八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots达标测试卷课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、义务教育教科书(娄底专版)人教版八年级英语上册义务教育教科书(娄底专版)人教版八年级英语上册 第卷选择题(8080分)一、听力理解。(共二节,20小题,计20分)第一节(共5个小题;每小题1分,计5分)听下面5段对话,根据所听到的内容,选择相应图画。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。听力材料:1 1W:What do you think of the future?M:I think there will be more cars in the future.2 2W:Where may students study in 5050 y

2、ears?M:They may study at home on computers.3 3W:What can this robot do?M:It can do some housework for people.4 4W:What does Sally want to be in 1010 ten years?M:She wants to be a doctor.5 5W:I dont think people will use money. Everything will be free.M:Well,I agree.第二节(共15个小题;每小题1分,计15分)听下面的对话或独白,每段

3、对话或独白后有一个或几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出符合对话或独白内容的最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。听力材料:6 6W:Jims father is an astronaut,isnt he?M:No,his uncle is an astronaut.7 7M:Tina,do you like watching movies about the future?W:Yes,and last night I watched one with Linda.8 8W:Dave,what do you thi

4、nk you will be in ten years?M:Well,I think Ill be a pilot.Thats my dream.9 9M:Is Jack planting trees around the lake?W:Yes,and his parents are both there,too.1010M:Millie,do you take the bus to school every day?W:Yes,but this morning I got up late and didnt catch the bus.M:Then how did you go to sch

5、ool then?W:By bike.听下面的对话,回答第6小题。(C C)6.6.Who is an astronaut? AJim. BJims dad. CJims uncle.听下面的对话,回答第7小题。(A A)7.7.What did Tina do last night? AShe watched a movie about the future. BShe went to see Linda. CShe saw a scary movie.听下面的对话,回答第8小题。(B B)8.8.Whats Daves dream? ATo be a cook. BTo be a pilo

6、t. CTo be a scientist.听下面的对话,回答第9小题。(A A)9.9.Where are Jacks parents? AAround the lake. BIn the park. CAt Jacks school.听下面的对话,回答第10小题。(B B)10.10.How did Millie go to school this morning? AShe took the bus. BShe rode a bike. CShe walked.听下面的对话,回答第1112小题。听力材料:M M:JanetJanet,what do you think your life

7、 will be like in what do you think your life will be like in ten years?ten years?W W:WellWell,Im tall and strong enough to play basketball Im tall and strong enough to play basketball very wellvery well,so I will be a basketball player and play so I will be a basketball player and play basketball in

8、 New York.basketball in New York.M M:WowWow!Will you have a house there?Will you have a house there?W W:YesYes,Ill sell my house in Beijing and buy a house Ill sell my house in Beijing and buy a house there.And Ill have a robot to clean it every day.there.And Ill have a robot to clean it every day.(

9、C C)11.11.What sport will Janet play in ten years? ATennis. BSoccer. CBasketball.(A A)12.12.Where will Janet live? A In New York. BIn Beijing. CIn California.听下面的对话,回答第1315小题。听力材料:W W:DaleDale,next month Jerry is leaving Sun Citynext month Jerry is leaving Sun City,isnt isnt he?he?M M:YesYes,AliceAl

10、ice,he and his family are going to move to he and his family are going to move to Park City.Park City.W W:Why are they leaving our cityWhy are they leaving our city?Its not big but its Its not big but its not crowded.Andnot crowded.And theres no pollution here. theres no pollution here.M M:I dont kn

11、ow.MaybeI dont know.Maybe his father found a new job in his father found a new job in Park City.Park City.W W:Lets go and ask Jerry.Lets go and ask Jerry.M M:WellWell,Jerry isnt at home.HesJerry isnt at home.Hes on vacation in Green on vacation in Green City with his cousin.City with his cousin.W W:

12、His cousinHis cousin?Is he Bob in Class Three?Is he Bob in Class Three?M M:YesYes,he is.he is.(C C)13.13.Which is NOT true about Sun City? AIts not crowded. BTheres no pollution. CIts very big.(B B)14.14.Where is Jerry now? AIn Sun City. BIn Green City. CIn Park City.(C C)15.15.Who is Jerry spending

13、 vacation with? ADale. BAlice. CBob.听下面的一段独白,回答第1620小题。听力材料:Im Jack.I like Robot.He helps my family members a Im Jack.I like Robot.He helps my family members a lot.He can help Dad buy things.He can help my brother lot.He can help Dad buy things.He can help my brother Leo practice soccer.He can help

