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1、上海版牛津 1B 全册教案 Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Look and see Unit 2 Listen and hear Unit 3 Taste and smell Module 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Toys I like Unit 2 Food I like Unit 3 Drinks I like Module 3 Things around us Unit 1 Seasons Unit 2 Weather Unit 3 Clothes Module 4 Things we do Unit 1 Ac

2、tivities Unit 2 New Years Day Unit 3 Story time 课题 Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Look and see Look and learn 教学目标 知识与技能:1.Using the new words in the context eg. frog, rabbit, bee, bird 2.Asking wh-questions to find out what people see eg. What do you see? 3.Using formulaic expressions to indi

3、cate what people see eg. I see 过程与方法:1.Using modeled phrases to communicate with other students 2.Using modeled phrases to begin and maintain an interaction by providing information in response to factual questions 教 学 重 点和难点 1. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation eg.

4、 frog, rabbit, bee, bird 2. Understand the meaning of wh-questions eg. What do you see? 3. Understand the key pattern eg. I am a . 教学媒体 Pictures, masks, Cassette 1A, Cassette player 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 Pre-task preparation 1Warmer listen to the song: Greetings 2Gre

5、etings. Good morning. Good afternoon. T: Ask pupils to answer the teachers questions. While-task procedure 1.Introduction I see Show a picture of a park to the students. Ask them what they see. To elicit the structure: I see (bird bee rabbit frog) 2.Teach some new words. bird bee rabbit frog 3.Im a.

6、 Mime the small animals and let students guess what the animals are. 4. bird Ask the students to say and mime the actions of the animals. One, two, three I am a bee. Teach the rhyme on Book P 2 Post-task activity 1Substitution I am Ask pupils to review the new sentences. Eg. A: One two three B: I am

7、 a bee. A: Four , five. B: I am 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重

8、点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所板书设计 frog rabbit bee bird I am a 教 学 效 果的反馈 课堂活跃,学生积极争当小动物,喜欢小动物,因此,基本词汇可以掌握。 课题 Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Look and see Look and say 教学目标 Language Focus: Using formulaic expressions to learn the phrases; Language Skill: Listening: Understand the meanings

9、 of wh-questions Speaking: Ask wh-questions to find out what people see Use formulaic expressions to indicate what people see. 教 学 重 点和难点 Understand the meaning of wh-questions eg. What do you see? eg. I see a . 教学媒体 Pictures, masks, Cassette 1A, Cassette player 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording

10、of the text. 教学流程 Pre-task preparation 1.Show the words of the animals. bird rabbit bee. 2.Ask; What do you see? I see. Are you a rabbit? Yes? No, Im a 3.Divide the class into pairs. Ask tgen ti act as an animal and let the partner guess what animal it is. Are you a rabbit? 4.Yes? No, Im a 计教学效果的反馈课


12、task procedures 1. Use the paper cut-outs. Show the students some parts of the small animals and ask them to guess what the animals are. The students can play this guessing game in groups. What is it? Its a bee. 2. Ask the students to introduce each animal. Its a Its 3. Have the students look at the

13、 pictures and practice in pairs. What do you see? I see What colour is it? Its Post-task activities Let the student listen to the tape and repeat again and again The workbook Let students do the practice in the workbook. 板书设计 What do you see? I see What colour is it? Its 教 学 效 果的反馈 基本对话内容掌握欠缺,不能够将所学

14、对话串联起来,缺乏主动性。 课题 Module 1Using my five senses Play a game 教学目标 Teaching Aims : 1. Asking wh-question to fine out what people see 2. Using formulaic expressions to indicate what people see 3. Using nouns to identify small animals. 4. Using indefinite articles to refer to particular animals. 教 学 重 点和难

15、点 1. Using the sentences: What do you see? What colour is it? 2. Using formulaic expression to introduce the animals 教学媒体 Recorder and workbook ,picture cards 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学

16、效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 Pre-task preparation 1Warmer Ps: Sing the song: Greetings 2.Ask each student to mak

17、e a mask of an animal. Ask them to put on their masks and make a dialogue with their partner. Hello. I am a bee. I am small. Hi , I am a frog. I am green. While-task procedure 1.Show the students the wall pictures . 2.Ask the students to listen to the dialogue. 3.Elicit the key pattern What do you s

18、ee? I see T: What do you see? S;I see 4.Have the students look at the pictures and practice in pairs. What do you see? I see. What colour is it? Its 5. Ask the students to play a game on book P5 What do you see? I see. Its Post-task activity Lets play Ask the students to do Listen, colour and answer

19、 on workbook p4 板书设计 What do you see ? I see What colour is it? Its 教 学 效 果的反馈 喜欢猜谜的游戏,掌握较好,比上节课稍熟练。 课题 Module1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Listen and hear Look and say 教学目标 1.Using the key words in context. 2.Using imperatives give simple instructions eg: I hear 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握

20、课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教 学 重 点和难点 1. STRUCTURES: sheep h

21、en dog cat 2. FUNCTION: Using nouns to express animals noises. 教学媒体 pictures 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 I. Pre-task preparation: Warming up: Have the Ss listen to the song about the farm animals. Elicit the new words nose, sheep, II. While-task procedure: 1. Prompt the Ss

22、 to repeat after you. Sheep hen dog cat 2. Teach a new chant about the animals I hear 3. Ask the Ss to come to the front of the class and act as a puppet. 4. Have the Ss to act all kinds of animals. III. Post-taskactivity: Ask the Ss to play a game What do you hear?. Have the Ss do exercises IV.Assi

23、gnment 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Read the words. 3.Say the sentences. 板书设计 sheep hen dog cat What do you hear? Oink, oink. I hear a pig. 教 学 效 果的反馈 用动物的叫声引出新内容,教学生模仿动物声音,提高了学习的积极性,也掌握了基本词汇和句型。 课题 Module1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Listen and hear Say and act 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学

24、目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教学目标 U 1.sing pronouns to refer to pa

25、rticular things. 2.Understand the neaning of wh- questions. 3.Using possessive adjectives to express possession. I hear. 教 学 重 点和难点 S 1.TRUCTURES: What do you hear? I hear 2. 2.FUNCTION: Using: “I hear ” introduce the volices Look Its you. 教学媒体 pictures 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the te

26、xt. 教学流程 IV. Pre-task preparation: Warming up: 1.(Review the words.) (1). Game: What do you hear? Say: I hear V. While-task procedure: 1.Bingo Have the students listen several times to the song and act as different farm animals. 2. Ask the students to play the game . Then let them say in groups. I h

27、ear I hear. 3. Divide the class into pairs. Ask one student to imitate the sounds of farm animals and have the other one guess S1: BaaBaa. S2: I hear a sheep. S1: Yes, its a sheep. 4.what the animal is. Learn the text on p 7 VI. Post-taskactivity: 1.Ask the students to do Part A “listen and number”

28、on p6. Then have them practice in pairs. S1: Quack. Quack 2.Have the students do Part C “ Listen, tick and answer” on book p 7 S2: I hear a duck IV.Assignment 1Listen to the tape. 2. Read the sentences. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺

29、乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所板书设计 What do you hear, Alice? Oink oink I hear Oh, its you, 教 学 效 果的反馈 利用动物声音的录音,复习 What do yo

30、u hear? I hear. 的句型,基本上能够问答,并能掌握单词。 课题 Module1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Listen and hear 教学目标 1. Using the key words in context. 2. Using imperatives give simple instructions eg: I hear. 教 学 重 点和难点 1. song: Bingo. 教学媒体 Realia, tape. 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 VII. Pre-t

31、ask preparation: 1.Warming up: Rhyme: say some words about the farm animals. 2.T: Say and act T: What do you hear? II.While-task procedure: 5. Use the sounds animals make to elicit the key pattern Teach a new chant about the animals T: MiaoMiao What do you hear? Ss: I hear a cat. 6. Encourage the st

32、udents to say a rhyme like the following,. The boys ask questions and the girls answer Oink, oink. What do you hear? I hear a pig 3. Listen to the song.and learn. Bingo. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准

33、备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所VIII. Post-taskactivity: Sing the song. Bingo IV.Assignment 1.Listen to the tape. 2. sing the song. 板书设计 Bingo There was a farm

