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1、Warmingup pSkimmingDiggingCriticalthinkingLanguageinuseUnfamiliarwordsInterpretingTalkingpoint Hard NewsWarming up headlines (标题), news stories, letters, editorials (社论), features (特写报道), pictures, reviews (评论文章), film and television listings, advertisements, comic strips (连环漫画), cartoons, puzzles,

2、weather forecasts, financial figures, sports results etc1. What you can find in a newspaper? Work in pairs and discuss the questions.Warming upCCTV International, China Daily, Peoples Daily, China Radio International, Shanghai Daily, South China Morning Post, Xinhua News Agency2. Name some Chinese n

3、ews sources in EnglishSome English-language newspapers worth mentioning may be: The Times (泰晤士报), The Guardian (卫报, Financial Times (UK) (金融时报), The Wall Street Journal (华尔街日报), The New York Times (纽约时报), International Herald Tribune (USA) (国际先驱论坛报).3. Name some famous international newspapers. Warm

4、ing up Work in pairs. Look at the first sentence of the passage and decide which is the main responsibility of a journalist.What is the responsibility of a journalist? 1 to tell the truth 2 to simplify things so that people will understand easily 3 to use a style people will enjoy reading 4 to do wh

5、at the editor has asked 5 to find out as much as possible about the topic 6 not to get involved personally in the news eventNow read the passage and compare your ideas with the writers.Skimming Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3

6、on page 51.TaskTask Choose the best summary of the passage.1. Journalists are human beings like the rest of us. We cannot expect them to be completely objective when faced with difficult situations, and we cannot expect their reports to be completely accurate as a result. Skimming2. Journalists some

7、times have to make difficult decisions about how, and what, to report. It is important for everyone to realize how difficult these decisions are, and to recognize that editors and readers should share part of the responsibility for these decisions too.3. In extreme situations, journalists should be

8、prepared not to report the news as it happens. These situations may instead require them to help people in difficulty, or to take decisions about how far they can try and find out about peoples private lives. The best summary is: 2.Skimming Answer the questions.1 What is the meaning of hard in the t

9、itle “Hard news”?Hard news, in comparison with soft news, consists of factual, up-to-the-minute accounts of events taking place. But the writer is also making use of the meaning “difficult”. Journalists need to take difficult decisions. Skimming2 Which three typical difficult situations does the wri

10、ter refer to? Stopping illegal executions or simply photographing them; revealing the name of a source of a story who will get into trouble as a result, or refusing to do so; publishing or not a photograph of a celebrity in a private moment. To sum up, the three Situations are: getting involved or s

11、taying neutral; protecting sources or revealing them; revealing private matters of famous people or not.Skimming3 What is the job of a journalist, at first sight?To record whats happening, accurately and based on facts.4 What are journalists in danger of losing if they do this job? They may lose the

12、ir humanity, sympathetic attitude to other people.Skimming5 Which two real news events does the writer refer to?The shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald and the death of Princess Diana in a car crash.6 Which are the three qualities the news media should have?Being professional, reliable and responsible to

13、the public.7 Why is The New York Times sometimes slower in publishing news than its rivals?It likes to take time to check for accuracy.Hard News译文译文Digging1 What is the responsibility of a journalist? Is it to inform their readers? Or is it to please their editor? Is it to remain on the side of the

14、law, at all costs? Or is it simply to write a good story? Or is there some responsibility to behave as a human being, whatever the cost or the danger? 2 Here are a few dilemmas some journalists have faced.3 A photographer in a war zone takes photos of an army officer executing rebel soldiers. Its po

15、ssible that he might have been able to stop the officer shooting the prisoners. But he chose to honour his responsibilities towards his editor and the newspaper readers, which was to report what was happening. Should he have got involved, or was he simply doing his job?Digging4 A journalist is inves

16、tigating a major fraud in a big city bank. A bank employee reveals to her the method by which the crime was committed, and the identities of the criminals. In doing so, the employee admits his own minor implication in the crime. The police launch their own investigation, and ask the journalist to re

17、veal the name of her source. She refuses, claiming that her professional standards oblige her to protect her sources. Should she be praised for her principles, or charged with preventing the police from solving the crime?译文译文Digging5 A newspaper publishes photos of a well-known film actor whose care

18、er is promoted by her frequent appearances in the media. On this occasion, the photos were taken while the actor was on holiday in a private home abroad. The actor intends to take the newspaper to court for invasion of her private life. Is the newspaper simply doing what its readers expect it to do,

19、 or is the actor entitled to separate her private from her public life?译文译文Digging6 What do you think? 7 The ethical responsibility of the journalist is endlessly discussed, both in general, and in particular cases. At first, the answer seems simple: The journalists job is to record whats happening,

20、 accurately and based on facts. 译文译文Digging8 But sometimes doing a journalists job is at the cost of their humanity. When Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald, the man arrested for killing President John F Kennedy, a photographer was present. But could he have dropped his camera and stopped Ruby from fi

