原九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第6课时)Section B(3a3b)同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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原九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第6课时)Section B(3a3b)同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《原九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第6课时)Section B(3a3b)同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《原九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第6课时)Section B(3a3b)同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6When was it invented?第六课时Section B (3a3b)单元同步作文指导随着科技的进步,许多新的发明不断涌现,它们给我们的生活带来了方便。本单元以“谈论重要发明”为话题,要求同学们学会介绍某项发明的用途、特点等。近年来,介绍某项发明的用途或特点的写作题材在全国各地中考试题中常有出现。此类文体属于说明文,最常用的时态是一般现在时。写此类说明性文章应注意的事项:写作时应采用一定的顺序;具体、清晰地说明该发明的用途、特点;充分发挥想象力,谈谈自己使用的感受。教材中出现的相关句型:.was invented.It is used for.拓展常用句型:It is

2、very convenient/comfortable/important/useful.它非常方便/舒适/重要/实用。Its hard to imagine what our life would be like if we had no computers in our daily life.很难想象在我们的日常生活中,如果没有电脑会是什么样。When was the telephone invented?电话是什么时候被发明的?Who was it invented by?它是被谁发明的?Its said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was

3、 the first to discover tea as a drink.据说一个名叫神农的中国统治者是第一个发现茶可当作饮品的人。Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play,but it has also become a popular sport to watch.篮球不仅成为一项很受欢迎的体育运动,而且还成为很受欢迎的观看活动。假设你是李华。下周是学校的科技创新周,学校英语报正在以“Inventions”为题向学生征稿。下面是一款最新发明的防驼背衬衫,请你根据以下图片和信息写一篇短文介绍这一新发明,向校英语报投稿。要点

4、提示:1.由一位荷兰设计师为驼背者设计;2驼背时,衬衫背部就会变紧,提醒人们改变坐姿;3设计师希望帮助人们改善长期坐姿;4表达你对该衬衫的看法。要求:1.语言简洁流畅,条理清晰;2词数:80100词。参考词汇:驼背slouch;变紧tighten;坐姿postureThe Shirt That Stops People from SlouchingThe unique shirt is one of the latest inventions.A Dutch designer designed it for people who always slouch when they sit at a

5、 desk.The shirt works in a simple wayeach time the wearer slouches,the shirt will tighten around the back.Then the shirt will remind the wearer to sit up straight again.The designer hopes that the shirt could help people improve their poor postures in the long run.In my opinion,the shirt is a great

6、invention,because it can help us keep a good posture and work or study efficiently.It is also helpful to our health.【点评】范文语言通顺流畅、详略得当、条理清晰地介绍了这款衬衫的设计者、适用人群、工作原理和设计目标等方面,使读者对该衬衫有一个比较全面的了解。文中使用了一些精美的短语,如remind sb. to do sth.,in the long run,in my opinion等,为文章增加许多文采。太空笔(space pen)是一种为宇航员设计的太空环境下使用的笔,它是

7、由美国人保罗费舍尔(Paul Fisher)发明的。请你根据下表所提示的信息写一篇短文,介绍一下这种神奇的太空笔,作为校英语广播站“科普小长廊”这个节目的文稿。太空笔的性能1.可以在无重力条件下书写;2.可以在极寒冷或极炎热的环境下书写;3.可以在湿的表面或水下书写。要求:1.短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯;2词数:80100词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。参考词汇:在无重力条件下in zero gravityOne possible version:Do you know the space pen?It is a kind of special pen used by as

8、tronauts.It was invented by an American called Paul Fisher.First,this pen can be used in space because it can write in zero gravity.In fact,normal pens cannot work in space because of zero gravity.Second,it can write at extremely hot or cold temperatures.Third,it can write on wet surfaces,so it can be used under water.Maybe you think the space pen is just a small invention,but it solves a difficult problem in space exploration.Therefore,it is a very useful invention.



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