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1、濒危的濒危的What endangered animals do you know?They are endangered!Look at the cartoon and tell what giant pandas look like.I am a baby.I am an _.adultPandas have a white face with black _.patchesI like eating _.bambooMy _ is 100-200 _ at birth.1000 grams =1 _weightgrams kilogramSome pandas live in the z

2、oo while some live _.in the wildI am a dog. But I have pandas _.furPopulation In the wild: about 1,600Appearance Weight at birth: about 100200 grams Adult weight: about 100150 kilograms Colour: black and whiteIt is the giant pandas fact _.file*endangered adj. 濒危的濒危的file n. 档案档案wild n. 自然环境;野生状态自然环境;

3、野生状态bamboo n. 竹;竹子竹;竹子adult n. 成年动物成年动物weight n. 重量重量population n. (统称统称)某领域的生物;族群;某领域的生物;族群; 人口人口New Wordsbehaviour n. (动植物的动植物的)活动方式活动方式*patch n. 色斑;斑点色斑;斑点shoulder n. 肩;肩膀肩;肩膀central adj. 在中心的;中央的在中心的;中央的menu n. 菜单菜单fur n. (动物的动物的)毛皮毛皮cruel adj. 残忍的;残酷的残忍的;残酷的New Words1. How many pandas still liv

4、e in the wild? a. About 1,600.b. About 100,000.2. Can pandas climb trees? a. Yes, they can.b. No, they cant.3. What do pandas usually eat? a. Bananas.b. Bamboo.4. How long can pandas live in the wild? a. About 20 years. b. About 50 years.5. Where do pandas live? a. In Sichuan.c. In Gansu. b. In Shaa

5、nxi.d. In Jiangsu.How much do you know about pandas?Before Reading: a quiz about pandasLook at the article on page 67. Complete the facts about pandas.2nd: Detailed ReadingReading Strategy: ScanningHello. I am a panda. My home is in Central and Southern China. I live close to the mountains. I have a

6、 black face with white patches around my eyes. I also have black ears, shoulders and legs. I love eating bamboo and I spend more than 18 hours a day eating.There are about 3,000 of us in the wild. However, some people are still killing us for our teeth. Please help us!Please help us!Westernhigh up i

7、nwhiteblack12fur1,6003nd ReadingWhy are giant pandas endangered? They are losing their homes because _ _ _People are cutting down forests.Some people are killing them for their fur.People are polluting their homes.After Reading:What will you do to help the gaint pandas? I am a student.I am a citizen

8、.I am a professor.I am a governor.D3. Discuss with your partner, How can we help the giant panda? 1. We should protect the environment by planting more trees, bamboos and so on. 2. We human being should be friendly to pandas. 3. Wed better not disturb(打扰) them by invading(侵入) their habitat(栖息地). 4.

9、And we can try out best to offer help when they are in trouble. P 80 The World Wide Fund for NatureLets enjoy a video. weight at birth出生时weight和weigh的区别熊猫出生时重100克。Pandas weigh 100 grams at birth.It has a white face with black patches.The rest of its body is white.剩余的、剩下的1.Pandas live high up in the

10、mountains of Central and Western China.(L4)2.bambooLanguage pointsLanguage pointsCentren.-centralCentren.-centraladj.adj.Westn.-westernWestn.-westernadj.adj.Eastn.-easternadj.Eastn.-easternadj.朝阳映红(朝阳映红(flame)了东方的天空了东方的天空. Therisingsunflamestheeasternsky.Therisingsunflamestheeasternsky.In zoos, thei

11、r menu includes bamboo, apples and carrots.include v.我的作业包括有数学,英语和语文。My homework includes Maths, English and Chinese.including & included我有很多作业,包括数学,英语和语文。I have a lot of homework, including Maths, English and Chinese.I have a lot of homework, Maths, English and Chinese included.2. A giant panda can

12、 eat as much as 30 kilograms of bamboo a day. (L11) Tenistwiceasmuchasfive.Tenistwiceasmuchasfive.Language pointsLanguage pointsas+as+adjadj/adv+as/adv+as与与 一样多一样多1) 十是五的两倍。十是五的两倍。 2)我们尽可能快地穿上衣服我们尽可能快地穿上衣服,然后回家。然后回家。 TheWestLakeisasbeautifulasapainting.TheWestLakeisasbeautifulasapainting.3)西湖风景如画。西湖

