been C. is not D. had not beenD 18. _ he is still working on the project , I dont mind when he will finish it. A. In case B. As far as C. Even if D. As long asD 19. So _ after she learned the good news that she cried. A. excited the mother was B. was the mother excited C. the mother was exci

9、ted D. excited was the motherD such / so that 句型中的句型中的 such / so 提前放于句首提前放于句首, 用于加强语气用于加强语气, 句子句子 要倒装。要倒装。 “ 如此如此 以至于以至于 ”20. If you are worried _ the problem, you should try to do something about it. A. for B. about C. on D. withB 1. The boys next door used ( like ) _ making and flying model planes

10、, but they seem to have stopped doing that now. to like used to do sth 过去常常做某事过去常常做某事 be used to doing 现在习惯做某事现在习惯做某事 2. The children ( play ) _ the violin overthere will go on the stage next week. playing3. The project is not ( practice ) _ at all since it will take ten years to complete . practica

11、l4. It was suggested that a team of five ( set ) _ up to investigate the matter . be set5. It is reported that many cases of sickness were caused by ( eat ) _ during the Spring Festival this year . overeating6. The old couple had never been to such a big party, so they felt ( comfort ) _ and kept qu

12、iet . uncomfortable7. When we were young , we had already learnt that life (be) _ dependent on air and water. is8. I am sure the secretary who has just been hired will prove to be a very efficient (employ) _. employee9. The little boy was afraid of being asked to sing the song, for he ( not prepare

13、) _ _ for it . hadnt prepared10. We regret to inform you that we no longer manufacture the product that you are (interest) _ in. interested11. Those who are working in the Human Resources Department are ( humorous ) _ than we expected. more humorous12. (watch) _ by a crowd of people , Charles felt v

14、ery embarrassed and could not say a word. Watched13. John not only learnt Chinese but also ( know ) _ the difference between his culture and ours. knew14. All the members of the company were present when the manager ( elect ) _ last week. was elected15. A guest in this hotel accused a waiter of ( st

15、eal ) _ his money. stealing16. We should read more and see more in order to (wide) _ our horizons. widen17. He might have been killed in the accident yesterday if he ( take ) _ part in the activity. had taken18. Some experts suggest that we should slow down the (economy) _ growth in China. economic1

16、9. When she was 5 years old, my sister already knew where (put) _ her toys and dolls. to put20. Doing a second job to earn more money also means you will have to pay ( addition ) _ income tax. additional1. Todays young people generally have more purchasing power than their parents and they are more

17、prepared to use it.A. 如今年轻人的购买力一般超过他们的父母如今年轻人的购买力一般超过他们的父母, , 而且更乐意消费。而且更乐意消费。B. 总体上今天的年轻人赚的钱比父母多总体上今天的年轻人赚的钱比父母多, ,而且而且 他们时刻准备消费掉。他们时刻准备消费掉。C. 如今年轻人在消费上大都比父母大方如今年轻人在消费上大都比父母大方, ,而且而且 他们更做好了花钱的准备。他们更做好了花钱的准备。D. 今天的年轻人大都认为他们需要比父母多今天的年轻人大都认为他们需要比父母多 买东西买东西, ,而且时刻准备这么做。而且时刻准备这么做。2. Every employer wants

18、 and needs emloyees who can suggest improvements in an honest and constructive manner.A. 每位雇主都以诚实和建设性的方法要求雇每位雇主都以诚实和建设性的方法要求雇 员提出改进意见。员提出改进意见。B. 每位雇主都希望能有以诚实积极的态度提每位雇主都希望能有以诚实积极的态度提 出改进意见的雇员。出改进意见的雇员。C. 每位雇主都要求雇员每位雇主都要求雇员; ;能够提出诚实积极能够提出诚实积极 的改进意见。的改进意见。D. 每位雇主都需要他们的雇员能够诚实而富每位雇主都需要他们的雇员能够诚实而富 有建设性。有建