14、Mom look after my Leo practice soccer.He can help Mom look after my twotwo yearyear old sister.He can help me practice swimming.old sister.He can help me practice swimming.Robot is great but hes not a robot.Hes a dogRobot is great but hes not a robot.Hes a dogRobot Robot is only his name.How old is

15、Robotis only his name.How old is Robot?I dont know.I only I dont know.I only know he has been at my home for three years.I also know he has been at my home for three years.I also remember that day when I met Robot.It was March 5thremember that day when I met Robot.It was March 5th,20152015.It was co

16、ld and windy.Near Green Park,I saw Robot in a box.At that time his name wasnt Robot.He was only a hungry and dirty dog.I took him home.I gave him a bath and then I found he was very funny.So I named him Robot.Robot grows up,and he becomes my good friend.(B B)16.16.How many people are there in Leos f

17、amily? AFour. BFive. CSix.(C C)17.17.What can Robot help Jack do? ABuy things. BPractice soccer. CPractice swimming.(A A)18.18.How was the weather when Jack met Robot? ACold and windy. BWarm and sunny. CCool and rainy.(B B)19.19.What did Jack do after he took the dog home? AHe took a photo of it. BH

18、e washed it. CHe fed it with milk.(B B)20.20.What did Jack think of the dog? AScary. BFunny. CFriendly.二、完形填空。(共10个小题;每小题1分,计10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2050.“What will our world be _1 1_in the year 2050,Tom?”“I dont know,”says Fred.“What do

19、 you _2 2_?”“Well,no one knows,but its interesting to _3 3_.”“_4 4_the year 2050,everyone will carry a pocket computer.The _5 5_will give us the answers _6 6_the problems.We shall _7 7_telephones in our pockets,too.”“A lot of people _8 8_and work under the sea.”“Machines will do _9 9_of work,so peop

20、le will _1010_more holidays.”(A A)1.1.A.like Blook Clook like(C C)2.2.A.do Blike CThink(C C)3.3.A.see Bknow CGuess (B B)4.4.A.On BIn CAt(B B)5.5.A.pocket Bcomputer CPeople(C C)6.6.A.of Bat CTo(A A)7.7.A.have Bto have CHas(C C)8.8.A.live Blives Cwill live(C C)9.9.A.many Bany Clots(A A)10.10.A.have Bb

21、e Chas三、阅读理解。(共三节,25个小题;每小题2分,计50分)第一节阅读下面短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,符合的写(A),不符合的写(B)。It was 8:10 am.It was class meeting time.Our teacher Miss Chan asked us to talk about what we would be like in ten years.Twenty minutes later,some of us said something about their jobs in ten years.Paul said,“I want to wor

22、k in a hospital or a clinic.I want to take care of people who are sick and help them to become well again.”Miss Chan said,“Its a good job.”Carl said,“I want to save people from different accidents (事故),like fires,landslides (塌方) and car accidents.Its very dangerous work,so I think I will need to wea

23、r a special uniform to protect myself.”Miss Chan smiled,“You are a great boy.”Joe says,“Im a creative person.I always have many interesting ideas.Im also good at writing.In the future,Id like to write lots of interesting storybooks to make children happy.To do that,I should practice writing more.”Mi

24、ss Chan said,“I hope you can keep up your idea.”At last,Anne stood up and said,“Many people think Im talkative.And its true.I am!I like talking and traveling very much.When I grow up,I want to lead tourists to explore (探索) different places.I think I need to learn to speak different languages,so I ca

25、n communicate with the tourists more easily.”Miss Chan was glad to hear what they said.She said,“Every one of you is great.If you work harder now,youll have a bright future.”(B B)1.1.Joe would like to write some articles for old people.(A A)2.2.Paul will be a doctor in ten years.(B B)3.3.Carl will d

26、o a safe job in the future.(A A)4.4.Anne needs to learn different languages for her trips.(B B)5.5.Miss Chan hoped every student would travel all over the world.第二节阅读下面A、B、C三篇材料并根据材料的内容做后面的题目,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 A AWhat do you think the future will be like?Here are some answers:Gi

27、naIf we dont take good care of the earth now,our children and grandchildren will live in a world with lots of pollution.There will be fewer trees and more buildings.EricI think Gina is right.Things will be worse.The weather in the future will be much hotter.People wont be able to live on the earth.B

28、oth Tina and I think we will have to look for another planet to live on.AliceI think life in the future will be better.Most people in the world will drive green cars by 2050,so there will be less pollution.People will live to be 200 years old.As for space travel,I would say,we will visit Mars (火星) i