34、er (who) had a dog. And Bingo was his name. Oh! 教 学 效 果的反馈 学唱 Bingo,学生喜欢这首歌,边做动作边唱歌,很高兴。 课题 Module1 Using my five senses Unit 3 Taste and smell 教学目标 1.Using nouns to identify food items 2.Using imperatives to give simple instructions 教 学 重 点和难点 1.Sentence: Taste Smell 2.Words: rice, soup, egg, noodl

35、es 教学媒体 Recorder and workbook ,picture cards 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 IX. Pre-task preparation: 1.Rhyme Ps: Read the Rhyme: 2.Review the words of food 1.Talk about the food: Eg This is an apple. Its I like 2.Review the dialogue Make a dialogue with their partner. -Can I

36、 help you? - May I have -Here you are. -Thank you. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌

37、边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所II.While-task procedure: 1. Teach: rice, noodles Show the pictures and tell the students : Chinese like to eat rice and noodles 2. Teach: egg Describe the egg to elicit the word Teach: Taste Smell Guess the words Read the word 3.Have the students

38、 close their eyes and guess the names of the food by smelling and tasting Close their eyes and guess Post-taskactivity: Make the dialogue Show a menu and have the students make a dialogue. IV.Assignment Complete the exercises 板书设计 Smell Taste 教 学 效 果的反馈 用情景引出所学的四种常见事务,并用角色对话训练Taste,Smell.的两种句型对话,学会了

39、赞美食物的味道,学生显得很积极。 课题 Module1 Using my five senses Unit 3 Taste and smell Say and act 教学目标 1.Using nouns to identify food items 2.Using formulaic expressions to ask customers preferences 3.Using formulaic expressions to offer people things 4.Using formulaic expressions to express thanks 教 学 重 点和难点 Sen

40、tence: Can I help you? Here you are. Thank you. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动

41、作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教学媒体 Recorder and workbook ,picture cards 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 Pre-task preparation: 1. Review the words: rice, noodles, soup, egg. Show the words of the food and students read Read the rhyme of the food 2.Taste the

42、 noodles,Peter. Smell the soup, Linda Ask the more able students to act according to my instructions II.While-task procedure: 1. 1.Dialogue: At the restaurant Have the students watch the flash and act out the dialogue. Ask the students to make the new dialogue with their deskmate 2.Listen and enjoy.

43、 Have the students listen to and repeat after the rhyme Have them practice the rhyme several times with teacher Post-taskactivity: 1.Let the student listen to the tape and repeat again and again. 2.Let students do the practice in the workbook 板书设计 Can I help you ? ,please. Here you are. Thank you. 教

44、 学 效 果的反馈 用顾客和饭店老板的两个角色配对学习 At the restaurant ,学生能够掌握 Can I help you? 得正确用法, 并能根据更换的情景灵活运用。 课题 Module1 Using my five senses Unit 3 Taste and smell Play a game 教学目标 1.Using nouns to identify food items 2.Using imperatives to give simple instructions 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学

45、媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教 学 重 点和难点 Sentence: Stand up. Touch your Smell

46、the 教学媒体 Recorder and workbook ,picture cards 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 Pre-task preparation: 1.Review the words: rice, noodles, soup, egg. Show the words of the food and students read Read the rhyme of the food 2.Review the sentences Listen and act 3.Dialogue:At the res

47、taurant Make a dialogue II.While-task procedure: 1.Play a game: Listen and act Stand up Touch your 2.Guessing game Show some food Let the students close their eyes and smell the food 3.Show a thing Post-taskactivity: 1.Let the student listen to the tape and repeat again and again. 2.Let students do

48、the practice in the workbook 板书设计 Stand up Touch Smell 教 学 效 果的反馈 命令式的句子教给学生,并让他们学会施令,让其他学生听命令做出正确的动作,孩子们喜欢并能够做出动作,很有兴趣发令。 Module 2 My favourite things Task in this unit: Begin an interaction by expressing ones preferences 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对

49、话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所 Begin an interaction by eliciting a response Language focus : Using nouns

50、 to identify toys: ball,doll,bicycle,kite Using adjectivesto describe things: Its super. Using the definite article to indicate particular things: the ball,the doll Using formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you? Using formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are. Usi

51、ng formulaic expressions to express thanks: Thank you. Language skills: Listening: Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation: ball,doll,bicycle,kite Understand the key pattern: I like Understand formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are. Understand formulai

52、c expressions to offer people help: Can I help you? Speaking: Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly: ball,doll,bicycle,kite Use formula ic expressions to indicate preferences: I like Use formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are. Use formulaic expressions to express th

53、anks: Thank you. Use adjectivesto describe things: Its super. Use formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you? Scheme of work: Period Core contents Extension Materials Grammar and expressions Vocabulary 1 I like ball,doll,bicycle,kite SB:pp.14 ,15 WB:pp.14,15, Parts A,B,C 2 I like nic

54、e super You like SB:pp.15,16,17 WB:pp.16,17 Part D and Task Module2 / Unit 1 / Period 1 Aims: 1. Words: ball,doll,bicycle,kite 2. Function: Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like Language focus: 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能

55、够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所1. Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly 2. Understand the key patter

56、n: I like Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape. PROCEDRES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE I.Pre-task preparation Warming up: Song Sing a song. 通过歌曲引出今天的教学。 II.While-task procedure ball doll, bicycle,kite I like 1)T: Look! Its a ball. It is round. Its red. I like it very much. 2)Pronounce and spell 3)ball-balls 4)M

57、ake sentences with ball The same with ball 1) Look and say 2) Pair work 3) Do a survey 单词教学在学生读对读准的基础上向句子过渡。 为配合 like 句型的新授, 先将单词进行单复数的变化, 使学生易于接受新句型。 进行多种形式的操练,巩固新知,激发兴趣。 III.Post-task activity Do the exercises. 1. Ask the Ss to play a game What do you like?. 2. Have the Ss do exercises 通过学生练习和游戏的形

58、式来巩固新知, 起到巩固的作用。 IV.Assignment: 3. Listen to the tape. 4. Read the words. 5. Say the sentences. 板书: ball doll bicycle kite I like balls 教学效果反馈 单词 ball 和 dall 发音容易混淆,字形也相似,在日常的教学中还需要注重读音规则的渗透,教学中不能面向全部学生,有些学生不能积极的参与到教学活动中,时不时会开小差,有待于想出更好的方法,让这些学生养成良好的学习习惯。 Module 2 / Unit 1 /Period 2 Aims: 1. Use for

59、mulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are. 3. Use formulaic expressions to express thanks: Thank you. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和

60、句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所4. Use adjectivesto describe things: Its super. 5. Use formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you? Language focus: 1. Understand formulaic expressions to offer peopl

61、e things: Here you are. 2. Understand formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you? Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape. PROCEDRES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE I.Pre-task preparation Warming up: Rhyme Rhyme Ball and doll 复习旧知,引出新知。 II.While-task procedure Story At the toy shop 1)Make a short dial

62、ogue with a student T: Im a shop assistant. Can I help you? S: I like the ball. T: Here you are. S: Thank you. 2)Play a memory game 3)Make a short dialogue 以故事的形式展开教学,激发学生兴趣。 注意操练的多样性, 使学生扎实掌握新授内容。 为学生创设情境, 鼓励他们大胆地说。 III.Post-task activity Do the exercises. Draw your favourite toy and talk about it

63、让学生边画边说自己最喜欢的玩具。 IV.Assignment: 6. Listen to the tape. 7. Read the story. 板书: I like the Its nice /super /cool 教学效果反馈 通过游戏的方式来检查学生巩固句型的掌握程度,同时培养学生之间互相帮助的习惯。运用二个复习巩固了 I like I like the.句型,学生似乎还是区分不开这两种句子的正确用法。 Module 2 / Unit 1 /Period 3 Aims: 1. Review the words: ball,doll,bicycle,kite 2. Review the

64、 sentences: I like 3. Drills: I like the . 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很

65、高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所 Language focus: Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like the Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape. PROCEDRES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE I.Pre-task preparation Warming up Daily talk 复习旧单词和句型, 为新课导入铺垫。 II.While-task procedure I like the 1) Look and

66、 say 2) Pair work 3) Draw and say I like the _. Its _. Its _. 4) Practice in groups 5) Rhyme I like the ball. I like the doll. I like the ball and the doll. I like the doll. I like the ball. I like the doll and the ball. 让学生熟练运用新句型,通过边看边说、对子操练、画画说说、 分组活动等多种操练让学生愉快地学。 这是一首有趣, 带点绕口令意味的儿歌, 操练时也要注意方式上的多

