原(浙江专版)七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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原(浙江专版)七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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原(浙江专版)七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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《原(浙江专版)七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《原(浙江专版)七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8Is there a post office near here?单元同步作文指导本本单单元元以以“街街区区”为为话话题题,主主要要谈谈论论问问路路与与指指路路,要要求求同同学学们们学学会会帮帮助助别别人人。具具体体到到本本单单元元书书面面表表达达中中,要要求求同同学学们们会会指指路路,会会正正确确清清楚楚地地表表达达到到某某地地的的路路线线。同同时时,也也要要求求同同学学们们能能简简单单介介绍绍自自己己所所居居住住的的社社区区,熟熟练练掌掌握握there there bebe句句型型的的相相关关用用法法及及一一些些表表示示方方位位的的介介词词( (短短语语) )的的用用法法,将将

2、这这些知识应用到书面表达中去。些知识应用到书面表达中去。教材中出现的方位介词教材中出现的方位介词( (短语短语) ):near on behind next tonear on behind next toacross from in front of betweenacross from in front of betweenandand教材中出现的常用的表示指路的短语:教材中出现的常用的表示指路的短语:turn right/ left turn right/ left 向右向右/ /左拐左拐go/ walk along/ downgo/ walk along/ down 沿着沿着走走at

3、the first crossing at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口在第一个十字路口on your left/ right on your left/ right 在你的左边在你的左边/ /右边右边拓展常用短语:拓展常用短语:go through go through 穿过穿过go across go across 穿过穿过walk on walk on 继续走继续走假假设设你你是是李李明明,下下面面是是你你所所在在的的社社区区平平面面地地图图,请请你你根根据据地地图图及及线线路路,简单介绍你所在的社区及生活习惯简单介绍你所在的社区及生活习惯,可合理发挥想象。可合

4、理发挥想象。Look!This is a map of my neighborhood.My house is across from a bank on Xinhua Street.I usually take a walk at the park near my house.Its between the hospital and the bookshopOn weekends I usually buy books at the bookshop.Its very quiet and I also enjoy reading there.To get there,I walk along

5、 Xinhua Street and turn right at the first crossingThen walk along Center Street and turn left at the second crossing.【点点拨拨】这这是是一一篇篇利利用用地地图图向向他他人人介介绍绍李李明明的的社社区区的的作作文文。主主要要考考查查方方位位介介词词及及指指路路的的表表达达方方式式。写写作作时时要要先先引引入入话话题题,如如;再再重重点点介介绍绍各各种种建建筑筑物物的的位位置置关关系系,注注意意利利用用本本单单元元所所学学的的介介词词( (短短语语) ),如如;记记得得在在最最后

6、一自然段要交代如何到达李明的社区后一自然段要交代如何到达李明的社区,如如。假假设设你你叫叫魏魏华华,你你的的朋朋友友李李岩岩第第一一次次到到你你家家参参加加聚聚会会。请请按按照照下下列列要要求求写写一一封封电电子子邮邮件件,告告诉诉他他如如何何来来你你家家。不不少少于于5050词词( (开开头头和和结结尾尾已已给给出出,不不计入总词数计入总词数) )。参参考考词词汇汇:at at 25 25 Xinhua Xinhua StreetStreet,Center Center RoadRoad,Bridge Bridge StreetStreet,turn turn leftleft,at at

7、the the first first crossingcrossing,a a tall tall white white building building ( (建建筑筑物物) ),in in front offront of,next tonext to,have funhave funOne possible versionOne possible version:Dear Li YanDear Li Yan,Welcome Welcome to to my my house house for for the the party.Im party.Im very very happ

8、y.Let happy.Let me me tell tell you you how how to to get get to to my my house.Ihouse.I live live at at 25 25 Xinhua Xinhua Street.You Street.You can can go go along along Center Center Road Road and and go go across across Bridge Bridge Street.Then Street.Then turn turn left left at at the the fir

9、st first crossing.You crossing.You can can see see a a tall tall white white building building in in front front of of you.Myyou.My house is next to it. house is next to it.Im sure you can have fun at the party.Im sure you can have fun at the party.YoursYours,Wei HuaWei Hua单元常见错误诊断单元常见错误诊断病号病号1 1:Th

10、ere are some trees There are some trees inin_ _thethe_ _frontfront_ _ofof house. house.【处处方方】in in the the front front ofof和和in in front front ofof都都可可表表示示“在在前前面面”。前前者者表表示示在在某某物物内内部部的的前前面面,后后者者表表示示在在某某物物外外部部的的前前面面。故故上上句句应应用用in in front offront of。病号病号2 2:Are there Are there somesome restaurants near

11、 here? restaurants near here?【处处方方】somesome意意为为“一一些些”,在在there there bebe句句型型中中常常用用于于肯肯定定句句,变变否否定定句或疑问句时句或疑问句时,somesome要改为要改为anyany。故上句。故上句somesome应换为应换为anyany。病号病号3 3:There There areare a pen and two books in the bag. a pen and two books in the bag.【处处方方】在在there there bebe句句型型中中,主主语语由由两两个个或或两两个个以以上上的的名名词词充充当当时时,bebe动动词词的的确确定定要要遵遵循循就就近近原原则则,即即与与最最近近的的名名词词保保持持一一致致,故故上上句句中中的的areare应改为应改为isis。



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