高中英语 Unit 3 Celebration Period Four Lesson 4 Christmas课件 北师大版必修1

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1、Unit 3 Celebration Period Four Lesson 4 Christmas 课件(北师大版必修1,广东专用)9_n长袜10_n圣诞节圣歌答案1.seriously2.pole3.envelope4.decoration5 breast 6.adult 7.pudding 8.calendar 9.stocking10.carol.短语天地1_Christmas Eve在圣诞前夕2put_张贴3as_as只要4_the end of在尽头5at the_of在底部6turn_关掉(灯、水龙头)7_to sleep入睡8carry_继续9go to_做礼拜10_the gr

2、ound在地面上答案1.on2.up3.long4.at5.bottom6.off7.go8.on9.church10.on2Lunch was always late, but what a lunch! 信息提取What a lunch! 是省略感叹句。例句仿写真遗憾!_ _ _!答案1.stands a tall tree2What a pity/What a shame.预读理解1Fast reading:Scan the text and choose the best answers.Why did the children in the family write letters

3、to Father Christmas in November?AChristmas Day is in November.BThey wanted to tell Father Christmas what they wanted in advance(预先)and they thought he lived far.CThey would be busy in December.Why did the children write the address“North Pole”?AThey thought Father Christmas lived there.BThey thought

4、 Father Christmas could get there.CThey thought it was cold there.What is the childrens favourite sports when it snows?ASkiing. BSnowball fights. CMaking snowmen.Why did the children try to stay awake on Christmas Eve?ATo see Father Christmas.BTo have more fun with friends.CTo get something deliciou

5、s to eat.Who do you think give the presents to the children?AFather Christmas.BThe childrens friends.CThe childrens parents.答案BABAC2Careful reading:Read the text carefully and number these events in the order that they happened._The whole family decorated the house, put up the Christmas tree._After

6、church, my cousin David and I went out into the garden to play with our new presents._We tried to stay awake as long as possible to see Father Christmas._The adults slept on the sofas while we played cards._ A big turkey with all vegetables followed by Christmas pudding._By bedtime all of the childr

7、en were vey tired.答案【拓展】serious adj.认真的,严肃的;严重的,危急的He is a serious student and works very hard.他认真,学习非常努力。用serious/seriously填空(1)She had a_illness and her husband was also_ill.Who could take care of their baby?(2)My father is often_and takes everything_.答案:(1)serious;seriously(2)serious;seriously2sw

8、allow(1)vt.& vi.吞;咽He had a sore throat and found it difficult to swallow.他嗓子疼,觉得咽东西困难。(2)vt.吞没;吞噬The waves swallowed up the boat.浪涛吞噬船只。(3)n.吞;咽Take the medicine at one swallow.一口把药吞下。(4)n.燕子One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。(谚语)【完成句子】(1)Its difficult for you to _(吞下整个鸡蛋)【翻译句子】(2)洪水吞没一切挡在它路上

9、的东西。_答 案 (1)swallow a whole egg (2)The flood swallowed everything in its way.1put up建造,搭起Theyre planning to put a hotel up where the museum used to be.他们打算在原来的博物馆那里建一个宾馆。剑桥高阶They put up their tents as soon as they arrived.他们一到达就搭起了帐篷。【拓展】put up还可作“举起,抬起(raise);挂起,张贴(与take down相反);住宿,留宿;提高,提升”。He put

10、 up his hand to draw the teachers attention.他举起手以引起老师的注意。A new notice has been put up on the board.木板上张贴了一张新通知。Will you put me up for the night? 今晚能留我住下吗?【辨析】build/put up/set up(1)build最广泛的用语,可以建造各种东西,如大楼、桥梁、道路等。(2)put up搭建高出的东西,如大楼、帐篷、铜像等。(3)set up建造高出的东西(put up),还可组建一种无形的东西,如组织、公司、制度等。A new statio

11、n has been put up/set up/built here recently.一座新发电站最近在这儿建成了。A new government was set up after the Civil War.新政府在内战之后成立了。(1)(2011辽宁)The exam results will be _ on Friday afternoon。Aput down Bput off Cput up Dput away答案C句意:考试结果将在星期五的下午张贴出来。put down 放下,记下;put off 推迟;put up 张贴,搭建;put away 收起来,放好。(2)(2010

