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1、 Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the TextUnit 6: ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation Translation汤撤骡绪墨仓之写钵弄看范剪拧贾竟京墅主玻姑东故反瞥批旗绦凋兆峨鳃新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading compreh

2、ension1.1. At At the the very very beginning beginning of of the the article, article, the the author author points points out: out: “ambition “ambition is is a a quality quality that that is is hard hard to to praise praise and and easy easy to to deplore”. deplore”. Why Why does does he he say say

3、 so? so? And And how how is is this this related related to to the the fact fact that that presently presently many many people people are are doubtful doubtful about about ambition? ambition? What What belief belief do do these these people people hold about ambition?hold about ambition? Because Be

4、cause ambition ambition is is “an “an unrelenting unrelenting oppressor, oppressor, which which robs robs us us of of time time and and peace peace of of mind”, mind”, meaning meaning that that ambition ambition can can mercilessly mercilessly cause cause people people much much distress distress an

5、d and suffering, suffering, driving driving them them to to work work overtime overtime with with little little time time left left for for leisure leisure and and relaxation relaxation and and filling filling their their minds minds with with dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction, worry worry and and an

6、xiety. anxiety. This This is is especially especially true true in in economically economically booming booming periods periods such such as as the the present present when when there there are are more more opportunities opportunities alluring alluring people. people. As As a a result, result, pres

7、ently presently many many people people are are doubtful doubtful about about ambition, ambition, believing believing that that ambition ambition has has become become too too hard hard to to control control and and is is forcing forcing us us to to make make too too great great efforts efforts and

8、and hold hold too too strong strong desires desires which which will will finally finally destroy destroy ourselves.ourselves.ReferenceReferenceEx. I, pp.114115原呕没厄鹰苯泰植噎克偷屎洞叮哨缓效撵曾铸剑撼煽烈岂臃程尖霉岛喘辜新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension2.2.In In paragr

9、aphs paragraphs 2 2 and and 3, 3, the the author author cites cites some some examples examples to to show show that that ambition ambition is is not not merely merely the the pursuit pursuit of of wealth, wealth, actually actually people people from from every every walk walk of of life life have h

10、ave their their own own ambition ambition to to achieve. achieve. What What different different ambitions ambitions do do different different people people have? have? According According to to the the author, author, which which of of them them is is most most commonly commonly shared shared by by

11、people? people? And And what what role role does does money play in its fulfillment?money play in its fulfillment?搅伸态勉轩付押俄边聘巾禁蜜心捞满锑箔庞煽势看烁凋针驻汤市纵绩极涣新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading comprehensionThe author cites four examples:The author cites four examples:

12、1) 1) Al Al Gores Gores ambition ambition is is to to be be elected elected American American president;president;2) 2) Americas Americas computer computer moguls moguls ambition ambition is is to to control control the nations cyberagenda;the nations cyberagenda;3) 3) American American football foo

13、tball players players ambition ambition is is to to score score a a touchdown;touchdown;4) 4) Most Most peoples peoples ambition ambition is is to to search search for for status status symbols symbols that that separate separate them them from from the the crowd. crowd. The The last last one one is

14、 is most most commonly commonly shared shared by by people. people. Money Money is is not not the the only only way way but but surely surely the the most most common common way way to to realize realize this this ambition, ambition, as as it it can can easily easily change change into into some som

15、e other other symbol symbol of of identity identity and and status, status, such such as as a a bigger bigger house, house, a a more more exotic exotic vacation, a niftier bike, a faster computer.vacation, a niftier bike, a faster computer.ReferenceReference皿攘债奉制洁秋呼晾吁渔丫尝挝船澄而踪牌腔蹈独王骏邹贱抓随奔棍裤田新视角研究生英语读说

16、写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension3.3.In In paragraph paragraph 3, 3, the the author author says says “One-upmanship “One-upmanship is is a a national national mania.” mania.” Do Do you you know know the the meaning meaning of of the the word word “one

17、-upmanship”? “one-upmanship”? And And can can you you find find some some other other expressions expressions in in the the article article which which have have similar similar meaning? meaning? Whats Whats the the relationship relationship between between one-one-upmanship upmanship and and all al

18、l the the above-mentioned above-mentioned examples examples of of ambition? ambition? In In the the authors authors mind, mind, ambition ambition is is not not only “a quest for riches”, then what is it?only “a quest for riches”, then what is it?The The word word “one-upmanship” “one-upmanship” mean

19、s means gaining gaining an an advantage advantage and and a a feeling feeling of of superiority superiority over over other other people. people. Expressions Expressions such such as as “outdo”, “outdo”, “excel” “excel” have have similar similar meaning. meaning. The The desire desire for for one-up

20、manship one-upmanship can can summarize summarize all all the the above-mentioned above-mentioned examples examples of of ambition. ambition. In In the the authors authors mind, mind, ambition ambition is is a a quest quest for for one-upmanship one-upmanship to to be be better better or or more mor

21、e successful than other people.successful than other people.ReferencReference e酶寞福谎狈蛆喇环铭鳞虑号霸叼冈霸触躺妄慎耐疤湾绸咖锹肃舀撰多邮幌新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension4.4.In In the the sentence sentence “One-upmanship “One-upmanship is is a a national national man

22、ia.”, mania.”, the the word word “mania” “mania” is is also also a a deliberate deliberate choice choice on on the the part part of of the the author. author. What What image image does does it it evoke evoke in in your mind?your mind?The The word word “mania” “mania” originally originally refers re

23、fers to to a a mental mental illness illness in in which which somebody somebody has has an an obsession obsession about about something something that that makes makes them them extremely extremely anxious, anxious, violent violent or or confusedconfused(躁躁狂狂症症). . Here Here it it means means an an

24、 extremely extremely strong strong desire desire or or enthusiasm enthusiasm for for something something shared shared by by a a lot lot of of people people at at the the same same time. time. It It evokes evokes a a picture picture of of a a lot lot of of people people behaving behaving in in an an

25、 anxious, anxious, violent violent and and confused confused way way in in order order to to surpass each other.surpass each other.ReferencReference e袱衙莉男夹逮离珊禄庐锗疑奋邻腰抱费轰愉烈譬北企蚀麦岗织庞肚冯留士新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension5.5.In In paragraph paragr

26、aph 4, 4, the the author author says says “the “the contest contest seems seems futile.” futile.” What What does does “the “the contest” contest” refer refer to? to? Why Why is is it it “futile”? “futile”? To To prove prove this this point, point, the the author author describes describes a a parado

27、xical paradoxical phenomenon phenomenon in in todays todays society, society, that that is, is, although although peoples peoples income income is is rising, rising, they they still still have have to to work work hard hard only only to to be be able able to to make make ends ends meet. meet. Accord

28、ing According to to the the author, author, what what is is the the cause cause of of this this phenomenon?phenomenon?氓絮砒跨样邱肉医值碟稳常帚磐妮赤冷搜茶视锰韦轻酝捧写弯痞蛛疹亏钩新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension “The “The contest” contest” refers refers to to the the c

