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1、n题型类型1. 直接建议 how about, what about, what if,Eg: W: Do you know where I can get a copy of that report? M: How about the deans office? Q: What does the man mean? (A) The dean wants the office report (B) He doesnt know where the deans office is (C) Perhaps the deans office can furnish the report (D) Ma

2、ybe the dean is in his office短对话题型答题技巧短对话题型答题技巧1. 建议题型建议题型建议题型n题型类型2. 反问句Eg: M: Would you tell Paul Im sorry I lost his radio? W: Hadnt you better tell him yourself? Q: What does the woman mean?3. 标准一般疑问句 W: Where can I find a map of university campus? M: Have you tried the information center? Q: Wh

3、at does the man mean? 建议题型nEg: M: I dont know where to take Janet for dinner tonight. W: Have you ever been to that little French restaurant at the ninth on broad way? Q: What does the woman mean? (A) She wants to know where the restaurant is (B) Shes recommending a good place to go for dinner (C) S

4、he thinks the man should go to France (D) Shes inviting the man to eat with her建议题型n题型类型4. Why not do sth ; Why do sthEg: M: I cant stand living in this place any more. W: Well, why dont you move then? Q: what does the woman suggest the man do? (A) Stand still (B) Get exercises (C) Sit down (D) Chan

5、ge residenceEg: W: I really hate to write the essay professor Graff assigned us M: Why bother then? Q: What does the woman mean?建议题型n题型类型5. Is there anything wrong with? How does sound?Eg: M: I want to give my sister a nice practical gift for her birthday. W: Well, how does a hairdryer sound? What d

6、oes the woman mean?Eg: W: Where shall we eat? M: Is there anything wrong with the coffee shop? What does the man mean?2. 让别人做某事题型nhave sth donenA 第一人的话不太重要,听不清一般不影响作题nB第二人的答语中的have sth done结构,既是从听觉上判断题型的根据,也是题目考试的关键nQ提问可以不听n正确答案的标志:someone; someone else让别人做某事题型Eg:M: Your house looks nice. What did y

7、ou do to it?W: I had it painted.Q: What did the woman do?(A)She ordered a painting for the house.(B)She hired someone to paint the house(C)She built the house(D)She hid in the house让某人做某事n标志性结构get sb to do sth, tell sb to do sth, ask sb to do sth, send sb to do sth, have sb do sth, let sb do sth, ma

8、ke sb do sthn当“某人”是一个具体人名时,题目将有更进一步的技巧,这是只读带人名的选项eg: Did you call an electrician to repair the lamp? No, I got Mike to do it. (A) The electrician came to repair the lamp (B) The lamp was taken to the repair shop (C) She had Mike fix the lamp (D) The lamp was replaced让某人做某事题型nEg: W: I hope you had a

9、chance to pick up those financial aid papers M: I thought Id get Dave to do it later Q: What does the man say about the papers? (A) Theyre later than he thought they would be (B) He remembered to pick them late last night (C) Hell ask someone else to get them (D) He wants to give them to Dave 3. Sho

10、uld that 题型:不赞同n题型特点1. 第一人主要意思是说: 某人干某件事 (somebody do/did/will do sth)2. 第二个人的话是本题的关键(1)其句式是以情态动词开头的一般疑问句(2)语调上,句尾必然为声调(3)句中必然有一个词被重读 (多为that,或时间词)(4)在被重读的词后有一明显的停顿 Should you be playing right away / after you just got over the leg injury?3. 答案规律 第二人的答语是考试中心,即不赞同“某人做某事”,因此把否 定后的情态动词印在脑海里,就是答案Should

11、that 题型nEg: M: Im starting training tomorrow for the football season. W: Should you be playing right away after you just got over that leg injury? Q: What does the woman imply? (A) The man should step over the football (B) The man shouldnt be taking the train tomorrow (C) The man should see the game

12、 afterward (D) The man shouldnt be playing so soon4.猜地点题型n提问角度Where do you think this conversation most probably take place?Where does this conversation most likely take place?Where is the woman?Where are the man and the woman?n解题思路根据对话中出现的关于地点暗示的特征性名词和对话人的语气猜地点题型n常考地点in the hospital (doctor)at the

13、office (work, file, typewriter, typist, office phone)on a jet/plan (captain, fasten-seat belt, sign, flight)gas station (oil, liter, fill the tank)on a bus (driver, fare)in a car (the brake, steering wheel, gas pedal )in an elevator ( press, button) in a restaurant ( coffee, lunch, mushroom soup, cr

14、eam salad, take a seat, a table available, carry-out )at bank (checking account, deposit, current deposit, fixed deposit, check, saving account )in a hotel (rooms, reservation, check in, room reserved, fill in)in a store (in stock, goods in stock, pork roast, hamburger ) 5. If only题型n规律1. 语调上,句尾必然为降

15、调,句中必然有一词被重读,多数情况下,句末最后一个词读得很重2. 意思上,译为汉语为:要是就好了! 因此包含两种语气含义:一是虚拟语气的含义,一是表示希望的含义3. 形式上, 为了说话的方便,经常把主语或主语和主语后的助动词放在if 和only之间。4. 提问角度是针对第二人if only引导的句子 What does the man/ woman mean? What does the man/ woman want to do? If only题型n答案标志虚拟语气:答案的具体标记有多种情况。通常是 反着给的,即把字面上的意思否定掉。 答案一般表现为否定句形式或would have don

16、e等形式希望的语气:答案往往有一个固定而明显的标记 wish eg: If hed only give our quizzes back! 选项:We wish he would return our quizzes. If only题型nM: Hey, I heard you bought a parrot.nW: Thats right. Now if I could only get it to talk.nQ: What does the woman want to do? (A) Buy a parrot. (B) Talk to the parrot (C) Wish the pa

17、rrot would talk. (D) Find someone to care for her parrot6. Imply / Infer 题型n提问角度What does the man/woman imply?What can be inferred about the man/woman?What can be inferred from the conversation?What can be inferred from the man/womans response?n答案规律问的是言外之意,此类题目的磁带原词一般不做正确答案。因此可通过筛选法把磁带原词的选项排除。n原则: “

18、越像是越不是,越像不是越是” 此类型的提问角度必然发生替换,意味着从原文到书面 答案要绕更多的弯子,但也是最可靠的答题规律Imply / Infer 题型n答题技巧1. 推场景 结合场景技巧,熟悉常考的各种场景和规律Eg: M: I have never seen such an interesting show. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. W: I must admit that I felt sleepy during the two hours. Q: What can be inferred about the womans att

19、itude? 选项: (A) Enjoyable (B) Interested (C) Moving (D) DullImply / Infer 题型n答题技巧2. 推语气 题目考试的核心是字面以外的语气,即句子语 调隐含的言外之意。也属语气题题型Eg: M: Jean really lost her temper in Dr. Browns class this morning. W: Oh? Did she? But I think her frankness is really something to be appreciated. Q: What does the woman mea

20、n? (A) She admires Jeans straightforwardness (B) She thinks Dr. Brown deserves the praise (C) She will talk to Jean about what happened (D) She believes Jean was rude to Dr. BrownImply / Infer 题型n答题技巧3. 题目表面上在问 “ What does the second speaker imply?” 可答案总是通过第一人的话语 给出Eg: W: I cant believe Karen is lat

21、e for such an important occasion as a job interview. I reminded her time and again yesterday. M: You should have known her better by now. Everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other. Q: What does the man imply? (A) Karen is very forgetful (B) He knows Karen better now (C) Karen is sure to pass the interview (D) The woman should have reminded Karen earlier



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