12、全国)My mother opened the drawer to _ the knives and spoons.Aput away Bput upCput on Dput together答案Aput away“放好”;put up“举起,张贴,搭建,提供食宿”;put on“穿上,上演”;put together“把放在一起”。句意:我母亲打开抽屉把刀子和勺子放好。【翻译句子】(1)我们家乡建起了许多高楼。_(2)有问题请举手。_(3)后来他们建立了一个新组织。_答案(1)Many new buildings have been set/put up/built in our homet

13、own.(2)Put up your hands if you have questions.(3)Later,they set up a new organization.2as long as possible尽可能长地;长久地asadj./adv.as possible是固定结构,表示“尽可能地”。Please come as soon as possible.请尽快来这里。eat as much as possible尽可能多吃as far as possible尽可能远地【拓展】(1)as long as意为“达之久”,后常加时间段。far,much等也有此用法,表程度,距离、时间等

14、。He kept me waiting as long as 2 hours.他让我等了长达两个小时。(2)as long as (惯用语)只要,作连词,用于条件句。You can use my car as long as you give it back to me tomorrow.你可以用我的汽车,只要你明天能够还给我。(2012江西,31)You can borrow my car _ you promise not to drive too fast.Aunless Beven if Cin case Das long as答案D句意:只要你承诺不要开得太快,你就能借我的车。as

15、long as “只要”,引导条件状语从句,符合句意。unless “除非”;even if “即使”;in case “以防”。【完成句子】(1)Ill forgive him _ _ _ _ _ _ _(只要他向我道歉)(2)Youd better _ _ _ _ _ _(尽可能远离她)答案(1)as long as he apologizes to me(2)leave her as far as possible3in front of在前面Theres parking space in front of the hotel.旅馆前有停车的地方。剑桥高阶Please dont swea

16、r in front of the children.当着孩子们的面请不要骂人。注意in front of“在的前面”与in the front of“在的前部”比较:There is a big tree in front of our classroom.There is a teachers desk in the front of our classroom.句“教室前面有棵大树”,大树只能是在教室外。句“教室前部有讲桌”,讲桌肯定是在教室内。由此不难看出in front of sth 指在某物外部的前面;in the front of sth 指在物体内部的前部。用in front

17、of和in the front of填空We sat_the fire,enjoying the beautiful scenery_the window.No one noticed a dog came in and lay_our room.答案in front of;in front of;in the front of4carry on继续【搭配】carry on doing sth/carry on with sth 继续做某事Carry on working/with your work while Im away.我不在的时候你要继续工作。【拓展】carry out贯彻,实施,

18、执行carry out the new plan 实施新计划(2010江苏)The experiment has _ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.Afound out Bpointed outCruled out Dcarried out答案C句意:这个试验已经排除了在那个行星上存在生命的可能性,但是这并不意味着其它行星上没有生命。考查动词短语的辨义。A.发现;B.指出;C.排除(可能性);D

19、.执行,开展。根据句意选择C项。【完成句子】(1)They decided to _ _ _ _ _(继续讨论那个问题)(2)His orders _ _ _ _(没被执行)答案(1)carry on with/discussing the problem(2)were not carried out5go to church做礼拜go to church做礼拜go to the church 去教堂They go to church every Sunday.他们每个星期天都去做礼拜。剑桥高阶(1)(2011陕西)As is known to all,_ Peoples Republic o

20、f China is _ biggest developing country in the world.Athe;不填B不填;the Cthe;the D不填;不填答案C句意:众所周知,中华人民共和国是世界上最大的发展中国家。专有名词前要用the; 最高级前要用the。(2)(2011重 庆 )In communication, a smile is usually _strong sign of a friendly and _ open attitude.Athe;/ Ba;an Ca;/ Dthe;an 答案C句意:在交流时,微笑通常是一个友好和开放的态度的一个明显的标志。第一个a修饰

21、sign;后一个空白与friendly是并列形容词都用来修饰attitude,故用零冠词。【冠词填空】(1)In Western countries, its_custom to go to_church to get married.(2)I fell ill and went to_school without breakfast,so my mother went to_school to ask my teacher whether I was OK.答案(1)a;the(2)/;the6turn off 关掉Lets turn off the TV. Id rather read a

22、 book.咱们把电视机关掉吧,我宁愿看本书。【拓展】turn on打开turn against 背叛turn in 上交turn out 结果是,出来turn to 转向,求助turn down 关小turn up 开大turn around 转身turn over 转翻switch on 打开switch off 关掉(1)(2011江苏) You look upset.Whats the matter? I had my proposal _ again.Aturned over Bturned on Cturned off Dturned down答案D句意:你看起来有些不高兴。怎么了