29、onsumption consumption competition competition the the competition competition for for one-upmanship one-upmanship in in the the search search for for status status symbols symbols that that separate separate one one from from the the crowd. crowd. It It is is “futile” “futile” because because there

30、 there is is no no chance chance of of winning winning it it since since material material pursuit pursuit is is endless.endless. The The cause cause of of this this paradoxical paradoxical phenomenon phenomenon is is that that “theyre “theyre running running in in the the pack pack with with everyo

31、ne everyone else”, else”, that that is, is, people people are are not not simply simply struggling struggling to to own own more more material material wealth, wealth, instead, instead, they they are are struggling struggling to to surpass surpass others others to to own own more more material mater

32、ial wealth wealth and and thus thus achieve achieve higher higher social social status status than than others. others. They They not not only only have have to to possess possess widely widely owned owned consumer consumer products products in in order order not not to to be be considered considere

33、d a a crank crank or or a a pauper, pauper, but but also also have have to to buy buy expensive expensive products products beyond beyond their their financial financial capacity capacity so so that that they they can can be be more more successful successful than than other other people people with

34、 with whom whom they they compare compare themselves. themselves. As As there there are are always always more more fashionable fashionable and and more more expensive expensive luxuries luxuries coming coming out, out, their their material material desires desires seem seem infinite. infinite. Cons

35、equently, Consequently, their their rising rising incomes incomes often often cannot cannot satisfy satisfy their rising wants.their rising wants.ReferenceReference获倪役渐乌污菩瞥摄们旬墨悍雀颠由爬斌夸纺靖访沪兑胎会菇隘脚累癌元新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension6.6.In In pa

36、ragraph paragraph 6, 6, the the author author lists lists three three negative negative impacts impacts of of playing playing the the futile futile contest contest of of competitive competitive consumption consumption on on people. people. What What are are they? they? What What statistics statistic

37、s and and examples examples does does the the author author quote quote to to illustrate these points?illustrate these points?The 3 negative impacts are:The 3 negative impacts are:1) 1) Frustration Frustration is is preordained, preordained, which which is is proved proved by by the the result resul

38、t of of a a Newsweek Newsweek Poll Poll that, that, despite despite the the booming booming economy, economy, adults adults found found it it more more difficult difficult to to live the kind of life they want.live the kind of life they want.2) 2) The The stress stress can can lead lead to to traged

39、y, tragedy, which which is is illustrated illustrated by by Mark Mark Barton, Barton, a a day day trader trader who who murdered murdered 12 12 people people and and then then committed committed suicide suicide when when he he was was disillusioned by stock loss.disillusioned by stock loss.3) 3) Pe

40、ople People routinely routinely try try to to beat beat the the system system through through get-get-rich-quick rich-quick schemes, schemes, which which is is indicated indicated by by the the popularity of legalized gambling.popularity of legalized gambling.ReferencReference e氧瘤桌勾瀑陆师粱熄折畜浙盾乒佯吨钢丰孩虏授

41、十构吏睫苯鬃葵咒温淆俱新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension7.7.Because Because of of those those negative negative effects effects of of ambition ambition on on people, people, ambition ambition has has gotten gotten many many enemies. enemies. One One opi

42、nion opinion against against ambition ambition tells tells people people to to “subdue “subdue ambition” ambition” and and “Search “Search for for deeper deeper meaning meaning in in family, family, friends friends and and faith”, faith”, because because “Money “Money cannot cannot buy buy happiness

43、.” happiness.” But But does does the the survey survey result result cited cited in in paragraph 7 support this idea?paragraph 7 support this idea?No. No. The The 1998 1998 survey survey shows shows a a stronger stronger relation relation between between income income and and happiness happiness tha

44、n than earlier earlier polls, polls, though marriage has a bigger impact than income.though marriage has a bigger impact than income.ReferencReference e留畅予瓣孺执鸽迈惯员旭勤返逃韩苦国搪犊白筛烁杀捅厚淡渤载继赃蓖南新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension8.8.In In paragraph para

45、graph 8, 8, it it is is said said that that Cornell Cornell University University economist economist Robert Robert Frank Frank proposes proposes a a progressive progressive consumption consumption tax. tax. What What is is the the purpose purpose of of this this proposal?proposal?The The purpose pu

46、rpose of of this this proposal proposal is is to to punish punish those those extremely extremely ambitious ambitious people people and and protect protect people people against against excessive excessive spending spending on on luxuries luxuries in in pursuit pursuit of of a feeling of superiority

47、 over others.a feeling of superiority over others.ReferencReference e郊只倡亡世耪独注迷磺赘去鲍便懒暖痛粤柑钞吹缅柿笼敏废帆末琐过玻媒新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension9.9.Does Does the the author author agree agree with with Robert Robert Franks Franks idea? idea? What What

48、 arguments arguments and and examples examples does does he he use use in in paragraphs paragraphs 9 9 and 10 to support his own point of view?and 10 to support his own point of view?No. No. In In Paragraph Paragraph 9, 9, he he argues argues that that “Ambition “Ambition is is socially socially use

49、ful. useful. It It sustains sustains economic economic vitality. vitality. It It prods prods people people to to take take risks risks and and exert exert themselves.” themselves.” As As an an example example in in point, point, he he cites cites the the invention invention of of the the Internet In

50、ternet by by ambition-driven ambition-driven hardworking hardworking people, people, which which has has not not only only brought brought tremendous tremendous economic economic benefits benefits but but also also improved improved the the general general social social attitude. attitude. In In Par

51、agraph Paragraph 10, 10, he he argues argues that that people people “also “also venerate venerate ambition ambition as as opportunity.” opportunity.” For For instance, instance, in in America America everyone everyone has has the the opportunity opportunity to to be be rich, rich, famous famous or

52、or powerful powerful if if they they try try hard, hard, so so in in every every walk walk of of life life people people are are ambitious ambitious and and compete compete ruthlessly ruthlessly to to be be outstanding.outstanding.ReferencReference e吓漾儡孝庐昏象库失敢钉众祟始躬唱捅展奈岂潮饱谚柬挠件宣电来嘿孜厦新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练

53、习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension10.10. In In the the last last paragraph, paragraph, the the author author comes comes to to the the conclusion: conclusion: “Ambition “Ambition is is bitter bitter as as often often as as sweet; sweet; but but without without

54、 it, it, wed wed be be sunk.” sunk.” Explain Explain this this sentence. sentence. According According to to this this paragraph, paragraph, why why is is ambition ambition often often bitter?bitter? This This sentence sentence means: means: ambition ambition brings brings people people not not only

55、 only the the joy joy of of success success but but also also the the pain pain of of failure; failure; but but without without ambition, ambition, we we would would be be certain certain to to fail. fail. Ambition Ambition is is bitter bitter when when people people fail fail to to fulfill fulfill

56、it. it. This This happens happens often often because because people people have have to to balance balance conflicting conflicting demands demands from from their their own own feelings feelings on on the the one one hand hand and and from from the the actual actual life life on on the the other. o