67、样性, 发学生的学习兴趣。 III.Post-task activity Do the exercises. 1) Listen and tick 2) Do a survey IV.Assignment: 8. Listen to the tape. 9. Read the rhyme. 板书: I like the _. Its _. Its _. 教学效果反馈 创设 toy shop 的情景,学生基本上能够用所学句型对话,不过对于那些物品是 super nice 等赞美词汇,还是分不清楚。 Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 Food I like 计


69、出所 Tasks in this unit 1. Begin an interaction by introducing ones preferences 2. End an interaction by using simple formulaic expressions 3. Begin an interaction by eliciting a response Language focus 1. Using nouns to identify food eg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit 2.Using formulaic expressions

70、 to indicate preferences e.g. I like ice cream. 3. Asking yes/no questions to find out ones preferences e.g. Do you like,? 4. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny e.g. Yes./No. 5.Using formulaic expressions to offer people things e.g. One for you. Learning skills: Listening 5. Identify the

71、 key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation eg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit 6. Identify specific information in response to questions e.g. Do you like sweets? No. 3. Understand formulaic expressions indicating preferences e.g. I like ice cream. Speaking 1. Identify the key words in

72、 an utterance by hearing the pronunciation eg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit 2. Using formulaic expressions to indicate preferences e.g. I like 3. Asking yes/no questions to find out ones preferences e.g. Do you like,? 4. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny e.g. Yes./No. 5. Using form

73、ulaic expressions to offer people things e.g. One for you. Period Core contents Extension Materials Grammar and expressions Vocabulary 1 I like jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit SB:p.18,and 21 WB:p18,part A 2 Do you like ? Yes./No. One for you and one for me. SB:pp.18.19and 20 WB:pp.19,20 and 21, Pa

74、rts B,C,D and Task 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准

75、备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所 The first Period Aims: 1. Words: jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit 6. Function: Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like Language focus: 1. Pronounce the words, phrases and sentences correctly e.g. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit 2. Understand the key patter

76、n: I like Aids: Pictures, Radio, tape. E:Steps Procedures Teachers activities Students act ivities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1Rhyme 2. Review the words of food 1. Ps: Read the Rhyme: 2. Talk about the food: Eg This is an apple. Its I like 歌曲和问候将学生带入英语学习的氛围。 2Review the dialogue -Can I help you? -

77、 May I have -Here you are. -Thank you. 1. Make a dialogue with their partner. 复习已有知识活跃课堂气氛。 While-task procedure 1. Teach: jelly, ice cream sweet biscuit 2.Teach: ice cream Describe the ice cream to elicit 1. Look at the pictures and read the words 2. Its cold and sweet. 偶通过机械操练来巩固新授,并联系实际说说自己的喜好,激发

78、学生的表达意识。 通过猜测,激发学生的学习兴趣。 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒

79、体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所the word 3. Teach: I like ice cream. Cold and sweet. Have the students close their eyes and guess the names of the food by describing. 2. Guess the words Read the word 3. Close their eyes and guess. Pair work g Post-task activity show a flash. 1.At the food shop. 1. Look

80、and say. 2. Make a new rhyme. 3.Make the dialogue. 学生根据自己的选择,通过合作的方式,自主的进行对话 Assignment 1. Listen and read P21. 2. Read the words of page 19. 巩固课堂学习内容. 板书 jelly sweet and soft ice cream sweet and cold sweet sweet biscuit sweet and dry 教学效果反馈 本单元出现的词汇是孩子们喜欢的甜品和点心,带着实物来上,并让他们展示自己的物品,表达自己的物品,学生喜欢表现自并愿意

81、拿出自己的实物作介绍,Do you like.? 的句型,有些学生不能正确回答,用 Yes./No. 后的具体回答不清楚,不确定。 The second Period Aims: 1. Words: jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit 2. Sentences: Do you like ? Yes./No. One for you and one for me. Function: 1. Asking yes/no questions to find out ones preferences e.g. Do you like,? 2. Using formula

82、ic expressions to confirm or deny e.g. Yes./No. Language focus: 1. Asking yes/no questions to find out ones preferences e.g. Do you like,? 2. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny e.g. Yes./No. Aids: Pictures, Radio, tape. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教

83、学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所E:Steps Procedures Teachers activities Students activities Purpos

84、e Pre-task preparation 1. Sing a song. ( Apple tree). 2.Review the words of( food fruit, toys and animals) Sing a song. I like apples.() 歌曲和问候将学生带入英语学习的氛围。 2Review the dialogue( At the toy shop.) -Can I help you? -I like a bicycle. -Here you are. -Thank you. I like my bicycle. Its super. 1.Make a di

85、alogue with their partner. 复习已有知识活跃课堂气氛。 While-task procedure 1.Dialogue: Look and say (At the fruit shop At the toy shop) 2.Make a rhyme. Do you like sweets? Yes, yes. I like sweets. !.Have the students watch the flash and act out the dialogue. Ask the students to make the new dialogue with their d

86、eskmate. 2.Read the rhyme. 3. Make a new rhyme. 通过听, 说, 练习对话。 g Post-task activity The workbook Let the student listen to the tape and repeat again and again. Let students do the practice in the workbook. 训练对话。 板书: Do you like sweets? Yes. /Yes, I like sweets. No./ No, I dont like sweets. 计教学效果的反馈课堂


88、在 tea time 游戏环节则采用了多种形式来活跃课堂气氛,效果较好。由于所学单词都是平时常见的食物,让学生带来食物自己表演,学生的学习兴趣浓,效果比较好,不足之处是有一小部分学生由于时间原因没上台表演,要在以后的空余时间内让他们来对话练习。 The third period A:Contents : Sentence: One for you and one for you. B:Teaching Aims : Using formulaic expressions to offer people things e.g. One for you. C:Teaching aids : Rec

89、order and workbook ,picture cards D:Steps procedures content methods purposes Pre-task preparation 1.Review the words: jelly, ice cream, sweet, biscuit 2.Review the sentences 3. Dialogue: At the toy shop 1. Show the words of the food and students read Read the rhyme of the food 2. Listen and act 3.

90、Make a dialogue 让学生用所学的英语来进行问答,引出新知。 While-task procedures Say and act Tea time 1.Watch the flash. 2.Listen and act. 3. Make a new dialogue. 学会和别人分享快乐。 Post-task activities The workbook Let the student listen to the tape and repeat again and again. Let students do the practice in the workbook. 。 板书

91、Do you like ? Yes. /No. I like One for you and one for me. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学

92、唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教学效果反馈 在 tea time 游戏环节则采用了多种形式来活跃课堂气氛,效果较好。由于所学单词都是平时常见的食物,让学生带来食物自己表演,学生的学习兴趣浓,效果比较好,不足之处是有一小部分学生由于时间原因没上台表演,要在以后的空余时间内让他们来对话练习。 Module 2 My favourite things Unit 3 Drinks I like Tasks in this unit: Begin an interaction by introducing on

93、es preferences End an interaction by using simple formulaic expressions Begin an interaction by eliciting a response Language focus : Using nouns to identify drinks: cola,juice,milk,water Using imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam. Using the indefinite determiner some to show

94、 quantity: Drink some water,Mum. Asking wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person: What do you like? Using the simple present tense to express preferences: I like water. Using formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: Happy Birthday,Eddie. Language skills: Listening:

95、Identify specific information in simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam. Identify the key words by hearing the pronunciation: cola,juice,milk,water Identify specific information in response to simple questions: What do you like?I like water. Understand formulaic expressions wishing someone a happy

96、 birthday: Happy Birthday,Eddie. Speaking: Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly: cola,juice,milk,water Using imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam. Asking wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person: What do you like? Use the key pattern to expre

97、ss preferences: I like water. Use adjectivesto describe thin gs: Its super. Use formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: Happy Birthday,Eddie. Scheme of work: Period Core contents Extension Materials Grammar and expressions Vocabulary 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教

98、学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所1 What do you like? I like cola,juice,milk,wate