29、n about fifty years.(C C)6.6.What are they talking about? AThe pollution. BThe weather. Clife in the future.(A A)7.7.What does Gina think life will be like in the future? AThere will be fewer trees. BEverybody will have a car. CPeople will live longer.(C C)8.8.The underlined word “planet” means _ in

30、 Chinese. A飞船 B宇宙 C行星(B B)9.9.Why does Eric think humans will have to look for another planet to live on? ABecause there will be too many animals. BBecause the earth will be too hot to live on. CBecause there will be too many people. (C C)10.10.Whose idea is different from the others? AGinas. BTinas

31、. CAlices. B BDo you like robots?The robot only has a history of sixty years.But in the future,I think there will be more robots everywhere.Some people think robots will make humans lose their jobs and make humans lazy.I dont agree with them.I think robots are good for humans.They will help humans s

32、tudy,work and live.They can even do some dirty and heavy work better than humans.What will robots look like in the future?I think robots will have many different shapes.They will look like humans,balls,snakes or other animals.The human robots can dance and sing;the ball robots can work like our astr

33、onauts in space;the snake robots can help look for things under the ground.(A A)11.11.How long is the history of robots? ASixty years. BSixteen years. CSeventy years.(B B)12.12.What does the speaker think of robots? AThey will make humans lazy. BThey are good for humans. CThey will make humans lose

34、their jobs.(C C)13.13.What will robots look like in the future according to the passage? AThey will look like space stations. BThey will look like astronauts. CThey will look like animals.(A A)14.14.Which is NOT mentioned about robots in the passage? AThey can work for humans under the water. BThey

35、can help look for things under the ground. CThey can dance and sing.(C C)15.15.What is the passage mainly about? AThe history of robots. BThe looks of robots. CRobots and humans. C COne city in America that has got the most new residents(居民) is Las Vegas.People move to Las Vegas for many reasons.Fir

36、st,it is easy to find a job in Las Vegas.Las Vegas is famous for tourism(旅游业),so there are many service jobs.Second,many people like the weather there.Even though its very hot in summer,the other seasons are beautiful.Third,housing is not very expensive with the price of an ordinary house at about $

37、200,000.People moving from other cities find it is appropriateLas Vegas has more casinos(赌场)than any other city.One long street,called The Strip,has more than twenty casinos.These casinos are very large,and some has 3,000 or more rooms.Also,it is easier to get married(结婚) in Las Vegas than in any ot

38、her city in the United States.You dont need to wait for a week or ten days for a marriage license(结婚证)You can get a marriage license the same day you decide to get it.However,Las Vegas also has problems.Because it is in the desert(沙漠),there is not enough water.Even though water is expensive,resident

39、s arent careful in using it.Next,Las Vegas has serious air pollution.There are some high mountains around Las Vegas.The mountains keep the pollution from going out.Sometimes people couldnt exercise in the outside.(B B)16.16.The second paragraph mainly tells us_ Ahow people live in Las Vegas Bwhy peo

40、ple move to Las Vegas Cwhere people live in Las Vegas(A A)17.17.What does the underlined word“appropriate” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese? A合适的 B残酷的 C丑陋的(C C)18.18.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? AThe summer in Las Vegas is cool. BThe Strip is a famous theater in Las Vegas.

41、CIt is not difficult to get married in Las Vegas.(C C)19.19.What problems does Las Vegas have? not enough jobs not enough water too many casinosserious air pollution A B C(C C)20.20.You may find the passage in a_ Adictionary Bdiary Cscience newspaper第三节阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的A、B、C、D、E五个句子中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,每个

42、选项只能用一次。Why we are interested in the future?(2121)_B B_ There is so much we want to experience (经历)We need to predict the future reasons.Predicting the future is necessary for two reasons.First,we need to think about what kind of future we would like.Second,(2222)_D D_ So we will get good results in

43、 the future.(2323)_C C_ To predict the future better,we must know the past.See how the world changed in the past.(2424)_E E_ What we should do to make the future great.(2525)_A A_ The winner is the person who is happy.To make ourselves happy,we should make people around us happy.Then study hard,beca

44、use this is the most important thing to get ready for the future.us decide what we should do now.AAs we know,the winner in life is not the one with the most money.BWe are interested in the future,because we are going to spend the rest of our lives there.CHow we can predict the future better.Dpredict

