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1、3.2 Offer发盘,发价,要约An offer, a promise of the seller to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated, indicates all the other necessary terms of sales for the buyers consideration and acceptance as well as the price of the goods he wishes to sell. Offeror,offerer:发盘人 Offeree :受盘人13.2.1 Constitution

2、s of an effective offerThe offer shall be made to one or more specific persons. A proposal other than one addressed to one or more specific persons is to be considered merely as an invitation to make offers, unless the contrary is clearly indicated by the person making the proposal.Notes: invitation

3、 to make offers要约邀请Main forms of invitation to make offers: Catalog, Pricelist, Auction announcement, Tender notice, Prospectus, Advertising2The content of an offer must be sufficiently definite.In trade practice, the main trade terms should be completely denoted : Name of Commodity; Quality; Quanti

4、ty; Packing; Price; Delivery; Payment and so on.3The offeror intends, without reservation, to enter into a contract with the offeree if all the terms offered are accepted by the offeree.1.An offer is a proposal indicating the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance by the offeree.43.2.2 TypesFirm

5、offer(实盘)(实盘)offer with engagementA seller promises to sell goods at a stated price within a stated period of time(validity period). It can develop into a contractual obligation; Once it is accepted by a buyer, the seller cannot revoke it. 5Ways to determine the validity period of an offera)Fixing t

6、he latest date for acceptance.e.g.OurofferissubjecttoyourreplyreachingusbeforeAugust20.TheofferisvalidtillJune10ourtime.b)Fixing a period of timeE.g.ourofferremainseffectivefor10daysfromJune1,inclusiveofJune1.c)Fixing in general terms,suchas“promptreply”,“immediateleyreply”,etc.(shoule be avoided)6N

7、on-firm offer(虚盘)(虚盘)offer without engagementTheofferissubjecttochange/alterationwithoutnotice.TheofferissubjecttothesellersfinalconfirmationTheofferissubjecttopriorsale.Theofferissubjecttobeingunsold.Theofferissubjecttobuyersinspectionorapproval.Theofferissubjecttoshippingspaceavailabel.Theofferiss


9、at.Withtheincreaseofthegeneralretailcosts,whichbecameconspicuousthisspring,thenextconsignmentwillbemuchdearer,sowerecommendyoutotakepromptadvantageofthisofferwhichisfirmforaweekonly.Yoursfaithfully,Sample offer(1) 8September6,2001MessrsHealy&Co.73HydeRoad,Antwerp,BelgiumDearSirs,MensLeatherShoesThan



12、,ShunDaImport&ExportCorporationSample offer(2)9July,32001JamesBrown&sons#304-310JalanStreet,Toronto,CanadaDearSirs,WeconfirmhavingreceiceivedyourenquiryofJuly2forourbicycles.Incompliancewithyourrequest,wearemakingyouanoffer,subjecttoourfinalconfirmationasfollows:Commodity:EaglebrandBicyclesSpecifica


14、elayifyoufindtheabovesatisfactory,Weassureyouourpromptandcarefulattentiontoallofyourfutureorders.Yoursfaithfully,ChinaTradingCompanySample offer(3)10USEFUL EXPRESSIONS (1)Thankyouforyourrecentenquiry.Wehavealargequantityofinstock,andarepleasedtoofferthemasfollows:(2)Wecanofferyouapriceof$_peritem,fi



17、encetoyourletterof,enquiringfor,weencloseourQuotationNoforyourconsiderationandtrustyouwillfindourpricesacceptable.(10)Ourbestofferisgivenbelowsubjecttoourfinalconfirmation.12EXERCISE1.Translate the following sentences into English.我们确认已向你方电报下列商品实盘,以9月20日前复到有效。你方6月3日来电要求我们报第33号毯子。现确认我方于6月6日电报向你方报盘如下,

18、该盘不受约束。我们的报盘三天有效。 我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。 132.Letters Writing 敬启者:感谢你方11月30日询函,现随函附寄我方窗帘材料( curtain materials )的报价单。我们精心挑选了一些样品寄给你们。相信其优良的品质,具有吸引力的设计以及合理的价格会让你们觉得物有所值。由于目前各地对我们的产品的需求非常旺盛,以致于我们难以满足。但是如果我们能够在10天之内收到你们的订单,我们将优先尽快为你方发货。盼早日回复,不胜感激。谨上143.3 Counter-Offer还盘 and Counter-counter Offer 反还盘Counter

19、-offer means that the offeree doesnt accept the offer wholly and put forward some additions, modification,limitations,etc. as to the basic terms and conditions contained in the offer.Once the counter-offer is made, the original offer will be invalid, and the business will be on the basis of the coun

20、ter-offer.15When receiving the buyers counter-offer and finding some terms and conditions unsatisfactory and even unacceptable to him, the seller will state his own opinions in a letter, which is called counter-counter offer.In international trade practice, the finalization of a business has to go t

21、hrough a series of counter-offers and counter-counter offers.16Useful Expression 1.如果你方接受我们的还盘,我们就劝用户向你方购买。Ifyouacceptourcounter-offer,wellpersuadetheend-usertoplaceanorderwithyou.我方认为你方报价不合适,因为该原料价格正在下跌。Wefeelthatyourquotationisnotproperbecausethepriceforsuchmaterialisonthedeclineatpresent.希望你方重新考虑

22、此事,并尽快告知你方决定。Itsourhopethatyouwouldconsiderthematterandletusknowyourdecisionasquicklyaspossible.在质量方面, 其他牌子的商品很难和我们的相比。Inrespecttoquality,Idontthinkthatthegoodsofotherbrandscancomparewithours.17结合质量考虑,我认为这个价格是合理的。Takingthequalityintoconsideration,Ithinkthepriceisreasonable.为了使这笔生意成交,我认为你方应至少降价10。Toh


24、5%higherthanlastyears.k如果你们仍然坚持原报价,我们就只好放弃这笔生意。Imafraidwehavetocallthewholedealoffifyoustillinsistonyouroriginalquotation.l我们同意以每吨五千美金的价格成交。WeagreetoconcludethetransactionatthepriceofUS$5000perton.19Exercises-Translation1) 我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。 2) 我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。3) 好吧,我给你一个特别优惠价。4) 我们将优先向你们报盘。 5)此报盘着眼于扩大销

25、路而且很有竞争性。 6)This is our rock-bottom price, we cant make any further concession.7)Our price is fixed at a reasonable level.8)Our counter-offer is in line with the international market.9)The price we have given is a fair price.10)Lets meet each other halfway.203.4 Acceptance接受(1)DefinitionIt is actual

26、ly an unreserved assent or commitment of the buyers or sellers who are willing to enter into a contract in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed upon after preliminary mutual negotiations.In international trade, the acceptance is indispensable for the conclusion of a business and the signi

27、ng of a contrace.21(2)The conditionAn effective acceptance must be have the following conditions:vAcceptance shall be based upon the buyers complete acceptance of the firm offer, or the sellers confirmation of the buyers acceptance of a non-firm offer, or the sellers acceptance of the buyers counter

28、-offer or the buyers firm order or firm bid with the seller.vAcceptance shall be made by a specific offeree.vAcceptance shall be declared in ways stipulated in the offer, either orally or in a written form.vAcceptance shall reach the offeror within the time of validity.22Question:A Company wants to

29、buy a number of goods, and makes an announcement about tender. Company B、C、D、E and F submit their tender respectively. At last, company B wins the bid. Pleasepointoutthatwhichone(s)is(are)invitationtomakeoffer,whichone(s)is(are)offer,whichone(s)is(are)acceptance?23NoNoYesYesBarginBarginProcedures of Business Negotiation24



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