57、ther. People People are are especially especially likely likely to to be be disappointed disappointed when when the the American American society society makes makes alluring alluring but but unrealistic unrealistic promises promises to to offer offer everyone everyone success, success, wealth, weal

58、th, fame fame or or power power if if they they work work hard, hard, because because it it simply simply is is not not possible possible for for everyone everyone to to become become successful successful through through determination determination and and hard hard work work alone.alone.ReferencRe

59、ference e膊摆窄凡穆窿镑哮酿镶熄婚辈丫国又窟宗歪优粳盟漠托览抄通泣痈晴或衷新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Ex. II, p.1151.1.Introduction (Para Introduction (Para . .1)1)2.2.Body (Paras. Body (Paras. 2 2110 0) )3.3.Conclusion (Para. 1Conclusion (Para. 11 1) )Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 6: Structure of the textStructure of

60、the text戊阁民汞靶尧报最丝莲捌嗽井血滋宜蔚舅妇蹄制榨浙楼鹰语鞠章脆牧碑兑新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案1.1. Introduction (Para. 1) Introduction (Para. 1) The The dual dual nature nature of of ambition: ambition: On On the the one one hand, hand, _; ; on on the the other hand,other hand,_Doubt Doubt expressed expressed b

61、y by many many people people about about ambition: ambition: _Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 6: Structure of the textStructure of the textit is a great engine of American it is a great engine of American creativitycreativityit is also an unrelenting oppressor, which robs us of it is also an unrelentin

62、g oppressor, which robs us of time time andand peace of mind peace of mind Ambition has gotten out of hand and is driving us to Ambition has gotten out of hand and is driving us to excesses ofexcesses ofstriving and craving that are self-destructive. striving and craving that are self-destructive. 是

63、侯鸵誓孺钝螺绒碎跟娶澈箕驹新暑谷坑淋济啃港骄铀拆使沾攒箭佩东聘新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案2.2.Body (Paras. Body (Paras. 2 2110 0) )1) Definition of ambition (Paras. 23)1) Definition of ambition (Paras. 23)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 6: Structure of the textStructure of the text2) 2) Negative Negative effects effect

64、s of of the the most most common common ambition ambition (Paras.4 (Paras.4 6) 6)3) 3) Ambitions Ambitions enemies enemies and and the the authors authors refutation of them refutation of them (Paras. 710) (Paras. 710)怖兢恭弗吗篇贤整歹铭饲婴描固迟坊拯啤振浮邵楔薯扬沧群哨妻晾盼宴竹新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案2.2.Body

65、 (Paras. 315)Body (Paras. 315)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 6: Structure of the textStructure of the text1)1) Definition of ambition (Paras. 23) Definition of ambition (Paras. 23) Ambition Ambition is is not not only only _. _. People People from from every every walk walk of of life life have have t

66、heir their own own ambition ambition to to fulfill, fulfill, which which can can be be summed summed up up as as the desire for _.the desire for _.one-one-upmanshipupmanshipa quest for a quest for richesriches屎奉曾案送姬软酷云佬嘱示栗期间遏竖滥散袁颇钳枷槽振粕剿隅闰愧厩正新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案2.2.Body (Paras.

67、315)Body (Paras. 315)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 6: Structure of the textStructure of the text1)1) Definition of ambition (Paras. 23) Definition of ambition (Paras. 23) Ambition Ambition is is not not only only _. _. People People from from every every walk walk of of life life have have their thei

68、r own own ambition ambition to to fulfill, fulfill, which which can can be be summed summed up up as as the desire for _.the desire for _.one-one-upmanshipupmanshipa quest for a quest for richesrichesExamples: Examples: A.A._._.B.B._._.Al Gore strains to be Al Gore strains to be president.president.

69、Americas computer moguls rival to control the Americas computer moguls rival to control the nations cyber agendanations cyber agenda悠棠透溜服痰悟请拆直待蒋聋掳诺剪佃沛羊掣踞批赎婪母沤突眺仓株匣见新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案2.2.Body (Paras. 315)Body (Paras. 315)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 6: Structure of the textStr

70、ucture of the text1)1) Definition of ambition (Paras. 23) Definition of ambition (Paras. 23) Ambition Ambition is is not not only only _. _. People People from from every every walk walk of of life life have have their their own own ambition ambition to to fulfill, fulfill, which which can can be be

71、 summed summed up up as as the desire for _.the desire for _.one-one-upmanshipupmanshipa quest for a quest for richesrichesExamples: Examples: C.C._._.D.D. A A more more common common ambition ambition is is _. _. And And money money is is _._.A wide receiver prances into the end zone and A wide rec

72、eiver prances into the end zone and raises his index fingerraises his index fingerthe search for status the search for status symbolssymbolsthe most common way to satisfy the most common way to satisfy this urgethis urge孙尝金殖弯腥僚幂哦屎恕恶壁斯跃篓恐猴饲舆涣脾录逻辰拐趣秽朔咒垛皇新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案2.2.Bo

73、dy (Paras. Body (Paras. 2 2110 0) )2)2)Negative Negative effects effects of of the the most most common common ambition . ambition . (Paras. (Paras. 4 4 6 6) )Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 6: Structure of the textStructure of the textA.A._. _. B.B._._.C. C. _._.D. D. _The contest seems futileThe cont

74、est seems futileFrustration is preordainedFrustration is preordainedThe stress can lead to tragedyThe stress can lead to tragedyPeople routinely try to beat the system through People routinely try to beat the system through get-rich-quick schemesget-rich-quick schemes既枯竣滨没召较蚌淫仕跺诺侧伍若萎临洋雌锅羞乍幕垃倚度挝炎颖卿夯毁

75、新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案2.2.Body (Paras. Body (Paras. 2 2110 0) )3)3) Ambitions Ambitions enemies enemies and and the the authors authors refutation of them refutation of them (Paras. 710)(Paras. 710)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 6: Structure of the textStructure of the text1)1)Peop

76、le shouldPeople should _ BecauseBecause_._.2)2) Cornell University economist Robert Frank urges Cornell University economist Robert Frank urges _ _._.subdue ambition, search for deeper subdue ambition, search for deeper meaningmeaningmoney cannot buy money cannot buy happinesshappinesswe we penalize

77、 penalize in family, friends and faithin family, friends and faithoverambition to shield people from competitive overambition to shield people from competitive consumptionconsumption碾跺虱兴体晌衔剃很元土葵魏傍蜒擞玖其滇洛虽蹋蚜掀码论境冶砍峙刁瘸新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 6: Structure of

78、 the textStructure of the text3.3. Conclusion (Para. 1 Conclusion (Para. 11 1) )_._.Ambition is bitter as often as sweet; but Ambition is bitter as often as sweet; but without it, wed be sunkwithout it, wed be sunk鲍凳政首恫馈擅瞪觅陇播栋媚践台琼逞奏嘎绿凋虏向扭灿砸镭叠整衷虽舀新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Part A, Ex.

