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1、句子成分的转译Outline1、主语的转译2、谓语的转译3、宾语的转译4、状语的转译5、定语的转译1、主语的转译A主语转译为谓语主语由含有动作意义的名词含有动作意义的名词充当1)In recent years increasing attention had been paid to the economic benefit in the production of our factory.近年来,我厂越来越注重生产中的经济效益。2)In every corner of the campus, talk of Chinas entering WTO is in the air.在校园里学生们广

2、泛地谈论着中国加入世贸组织的话题。B主语转化为宾语A) 被动句式,即主语是句中谓语动词的行为对象;B) there be句型;C)连系动词作谓语,并且主语在意义上具有结论或推论结果的含义,即,可将它转译为“是”的宾语。1)As the match burns, heat and light are given off.火柴燃烧时发出光和热。2)Much progress has been made in computer science in the last 20 years.计算机科学在近20年内取得了很大的进步。3) There always has been gaps in the e

3、conomic interests of the two countries, which can not be bridged by one bilateral talk. 两国的经济利益一直存在分歧,通过一次双边谈话是没办法解决的。 C主语转译为状语 有时英语句中的主语是说明行为的原因、条件、时间等,这个时候就可以考虑将主语翻译成状语(从句)。这种情况多出现在简单句中。1) Bad weather prevented us from going camping last weekend.上周末因为天气不好,我们没去野营。2) The world has witnessed differen

4、t roads to modernization.世界上已有了不同的现代化道路。D主语转译为定语1)He has a different opinion from others.他的观点与众不同。2)Without air, the earth would undergo extreme changes in temperature.没有空气,地球的温度会发生极大的变化。2、谓语的转译谓语的动词转译成名词,并且在句子中充当主语成分。1)Neutrons act differently from protons.中子的作用不同于质子。2)Water with salt conducts elec

5、tricity very well.盐水的导电性能良好。3、宾语的转译宾语可以译为宾语、主语、谓语宾语、主语、谓语。A宾语转译为主语 1) Take it easy. A cup of hot coffee will make you feel better.你放松点,你喝杯热咖啡就会感觉好些的。2) Careful comparison of them will show you the difference.只要仔细把它们比较一下,你就会发现不同之处。B宾语转译为谓语1)The secretary cast impatient glances at the young man, turne

6、d away without answering this question.秘书不耐烦地看了看这个年轻人,转过头去,没有理睬他的问题。2)Before graduation we should make full use of the time left to arm ourselves with more knowledge.在毕业前,我们应当充分利用剩下的时间,用更多的知识来武装自己。4、状语的转译状语可以译为状语、主语和定语状语、主语和定语。A状语转译为主语1)We know that oxygen is necessary for the breathing of animals a

7、nd plants, and for burning.我们知道,动植物呼吸和燃烧都需要氧气。2)High-tech products of various types also can be manufactured in our country.我国也能制造各种类型的高科技产品。B状语转译为定语1)The weather is warm and sunny here.这里的气候温和,阳光充沛。2)Cheating in school also tends to ebb and flow. But it doesnt seem linked to the economy.学校中的作弊现象也往往

8、有涨有落,但这似乎跟经济没有什么联系。C状语转译为补语 这种方法就是将英语中的状语放在被修饰的动词后面译出。这种状语多表示方式、地点、时间、程度或结果,其位置多数在谓语之后。1) How is your new teacher looking ?你们新老师的仪表看来怎样?2) Jefferson died on July 4, 1826.杰斐逊死于1826年7月4日。5、定语的转译 A定语转译为谓语 将定语转译为谓语通常是为了突出定语所表达的内容。1) There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction.由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量。

9、 2) Many factors enter into unemployment in our country.涉及我国失业的因素很多。B. 定语转译为表语 同转译谓语情况一样,转译为表语也多半是为了突出其表达的内容。1)The earth was formed from the same kind of materials that makes up the sun.构成地球的物质与构成太阳的物质是相同的。2)Wind has the same effect on rocks as rain.风对岩石的作用和雨水对岩石的作用是一样的。C定语转译为状语1)The young man cast

10、impatient glances at the old man.年轻人不耐烦地看了看那个老人。2)We should have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of computer science.我们应该牢固掌握计算机科学的基本知识。作业1. As the weather was fine, we decided to climb the mountain.2. As water can float a ship, so can it swallow the ship.3. Put into an old Chinese proverb, it mean

11、s that one will never find it difficult to do anything until one has experienced it.4. A notion has taken hold in the United States to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them.5. As soon as the cinema is in darkness, spotlights are focused on the curtains which are drawn slowly apart, often to the accompaniment of music to reveal the title of the cinema.参考答案天气很好,我们爬山去了。水能载舟,也能覆舟。用中国的一句老话来说:事非经过不知难。在美国有一种根深蒂固的观点,说是只有那些抚养得起子女的人才应鼓励其生育。在电影院变成一片漆黑的一刹那间,聚光灯照在徐徐打开的帷幕上,常常在音乐的伴奏下,显露出影片的片名。



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