99、r SB:p.23 WB:pp.22,23, Parts A,C 2 Drink some Have some Birthday good SB:pp.22,24,25,51 WB:pp.22,24,25 Parts B,D and Task Drinks I like The First Period Aims: 1. Words: cola,juice,milk,water 2. Function: Use specific information in response to simple questions: What do you like? I like Language focu

100、s: 1. Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly 2. Identify specific information in response to simple questions: What do you like? I like Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape. PROCEDRES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE I.Pre-task preparation Warming up: Song Sing a song. 歌曲将学生带入英语学习的氛围。 II.While-task pro

101、cedure Teach:cola juice milk water -What do you like? - I like Show the pictures of drinks to the Ss and slowly introduce the words to them.Then read the words. 4) Look and say 5) Pair work 6) Do a survey 在新授单词的基础上操练 What do you like? I like这一句型,让学生根据实际来表达自己的喜好,让学生充分掌握今天的语言,更激发他们的表达意识。 III.Post-task

102、 activity Do the exercises. 3. Ask the Ss to play a game What do you like? 4. Have the Ss do exercises 通过学生练习和游戏的形式来巩固新知,起到巩固的作用。 IV.Assignment: 10. Listen to the 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书

103、设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所tape. 11. Read the words. 12. Say the sentences. 板书 cola juice milk water -What do you like? - I like 教学效果反馈 创设情景,帮助学生理解和操练句子 What do

104、you like? 为学生采访调查做铺垫。采用不同形式的操练方法巩固这一句型,孩子们能够用所有物品针对相应物品作对话练习,并能够初步理解不可数名词的含义。 Drinks I like The Second Period Aims: 1. Use imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam. 2. Ask wh-questions to find out ones preferences: What do you like? 3. Use the key pattern to express preferences:

105、I like water. Language focus: 1. Using imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam. 2. Asking wh-questions to find out ones preferences: What do you like? 3. Using the verb like to indicate preferences: I like water. Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape. PROCEDRES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE I

106、.Pre-task preparation Warming up: Rhyme Rhyme What do you like? I like cola and milk. 复习旧单词与句型, 引出新课内容。 II.While-task procedure A good girl 1)Make a short dialogue with a student T: Drink some milk,please. S: Thank you. T: Drink some cola,linda. S: Thank you,Sengue. 以问答的形式展开教学, 引起学生注意, 激发兴趣。 同时注意操练的

107、多样性, 使学生扎实掌握新授内容。 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备

108、教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所 2)Say and act 3)Make a short dialogue in pairs 创设情境, 模仿例子表演对话 。 III.Post-task activity Do the exercises. Tick what you like and talk about it 勾出你喜欢的食物, 然后说一说。 IV.Assignment: 13. Listen to the tape. 14. Read the story. 板书: What do you like? I like Drink some , please. Have some

109、, please. 教学效果反馈 创设情景,操练 Drink.句型的用法,能够用手边的饮料提供给所需学生时的交际用语,尤其有些孩子,还会在对话中用到 Here you are. Taste. 这些学过的句型拓展对话。 Drinks I like The Third Period Aims: 1. Review the words: birthday,cola,juice,milk,water 2. Review the sentences: What do you like? I like water(milk, cola,juice). 3. Use formulaic expression

110、s to wish someone a happy birthday: Happy Birthday,Eddie. Language focus: Using formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: Happy Birthday,Eddie. Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape. PROCEDRES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE I.Pre-task preparation Warming up: song A birthday song 歌曲将学生带入英语学习的氛围。 II.Wh

111、ile-task procedure Happy Birthday,Eddie. 1. Pair work 2. Say and act 3. Practice in groups 4. Make a short dialogue: S1:What do you like? S2:I like cola. Its cool. 创设情境(birthday party) , 让学生熟练运用 like句型和 Drink some句型,以此激发学生计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话

112、内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所 S3:Drink some cola,please. S4:Thank you. 的学习兴趣, 牢固掌握今天的英语对话。 III.Post-task

113、 activity Do the exercises. Do a survey IV.Assignment: 15. Listen to the tape. 16. Read the story. 板书 Happy birthday. What do you like? Drink some Thank you. I like Its Thank you. 教学效果反馈 用 Happy Birthday 这首歌引出 Eddie 生日派队的情景,展示给学生看,创设一个比较真实的语言环境,学生学习兴趣较浓郁。 学会 Let s .句型, 复习了 What do you like ?I like 句

114、型。表演的孩子基本能做到脱离书自由发挥,还有些孩子表达不清,不熟练。 Module 4 Things we do Unit 2 New Years Day Tasks in this unit: Begin an interaction and maintain it by responding to questions Using modeled phrases to communicate with other students. Use formulaic expressions to offer people things Language focus: Using nouns to

115、identify objects e.g., gift, card, firework, firecracker Using imperatives to give instructions e.g., Draw. Write. Fold. Using adjectives to describe things e.g., new Using formulaic expressions to greet people on New Years Day e.g., Happy New Year! Using formulaic expressions to offer people things

116、 e.g., A gift for you. Using the simple present tense to express interest and preferences e.g., I like the red dress. Language skills: 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声

117、音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所Listening Identify specific information in response to simple instructions e.g., draw, write, fold Understand the key pattern e.g., I like the red dress. Identify

118、 the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation e.g., gift, card, firework, firecracker understand formulaic expressions of New Years greetings e.g., Happy New Year! Understand formulaic expressions offering people things e.g., A gift for you. Understand a simple story with the help of p

119、ictures and body language Speaking Pronounce the words, phrases and sentences correctly e.g., gift, card, firework, firecracker Use imperatives to give instructions e.g., Draw. Write. Fold. Use formulaic expression to greet people e.g., Happy New Year, Miss Fang. Use the pattern I like the to expres

120、s interests and preferences e.g., I like the sweets. Use formulaic expressions to offer people things e.g., A gift for you. Use formulaic expressions to express thanks e.g., Thank you. Scheme of work: Period Core contents Extension Materials Grammar and expressions Vocabulary 1 for you. gift card fi

121、rework firecracker You are welcome. Happy New Year! SB:pp.42 and 45 WB:p.42, Part A 2 shoes new sweets write fold SB:pp.43,44and 53 WB:pp.43,44and45 Parts B, C, and Task Period 1 Language focus: Using nouns to identify objects 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反

122、馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所e.g., gift, card, firework, firecracker Using formulaic expressions to

123、 greet people on New Years Day e.g., Happy New Year! Using formulaic expressions to offer people things e.g., A gift for you. Language skills: Listening Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation e.g., gift, firework, card, firecracker Understand formulaic expressions of gre

124、etings e.g., Happy New Year! Understand formulaic expressions offering people things e.g., A gift for you. Understand the meaning of the song. Speaking Pronounce the words, phrases and sentences correctly e.g., firecracker, gift, firework, card Use formulaic expressions of greetings e.g., Happy New

125、Year! Use formulaic expressions to offer people things e.g., A gift for you. Use formulaic expressions to express thanks e.g., Thank you. Sing the song and act it out Materials: Students Book 1B, pp.42 and 45 Workbook 1B, p.42, Part A Cassette 1B Wall picture 1B Flashcards 1B (gift, card, firework,

126、firecracker) Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects Pre-task preparation Happy New Year Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you all. Were singing. Listen to the tape and follow it. 跟唱歌曲, 进入英语学习状态, 帮助回忆过年时的快乐氛围, 为 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题

127、教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所Were dancing. Happy New Year to you

128、 all. 学习新知创设情境。 While-task procedure gift card firecracker firework Happy New Year! Happy New Year! A gift for you, Kitty. Thank you. Show a beautifully wrapped gift and imitate “gift”. Talk about the Spring Festival with the students and ask them whether they have received cards from their relative

129、s or friends. On New Years Day, many people like to set off firecrackers. On New Years Day, people also set off fireworks. Today is New Years Day. Kittys grandparents and Kitty greet each other by saying Happy New Year! Then Kittys grandparents give Kitty a gift and 用实物引入,给予学生直观感受。 启发谈话, 活跃气氛, 引入新知。

130、 媒体演示, 易于学生理解。直观印象帮助记忆。 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体

131、课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所say “A gift for you, Kitt y. Kitty days “Thank you. Post-task activity Happy New Year! Happy New Year! A gift for you, . Thank you. Ask the students to act out the dialogue in groups. 表演对话, 培养英语交际能力。 Board show: M4 Unit 2 New Years Day gift Happy New Year! card Happy New Y

