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1、必修四必修四Module1 revisionStudy goal1. 掌握本单元考纲词汇的掌握本单元考纲词汇的词性,词义和常考词性,词义和常考搭配搭配!并能在语境中活学活用!并能在语境中活学活用!2. 掌握本模块掌握本模块重点短语重点短语!3. 通过通过构词构词记忆,能记忆,能归纳归纳相关相关词汇词汇! Key words1. _/ltntIv/ adj.供选择的;替换的;n.取舍;抉择2. _/kraIm/ n罪;罪行_n罪犯;adj.犯罪的3. prediction /prIdIkn/ n预测_ vt.预言;预料4. _ /rIski/ adj.危险的,冒险的_ n危险,风险;v.面临危险

2、;冒险做5. _n. (常作复数)资源6. _ n. 材料7. _ /ld/ vt.装;装载unload vt.卸载download vt.下载8. _/rest/ vt.逮捕;拘留alternative crime criminal predictriskyriskresourcematerialloadarrest9. _vt. 开火;启动10. _n. (常作复数)范围;vt.限制11. _n. 目录12._ /kmnd/ n命令;指令 13. _/rekrieIn/ n娱乐;消遣14. _/td/ n费用;价钱;控告;电量v.a.要价;b.控告;c.充电;d.负责15. _/pa/vt

3、.供给动力;n.权力;力量_ adj.强有力17. _/swIt/ n开关;vi.交换;调换 18. _n.诊所firelimitcataloguecommandrecreationchargepowerpowerfulswitchclinic19._ /tt/ vt.系;贴;连接attachment n附件20. _/ptImIstIk/ adj.乐观的;乐观主义的optimism n乐观主义21. _/Iventuli/ adv.最后;终于22. prediction /prIdIkn/ n预测_vt.预言;预料23. _vt.造成形状attachoptimisticeventuallyp

4、redictshape拓展:词汇类记拓展:词汇类记 v.+-y-adjrisk-_(adj.)危险的smoke-_(adj)有烟的mud-_(adj)泥泞的sleep-_(adj)瞌睡的riskysmokymuddysleepy tele-+n.-n.surgery-_(n)远程手术phone-_(n)电话vision-_(n)电视scope-_(n)望远镜communication-_(n)远程交流dis-+n-nability-_(n)残疾agreement-_(n)不同意advantage-_(n)缺点belief-_(n)不相信like-_(n)不喜欢telesurgeryteleph

5、onetelevisiontelescopetelecommunicationdisabilitydisagreementdisadvantagedisbeliefdislike adj. +ly-advdefinite-_(adv)无疑地eventual-_(adv)最后free-_(adv)自由地slow- _(adv)缓慢地simple-_(adv)简单地definitelyeventuallyfreelyslowlysimply v.+out-不及物动词短语run out 用完come out 出来;出版look out 当心die out 灭绝break out 爆发用所给单词的正确

6、形式填空用所给单词的正确形式填空1. The police caught the _who shot(枪杀) people at the railway station and asked him why he made the _.(crime/criminal)2. A lack of sleep can make you _losing good health so its _ to stay up every night. (risky/risk)3. at the workplace I _goods(货物) onto the ships and at home I often _m

7、usic from the Internet. (download/load)4. The car is _by solar energy. Its beyond my _to repair it. But I think solar energy will have a _effect on us. (power/powerful)5. He is a _person. In other words, he is a person with_.(disabled/disability)criminalcrimerisk riskyloaddowloadpoweredpowerpowerful

8、disableddisability6.Shes a born _so she is _about everything. There is always a note of _in her voice.( optimist/optimism/optimistic)7.“theres been a _improvement in your English since you arrived.” he said _.(definite/definitely)8.It might take him ages but hell do it _because he is sure hell be th

9、e _winner. (eventual/eventually)9.The hurricane is _to reach the coast tomorrow Moring. This _gives us a warning. ( prediction/predict)10.Nowadays we _increasingly on computers for help so your software must be _.(rely/reliable)optimistoptimisticoptimismdefinitedefinitely eventuallyeventualpredicted

10、predictionrelyreliable重点短语重点短语1.肯定地 _ 2._ (某物)用完;不多了;没有了3. 扔掉;抛弃;浪费 _ 4. 依赖,依靠_5. 用完 _ 6. 除掉;处理掉_7._即将过时,即将被淘汰 8. _开展;执行;进行; 9. 免费 _ 10._ 小心;当心11. _首先for surerun outthrow awayrely onuse upget rid ofon the way outcarry outfree of chargelook outfor a start1. No one knows _ what will happen in the futu

11、re.2. The people in the area have to _ the river for their water.3. He _ all his strength to push the line.4. How to _ the waste materials is a big problem to most countries.5. By the end of the last month, our factory had _ its production plan for this year.6. You can take these apples as many as y

12、ou like, because they are _. 7. This T-shirt is _,so I wont wear it.8. _! The stairs are steep.(陡峭的)for surerely onused upget rid ofcarried outfree of chargeon the way outLook outIII. 考纲词汇复习考纲词汇复习1. alternative 翻译划线部分翻译划线部分a. Do you have an alternative solution to the problem? b. As natural resource

13、s are limited on earth,we will have to use alternative energy. c. New ways to treat headache may provide an alternative to painkillers(止痛药). d. I had no alternative but to report him to the police. 可供替换的解决办法可供替换的解决办法可供替换的能源可供替换的能源n. 供替换的事物供替换的事物have no alternative but to do 除了做别无选择语法填空:语法填空:_ take i