79、V, p.117Complete Complete the the following following sentences sentences with with words words given given below, below, making making sure sure that that each each word word is is used in the right form.used in the right form. 1. 1. The The United United Nations Nations firmly firmly _ _ the the v

80、iolent violent bomb bomb attack attack launched launched by by terrorists terrorists which which killed killed 23 civilians.23 civilians. Unit 6: VocabularyVocabularyaristocracyaristocracyone-one-upmanshipupmanshipsubduesubdueextravagantextravagant requisiterequisitehereditaryhereditary overwhelm ov

81、erwhelm pervadepervadeworkaholicworkaholiccravecravedeploredeploremania mania deploredeplored d琴垣壳脯耽圆驱口鸦也定佬魁喂盔吻芭遣杖赊缄颗所利橇唐燕孕非推生痛新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案 2. 2. As As more more and and more more people people prefer prefer environmentally environmentally friendly friendly cars, cars,

82、houses, houses, food, food, household household appliances appliances and and tourism, tourism, the the use use of of “green” “green” products products _ _ in in China China like like a a “greenwave.”“greenwave.”Unit 6: VocabularyVocabulary aristocracyaristocracyone-one-upmanshipupmanshipsubduesubdu

83、eextravagantextravagant requisiterequisitehereditaryhereditary overwhelm overwhelm pervadepervadeworkaholicworkaholiccravecravedeploredeploremania mania pervadespervades瓜凡砍嗜傻遗刷咽旗甩鼓评茅籽烁懊脖挡味悄驶污醒邪墙扬亨最震思脯团新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案3. 3. To To spur spur employee employee productivity prod

84、uctivity and and improve improve efficiency efficiency is is not not an an option option but but a a _for _for companies companies committed committed to to growth growth in in the the fast-fast-changing new economy.changing new economy.Unit 6: VocabularyVocabulary aristocracyaristocracyone-one-upma

85、nshipupmanshipsubduesubdueextravagantextravagant requisiterequisitehereditaryhereditary overwhelm overwhelm pervadepervadeworkaholicworkaholiccravecravedeploredeploremania mania requisiterequisite感窖逸柿菇窥腮琵侯峙啦撑坊瑚呕对拍澜方圾晌赛护湖间澳读郑历截胯喧新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案4. 4. Many Many _ _ work work

86、long long hours hours with with little little rest, rest, but but researchers researchers have have found found a a short short afternoon afternoon nap nap at at work work can can significantly significantly improve improve workers workers alertness and productivity.alertness and productivity.Unit 6

87、: VocabularyVocabulary aristocracyaristocracyone-one-upmanshipupmanshipsubduesubdueextravagantextravagant requisiterequisitehereditaryhereditary overwhelm overwhelm pervadepervadeworkaholicworkaholiccravecravedeploredeploremania mania workaholicworkaholics s殿蓝亩悬扭硒乾朝肮琼弘莱榔佣肘膨兽烟嗓茅豫勋扦良冶片丁死链鞋街邦新视角研究生英语读说

88、写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案5. 5. Due Due to to the the falling falling percentage percentage of of couples couples getting getting premarital premarital medical medical check-ups, check-ups, the the number number of of _ _ and and infectious infectious diseases diseases among among infants is r

89、ising.infants is rising.Unit 6: VocabularyVocabulary aristocracyaristocracyone-one-upmanshipupmanshipsubduesubdueextravagantextravagant requisiterequisitehereditaryhereditary overwhelm overwhelm pervadepervadeworkaholicworkaholiccravecravedeploredeploremania mania hereditaryhereditary敏壶慧凝闲哟只让重倦等踢中鄙嘎

90、瘟雹肉闲岸守睫次慨人剁反台坟族签紊新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案6. 6. Economizing Economizing on on water water use use is is the the best best way way to to protect protect water water resources, resources, but but _use _use of of water water is is common common along along the the Yangtze Yangtze as as

91、 many many people people hold hold that that the the river river water water is is so so abundant abundant that they do not need to save water at all.that they do not need to save water at all.Unit 6: VocabularyVocabulary aristocracyaristocracyone-one-upmanshipupmanshipsubduesubdueextravagantextrava

92、gant requisiterequisitehereditaryhereditary overwhelm overwhelm pervadepervadeworkaholicworkaholiccravecravedeploredeploremania mania extravaganextravagant t卧而述鞘飘涤肠仆歹虚贰娥荚牟鸥芍婿又妓骡忆顶舶赚毙舍骸圭靠痊榔钥新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案 7. 7. In In the the times times of of great great changes changes in

93、 in the the global global situation, situation, what what people people _ _ for for is is peace peace and economic prosperity.and economic prosperity.Unit 6: VocabularyVocabulary aristocracyaristocracyone-one-upmanshipupmanshipsubduesubdueextravagantextravagant requisiterequisitehereditaryhereditary

94、 overwhelm overwhelm pervadepervadeworkaholicworkaholiccravecravedeploredeploremania mania cravcrave e谜瘫洱掂镰酝血委颇担曲柬十贰崖惶叙蒲另枝军涵宠占铺疲刽驮忽蘑挟学新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案8. 8. Cartoon Cartoon _ _ is is sweeping sweeping the the country country as as bookstores bookstores are are packed packed

95、with with Japanes Japanes and and Korean Korean comic ic books.Unit 6: VocabularyVocabulary aristocracyaristocracyone-one-upmanshipupmanshipsubduesubdueextravagantextravagant requisiterequisitehereditaryhereditary overwhelm overwhelm pervadepervadeworkaholicworkaholiccravecravedeploredeploremania ma

96、nia manimania a咽数鸥替括售吮条隔撩虾各础阂贱捍党晦躇图晤劝斧咬汾绪送恢哥矣妆了新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案9. 9. The The systematic systematic and and conscious conscious practice practice of of making making ones ones friends friends or or competitors competitors feel feel inferior inferior and and thereby thereby g

97、aining gaining the the status status of of being being “one “one jump jump ahead” of them is called_.ahead” of them is called_.Unit 6: VocabularyVocabulary aristocracyaristocracyone-one-upmanshipupmanshipsubduesubdueextravagantextravagant requisiterequisitehereditaryhereditary overwhelm overwhelm pe

98、rvadepervadeworkaholicworkaholiccravecravedeploredeploremania mania one-one-upmanshipupmanship烟眯应泻弹塞圣獭恫解读霓藻亮渤贾堪界嚷翻幸卧铱园彬快彦嘉诊钳商根新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案10. 10. China China and and the the United United States States cooperate cooperate in in safeguarding safeguarding world world peac

99、e peace and and stability, stability, promoting promoting global global economic economic growth, growth, and and dealing dealing with with terrorism, terrorism, transnational transnational crimes crimes and and diseases. diseases. Their Their common common interests interests _ _ their differences.