13、风景如画。 Wedressedourclothesasquicklyaspossibleandwenthome.Wedressedourclothesasquicklyaspossibleandwenthome.A giant panda can eat as much as 30 kilograms of bamboo a day.as much as & as many as我有多达1,500本书。I have as many as 1,500 books.asas我可以跑得和刘翔一样快。I can run as fast as Liu Xiang.她和天使一样漂亮。She is as b

14、eautiful as an angel.多达多达和和一样一样Pandas like to live on their own.on ones own你应该自己做作业。You should do your homework on your own.那个可怜的老奶奶自己一个人住。That poor granny lives on her own.by oneselfaloneThat poor granny lives by herself/alone.独自独自3. They need to eat a lot to stay healthy, so they spend more than 1

15、2 hours a day eating. (L15) V V+alot+alotalotof+n=lotsof+nalotof+n=lotsof+n SingerSingerpractisespractisesalottosingwell.alottosingwell.1)歌唱家练习得很多,为了唱的更好。歌唱家练习得很多,为了唱的更好。 Ispend2hoursdoingmyEnglishhomework.Ispend2hoursdoingmyEnglishhomework.2)学校里有许多树。学校里有许多树。spend(spend(in)doingin)doing/on/onsthsth

16、Therearealotof(lotsof)treesintheschool.Therearealotof(lotsof)treesintheschool.我花了两个小时做英语作业。我花了两个小时做英语作业。4. Although they are big and heavy, it is not difficult for them to climb trees. (L17) althoughalthough不与不与butbut连用,可以和连用,可以和yetyet连用连用Its+Its+adjadj+for+forsbsbtodotodosthsthItisimportantforyouto

17、reducethepressureyouarefeeling.Itisimportantforyoutoreducethepressureyouarefeeling.1) 减少压力对于你来说是非常重要的。减少压力对于你来说是非常重要的。2)与她相处得好是不可能的。与她相处得好是不可能的。Itsimpossibleforustogetalongwellwithher.Itsimpossibleforustogetalongwellwithher.3)对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险。对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险。Its very _ to cross the busy street.4)

18、对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。Its _ to finish the work.dangerousforchildrendangerousforchildrenverydifficultforusverydifficultforusThey strong enough to protect themselves.enough的用法在名词前、形容词后Pandas live for about 20 years in the wild, but in the zoos they can live for up to 35 years.People are cutt

19、ing down forests, so the pandas are losing their homes.Some people are killing them for their fur.It is cruel of them to do so.It is adj. of noun/pronoun to+verbIt iscruelofthemto kill pandas.kindyouto try to save the dog.他竟然忘了今天要考试,真是太愚蠢了!It is foolish of him to forget to take the exam today.1.住在住在

20、2.中国西部中国西部3.野外的野外的4.多达多达5.独自独自6.保持健康保持健康7.花费花费8.多达多达/高达高达9.砍伐砍伐10.因因而捕杀而捕杀1.live in2.Western China3.in the wild4.as much as5.on ones own6.stay healthy7.spend(in) doing8.up to9.cut down10.killfor渡渡鸟 died out in about 1660.恐鸟 died out in about the 16th century.We will NEVER see them again.We will NEVE

21、R see them again.4They are disappearing from the world.They are disappearing from the world.西班牙猞猁:目前仅剩不足120只 。 苏门达腊猩猩:总数少于7500只,并以每年1000只的速度锐减。 澳洲毛鼻袋熊:生活在澳洲,总共不超过100只 。野生双峰驼 :全球仅剩650余峰,比大熊猫还珍贵,到了极度濒危的状态。鹿瞪羚:在过去10年间其数量下降了80%,目前总数不超过100头。野生扬子鳄:全中国不足150条 。黑白花狨 :分布在巴西亚马逊热带雨林 ,高度濒危 。 棱皮龟:20年间种群数量由11万5千锐减

22、到2万6千只。 大熊猫是世界上最珍贵的动物之一,数量十分稀少,属于我国国家一类保护动物。 In pairs, discuss how you can help the giant panda.New Words竹竹重量重量档案档案濒危濒危义务;责任义务;责任成年成年野生状态野生状态族群;人口族群;人口*endangered adj. file n. *obligation n. wild n. bamboo n. adult n. weight n. population n. New Words色斑;斑点色斑;斑点组织;机构组织;机构菜单菜单残忍的;残酷的残忍的;残酷的在中心的;中央的在中心的;中央的(动物的动物的)毛皮毛皮(动植物的动植物的)活动方式活动方式肩;肩膀肩;肩膀behaviour n. *patch n. shoulder n. central adj. menu n. fur n. cruel adj. organization n.



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