14、mmediate action to stop pollution.除了立即采取行动来阻止污染别无选择!单句改错单句改错:This kind of tea can be used as an alternative of coffee. of-toTheres no alternative but to2. load 翻译划线部分翻译划线部分a. The burden of students has been a hot topic for years,but the load of parents has received little attention.b. How long will

15、it take to load the coal onto the truck? c. The truck is loaded with bananas. d. The difficult problem was solved, which took a load off my mind. 负担负担load sth. onto sth装载如释重负n.负担;负荷物;负担;负荷物;v.装载装载3. charge 阅读下列句子,并在其括号内填入阅读下列句子,并在其括号内填入charge的含义的含义1.All forms of recreation, such as cinemas, bowling,

16、 softball, concerts and others, will be provided free of charge by the city. 2.The police charged the man with stealing the money. 3.He forgot to charge the battery. 4.She charged me $24 for the book.5.This year I take charge of the class.= This year the class is in the charge of me.= This year I am

17、 in charge of the class.n. 费用v.控告 charge sb. with sthv.充电v. 索取费用;要价掌控;管理n. 费用;价钱费用;价钱vt. 1.收收费,索价;费,索价;2.充电;充电;3.指控指控 4.管理管理4. attach v. 贴,系,连接,使附属,认为有贴,系,连接,使附属,认为有(重要性)(重要性)判断attach在句中的含义a. Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech camera

18、s attached to their head.b.she attached a small picture to her new mobile phone.c. Many parents attach great importance to their childrens all-round (全面) development.d. the middle school is attached to the key university. 系,连接系,连接把粘认为有重要性附属于期末试卷阅期末试卷阅读理解专题评讲读理解专题评讲1. 你读懂问题了吗?是否勾出了关键词?你读懂问题了吗?是否勾出了关键

19、词?2. 你是否真的在文章中找到了与问题相关的你是否真的在文章中找到了与问题相关的信息?勾画了吗?信息?勾画了吗?3. 找到了这些信息,你又是否真正理解了?找到了这些信息,你又是否真正理解了?4. 当理解不到的时候,你是否结合选项帮助当理解不到的时候,你是否结合选项帮助你理解呢?你理解呢?5. 关于选项你是否又认真理解过吗?关于选项你是否又认真理解过吗?期末考试阅读题型考查细节理解题:21,22,23,26,28,29,30,32,33,34,35推理判断题:25,27,31主旨题:24A 篇21. 有所作为有所作为n.社区社区罪行,犯罪活动罪行,犯罪活动n. 暴力暴力 adj. violen

20、tA篇相关词汇积累1.positive: adj2.urban : adj.urban garden3. but : prepdo nothing but4.depressed: adj.5. calm : adj.6. crazy: adj. crazy manbe crazy about1.积极的,乐观的积极的,乐观的=active take active part in 积极参加积极参加2. 郊区的郊区的 3. 除了除了除了做除了做什么也不能做什么也不能做4. 沮丧的沮丧的=unhappy/sad5. 平静的平静的/冷静的冷静的=keep calm6.adj.疯狂的疯狂的疯子疯子喜欢,喜

21、欢, 迷恋迷恋B篇24. 相关信息:para1:“when I was a young mother I had to put my babies in an old, plastic high chair from The Salvation Army(a charitable organization) that I could never get cleanadj. 慈善事业的 n. charity 慈善机构,团体lead a hard life 过着艰难的生活led, ledB篇25. 相关信息: Para2: Instead, she used free verse(自由诗体). S

22、he thought that was perfect for her readers: young mother.“I wanted them to be able to get through the book, in the amount of time they had, 干扰信息with the amount of concentration they could get”.n. 数量n. 集中注意力,经历v. concentrate on集中上理解B篇词汇积累1.throw oneself into=devote oneself to2. self-centered:adjprou

23、d adjkind-hearted adj.patient: adj3. book reviewadvertisement n.1.投身于;献身于投身于;献身于2. 自我为中心的自我为中心的自豪的:自豪的:be proud of sb.热心肠的热心肠的耐心的;耐心的;be patient with sb. 对对耐心耐心3. 书评书评广告广告C篇31. 相关信息:最后一段Walkers in hot spots must stay on marked paths, or risk falling into a pool of boiling water.在温度很高地方的路人必须走有标记的道路,否

24、则就会很危险的掉进正在沸腾的水的池子里。spot: n.地点,斑点 adj. 现场的C篇词汇积累1.environment n.adj. environmental2. rock n.3. heat n./v.4. groundwater n.5. make full /best use of6. hot spring7. path n.8. or conj.9. risk v.risk doing1. n.环境环境adj. 环境的环境的2. 岩石;熔岩岩石;熔岩3. n.热量热量 v. 加热加热4. n.地下水地下水5. 充分利用充分利用6. 温泉温泉7.小路;道路小路;道路8. 或者(选择);否则或者(选择);否则9. V.冒险冒险冒险做某事冒险做某事D篇词汇收集1.obstacle n.2. narrow adj3. object n.4. route n.5. with care6. adventure n.7. morethan1. 障碍障碍2. 狭窄的;狭隘的狭窄的;狭隘的3. 物体;目标物体;目标4. 路线;线路路线;线路5. 小心的;慎重的小心的;慎重的6. 冒险冒险7. 比起比起更更



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