132、ear! firecracker A gift for you, . firework Thank you. Exercise: Act out the dialogue with your classmates. 课题 Module 3 Things around us Unit 1 season Look and learn 教学目标 知识与技能: 1. Using nouns to identify seasons eg., spring, summer. 2. Using adjectives to describe conditions eg., warm, hot 3. Using

133、 the simple present tense to state facts eg., Spring is warm. 过程与方法: 1. Use modeled sentences to communicate with other students. 2. Pronounce the key words correctly. 3. Use the key pattern to describe seasons. . 教 学 重 点和难点 4. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. e.g

134、., spring, summer, warm, hot. 5. Understand the characteristics of seasons e.g., Spring is 6. Understand the characteristics of seasons: e.g., Spring is green 教学媒体 Pictures, , Cassette 1b, Cassette player 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重

135、点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教学流程 Pre-task Activities Activity 1 To eli

136、cit the names of the seasons, show a Disney cartoon of four seasons to students. And show the pictures of spring and summer to the students and ask them what they see? T: Look at the picture. What do /can you see? S1: I see/ can see a bird. S2: I see/ can see many flowers. T: Yes. In spring, we can

137、see birds, flowers and many beautiful things. Look at the picture again. Its spring. Today well talk about four seasons. Say “season”. While-task Activities Activity 1 Show pictures of spring and summer, and introduce them. T: Therere four seasons in a year. Spring is green. Spring is warm. Summer i

138、s red. Summer is hot. Ask students look at flashcards and read new words. Activity 2 Summer is hot. Red, red, red, Summer is rec. Hot and red, Summer, summer, summer. Practice in groups. Activity 3 Do a quick response in groups of three. S1: Spring. S2: Spring is warm. S3: Spring is green. Ask the s

139、tudents to say a rhyme. Warm, warm, warm, Spring is warm. Green, green, green Spring is green. Warm and green, Spring, spring, spring Hot, hot, hot, Post-task Activities Activity 1 Listen to the tape and repeat. Activity 2 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对

140、话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所Ask students to say sth. about spring and summer. S: Its summer. Summer i

141、s hot. Summer is green. I can swim. I like summer. 板书设计 Spring is green. Spring is warm. Summer is hot. Summer is hot. 教 学 效 果的反馈 通过让学生选择自己喜欢的季节开始新课,并让他们说出每个季节的气候特点。随后指导学生如何描述 Spring 和 Summer,似乎对他们来说有点困难,不能及时反映老师提到的季节气候。 课题 Module 3 Things around us Unit 1 season Period 2 教学目标 知识与技能:1. Use modeled s

142、entences to communicate with other students. 2. Pronounce the key words correctly. 3. Use the key pattern to describe seasons. 4. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. 5. Understand the characteristics of seasons 6. Understand the characteristics of seasons:. 教 学 重 点和难

143、点 1. Using nouns to identify seasons eg., autumn, winter. 2. Using adjectives to describe conditions eg., cool, cold 3. Using the simple present tense to state facts eg., Winter is cold. 教学媒体 Pictures, , Cassette 1b, Cassette player 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争

144、当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教学流程 Pre-task

145、Activities Activity 1 Show the picture of Students book P26. And ask some questions. T: What do you see? S: I see a a flower. T: What colour is it? S: Its red. T: What season is it? S: Its spring. T: How is spring? S: Spring is green. Spring is warm. T: In spring, I see flowers. I sing songs. What d

146、o you do? S: I sing songs. Talk about summer. Activity 2 Say the rhyme again: Warm, warm, warm, Spring is warm. Green, green, green Spring is green. Warm and green, Spring, spring, spring Hot, hot, hot, Summer is hot. Red, red, red, Summer is rec. Hot and red, Summer, summer, summer. While-task Acti

147、vities Activity 1 Show pictures of winter and autumn, and introduce them. T: Its autumn. Autumn is cool. Autumn is golden. Its winter. Winter is cold. Winter is white. Ask students look at flashcards and read new words. Activity 2 Ask the students to say the rhyme in P26. Warm, warm, warm, Spring is

148、 warm. Green, green, green Spring is green. Warm and green, Spring, spring, spring 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学

149、媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所Hot, hot, hot, Summer is hot. Red, red, red, Summer is red. Hot and red, Summer, summer, summer. Practice in groups. Activity 3 Do a quick response in groups of three. S1: Autumn. S2: Autumn is cool. S3: Autumn is

150、golden. Activity 4 Ask students to rewrite the rhyme with “winter, cold,autumn, cool”. Cool, cool, cool, Autumn is cool. Golden, golden, golden, Autumn is golden. Cold, cold, cold, Winter is cold. White, white, white, Winter is white. Post-task Activities Activity 1 Listen to the tape and read the r

151、hyme. Activity 2 Ask students to say sth. about winter and autumn. 板书设计 Autumn is cool. Autumn is golden. Winter is cold. Winter is white. 教 学 效 果的反馈 利用春夏,引出秋冬的气候特点,部分学生 cool,cold 分不清楚,而且在发音上存在缺陷。 课题 Module 3 Things around us Unit 1 season Period 3 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学

152、媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教学目标 知识与技能 1. Use modeled sentences to communica

153、te with other students. 2. Pronounce the key words correctly. 3. Use the key pattern to describe seasons. 教 学 重 点和难点 Using the simple present tense to state facts. Eg, In summer is hot. I drink some juice. 教学媒体 Pictures, , Cassette 1b, Cassette player 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text

154、. 教学流程 Pre-task Activities Activity 1 Ask students to answer questions about the characteristics of seasons. Ask them try to say some sentences to describe seasons. While-task Activities Activity 1 Have the students listen to and repeat the rhyme on P26. Then do a quickly response: T: (Show a flashc

155、ard of spring.) S: Spring is warm. Activity 2 Have students to listen and repeat the sentences on P29. Ask them questions: In spring, what do you do? And act out the action. S: In spring, I smell flowers. (Smell flowers.) Post-task Activities Activity 1 Finish wookbook. Activity 2 Have the students

156、do a survey: What season do you like? Spring Summer Autumn Winter S1: I like summer. It is hot. It is green. I can swim. 板书设计 Spring is Summer is 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出

157、新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教 学 效 果的反馈 综合四季的特点,在每个季节进行不同的娱乐活动或吃不同的食品。相对来说较难,经过一番操练,仍有部分学生不能表达四季特点。 课题 Module 3 unit 2 weather Period 1 教学目标 1. Identify the key words in an utteran

158、ce by hearing the pronunciation. e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy. 2. Understand formulaic expressions describe weather. e.g., Its sunny. 3. Understand the key pattern : How is the weather. 4. Use modeled sentences to communicate with other students. 5. Pronounce the key words correctly 教 学 重 点和难点

159、1. Using the key words in the context. eg., sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy 2. Using formulaic expressions to describe weather. Eg., Its sunny. 3. Asking questions to find out specific information about weather. Eg., How is the weather? 教学媒体 Pictures, , Cassette 1b, Cassette player 课 前 学 生准备 Listening t

160、o the recording of the text. 教学流程 Pre-task Activities Activity 1 Daily talk: T: How many seasons in a year? S: Four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. T: How is summer? S: Summer is hot. T: We are in summer now. Are you hot? Ss: Yes. T: (Show a picture of summer with a red sun.) Summer is h

161、ot. The sun is shining. How is the weather? Its fine. Its sunny. Read the word “weather” together. While-task Activities 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了

162、基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所Activity 1 Have the students to listen to a simple weather report while show them the flashcards and talk about weather. T: It is sunny. It is cloudy. Activity 2 Talk about wea

163、ther with simple adjectives. T: Look! We can see the sun in the sky. It is sunny. I like sunny days. Show them pictures of each weather and ask them do quickly response: T: (Show a picture of sunny.) S: sunny days Activity 3 Have the students say the rhyme after you. Sunny, sunny, sunny days. I like

164、 sunny days. Rainy, rainy, rainy days. I like rainy days. Practice in pairs. Try to change the rhyme with “windy, cloudy” Activity 4 Show them pictures of each weather again. T: How is the weather? (Show a picture of sunny.) S: Its sunny. Post-task Activities Activity 1 Listen to the tape and repeat

165、. Activity 2 Do a survey: What weather do you like? Weather Sunny Cloudy Windy Rainy S: I like sunny days. 板书设计 Weather sunny cloudy How is the weather? windy rainy Its 教 学 效 果的反馈 尤季节过渡的天气,学生明显有些混淆,winter 和 windy 总是搞不清楚,学生能用 How is the weather? 询问天气,天气的回答略迟缓,一时反应不过来,还需要巩固知识,操练句型,熟记单词。 课题 Module 3 Un

166、it 2 Weather Period 2 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前

167、学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教学目标 1. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy. 2. Understand formulaic expressions describe weather. e.g., Its sunny. 3. Understand the key pattern : How is the weather? 4. Understand formulaic expression makin

168、g suggestions. E.g, Lets go to the beach. 教 学 重 点和难点 1. Using formulaic expressions to describe weather. Eg., Its sunny. 2. Asking questions to find out specific information about weather. Eg., How is the weather? 教学媒体 Pictures, , Cassette 1b, Cassette player 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of

169、the text. 教学流程 Pre-task Activities Activity 1 Daily talk: (Show pictures of different weather conditions.) T: Is it sunny? S: No, it isnt. T: How is the weather? S: Its cloudy While-task Activities Activity 1 Have the students to do Part C Listen and say on Workbook P32 and say the chant in groups.