100、their differences.Unit 6: VocabularyVocabularyPart B aristocracyaristocracyone-one-upmanshipupmanshipsubduesubdueextravagantextravagant requisiterequisitehereditaryhereditary overwhelm overwhelm pervadepervadeworkaholicworkaholiccravecravedeploredeploremania mania overwhelmoverwhelm绚葡帖快壮盂泣献泄即行瓦荫想危牧筋

101、祟稳搂秘熊燕札薄铰叠盗减神敦丙新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案1.1. In In response response to to the the _ _ threat threat of of attack, attack, the the country country was was compelled compelled to to institute institute new new security security measures for airports and air travel.measures for airpor

102、ts and air travel. A. earnest A. earnest B. elaborate B. elaborate C. unrelenting C. unrelenting D. risky D. risky1.1. In In response response to to the the _ _ threat threat of of attack, attack, the the country country was was compelled compelled to to institute institute new new security security

103、 measures for airports and air travel.measures for airports and air travel. A. earnest A. earnest B. elaborate B. elaborate C. unrelenting C. unrelentingPart B, Ex. V, p118Choose Choose the the word word or or phrase phrase that that best best completes each of the following pletes each of the follo

104、wing sentences.Unit 6: VocabularyVocabulary苏荤蝴信蟹潭拴驯枕午水房肆尿腺怎棚栈堪抬符碰祸实菜粤鸭辉钧谗蔓却新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案2. 2. Three Three medical medical organizations organizations concluded concluded that that doctors doctors should should not not be be required required to to perform perform life-sa

105、ving life-saving procedures procedures when when life life support support is is _ _ for for patients who are irreversibly unconscious.patients who are irreversibly unconscious. A. nifty A. nifty B. futile B. futile C. costly C. costly D. essential D. essentialUnit 6: VocabularyVocabulary2. 2. Three

106、 Three medical medical organizations organizations concluded concluded that that doctors doctors should should not not be be required required to to perform perform life-saving life-saving procedures procedures when when life life support support is is _ _ for for patients who are irreversibly uncon

107、scious.patients who are irreversibly unconscious. A. nifty A. nifty B. futile B. futile C. costly C. costly D. essential D. essential巾笋对详瘁棋羌标思侠苏哺婆匀搓榷纠仆轨惨尸巩驼支院汞豆年蜕婚赡丝新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案3.3. According According to to the the latest latest figures, figures, the the housing housin

108、g market market will will continue continue to to _ _ but but wont wont collapse collapse amid amid the gloomy economy.the gloomy economy. A. flourishA. flourish B. expandB. expand C. crumbleC. crumble D. stagnateD. stagnate3.3. According According to to the the latest latest figures, figures, the t

109、he housing housing market market will will continue continue to to _ _ but but wont wont collapse collapse amid amid the gloomy economy.the gloomy economy. A. flourishA. flourish B. expandB. expand C. crumbleC. crumble D. stagnateD. stagnateUnit 6: VocabularyVocabulary怖竟讨契构酥鉴拧琉蔑铺博嘘碗慕院瘤撑封铰炭挣蛆马约疥语钨夯六谚

110、盔新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案4.4. Widespread Widespread pollution pollution of of the the environment environment by by companies companies may may come come to to an an end end as as a a bill bill has has been been drafted drafted which which proposes proposes to to _ _ any any offend

111、ing offending firms.firms. A. subsidizeA. subsidize B. penalizeB. penalize C. outdoC. outdo D. oppressD. oppressUnit 6: VocabularyVocabulary4.4. Widespread Widespread pollution pollution of of the the environment environment by by companies companies may may come come to to an an end end as as a a b

112、ill bill has has been been drafted drafted which which proposes proposes to to _ _ any any offending offending firms.firms. A. subsidizeA. subsidize B. penalizeB. penalize C. outdoC. outdo酒灯循墟卯刀暖捏槛哟脂抠低傣呵您政挪效珠觅荤逃搏险慎也址耙好蚌茅新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案5.5. Despite Despite many many current

113、 current threats threats to to peace peace and and order, order, the the Indonesian Indonesian government government is is striving striving to to _ _ national unity and protect its territorial integrity.national unity and protect its territorial integrity. A. sustainA. sustain B. remainB. remain C.

114、 endureC. endure D. adjustD. adjustUnit 6: VocabularyVocabulary5.5. Despite Despite many many current current threats threats to to peace peace and and order, order, the the Indonesian Indonesian government government is is striving striving to to _ _ national unity and protect its territorial integ

115、rity.national unity and protect its territorial integrity. A. sustainA. sustain B. remainB. remain C. endureC. endure D. adjustD. adjust杀挥瓤卜宅兔演淤馈点县崇苯都匈沃床匆挂盟门宙沦磕赊帧伍激秤木惰谅新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案6.6. In In ancient ancient China, China, influential influential military military and and

116、 religious religious individuals individuals were were _ _ as as ancestors ancestors and and continuously received ritual offerings for many years.continuously received ritual offerings for many years. A. distainedA. distained B. abandonedB. abandoned C. estimatedC. estimated D. veneratedD. venerate

117、dUnit 6: VocabularyVocabulary6.6. In In ancient ancient China, China, influential influential military military and and religious religious individuals individuals were were _ _ as as ancestors ancestors and and continuously received ritual offerings for many years.continuously received ritual offer

118、ings for many years. A. distainedA. distained B. abandonedB. abandoned C. estimatedC. estimated D. veneratedD. venerated警罐拿倔泥概攘簧噪石社下莹零氨煎舟炯炬夜哗锚器犁龚缆郴疼觉鲜辙依新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案7.7. With With efforts efforts made made on on both both sides, sides, the the friendly friendly cooperati

119、ve cooperative relations relations between between the the two two countries countries are are full full of of vigor vigor and and _ _ and and will will be be advancing advancing continuously.continuously.A. pressureA. pressureB. triumphB. triumphC. vitalityC. vitalityD. rivalryD. rivalryUnit 6: Voc

120、abularyVocabulary7.7. With With efforts efforts made made on on both both sides, sides, the the friendly friendly cooperative cooperative relations relations between between the the two two countries countries are are full full of of vigor vigor and and _ _ and and will will be be advancing advancin

121、g continuously.continuously.A. pressureA. pressureB. triumphB. triumphC. vitalityC. vitalityD. rivalryD. rivalry课窿帧潮涨矣恒消枢馒矽舌枣账秩睫拱台蒙戏岸泪啦巨错胃辐粕谚扯槽敢新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案8.8. The The Prime Prime Minister Minister promised promised that that the the government government would would c

122、ontinue continue its its _ _ fight fight against against terrorism terrorism and he would not negotiate under any condition.and he would not negotiate under any condition. A. faithfulA. faithful B. ruthlessB. ruthless C. legalizedC. legalized D. progressiveD. progressiveUnit 6: VocabularyVocabulary8

123、.8. The The Prime Prime Minister Minister promised promised that that the the government government would would continue continue its its _ _ fight fight against against terrorism terrorism and he would not negotiate under any condition.and he would not negotiate under any condition. A. faithfulA. f

124、aithful B. ruthlessB. ruthless C. legalizedC. legalized泊缉奏梅佣杂霹轰净井嫂录然逛皆放棒鹊一誓接晋阿增哪议骇育廷免瞄恿新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案9.9. Stricter Stricter control control is is needed needed over over imports imports of of _ _ species species of of plants plants and and animals, animals, since since ma

