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1、单击此处编辑主标题单击此处编辑主标题单击此处编辑副标题单击此处编辑副标题单击此处编辑标题单击此处编辑标题正文部分样例A正文部分样例B正文部分样例C正文部分样例D正文部分样例I正文部分样例II正文部分样例III单击此处编辑标题单击此处编辑标题正文部分样例A正文部分样例B正文部分样例C正文部分样例D正文部分样例I正文部分样例II正文部分样例III正文标题正文标题第一级第二级 第三级第四级第五级正文标题正文标题第一级第二级 第三级第四级第五级样例文本样例文本AGemmi Cong 精美PPT模板尽在如下豆单欢迎大家欣赏和下载样例文本样例文本AGemmi Cong 精美PPT模板尽在如下豆单欢迎大家欣

2、赏和下载样例文本样例文本BWhen CICS was first released, it only supported application transaction programs written in IBM 360 Assembler. COBOL and PL/I support were added years later.Multiple-user interactive-transaction application programs were required to be quasi-reentrant in order to support multiple concur

3、rent transaction threads. A software coding error in one application could block all users from the system. The modular design of CICS reentrant / reusable control programs meant that, with judicious pruning, multiple users with multiple applications could be executed on a computer with just 32K of

4、expensive magnetic core physical memory (including the operating system).Because of the limited capacity of even large processors of that era every CICS installation was required to assemble the source code for all of the CICS system modules after completing a system generation (sysgen) process to e

5、stablish values for conditional assembly language statements. This process allowed each customer to exclude support from CICS itself for any feature they did not intend to use, such as device support for terminal types not in use. CICS services emulated the functions of the operating system, but pro

6、vided services tailored to support only quasi-reentrant transaction processing that were more efficient than the generalized services in the operating system and much simpler for programmers to use, particularly with respect to communication with diverse terminal devices.样例文本样例文本BWhen CICS was first

7、 released, it only supported application transaction programs written in IBM 360 Assembler. COBOL and PL/I support were added years later.Multiple-user interactive-transaction application programs were required to be quasi-reentrant in order to support multiple concurrent transaction threads. A soft

8、ware coding error in one application could block all users from the system. The modular design of CICS reentrant / reusable control programs meant that, with judicious pruning, multiple users with multiple applications could be executed on a computer with just 32K of expensive magnetic core physical

9、 memory (including the operating system).Because of the limited capacity of even large processors of that era every CICS installation was required to assemble the source code for all of the CICS system modules after completing a system generation (sysgen) process to establish values for conditional

10、assembly language statements. This process allowed each customer to exclude support from CICS itself for any feature they did not intend to use, such as device support for terminal types not in use. CICS services emulated the functions of the operating system, but provided services tailored to suppo

11、rt only quasi-reentrant transaction processing that were more efficient than the generalized services in the operating system and much simpler for programmers to use, particularly with respect to communication with diverse terminal devices.样例文本样例文本CCORBA(Common Object Request Broker Architecture)通用对

12、象请求代理架构是软件构建的一个标准。CORBA标准由对象管理组织(OMG)设立并进行控制,CORBA定义了一系列API,通信协议,和对象服务信息模型用于使得异质应用程序能够互相操作,这些应用程序用不同的编程语言编写,运行在不同的平台上。CORBA因此为定义明确的对象提供了平台和位置的透明性,这些对象是分布式计算平台的基础。通常来说,CORBA把用其他语言开发的程序代码和关于该程序代码能力和如何调用该程序代码的信息包到一个开发包(package)中,开发包中的对象则可以在网络上被其他程序(或CORBA对象)调用。 在这个意义上来讲,CORBA可以被看作是一个机器可读的文件档格式,类似于头文件(h

13、eader),但是具有相当多的信息。样例文本样例文本CCORBA(Common Object Request Broker Architecture)通用对象请求代理架构是软件构建的一个标准。CORBA标准由对象管理组织(OMG)设立并进行控制,CORBA定义了一系列API,通信协议,和对象服务信息模型用于使得异质应用程序能够互相操作,这些应用程序用不同的编程语言编写,运行在不同的平台上。CORBA因此为定义明确的对象提供了平台和位置的透明性,这些对象是分布式计算平台的基础。通常来说,CORBA把用其他语言开发的程序代码和关于该程序代码能力和如何调用该程序代码的信息包到一个开发包(packag

14、e)中,开发包中的对象则可以在网络上被其他程序(或CORBA对象)调用。 在这个意义上来讲,CORBA可以被看作是一个机器可读的文件档格式,类似于头文件(header),但是具有相当多的信息。内内 容容 概概 览览标题标题1标题标题2标题标题3标题标题4标题标题5内内 容容 概概 览览标题标题1标题标题2标题标题3标题标题4标题标题5内内 容容 概概 览览第一节第一节第二节第二节第三节第三节第四节第四节第五节第五节内容内容内容内容公公 司司 发发 展展2003.10 OOO2003.10 OOO2003.10 OOO2000200120022003公司发展公司发展公司发展公司发展2001.10

15、 YYY2001.10 YYY2001.10 YYY2002.10 ZZZ2002.10 ZZZ2002.10 ZZZ2000.01 XXX2000.01 XXX2000.01 XXX交交 互互 图图AFBCED中间饼饼 图图50%24%10%16%50%24%16%10%AAADDDBBBCCC项项 目目 AB项目项目A项目项目B状状 态态 图图内容内容 C内容内容 B内容内容 A关关 系系 图图A结点结点D结点结点C结点结点B结点结点ABCD关系关系概概 念念 图图概念概念概念概念A A概念概念概念概念D D概念概念概念概念B B概念概念概念概念C C项项 目目 图图AXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYCZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZBCA影影 响响 分分 析析 图图 文字内容文字内容影响影响3影响影响2影响影响1图图 表表DDDFFFEEEBBBCCCAAA中间中间标标 题题图图 表表AAABBB内容内容内容内容1672354图图 表表cccAAA标题标题bbbaaaBBBCCC项项 目目 图图因素因素B因素因素D因素因素A因素因素C项项 目目 图图BACD总总 结结 1 2 3 4 5标题标题



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