170、Ask them to make their own chant. T: It is sunny. It is cloudy. Activity 2 Have the students listen to and repeat the dialogue then play the guessing game on P31. S1: (Hides the picture) How is the weather? S2: Its windy. S1: No. S2: Its cloudy. S1: Yes, its cloudy. Activity 3 Have the students list

171、en to the dialogue on P32 then act it out in groups. Post-task Activities Activity 1 Show the map of different places in China and ask: 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物

172、声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所T: Its Beijin g. How is the weather on Sunday? S: Its rainy. Activity 2 Finish project 3 “Draw and say ” on Students book P52. Then make a short dialogue. S1: Ho

173、w is the weather? S2 : Its sunny. 板书设计 Weather sunny cloudy windy rainy Its No, its/ Yes, its 教 学 效 果的反馈 巩固句型,进一步拓展,将季节天气综合在一起,给学生操练,效果不理想,学生知识掌握不扎实,仍有部分学生表达磕磕巴巴,还需操练。 课题 Module 3 Unit 3 Clothes Period 1 教学目标 1. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. e.g., -shirt, dress

174、, shorts, blouse 2. Understand the key pattern : What do you need? I need 3. Use modeled sentences to communicate with other students. 4. Pronounce the key words correctly. 教 学 重 点和难点 1. Using nouns to identify clothing items. E.g., T-shirt, dress, shorts, blouse 2. Using verbs to indicate needs. E.

175、g., I need 教学媒体 Pictures, , Cassette 1b, Cassette player 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 Pre-task Activities Activity 1 Show a clothes shop on the screen and introduce the names of clothes to the students. T: Whats in the shop? Look, this is a T-shirt. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小

176、动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所That is a dress. Toda

177、y well talk about clothes. Read the word “clothes” together/ Activity 2 Show the picture of Students book P34and ask: T: Look at Dannny. Hes wearing a T-shirt. How about the T-shirt? Is it long or short? S: Its short. T: Yes, its too short. So Danny say: “I need a new T - shirt.” T: And how about Al

178、ice? Look at her dress. Is it new or old? S: Its old. T: So Alice say :”I need a new dress.” While-task Activities Activity 1 Have the students look at the flashcards of new words and read after me. Then have the students ask for the clothes. T: (Show a card of T-shirt.) S: Give me a T-shirt. I need

179、 a T-shirt. Activity 2 Have the students repeat after the recording the sentences in “Look and say” on page 34 and practice in pairs. Activity 3 Show some pictures of clothes on the screen and ask the students to choose the clothes they like need. e.g., S: I need a new dress. I like the red dress. P

180、ost-task Activities Activity 1 Finish workbook P34-35 Activity 2 Have the students listen to the tape and read the words and the text. 板书设计 Clothes T-shirt shorts I need a new dress blouse I like the 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动

181、性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教 学 效 果的反馈 主要操练 What do you need? I need 句型,并拓展到需要食物,玩具等,另外强调 a pair of shorts 的用法,感觉学生对词汇掌握不牢固,s

182、hirt 和 shorts 的读音混淆。 课题 Module 3 Unit 3 Clothes Period 2 教学目标 1. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation. e.g., T-shirt, dress, shorts, blouse 2. Understand the key pattern : What do you need? I need 3. Use modeled sentences to communicate with other students. 4. Pronounc

183、e the key words correctly. 教 学 重 点和难点 1. Using nouns to identify clothing items. E.g., T-shirt, dress, shorts, blouse 2. Using verbs to indicate needs. E.g., I need 3. Asking wh-questions to find out people neesds 4. e.g., What do you need? 教学媒体 Pictures, , Cassette 1b, Cassette player 课 前 学 生准备 Lis

184、tening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 Pre-task Activities Activity 1 Have the students listen to and repeat the rhyme on Students Book P 36. To elicit the new content, ask the students some questions about the pictures on P36. T: What do you need? S: I need shorts. Activity 2 Have the students a

185、ct out the dialogue on Students Book P34. Teacher acts as Mum to elicit the new pattern. S: Mum, look! My T-shirt is short. T: What do you need? S: I need a new t-shirt. While-task Activities Activity 1 Divide the class into pairs. Have them make a short dialogue. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌

186、握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所S1: What do you need? S2: I need

187、 a T-shirt. Activity 2 Have the students listen to and repeat the rhyme on page 36 and practice in groups. Then ask individual student to say the rhyme. Activity 3 Play a game according to the contents on page 35 and make dialogues. S1: What do you need? S2: I need Post-task Activities Activity 1 Fi

188、nish workbook P36 Chose and write and Ask and answer. Then check: T: What do you need? S:I need a doll. 板书设计 Clothes What do need? I need a 教 学 效 果的反馈 借助媒体进行 Play a game ,是为了进一步巩固 What do you need?句型,整体看来,比前一节课有所进步,流利很多。 课题 Module 3 Unit 3 Clothes Period 3 教学目标 1. Identify the key words in an uttera

189、nce by hearing the pronunciation. e.g., T-shirt, dress, shorts, blouse 2. Understand the key pattern : What do you need? I need 3. Use modeled sentences to communicate with other students. 4. Pronounce the key words correctly. 5. Use formulaic expression to express preferences. e.g., I dont like I l

190、ike 7. Using formulaic expressions to express thanks. e.g., Thank you, Mum. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准

191、备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教 学 重 点和难点 1. Using nouns to identify clothing items. E.g., T-shirt, dress, shorts, blouse 2. Using verbs to indicate needs. E.g., I need 3. Asking wh-questions to find out people neesds 4. e.g., What do you need? 5. Usin

192、g formulaic expression to express preferences. E.g., I dont like I like 6. Using formulaic expressions to express thanks. e.g., Thank you, Mum. 教学媒体 Pictures, , Cassette 1b, Cassette player 课 前 学 生准备 Listening to the recording of the text. 教学流程 Pre-task Activities Activity 1 Say the rhyme on P36 tog

193、ether. Then ask individual student to say the rhyme. Activity 2 Have the students make a dialogue according to the content of Play a game on P35 S1: What do you need? S2: I need a new t-shirt. While-task Activities Activity 1 Have the students listened to “Say and acr” . Then practice new patterns:

194、“I dont like I like ” in pairs. T: Do you like this blouse? S: I dont like green. I like red. Activity 2 Show the picture of Students Book P37 on the screen. Elicit the dialogue. Help them understand the general idea of the dialogue. Then have them make new dialogues and choose several pairs to act

195、it out. S1: What do you need? S2: I need a new T-shirt. S1: Do you like the T-shirt? S2: I dont like yellow. I like blue. I like this T-shirt. S1: Its nice. S2: Thank you, Mum. Post-task Activities 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游

196、戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所Activity 1 Have the students do Task Draw and say on wookbook P37. Then have them ask and answer in

197、 pairs. S1: What do you need for summer? S2: I need a new T-shirt. 板书设计 Clothes Do you like this blouse? I dont like green. I like red. I like this blouse. 教 学 效 果的反馈 本课重点 I need .I like .I don t like,在 clothes shop 中很常用的句型,在表演对话中,学生表现的很积极,基本上能够用好这些句型,由于时间不够,所以上台表演的对子不多,学生似乎很失望。 M4U1 教学目标 Teaching T