23、?我的提议被拒绝了。考查动词短语。turn over翻转;turn on打开;turn off关闭;turn down 把声音关小;拒绝。(2)(2010辽辽 宁宁 )Thousands of people _ to watch yesterdays match against Ireland.Aturned on Bturned inCturned around Dturned out 答答案案D句句意意:昨昨天天成成千千上上万万的的人人出出来来观观看看对对爱爱尔尔兰兰的的比比赛赛。turn on 打打开开;turn in 上上交交;turn around 转转身身;turn out结果是,

24、出来。结果是,出来。1(课文重现)My sister,Alison and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a letter to Father Christmas telling him about all the presents we wanted.我和妹妹Alison坐在炉火旁给圣诞老人写信,告诉他我们想要的一切礼物。【句式分析】句中sat down.与wrote a letter为并列的谓语。telling him about.为现在分词短语作状语,主语与tell为主动关系,故用现在分词;若为被动关系,用过去分词短语。比较:He c

25、ame in,carrying a gun.他进来了,拿着手枪。He came in,unnoticed.他神不知鬼不觉地进来了。第一句he与carry之间为主动关系,“他拿着枪”。第二句he与unnotice为被动关系,“他没被注意到”。(2012天津,11)He got up late and hurried to his office,_ the breakfast untouched.Aleft Bto leave Cleaving Dhaving left答案C考查非谓语动词。句意:他起床晚了,匆忙赶往他的办公室,没有吃早餐。he和leave存在主动关系,故用leaving短语作状语

26、。【单项填空】(1)Dad missed a step and fell,_my new suitcase rolling down the stairs.Asending BsentCto send Dhaving sent(2)The secretary worked deep into the night,_a long speech for the president.Aprepared BpreparingCprepared for Dand preparing答案(1)A(2)B2(课文重现)At the bottom of the bed was the stocking,now

27、 full of all kinds of small presents and sweets.床头上的袜子里现在已装满了各种各样的糖果和小礼物。【句式分析】(1)at the bottom of the bed为介词短语提前,其后要用倒装语序,且为不加助动词的全部倒装。Under the tree is a wolf.树下面是一只狼。On top of the hill stands a tall tree.山顶上有棵大树。(2)now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets是形容词短语充当伴随状语,表示状态。形容词表示伴随状态时,通常用

28、逗号与其它成分隔开。Angry with him,she complained all day.由于生他的气,整个一天她都在抱怨。I hurried home,hungry and thirsty.我匆匆忙忙地赶回家,又饿又渴。(2010重庆)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _,one of the ten largest cities in China.Alies Chongqing BChongqing liesCdoes lies Chongqing Ddoes Chongqing lie答案

29、A句意:中国十大城市之一的重庆位于扬子江和嘉陵江两江交汇的地方。考查倒装句。分析句子结构得知,这里是将地点状语提前且主语为名词,故句子需用完全倒装形式。【完成句子】(1)这些人当中,一个是他的朋友。_ _ _ _ one of his friends.(2)刚才窗户边坐着一个年轻人,手里拿着一本杂志。_ _ _ _ a young man with a magazine in his hand just now.【单项填空】(3)Early in the day_the news _the enemy were gone.Acome;that Bcame;thatCcomes;that Dca

30、me;what(4)In front of the farmhouse_.Adoes a small boy sit Bdid a small boy sitCsit a small boy Dsat a small boy答案(1)Among these people is(2)By the window sat(3)B(4)D3(课文重现)Lunch was always late,but what a lunch!午餐总是很晚,但可真够丰盛的!【句式分析】what a lunch为感叹句式。【拓展】感叹句的几种常用形式Whata(n)单数可数名词!Whata(n)adj.单数可数名词!W

31、hat复数可数名词/不可数名词!Whatadj.复数可数名词/不可数名词!Howadj./adv./v.!Howadj.a(n)单数可数名词!How句子!What a lovely girl(she is)!(她是)一个多么可爱的女孩啊!What satisfactory explanations he gave!他给出的解释是多么令人满意啊!How time flies!时光飞逝!【单项填空】(1)Why!They have left their airtickets!Just imagine in _they left just now!Aa rush how anxiousBa how anxious rushChow an anxious rushDwhat an anxious rush(2)_!Is anything burnt?Look!The pan catches fire!AHow much smoke BWhat a lot of smokeCHow many smokes DWhat smokes答案(1)D(2)B



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