125、ny many of of them them have already damaged the native environment.have already damaged the native environment.A. exoticA. exoticB. scarceB. scarceC. endangeredC. endangeredD. enormousD. enormousUnit 6: VocabularyVocabulary9.9. Stricter Stricter control control is is needed needed over over imports

126、 imports of of _ _ species species of of plants plants and and animals, animals, since since many many of of them them have already damaged the native environment.have already damaged the native environment.A. exoticA. exoticB. scarceB. scarceC. endangeredC. endangeredD. enormousD. enormous币能激雪赛歇托蛔究

127、耕似爹拜民宣诱绳晕煤峭砰都宏苟王奖迄瘦雷揉讫晦新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Unit 6: VocabularyVocabulary10.10. One One truly truly unique unique thing thing that that makes makes Hawaii Hawaii such such a a special special vacation vacation destination destination is is the the islands islands rich rich cultur

128、e, culture, which which still still _ _ the the modern modern Hawaii Hawaii of of today.today.A. perceivesA. perceivesB. promotesB. promotesC. permeatesC. permeatesD. perplexesD. perplexes10.10. One One truly truly unique unique thing thing that that makes makes Hawaii Hawaii such such a a special s

129、pecial vacation vacation destination destination is is the the islands islands rich rich culture, culture, which which still still _ _ the the modern modern Hawaii Hawaii of of today.today.A. perceivesA. perceivesB. promotesB. promotesC. permeatesC. permeatesD. perplexesD. perplexes彻骆庆唱玩瘤桂硕扛吊射走胶橱肾栽眯

130、浮夹慎卸另溺空优唤遗懊鸿览捅骂新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Ex. VI, p119Choose Choose an an appropriate appropriate word word from from the the following following list list to to fill fill in in each each of of the the following following blanks. blanks. Each Each word word can can be be used used onl

131、y only ONCE. ONCE. Change the word form where necessary.Change the word form where necessary.Over Over the the last last 70 70 years years or or so, so, researchers researchers have have been been 1 1_ happy happy and and unhappy unhappy people, people, and and theyre theyre finally finally focusing

132、 focusing on on the the 2 2_ that that make a difference. make a difference. 1) 1) Wealth Wealth Money Money can can buy buy a a 3 3_ of of happiness, happiness, But But once once you you can can 4 4_ to to feed, feed, clothe and house yourself, clothe and house yourself, extraextraseekseekacceptacc

133、eptaffordaffordfactorfactorrateratefailfailsatisfysatisfysizesizeclosecloseboostboostdegreedegreebeyondbeyondprobeprobestaticstaticaspirationaspirationcolleaguecolleaguecomplicatecomplicated daverageaverageskyrocketskyrocketUnit 6: ClozeClozeprobingprobing To be continued .factorsfactorsdegree degre

134、e afford afford 阳梨舌怎鹊城槐纷已肮少双娘驮臣份馅棕竭缘屡塑回敞穷麓冻范肪轨漳峡新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案each each 5 5_ dollar dollar makes makes less less and and less less difference. difference. Scientists Scientists find find that, that, on on 6 6_ , , wealthier wealthier people people are are happier. happier

135、. But But the the link link between between money money and and happiness happiness is is 7 7_ . . In In the the past past half-century, half-century, average average income income has has 8 8_ in in industrialized industrialized counties, counties, yet yet happiness happiness levels levels have hav

136、e remained 9remained 9_ . . extrextra aUnit 6: ClozeClozeaveragaverage e complicatecomplicated d skyrockeskyrocket t static static To be continued . extraextraseekseekacceptacceptaffordaffordfactorfactorrateratefailfailsatisfysatisfysizesizeclosecloseboostboostdegreedegreebeyondbeyondprobeprobestati

137、cstaticaspirationaspirationcolleaguecolleaguecomplicatecomplicated daverageaverageskyrocketskyrocket彼蛇分捍庆戏驭婿芜只妖米黎立连华锹瑞秩印聘嚷利辑每补姥氓枝喝刀贤新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Once Once your your basic basic needs needs are are met, met, money money only only seems seems to to 1010_happiness happiness

138、 if if you you have have more more than than your your friends, friends, neighbors neighbors and and 1111_ . . Dollars Dollars buy buy status, status, and and status status makes makes people people feel feel better. better. This This helps helps explain explain why why people people who who can can

139、 1212_ status in other ways scientists or actors,status in other ways scientists or actors,boosboost tUnit 6: ClozeClozecolleagucolleague e seek seek To be continued . extraextraseekseekacceptacceptaffordaffordfactorfactorrateratefailfailsatisfysatisfysizesizeclosecloseboostboostdegreedegreebeyondbe

140、yondprobeprobestaticstaticaspirationaspirationcolleaguecolleaguecomplicatecomplicated daverageaverageskyrocketskyrocket尼芍咙掷消套粳匪录莫玻栓艺阴短永庐唁兼艘夸檬婿损屿诛提老子唆偿犊新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案for for example example may may happily happily 1313_ relatively relatively poorly paid jobs.poorly paid jo

141、bs. 2) 2) Desire Desire How How much much stuff stuff do do you you need need to to feel feel good? good? In In the the 1980s, 1980s, political political scientist scientist Alex Alex Michalos Michalos at at the the University University of of Northern Northern British British asked asked 18,000 18,

142、000 college college students students in in 39 39 countries countries to to 1414_ their their happiness happiness on on a a numeric numeric scale. scale. Then Then he he asked asked them them how how 1515_ they they were were to to having having all all they they wanted. wanted. He He found found th

143、at that the the people people whose whose 1616_ not not just just for for money, money, but but for for friends, friends, family, family, job, job, health, health, the the works works accepaccept tUnit 6: ClozeClozerate rate closclose easpiratioaspiration nTo be continued . extraextraseekseekaccepta

144、cceptaffordaffordfactorfactorrateratefailfailsatisfysatisfysizesizeclosecloseboostboostdegreedegreebeyondbeyondprobeprobestaticstaticaspirationaspirationcolleaguecolleaguecomplicatecomplicated daverageaverageskyrocketskyrocket趁吹凰靛叁搪殴蝴婴奥膜汝吐顽膘量暖旧咸迫识逛芝斟绘哀鳖啸涂螟膛遂新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案

145、furthest furthest 1717_ what what they they already already had, had, tended tended to to be be less less happy happy than than those those who who perceived perceived a a smaller smaller gap. gap. Indeed, Indeed, the the 1818_ of of the the gap gap predicted predicted happiness happiness about abou

146、t five five times times better better than than income income alone. alone. This This gap gap measures measures might might explain explain why why most most people people 1919_ to to get get much much happier happier as as their their salaries salaries rise. rise. Instead Instead of of 2020_ our ou

147、r desires, desires, most most of of us us merely want more.merely want more.beyonbeyond dUnit 6: ClozeClozesizsize efaifail lsatisfyinsatisfying g extraextraseekseekacceptacceptaffordaffordfactorfactorrateratefailfailsatisfysatisfysizesizeclosecloseboostboostdegreedegreebeyondbeyondprobeprobestatics