198、argets 教学内容 Teaching Contents 功能目标 Functional Targets 语言目标 Language Targets 情感目标 Emotional Targets Oxford English 1B Module 4 Unit 1 (Period 1) 能运用进行简单的表达自己的能力。 单词: ride, skip, play, fly 复习句子: What can you do? I can 通过动作的教学, 培养学生勇于表达自己的能力。 教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities Step 1 Say a cha

199、nt. T: Lets say the chant. Step 2 Review the letters and words. Step 3 Daily talk: 1) Whats your name? Nice to see you. 2) How are you? 3) How old are you? 4) Gvie me a rubber, please. 5) What can you do? While-task Activities 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反

200、馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所Step 1 Learn the word: ride 1 Show a picture of bicycle: I can ride a

201、bicycle. 2 Repeat: ride ride a bicycle red read write 3 Who can ride? Step 2 Learn the word: skip 1. What can you do? 2. I can skip. Can you skip? 3. Repeat: skip skip the rope 4. Do you like to skip? 5. Say the rhyme: Skip my rope. Step 3 Learn the word: play 1) Show a picture of two girls: Look! T

202、hey are skiping the rope. They are playing. (repeat and spell) 2) I can play football. What can you play? 3) Make a new rhyme. Step 4 Learn the word: fly 1)Elicit: fly. You can ride a bike. You can skip a rope. You can play football. Guess what I can do? (repeat and spell) 2) Can you fly a kite? 3)

203、Look at this picture: I can fly a kite. Step 5 Review the words 1) Play a game: Guessing game. 2) Pair work Post-task Activities Step 1 Say the rhyme by themselves. Play, play, play football. Skip, skip, skip a rope. Fly, fly, fly a kite. Ride, ride, ride a bicycle. Step 2 _Make a short dialogue: A:

204、 Hello! I am B: Hello! I am A: What can you do? B: I can . What can you do? A: I can Bye. B: Bye. 板书设计 Blackboard Writing ride skip play fly 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学

205、生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所课后作业 Assignments Read the book P38-P39 Act out a new dialogue with your partner. 课后反思 Reconsideration 以前学过 What can you do? 所以通过已学单词学习新的单词,ride 和 read是学生容易在

206、形和音上混淆的单词, 因此特别指出了一下, 通过边做边说的游戏巩固这几个动作单词。 教学目标 Teaching Targets 教学内容 Teaching Contents 功能目标 Functional Targets 语言目标 Language Targets 情感目标 Emotional Targets Oxford English 1B Module 4 Unit 1 (Period 2) 能运用进行简单的表达自己和他人的能力。 单词: climb, swim 复习句子: What can he/she do? He/She can 通过动作的教学, 培养学生勇于表达自己与他人的能力。

207、 教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities Step 1 Say a chant. T: Lets say the chant. Step 2 Review the letters and words. Step 3 Daily talk: 1) What do you like? 2)What can you do? 3) What do you need? While-task Activities Step 1 Learn the word: climb 1 Show the monkey: Look, this is a monkey. W

208、hat can it do? (climb the tree.) 2 Repeat: climb climb the tree 3 Who can climb? What can you climb? Step 2 Learn the word: swim 1 Elicit: can climb. I can climb,too. Guessing what I cant do? (swim) 2 Repeat: swim 3 Which animal can swim? Who can swim ? 4 I can swim like a fish.(action) I can swim l

209、ike a 5 Make a new rhyme. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学

210、媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所Step 3 Learn the word: play 1) Show a picture of two girls: Look! They are skiping the rope. They are playing. (repeat and spell) 2) I can play football. What can you play? 3) Make a new rhyme. Step 4 Learn the sentences: What can he/she do? He/She can 1) Introduce yours

211、elves. What can he / she do? 2) Elicit: He / She can . (repeat) 3) Play a game: What can he /she do? 4) Pair work . Post-task Activities Step 1 _Make a short dialogue: A: Hello! Who is he/she? B: She / He is my . A: What can he do? B: He / She can A: I can , too. Bye. B: Bye. 板书设计 Blackboard Writing

212、 climb swim What can he/she do? He / She can . 课后作业 Assignments Read the book P38P40 Act out a new dialogue with your partner. 课后反思 Reconsideration 教学目标 Teaching Targets 教学内容 Teaching Contents 功能目标 Functional Targets 语言目标 Language Targets 情感目标 Emotional Targets Oxford English 1B Module 4 Unit 1 (Per

213、iod 3) 能运用进行简单的表达自己和他人的能力。 单词: run, walk 复习句子: What can you do? I can What can he/she do? He/She can 通过动作的教学, 培养学生勇于表达自己与他人的能力。 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的

214、积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities Step 1 Say a chant. T: Lets say the chant. Step 2 Review the letters and words. Step 3 Daily talk: 1) What do you like? 2)Wha

215、t can you do? 3) What can she/he do? While-task Activities Step 1 Learn the word: walk 1 I ride a bicycle to school. How do you go to school? 2 Repeat: walk walk on the ground 3 Show some animals pictures and say who can walk Step 2 Learn the word: run 1 If you are late. How do you go to school? (ru

216、n ) 2 Repeat; run 3 Do a competition: Who runs fast? Step 3 Review the sentences: 1 I am a little reporter: Do a survey. What can he/ she do in different age Post-task Activities Step 1 _Make a short dialogue: A: Hello! I am B: Hello! I am . A: What can you do? B: I can A: Who is he/she? B: She / He

217、 is my . A: What can he do? B: He / She can A: I can , too. Bye. B: Bye. Step 2 Do the exercise book. 板书设计 Blackboard Writing walk What can you do? I can run What can he/she do? He / She can . 课后作业 Assignments Read the book P38-P41 Act out a new dialogue with your partner. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物

218、因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所课后反思 Reconsideration 重点

219、学习 What can she/he do ? 的句型,再通过儿歌学会四个动作游戏的英语表达,学生很快学会儿歌。部分学生不是很熟练。 M4U2 教学目标 Teaching Targets 教学内容 Teaching Contents 功能目标 Functional Targets 语言目标 Language Targets 情感目标 Emotional Targets Oxford English 1B Module 4 Unit 2 (Period 1) 能运用进行简单的进行新年的问候,了解新年的习俗。 单词: gift, firecracker, firework 句子: Happy Ne

220、w Year. A gift for you. 通过新年的教学, 教会学生尊敬长辈。 教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities Step 1 Review the letters and words. Step 2 Daily talk: 1) What can your father / your mother do? 2) Can you fly a kite? 3) What can you do? Step 3 Make a short dialogue: A: Hello! I am B: Hello! I am . A: What ca

221、n you do? B: I can A: Who is he/she? B: She / He is my . A: What can he do? B: He / She can A: I can , too. Bye. B: Bye. While-task Activities Step 1 Learn the sentences: Happy New Year 1 Show the date: 1.1 (New Year) 2 Repeat: new year. 3 On this day, how can we greet to each other. (Happy New Year

222、) 4 Greet with each other. Happy New Year, Step 2 Learn the words: firecracker, firework 1. What can we see in the New Year? 2. Elicit: firecracker, firework Look, This is a firecracker. 3. Repeat: firecracker 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学

223、对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所4. What can you hear? I hear a firecracker. 5. Say the rhyme: firecracker 6. Elicit: fi

224、rework. Listen, what do you hear? (firecracker) What do you hear? (firework) 7. Repeat: firework. 8. I see the firework. 9. Make a new rhyme. Step 3 Learn the word: gift 1) We can see firecrackers and fireworks. What can we get on this day? (gift) 2) Repeat: gift 3) Which gift do you like? I like th

225、e gift. 4) Passing game: Now I have a gift. Please pass the present and say “A gift for you, “ 5) Make a short dialogue (Exchange the present): A: Happy New Year! B: Happy New Year! A: A gift for you, Kitty. B: Thank you. Post-task Activities Step 1 _Make a short dialogue: A: Happy New Year! B: Happ

226、y New Year A: What do you see? B: I see . A: This is a gift. A gift for you, B: How nice. Thank you. Step 2 _ Sing a song: Happy New Year T: Lets sing a song together. 板书设计 Blackboard Writing gift firecracker Happy New Year firework A gift for you, 课后作业 Assignments Read the book P42 Act out a new di

