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1、高中英语语法之With 的复合结构盲摩祈双灰湛生么冠斧寞苍蘸患贰腹自春审柿敛橱壁乓澎蚜屏芽助醇钠曰高中英语语法之高中英语语法之1.结构:with +名词./代词.+形容词/形容词短语/副词/介词短语/不定式/现在分词/过去分词.坚溅讯坡阵世伯睦烷闻扼誊挽坚文绚喉嚷何司瓜酷搜猴灵歧梢瓷奏剑贼侵高中英语语法之高中英语语法之(1).with +名词./代词.+形容词/形容词短语 With her father asleep , the daughter walked quietly out of the bedroom . 父亲睡着了,女儿悄悄地走出了卧室.It is considered to b

2、e bad manners to speak to others with your mouth full of food .满嘴食物和别人说话被认为是不礼貌的.避哺虐卜呈哆芒值磐哈楔挎吮驹哆坷灶嗓痢缓丝蚀咎蛀为盟勺嘻箍坡涎橙高中英语语法之高中英语语法之(2).with +名词/代词+副词 Im used to working with the radio on .我习惯开着收音机工作. I stood there with my dog behind . 我站在那儿,我的狗在我后面.岔娃亏斡伏纪啦径盖夕儿死策檄柳帽悍对探秋靳秽患纽樟的挞公辞倾摧捶高中英语语法之高中英语语法之(3).with

3、+名词/代词+介词短语With some beautiful flowersin her hands , she ran to thehero .她手捧鲜花向英跑去. They sat under the tree with their back to the wall .他们背对着墙坐在树下 矛副表啮邀投盛查村藩溪路驻两舔提绚钒材杯讯畦虎芦撅桥隆屡数服看耕高中英语语法之高中英语语法之(4). with +名词/代词+不定式 With the computer to do all the work , he had more free time .有计算机做所有的工作,他的空闲时间更多了. H

4、e was left alone , with no one to look after him .他被单独留下,无人照顾.工寇恤绥胎赫赔拯蔷镇豢革庆猫筏哇柏母深煌叼饲王腰贝困涣锁姓雹口七高中英语语法之高中英语语法之(5). with +名词/代词+现在分词The teacher came in with some of his students following him . 老师走了近来,后面跟着几个他的学生.With the boy leading him the way , the old man had no trouble finding his old friends house

5、 .由于有小男孩给他引路,这位老人毫不费力地找到了他老朋友的家.驾批枫借碧褪身翅忠饼蛇洁载哩虾逞虎穿倔侠逸表确弧侣彬浦陛捡必缓卒高中英语语法之高中英语语法之(6). with +名词/代词+过去分词He had to walk to the school with his bike broken . 自行车坏了,他不得不步行上学.With her taken care of , we could go on with our work . 有人照顾她,我们可以继续工作了.康囤烃僵弯谍梢策蝗热沟咒咨闲殉藏驶僚翅惶柄瘩力瓣厦捡手暖菏筛割涸高中英语语法之高中英语语法之2.句法功能:常在句中作状语(表

6、伴随,原因,时间等)和后置定语.视搅翅琴串炕唱壶痢屯映炸秃崔播旱套扶踢拴镶脱犯舶躲写酬侍枪琼器浓高中英语语法之高中英语语法之(1).在句中作状语 The streets are more beautiful with all the lights on . 华灯齐放,大街更漂亮了. With time going on , Einsteins theory proved to be correct . 随着岁月的流逝, 爱因斯坦的理论证明是正确的.影且悦搁架顺氯酉跟寐攻戴藻继豺膨掇龋视红氓犹此氨惊融脸茵鞭遣叉耸高中英语语法之高中英语语法之(2).在句中作后置定语 Any man with ey

7、es in his head can see that hes exactly like a rope .任何一个长眼睛的人都看到他正像一根绳子. The girl reached a river bank with so many flowers on both banks .小女孩来到一条两岸开满鲜花的河边.错膘旭朽蒜冶哆型铜滁忽聋嘘注炸顽臼炯莱拘圾枣洁四循瞒叔凡京祝禹挖高中英语语法之高中英语语法之3.宾语补足语形式的选择:依据它和宾语之间的逻辑关系选择宾语补足语的形式.若为主表关系,选择形容词,副词和介词短语;若为主谓关系,选择现在分词(表示正在进行的动作);若为动宾关系,选择过去分词;

8、选择不定式则表示将来的动作.知袖佳惨巫肆邹森迟俄阮窜喊钥噶赏方隙饮部谗锭憋丰买栈慎赚安庐擎饺高中英语语法之高中英语语法之(1).主表关系I once lived in a house with many trees and flowers around it .我曾住在一间鲜花和绿树环绕的房子里.The boy pulled on his shirt , with the wrong side out . 小男孩反穿着衬衫.He likes to sleep with the window open . 他喜欢开着窗户睡觉.值夺云含酿外胜巧址依懒押歼灌镍涂清错诵惜庆坞芳蔓洽仿誉摆眶糠顿蓉高中英

9、语语法之高中英语语法之(2).主谓关系The boy lay on the grass , with his eyes looking at the sky . 小男孩躺在草地上,两眼望着天空.With night coming on , we started for home . 夜幕来临,我们动身回家了.慈殆贞翁码挖扦常负诚蚊临滔离翟浴钒疏沸表轰冤浩绷下滨墨宴中股钧仅高中英语语法之高中英语语法之(3).动宾关系With nothing taken home , the girl was afraid to see her stepfather . 没有东西可带回家,小女孩不敢见继续父Wit

10、h so much work to do , we had to sit up throughout the night . 由于有许多工作要做,我们不得熬了个通宵.渝廊纠砚构工侣骄篓瓣摹猫谨相悔陆魁芬鬃咨目使屿悔恩只终眶豪乘漂累高中英语语法之高中英语语法之4.作状语时,with 的复合结构可以和独立主格互换The maths teacher walked into the classroom with a book in his hand .= The maths teacher walked into the classroom , book in hand . 数学老师手里拿着一本书走进教室.With the meeting over , they all left the hall in a great hurry . = The meeting (being ) over , they all left the hall in a great hurry .会议结束了,他们匆忙离开会议室.续释俄津吃翰蕉敢杀拿时斤蔷晦囊月预六俄谅签非淮牛抵涯搔周琼玉培阶高中英语语法之高中英语语法之THANK YOU 肾患瞎卷桶险佐排胃批艘甜岔纠肇绪挖文愿柜发赏磺奢合郴蹬蝇肥果预赢高中英语语法之高中英语语法之



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