19、设性。3. The increase in international business has created a need for managers with skills in cross-cultural communication.A. 国际贸易增加了跨文化交流的机会,也提国际贸易增加了跨文化交流的机会,也提 高了经理的技能。高了经理的技能。B. 国际贸易提高了对经理掌握跨文化交流技国际贸易提高了对经理掌握跨文化交流技 能的要求。能的要求。C. 国际贸易的增加需要具有跨文化交流技能国际贸易的增加需要具有跨文化交流技能 的经理。的经理。D. 国际贸易增加了对经理跨文化交际能力的国际贸易

20、增加了对经理跨文化交际能力的 需求。需求。4. Scientists are eager to talk with other scientists working on similar problem.A. 科学家热衷于与从事类似课题研究的其科学家热衷于与从事类似课题研究的其 他科学家交流。他科学家交流。B. 科学家更容易与其他科学家谈话来解决科学家更容易与其他科学家谈话来解决 相同的问题。相同的问题。C. 科学家很乐意在解决类似问题的时同其科学家很乐意在解决类似问题的时同其 他科学家交流。他科学家交流。D. 科学家更容易就雷同的问题与其他科学科学家更容易就雷同的问题与其他科学 家交谈。家交

21、谈。5. Women are going after equality themselves instead of waiting for organizations to deliver it.A. 妇女正在追求属于自己的平等,而不是组妇女正在追求属于自己的平等,而不是组 织机构给予的平等。织机构给予的平等。B. 妇女在等待组织机构带来平等,相反地自妇女在等待组织机构带来平等,相反地自 己则在后面跟随。己则在后面跟随。C. 与其等待组织机构赐予平等,妇女更愿意与其等待组织机构赐予平等,妇女更愿意 自己去追随平等。自己去追随平等。D. 妇女正在自己追求平等而不是等待组织机妇女正在自己追求平等而

22、不是等待组织机 构赐予平等。构赐予平等。6. Its still unusual to get a job without a face-to-face contact with your boss-to-be.A. 不和你未来的老板面对面地签订合同就找不和你未来的老板面对面地签订合同就找 到工作,这是非同寻常的。到工作,这是非同寻常的。B. 未经与你的未来老板面对面接触就能得到未经与你的未来老板面对面接触就能得到 一份工作,这依然是很罕见的。一份工作,这依然是很罕见的。C. 找到一份工作就不想和你的老板见面,这找到一份工作就不想和你的老板见面,这 是不常见的。是不常见的。D. 不和当老板的人

23、见面就得到一份工作,这不和当老板的人见面就得到一份工作,这 是很不正常的。是很不正常的。7. No one can use cell phones in anywhere at the hospital where equipment might be affected by the influence from cell phones.A. 在医院的任何区域都不得使用手机,因为在医院的任何区域都不得使用手机,因为 会收到设备的干扰。会收到设备的干扰。B. 在医院的任何区域,手机会影响设备的使在医院的任何区域,手机会影响设备的使 用,任何人不得使用。用,任何人不得使用。C. 医院里没有人使用手

24、机,因此不会干扰设医院里没有人使用手机,因此不会干扰设 备的使用。备的使用。D. 医院内,在可能干扰设备使用的任何区域医院内,在可能干扰设备使用的任何区域, , 禁止使用手机。禁止使用手机。8. Chinas consumer price index in July drop by 0.9 percent from a year earlier, against a decline of 0.8 percent in June .A. 七月份中国消费物价指数与去年同期相比七月份中国消费物价指数与去年同期相比 下降了下降了0.9%,0.9%,而六月份该指数下降了而六月份该指数下降了0.8%0.8%。B. 中国消费物价七月份下降至前一年的中国消费物价七月份下降至前一年的0.9%0.9% 比六月份只下降了比六月份只下降了0.8%0.8%。C. 七月份中国消费物价指数比一年前下降了七月份中国消费物价指数比一年前下降了 0.9% 0.9%;比六月份下降了;比六月份下降了0.8%0.8%。D. 中国消费物价指数七月份比前一年下降了中国消费物价指数七月份比前一年下降了 0.9% 0.9%,而与六月份相比,又下降了,而与六月份相比,又下降了0.8%0.8%。



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