227、alogue with your partner. 课后反思 Reconsideration 学会新年常用单词,Firecraker 和 firework, 让他们从形音以及图片上区分,学生基本上能够掌握着几个单词,但对for you , 这个句型,不能举一反三。 教学目标 Teaching Targets 教学内容 Teaching Contents 功能目标 Functional Targets 语言目标 Language Targets 情感目标 Emotional Targets 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体

228、课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所Oxford English 1B Module 4 Unit 2 (Period 2) 能根据要求

229、进行简单卡片的制作,了解新年的习俗。 单词: card, fold, write Miss(Mr) Make a New Year card 通过制作卡片的教学, 教会学生懂得感恩 教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities Step 1 Sing a song : Happy New Year Step 1 Review the letters and words. Step 2 _Make a short dialogue: A: Happy New Year! B: Happy New Year A: What do you see? B: I

230、 see . A: This is a gift. A gift for you, B: How nice. Thank you. While-task Activities Step 1 Learn the word: card 1 Show the paper: Now we are in the shop. What do you see? I see (card) 2 Repeat: card / New Year card 3 Do you like the New Year card? Yes. Today we will make a card by ourselves. 4 L

231、ook, this is a (card) First ,we should draw on the card. What can you draw on the card? 5 So, the first step is drawing the card. Step 2 Learn the word: write 1 The next step is (write ). 2 Repeat: write. 3 Make a new rhyme about write. Step 3 Learn the word: fold 1) The last step is (fold) 2) Repea

232、t: fold 3) I can fold a What can you fold? Step 4 1)Now the card is finished. How does this girl say? Happy New Year, Miss Fang. 2) Repeat: Miss Fang. 3) She is Miss Fang. / He is Fang. (Mr) 4) Repeat: Mr 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起

233、来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所 5) Show different teachersname theyve known Post-task Activities Step 1 Make a New Year car

234、d 板书设计 Blackboard Writing card write fold Miss (Mr) 课后作业 Assignments Read the book P42-P43 Act out a new dialogue with your partner. 课后反思 Reconsideration 通过制作 New Year card学会认识 write fold 这两个单词,不要求四会,大部分学生能够按照制作步骤用英语说。 教学目标 Teaching Targets 教学内容 Teaching Contents 功能目标 Functional Targets 语言目标 Languag

235、e Targets 情感目标 Emotional Targets Oxford English 1B Module 4 Unit 2 (Period 3) 能根据要求进行简单的对话创编。 Shopping 通过买东西, 学会礼貌待人。 教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities Step 1 Sing a song : Happy New Year Step 1 Review the letters and words. Step 2 _Make a short dialogue: A: Happy New Year! B: Happy New Ye

236、ar A: Whats this? B: Its a card. A card for you, . A: How nice. Thank you. B: You are welcome. While-task Activities Step 1 Learn the story: 1 Show four persons: Today Toms family .Look! This is (father, mother and Alice. 2 Guess what they will do today ? (go shopping) 3 Repeat: shopping. 4 Look at

237、the four pictures and listen to the tape recorder. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌

238、边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所 5 Rearrange the orders of the pictures. 6 Listen again and say what they are talking about. (Group work) 7 Act out this story. (Work in groups) Post-task Activities Step 1 Make a new dialogue Step 2 Do the exercise book 板书设计 Blackboard Writing 课

239、后作业 Assignments Read the book P44 Act out a new dialogue with your partner. 课后反思 Reconsideration 通过 flash 动画让学生直观地看到 shopping 的过程,边看边听边模仿。在表演部分,学生表现的不够好,还是不能脱口而出,需要继续操练。尤其for you.采用替换的方式进行练习。 M4U3 教学目标 Teaching Targets 教学内容 Teaching Contents 功能目标 Functional Targets 语言目标 Language Targets 情感目标 Emotion

240、al Targets Oxford English 1B Module 4 Unit 3 (Period 1) 能运用进行简单的语言进行情景剧的表演。 单词: boy, wolf(wolves), farmer 通过学习, 懂得诚实的可贵。 教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities Step 1 Review the letters and words. Step 2 Daily talk: 1)What can you do? 2) What can he / she do? 3) Happy New Year! 4) What do you l

241、ike? Step 3 Make a new dialogue: D/M: Lets go shopping together. T/A: OK. 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教

242、学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所 T: Alice, I like the A: Mum, I like the T: Dad, I like the firecrackers. T/A: for you, Mum and Dad. Happy New Year! D/M: Happy New Year! While-task Activities Step 1 Learn the word: boy 1 Tell a story: Today I will tell yo

243、u a story. What do you hear in this story? (boy, wolf, farmer) 2 Repeat: boy. 3 Who is a boy? 4 Act out the boy. Introduce yourselves. Step 2 1 The boy met a (wolf) 2 Repeat: wolf 3 Whats this? / What do you see? / Do you like ? / What can it do? 4 How many wolves? wolves. 5 Say the rhyme.: Wolf, wo

244、lf, I can see. One, two, three. Six wolves. Step 3 Learn the words: farmer 1. Who helps the boy first? (farmer) 2. Repeat: farmer. 3. Make a new rhyme. Step 4 1 What will this boy say? ( A wolf) 2 The farmers say” ( Wheres the wolf? ) Post-task Activities Step 1 Act out the story P47 板书设计 Blackboard

245、 Writing boy wolf farmer 课后作业 Assignments Read the book P47-P47 Act out a new dialogue with your partner. 课后反思 Reconsideration 观看整个故事, 学会道理, 由于故事较难, 第一课时没要求学生一定要会表演,只作为兴趣阅读。 教学目标 Teaching Targets 教学内容 功能目标 语言目标 情感目标 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺

246、不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所Teaching Contents Functional Targets Language Targets Emotional Targets Oxford En

247、glish 1B Module 4 Unit 3 (Period 2) 能运用进行简单的语言进行情景剧的表演。 单词: narrator. Act out the story 通过学习, 懂得诚实的可贵。 教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities Step 1 Review the letters and words. Step 2 Act out the story P47 While-task Activities Step 1 Learn the word: narrator 1 Listen to the story: Who is thi

248、s girl? (narrator ) 2 Repeat: narrator. Who wants to be a narrator. 3 If you are a narrator: How can tell this story? Step 2 Learn the story. 1 The first time. The boy told a lie. The second time, what will he do? Listen! 2 How is he? (a bad boy) 3 Repeat: a bad boy. 4 Can guess what will happen in

249、the third time? 5 Yes, the wolf comes. What will this boy say? ( A wolf! Help! Help!) 6 But no one comes. Dont tell a lie. 7 When the wolf wants to eat him, the farmer comes at last. They are kind. The wolf runs away. Post-task Activities Step 1 Act out the story P46-P49 板书设计 Blackboard Writing narr

250、ator 课后作业 Assignments Read the book P46-P49 Act out a new dialogue with your partner. 课后反思 Reconsideration 根据动画让学生模仿语音语调,纠正发音。 教学目标 Teaching Targets 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫

251、声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所教学内容 Teaching Contents 功能目标 Functional Targets 语言目标 Language Targets 情感目标 Emotional Targets Oxford English 1B Module 4 Unit 3 (Period 3) 能运用进行简单的语言进

252、行情景剧的表演。 单词: Act out the story 通过学习, 懂得诚实的可贵。 教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities Step 1 Review the letters and words. While-task Activities Step 1 Show time: Competition: Act out the story in groups. Post-task Activities Step 1 Do the excercises. 板书设计 Blackboard Writing 课后作业 Assignments Rea

253、d the book P46-P49 Act out a new dialogue with your partner. 课后反思 Reconsideration 表演故事,虽然不流畅熟练,但学生似乎很感兴趣,这就 计教学效果的反馈课堂活跃学生积极争当小动物喜欢小动物因此基本词汇可以掌握课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈基本对话内容掌握欠缺不能够将所学对话串联起来缺乏主动性游戏掌握较好比上节课稍熟练教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用动物的叫声引出新内容教学生模仿动物声音提高了学习的积极性也掌握了基本词汇和句型课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈学唱学生喜欢这首歌边做动作边唱歌很高兴课题教学目标教学重点和难点教学媒体课前学生准备教学流程板书设计教学效果的反馈用情景引出所



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