148、taticaspirationaspirationcolleaguecolleaguecomplicatecomplicated daverageaverageskyrocketskyrocket破心燥度沦撕婿嗅馈陆忻讳浇送周嘶派吨怪刑亲巧翟桂撵匿张俺川辟垛溜新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案1.1.1.1. 在追求幸福的过程中,人们注定要遭受许多挫折。在追求幸福的过程中,人们注定要遭受许多挫折。在追求幸福的过程中,人们注定要遭受许多挫折。在追求幸福的过程中,人们注定要遭受许多挫折。quest forquest forPeople People

149、 are are preordained preordained to to suffer suffer many many frustrations frustrations in in their quest for happiness.their quest for happiness.preordainedpreordainedUnit 6: TranslationTranslationPart A, Ex. VIII, p.121Translate the following sentences into Translate the following sentences into

150、English.English.舞棉钳圾非淬痔深陷玛庭仿雾驾锈哟宣馏殃掌迄册举廷冉锰仕沏乾娱演滴新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案2. 2. 2. 2. 美美美美国国国国是是是是一一一一个个个个雄雄雄雄心心心心勃勃勃勃勃勃勃勃的的的的民民民民族族族族。各各各各行行行行各各各各界界界界的的的的人人人人们们们们都都都都面面面面临临临临着力求出类拔萃的激烈竞争压力。着力求出类拔萃的激烈竞争压力。着力求出类拔萃的激烈竞争压力。着力求出类拔萃的激烈竞争压力。excelexcel American American is is an an ambitiou

151、s ambitious nation. nation. People People from from every every walk walk of of life life face face the the pressure pressure of of fierce fierce competition competition to to excel.excel.every walk of lifeevery walk of lifeUnit 6: TranslationTranslation碰轧辫住苔鸽滋鞍步靶盖怕厘间颖气凶端绥醉嘉乌归通村艘溶滑菊墙鹿从新视角研究生英语读说写2六单

152、元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案3. 3. 3. 3. 当天买卖股票投机是一种危险的谋财之道。当天买卖股票投机是一种危险的谋财之道。当天买卖股票投机是一种危险的谋财之道。当天买卖股票投机是一种危险的谋财之道。day tradingday tradingDay Day trading trading is is a a dangerous dangerous way way of of trying trying to to make make a a fortune.fortune.make a fortunemake a fortuneUnit 6: Translat

153、ionTranslation没酌秸每及蜂束摧状钳陇疾激抄垛喀径代狭沃好杆林率六几墅彩诅臣昧囤新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案4. 4. 4. 4. 数百万人怀着暴发致富的幻想花钱买彩票。数百万人怀着暴发致富的幻想花钱买彩票。数百万人怀着暴发致富的幻想花钱买彩票。数百万人怀着暴发致富的幻想花钱买彩票。get rich quickget rich quickMillions Millions of of people people have have a a fantasy fantasy about about getting getting

154、rich rich quick and spend money on lotteries.quick and spend money on lotteries.Unit 6: TranslationTranslation维饺邪逸拢元旭玩栖痰慨壳多筑禾出岗丝弗晒尺陷产痊擦甜声管往含否俊新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案5. 5. 5. 5. 人们担心如果军备竞赛失控,世界局势将进一步恶化。人们担心如果军备竞赛失控,世界局势将进一步恶化。人们担心如果军备竞赛失控,世界局势将进一步恶化。人们担心如果军备竞赛失控,世界局势将进一步恶化。out ofou

155、t of handhandThere There is is a a fear fear that that if if the the arms arms race race gets gets out out of of hand, hand, the world situation will be worse off.the world situation will be worse off.worse offworse offUnit 6: TranslationTranslation政缘肚囊浊点剧敬拆挣透汗睛腔涎捕洪苔睬洲巡汛幸狐钎猜障横洼勋蟹臀新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习

156、答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案6. 6. 6. 6. 为为为为了了了了保保保保护护护护自自自自己己己己免免免免遭遭遭遭失失失失败败败败的的的的痛痛痛痛苦苦苦苦就就就就放放放放弃弃弃弃自自自自己己己己的的的的抱抱抱抱负负负负是是是是不不不不明智的。明智的。明智的。明智的。It It is is not not sensible sensible to to give give up up ones ones own own ambition ambition in in order order to shield oneself from the bitterness of fa

157、ilure.to shield oneself from the bitterness of failure.shield . from .shield . from .Unit 6: TranslationTranslationsensiblesensible觉磷奔遁踊痴困琉羡随龄魂蘑狡骑沿谅痒翅栈由罗楞晦羹匠泞鞭绒玻骤偿新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案7. 7. 7. 7. 许许许许多多多多人人人人拼拼拼拼命命命命挣挣挣挣钱钱钱钱,因因因因为为为为金金金金钱钱钱钱可可可可以以以以买买买买到到到到大大大大房房房房子子子子、小小小小汽汽汽汽车

158、车车车、大屏幕电视以及其他被认为代表地位和身份的消费品。大屏幕电视以及其他被认为代表地位和身份的消费品。大屏幕电视以及其他被认为代表地位和身份的消费品。大屏幕电视以及其他被认为代表地位和身份的消费品。strain to do sthstrain to do sthMany Many people people strain strain to to earn earn money money because because money money can can buy buy big big houses, houses, cars, cars, big-screen big-screen

159、TVs TVs and and other other consumer consumer products products which which are are considered considered symbols symbols of of status and identity.status and identity.Unit 6: TranslationTranslation料触挂为饲癣狠眷袜分能鄙急忌弱辑角各嵌泪苟沫叮历缓患菩彭玲挺咐秒新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案exert ourselvesexert ourselv

160、es8. 8. 8. 8. 为了实现我们的抱负而努力奋斗是值得的。为了实现我们的抱负而努力奋斗是值得的。为了实现我们的抱负而努力奋斗是值得的。为了实现我们的抱负而努力奋斗是值得的。paypay It pays to exert ourselves to fulfill our own ambitions. It pays to exert ourselves to fulfill our own ambitions.Unit 6: TranslationTranslation充署了感貉交傣夯温道龋起遗脉寐敏湾彼菊娘碴饱豆擞了火矾乏殿枝纸棒新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英

161、语读说写2六单元课后练习答案9. 9. 9. 9. 十十十十年年年年前前前前大大大大多多多多数数数数中中中中国国国国人人人人还还还还买买买买不不不不起起起起的的的的手手手手机机机机现现现现在在在在已已已已成成成成为为为为很很很很普普普普及的生活必需品。及的生活必需品。及的生活必需品。及的生活必需品。beyond the reach ofbeyond the reach of The The cell cell phone, phone, which which was was beyond beyond the the reach reach of of the the majority ma

162、jority of of the the Chinese Chinese people people a a decade decade ago, ago, has has now now become a widely owned daily necessity.become a widely owned daily necessity.Unit 6: TranslationTranslationnecessitynecessity碧破异源揖侯紫粟锁陇曹俗劈荚撬议萎扳探售农最勇槽得郡悬亚吸阴妹绕新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案10.10.1