45、ing the future can help us decide what we should do now.EFind out the rules,so we can predict the future better.第卷 非选择题(4040分)四、语法填空。(共10个小题;每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式。(每空不超过三个单词)There are robots all around us.They are very (1 1)_helpfulhelpful_ (help)Some do very difficult work

46、like (2 2)_flyingflying_ (fly) a plane or driving subways or trains.And some do simple work.People (3 3)_putput_ (put) the program into the robots (4 4)_toto_telltell_ (tell) them what to do .Robots are like humans (5 5)_inin_ two ways.They work and they have feedback (反馈)They are very important in

47、(6 6)_factoriesfactories_(factory)They can do a lot of (7 7)_workwork_ (work) that people cant do.In our daily life,robots are (8 8)_usefuluseful_ (use) ,too.People (9 9)_usedused_ (use)to hope that robots could help them with their housework.It has now becometrue.Usually we think robots must look l

48、ike a real person,but in fact,most of the time,theyre just look like machines.In the future,robots (1010)_willwill_bebe_ (be) smarter.Its possible that we will have robot judges (法官) and robots will help people to do more things.五、补全对话。(共5个小题;每小题2分,计10分)通读下面对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。A:(1 1)_WhatWhat_dodo_you

49、you_thinkthink_ourour_lifelife_willwill_bebe_likelike_inin_thethe_futurefuture?_B:Oh,I think our life will be much better.A:(2 2)_WhereWhere_willwill_wewe_livelive?_B:Well live on the space station.A:(3 3)_HowHow_willwill_wewe_getget_therethere?_B:Well fly a spaceship (宇宙飞船) to get there.A:(4 4)_Wil

50、lWill_lifelife_bebe_interestinginteresting_therethere?_B:Yes.I think it will be more interesting.A:Will there be banks,schools and shopping malls?B:Yes,of course there will.I think the shopping malls will have all kinds of things and we will take everything for free.A:Sounds great.Maybe everyone wil

51、l enjoy his life there.B:(5 5)_I I_agree.Peopleagree.People_willwill_havehave_a a_happierhappier_life.life._六、阅读表达。(共5个小题;每小题2分,计10分)阅读下面短文,按要求完成后面各题。What will life be like in 2050?Will life be better,worse or the same as now?I often think about the future.(1)I_believe_life_will_probably_be_very_dif

52、ferent_in_2050.First,I think there will be no televisions in 2050.People will watch all kinds of programs on the Internet,so they wont need TVs.I believe computers will be as cheap as telephones.Most people can afford them.For transportation,cars will run on clean fuels (燃料),so there will be less po

53、llution.By 2050,cars will have computers to control (控制) how fast they run.Computers will drive cars to any place you want to go.(2)交通事故将更少。We wont need so many police.Now you can see robots in many factories.Factories use robots,because they do not ask for money.By 2050,robots will work everywhere:

54、in schools,offices and homes.1 1Why dont we need TVs in the future?_BecauseBecause_peoplepeople_willwill_watchwatch_allall_kindskinds_ofof_programsprograms_onon_thethe_Internet.Internet._2 2Who will drive cars?_ComputersComputers_willwill_drivedrive_carscars_forfor_us.us._3 3What will we use to work

55、 in factories?_WeWe_willwill_useuse_robotsrobots_toto_workwork_inin_factories.factories._4 4将短文中(1)处画线句子译成汉语。_我相信2050年我们的生活可能会(与现在)大不相同。_5 5将短文中(2)处画线句子译成英语。_There_will_be_fewer_accidents._七、情景作文。(计10分)假如你叫王梅,你在美国的笔友玛丽来信询问你想象中的未来的生活。请根据下面的提示,给玛丽写封回信,向她介绍一下你对未来生活的畅想。要点:1.1.开办巧克力工厂,挣很多钱;2 2为父母买座房子并带父母

56、旅行;3 3帮助贫困的小朋友。要求:1.1.语言通顺、流畅,可适当发挥;2 2词数80左右。 Dear MaryDear Mary,I am writing to tell you what my future life will be.I will I am writing to tell you what my future life will be.I will start a chocolate factorystart a chocolate factory,because I like eating chocolate.I because I like eating chocola

57、te.I will have lots of money from selling chocolate.I will buy a will have lots of money from selling chocolate.I will buy a big house for my parents.Then I will travel around the world big house for my parents.Then I will travel around the world with my parents.I will help poor children to go to school.I with my parents.I will help poor children to go to school.I hope my dream will come true.hope my dream will come true. _YoursYours,_ _WangWang_MeiMei_让我们将事前的忧虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧!让我们将事前的忧虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧!



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