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1、Book5 Unti4 ReadingBook5 Unti4 ReadingMy First Work Assignment “Unforgettable,” says new journalist中国政府的媒体应对机制 在中国,新闻事业的性质是党、政府和人民的喉舌。“喉舌论”作为中国共产党新闻理论的一条基本理论,规定着中国新闻事业的性质,并在具体的新闻工作中得到贯彻和落实,中国共产党的新闻事业从开创到现在一直时党的舆论机关,宣传党的路线方针和政策纲领,是新闻机构的主要任务。美国政府的媒体应对机制美国号称是世界上最民主、最自由的国家,美国媒体和新闻从业人员最重视和最自豪的是他们所享有的“绝对新

2、闻自由”,美国媒体也因此被认为是以立法、司法并立的“第四权力”,是代表公众利益的“看门狗”,美国很多从业人员将新闻自由和“看门狗”职责作为职业理念和操守来尊重和践行,他们将监督政府、揭露丑闻视为自己的天职,美国的历届总统都深深地感受到媒体的威力,甚至被媒体咬得遍体鳞伤,但是美国政府从来不甘心束手就擒,来自媒体的威胁和巨大压力,迫使政府不断的提高防范和应对媒体的能力,采取种种策略应当媒体,努力驾驭媒体,让媒体为他所用。美国媒体企业资本雄厚,规模庞大,横跨多种媒体,技术新进。中美两国新闻体制的区别 新闻体制是依赖于社会体制的,新闻体制与社会互为依赖,互相吻合,互相服务,什么样的社会体制决定什么样的

3、新闻体制,美国的媒体独立于政府但受美国宪法的保护和约束。而中国的媒体还要承担宣传党的政策方针,引导大众舆论等职责。具有社会责任、舆论监督等功能。总结起来,美国媒体是完全市场化,而中国媒体是一半政府,一半市场。Fast reading He felt excited, curious and eager to go out on a story. How did Zhou Yang feel on his first day at work ? Who ?Where?What?Zhou Yang was talking with his boss, Hu Xin at the office of

4、 China Daily.1. What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story.A. tell a story B. write storyC. send a story D. report a story 报道新闻报道新闻D Choose the correct explanation2. A good journalist must have a good “nose” for a story.A. know what has happened.B. be able to “smell” the truth when so

5、mebody is telling part of it.C. be able to discover the whole truth by doing research.D. B and C对新闻有一个敏感的对新闻有一个敏感的 “嗅觉嗅觉”D Detail readingMake a list of Zhou Yangs question and key words of answersCan I go out on a story immediately? Put you as an assistant to an experienced journalistWhat do I need

6、to take with me? A note book What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story? Be curious Have a good “nose” for story What should I keep in mind? Dont miss your deadline Dont be rude Dont talk too much Make sure listen to interviewee carefullyWhy is listening so important? Listen for detai

7、led facts Next question depend on what the person saysHow can I listen carefully while taking notes? You can use a recorder to get facts straight Try to find evidence to support your story complete it as “true” or “false”(1)Zhou Yang can go out on a story immediately. (2) Only when Zhou has seen wha

8、t he or she does, can he cover a story by himself. (3) Not only is Zhou interested in photograph, but also he took a course at university, so its actually of special interest to him. (F)(T)(T)(4) Hu Xin has never had a case where somebody accused your reporters of getting the wrong end of the stick.

9、 (5) The footballer did tell the truth. (6)An article was written by Zhou Yang which suggested the footballer was guilty. (7) “A trick of the trade” means clever ways known to experts. (F)(F)(F)(T) Questions Zhou Yangs notesThe skills needed1. be able to _ _.2. be _ 3. do _4. ask _The importance of

10、listeningget the _ tell if someone is telling the truthaccurateresearchquestionsdetailed factsZhou Yangs notes Questions Zhou Yangs notesStages in researching a story 1. _ 2. note _ 3. _ facts 4. do _How to check facts use _ and ask _How to deal with accusations of printing lies use _ for the _ask q

11、uestionsreactionscheckresearchresearchwitnessesa tape recorderinterviewAdjectives to describe a reporterAdjectives to describe a photographerpatient, well-organized, thorough, curious, careful, concise, professional, politecreative, imaginative, technically good, gifted, professional, patient, well-

12、organizedA reporter needs to be _ _ but a photograph needs to be _ _. _. I think I would make a good _ _. thorough, curious, careful and concise creative, imaginative, technically good and giftedThey both need to be professional, well-organized and patient photographer because I am creative and I en

13、joy being technically good at things.Practice interviewingMake an interview( film star, great person or who ever you like). cover a story be eager to do concentrate on be curious have a “nose” for a story a trick of the trade get all the facts straight avoid to get the wrong end of the stick try to be a real “scoop” A journalist shouldhomework1.Read an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it. 2.Try to write a short composition about a news.



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