高中英语 Part One UsefulExpressions课件 新人教版必修2

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1、Part OneUseful Expressions模块总复习1as well 也;又;还 2at war 处于交战状态 (at peace 处于和平时期)3as a matter of fact 实际上4as a result 结果5as a/the result of 因为;由于6allow sth./doing sth.允许(做)某事7allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事8after all 毕竟;归根结底;别忘了9at the mercy of 处于的控制下10according to 按照;根据所说11at peace 和平的/地;平静的/地12at peace wi

2、th 与处于和平状态13attract /draw ones attention 吸引某人的注意14above all 首先15attach.to 连接;认为.重要 16break up 分裂;放假;拆散;打碎;垮掉17burst out laughingburst into laughter 突然大笑18be worth doing 值得做某事19be honest with sb.对说实话20by chance 偶然 21before long 不久以后22belong to 属于23be determined to do sth.决定做某事24be wild with . 得发狂25bu

3、rst inton.突然迸发26burst into flames 突然燃烧起来27burst outdoing sth. 突然开始(做某事)28call ones attention to sth. 叫/引起某人注意某事29concentrate ones attention on sth. 把注意力集中在30compare.with . 将与比较31couldnt have done sth.不可能干了某事32catch ones attention / eye 吸引某人的注意33scores of 许多,好几十34come into being 形成;产生;开始存在35come into

4、 effect 开始生效36come into fashion 开始流行37come into existence 开始存在38come into use 开始使用39come into power 掌权;当权40do harm to 对有害41dozens of 许多,好几打42deal with 处理;安排;对付43drive sb.wild 把逼疯;把逼得不顾一切44dream of/about sth. 梦想 45dream of/about doing sth.梦见做某事46die out 灭亡;逐渐消失47die away (声音、光线、风等)逐渐平息,渐弱48die down (

5、火、兴奋)渐弱,渐熄49die off (家庭、种族等)相继死亡;(草木)先后枯死50from.on 从时起51fix ones attention on sth. 把注意力集中在52for sure 必定;肯定地53go by 逝去;过去54go wrong 犯错,出毛病55have sb./ sth.done 让别人干某事;遭遇某事;完成某事56have.in common with sb./sth. 与有共同之处59have mercy on.对怜悯;宽恕58hundreds of 好几百,成百的59hundreds of thousands of 好几十万,成几十万的60hundred

6、s of millions of 好几亿,成亿的61in peace 和平地;和睦地;安详地62in charge 负责;看管 63in.style 以风格/文体64in search of 寻找 (search for/ look for 寻找)65in common共同(的),共用(的),共有(的)66in common with.与一起,和一样67in amazement 惊讶地68in a way 在某种程度上69in danger 在危险之中;垂危70in danger of 在危险之中;有的危险71in addition 另外72in return (for) 作为报答;回报73l

7、ong for sth. 渴望得到74long to do sth. 渴望做某事75less than 少于76long before 早在之前很久77make sure 设法做到,查明78make peace with 与讲和79make up 编造(说法,解释等);编(歌词、曲子、故事、诗歌等);给(某人)化妆;准备,布置;组成,构成;凑足,补齐 80no wonder 难怪81out of danger 脱离危险82or so 大约 83one after another 陆续地;一个接一个地 84play jokes on 戏弄85protect.from. 保护不受(伤害);挡住86

8、pay attention to 注意;留意87play a role in 起着的作用 88provide sb.with sth.为某人提供某物89provide sth.for sb. 为某人提供某物90rely on依靠91result in 造成;导致92result from 因而发生;因为93run wild 不受约束;杂草丛生94so much the better (for sb.) (口语)那(对某人)更好95survive on 靠生存96stand for 代表;象征97so that 以至于;结果98sort out 分类 99stick to 坚持 100take.

9、apart 拆开101think highly/ much/ well/ a lot of 看重;器重 102think little/ nothing/ ill of 不重视;瞧不起103tens of millions of 千百万(表达不确切数目)104thousands of 好几千,成千的105tens of thousands of 好几万,成千上万106take part in 参加;参与107to ones amazement 令某人吃惊的是108to be honest说实话 109turn ones attention to sth. 注意力转向110with the help of 在的帮助下 111watch over 看守;监视112without mercy 残忍地113year by year 逐年114year after year年复一年



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