163、0.10. 自自自自从从从从得得得得到到到到了了了了晋晋晋晋升升升升以以以以后后后后,她她她她就就就就表表表表现现现现得得得得自自自自命命命命不不不不凡凡凡凡。不不不不过过过过在我看来,她只不过是个微不足道的小人物。在我看来,她只不过是个微不足道的小人物。在我看来,她只不过是个微不足道的小人物。在我看来,她只不过是个微不足道的小人物。somebodysomebodyShe She acts acts as as if if she she were were someone someone since since she she was was promoted. promoted. But

164、to me, she is a mere nobody.But to me, she is a mere nobody.nobodynobodyUnit 6: TranslationTranslation列拆宁阅吼凝深瞬脏蓝差针稼真麻蛋仑聊嫉喘漫吸吗矽贿组峙桔聘捧舶障新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案Ambition Ambition is is one one of of those those Rorschach Rorschach words: words: define define it it and and you you inst

165、antly instantly reveal reveal a a great great deal deal about about yourself. yourself. 1) 1) Even Even the the most most neutral neutral of of works, works, Websters, Websters, in in its its Seventh Seventh New New Collegiate Collegiate Edition, Edition, gives gives itself itself away, away, defini

166、ng defining ambition ambition first first and and foremost foremost as as “an “an ardent ardent desire desire for for rank, rank, fame, fame, or or power.”power.”即即即即使使使使是是是是最最最最中中中中立立立立的的的的著著著著作作作作韦韦韦韦伯伯伯伯斯斯斯斯特特特特词词词词典典典典也也也也暴暴暴暴露露露露了了了了它它它它自自自自己己己己的的的的追追追追求求求求目目目目标标标标,它它它它在在在在其其其其新新新新大大大大学学学学版版版版第

167、第第第七七七七版版版版中中中中将将将将雄雄雄雄心心心心首首首首先先先先定定定定义义义义为为为为“一种追求地位、荣誉或权利的热切欲望一种追求地位、荣誉或权利的热切欲望一种追求地位、荣誉或权利的热切欲望一种追求地位、荣誉或权利的热切欲望”。Part B, Ex. VIII, pp. 121122Translate the following underlined Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese.sentences into Chinese.Unit 6: TranslationTranslation汤膜烤余坪唯阐酵

168、瑶码暇辅红啸硕步埠涵藉披暇横筛瀑咋钵汰糖瞪县蔑拙新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案2) 2) Ardent Ardent immediately immediately assumes assumes a a heat heat incommensurate incommensurate with with good good sense sense and and stability, stability, and and rank, rank, fame, fame, and and power power have have come c

169、ome under under fairly fairly heavy attack for at least a century.heavy attack for at least a century. “热热热热切切切切”这这这这个个个个词词词词立立立立刻刻刻刻呈呈呈呈现现现现出出出出与与与与理理理理智智智智的的的的判判判判断断断断和和和和沉沉沉沉稳稳稳稳的的的的心心心心态态态态所所所所不不不不相相相相称称称称的的的的热热热热烈烈烈烈情情情情绪绪绪绪,而而而而地地地地位位位位、荣荣荣荣誉誉誉誉和和和和权权权权利利利利也也也也在在在在至至至至少少少少长长长长达达达达一一一一个世纪的时间里一直

170、受到相当猛烈的抨击。个世纪的时间里一直受到相当猛烈的抨击。个世纪的时间里一直受到相当猛烈的抨击。个世纪的时间里一直受到相当猛烈的抨击。Unit 6: TranslationTranslation柑半坛氮孪疤币痢沟窜丁区起蚌柱蛮践冒归渔喳鹊蹈沮族净搪冻舀跪范敌新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案3) 3) One One can, can, after after all, all, be be ambitious ambitious for for the the public public good, good, for for the the

171、 alleviation alleviation of of suffering, suffering, for for the the enlightenment of mankind, enlightenment of mankind, 然然然然而而而而毕毕毕毕竟竟竟竟一一一一个个个个人人人人可可可可以以以以立立立立志志志志于于于于促促促促进进进进公公公公共共共共的的的的利利利利益益益益,减减减减轻轻轻轻人人人人们们们们的的的的痛苦,或是启迪人类的思想。痛苦,或是启迪人类的思想。痛苦,或是启迪人类的思想。痛苦,或是启迪人类的思想。Unit 6: TranslationTranslation

172、抱但被翁脚檀磕薪门圆遣裹匣化牛赔歇乏锤沏尊湛生邢基快见责驯借鬃战新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案 It It is is not not difficult difficult to to imagine imagine a a world world shorn shorn of of ambition. ambition. It It would would probably probably be be a a kinder kinder world: world: without without demands, demands, w

173、ithout without abrasions, abrasions, without without disappointments. disappointments. People People would would have have time time for for reflection. reflection. Such Such work work as as they they did did would would not not be be for for themselves themselves but but for for the the collectivit

174、y. collectivity. Competition Competition would would never never enter enter in. in. Conflict Conflict would would be be eliminated, eliminated, tension tension become become a a thing thing of of the the past. past. The The stress stress of of creation creation would would be be at at an an end. en

175、d. Art Art would would no no longer longer be be troubling, troubling, but but purely purely celebratory celebratory in in its its functions. functions. 4) 4) The The family family would would become become superfluous superfluous as as a a social social unit, unit, with with all all its its former

176、former power power for for bringing bringing about about neurosis drained away. neurosis drained away. 家家家家庭庭庭庭将将将将成成成成为为为为多多多多余余余余的的的的社社社社会会会会单单单单位位位位,不不不不再再再再具具具具有有有有以以以以前前前前能能能能够够够够带带带带给给给给人人人人们们们们焦焦焦焦虑和恐惧的力量。虑和恐惧的力量。虑和恐惧的力量。虑和恐惧的力量。Unit 6: TranslationTranslation癣考锋范械封滚斤秒淤涉狂妨郭皂膛州密菩加委专蔚洒严徊涂湿捎答母饥新视

177、角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案5) 5) Longevity Longevity would would be be increased, increased, for for fewer fewer people people would would die die of of heart heart attack attack or or stroke stroke caused caused by by tumultuous tumultuous endeavor. endeavor. Anxiety Anxiety would woul

178、d be be extinct.extinct. Time Time would would stretch stretch on on and and on, on, with with ambition ambition long long departed from the human heart. departed from the human heart. Ah, how unrelievedly boring life would be! Ah, how unrelievedly boring life would be!人人人人们们们们的的的的寿寿寿寿命命命命将将将将会会会会延延延延长长长长,因因因因为为为为越越越越来来来来越越越越少少少少的的的的人人人人会会会会死死死死于于于于由由由由拼拼拼拼命命命命工工工工作而引起的心脏病和中风。作而引起的心脏病和中风。作而引起的心脏病和中风。作而引起的心脏病和中风。Unit 6: TranslationTranslation渺拓棱稽昧严渭雏徒橙乓受酌注刻靶邀躯芒寞附棠冒嚼庐创扼名氮趣斯牵新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案新视角研究生英语读说写2六单元课后练习答案



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