21、ring his gun? And if he had done so, would we know more about who ordered the killing of the president than we do now? 译文译文Digging9 And were the photographers ethically right to pursue Princess Diana and her partner in order to obtain photos at such speeds as to cause her car to crash? Or was it a f

22、air and reasonable news story which respected the readers right to know about a relationship affecting the state of the British royal family?译文译文Digging10 So should the journalist always stand back and watch while people kill each other, or should they ever get involved as human beings?译文译文Digging11

23、 Clearly, the journalists code of practice varies from country to country. Yet most acknowledge the need to report a story accurately, to provide proof of any claims or protect their sources, and to correct mistakes. The news media relies on their journalists behaviour in order to support its three

24、most important assets: being professional, reliable and responsible to the public. 译文译文DiggingSome newspapers, such as The New York Times, recognize the potential for conflict between the need for speed and accuracy, and tend to publish important stories more slowly than their competitors.译文译文Diggin

25、g12 So, the ethical responsibility of a journalist is not quite as simple as it first appears. And its a responsibility that needs to be shared.13 It needs to be shared by the editors, who sometimes show shots of dead enemy soldiers, in order to convey the tragedy of the war, but not to show shots o

26、f our own dead soldiers, for fear of offending both their relatives and the readers.译文译文Digging译文译文Digging14 It needs to be shared by the owners of media organizations, who may accept advertising from unethical companies. They do this in order to appeal to the people who hold investments in the orga

27、nization. Otherwise, they will not have the finances to pursue their mission to explain.Digging16 We all need to accept that a journalist is not simply a hunting dog chasing a good story to be consumed like dead meat by the strong, at the expense of the weak. We need to accept that both workers in t

28、he media, and its consumers, the audience and readers, are above all human beings a characteristic which we all share.inform释义释义vt. to officially tell someone something or give them information about something 通知;告知例句例句The President has been fully informed of developments. 已经向总统汇报了事态的全部进展。 翻译翻译Words

29、The manager promised to keep me informed of how our business was going on. (Jan. 1990, CET-4, Vocabulary and Structure)真题真题例句例句Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible. 地址如有变更,请尽早通知我们。 翻译翻译dilemma 释义释义n. C a situation in which you have to make a difficult decision 窘境;困境 例句例句 Im

30、in a dilemma over whether to tell him or not. 我进退两难,不知道是否该告诉他。 翻译翻译Words例句例句Many single parents struggle with the dilemma of dividing time between work and children. 许多单身父母在给工作和给子女的时间分配上处于两难境地。翻译翻译execute 释义释义vt. to kill someone as a punishment for a crime 处死;处决 例句例句The general was executed for war

31、crimes. 将军因战争罪被处死。 翻译翻译Words例句例句He said nobody had been executed as a direct result of the events. 他说没有人直接因为那些事件而被处死。 翻译翻译rebel释义释义1a. (only before noun) relating to rebels or their activities 反叛(者)的;造反(者)的 例句例句rebel troops叛军翻译翻译Wordsrebel释义释义2n. C someone who tries to remove a government or leader

32、using force 造反者;反叛者 例句例句They sent in troops to back the rebels. 他们派来军队支持叛乱分子。 翻译翻译Words例句例句Anti-government rebels have seized the radio station. 反政府的叛乱分子占领了电台。 翻译翻译释义释义例句例句Recently there have been widespread credit card fraud. 最近各地频繁出现信用卡诈骗事件。翻译翻译Wordsn. C, U the crime of obtaining money from someon

33、e by tricking them 诈骗;欺诈fraud例句例句The police arrested him for tax fraud. 警方因他在纳税上的欺诈行为把他逮捕了。 翻译翻译minor 释义释义a. not very important 较不重要的;次要的例句例句We made a few minor changes to the plan. 这个计划我们作了一些小小的修改。 翻译翻译Words例句例句翻译翻译Most of the passengers suffered only minor injuries. 大部分乘客只受了点轻伤。 真题真题The flight is

34、delayed because of a minor mechanical problem. Please wait for further notice. (Jun. 2002, CET-4, Listening comprehension)oblige 释义释义vt. (usu passive) to force someone to do something because it is the law, a rule, or a duty 迫使例句例句You are legally obliged to pay this fine. 从法律上讲,你有义务缴纳这笔罚款。 翻译翻译Words

35、The law obliges parents to send their children to school.法律规定父母有让子女接受教育的义务。例句例句翻译翻译charge释义释义vt. to accuse someone officially of committing a crime 控告;指控例句例句Two men have been charged in connection with the fire. 两个人被指控与火灾有关。 翻译翻译Words例句例句The prosecution charged that he had accepted a bribe. 检察院起诉他收受

36、贿赂。 翻译翻译media 释义释义n. C (the ) radio, television, newspapers, the Internet, and magazines, considered as a group 媒体;传媒例句例句The media have launched a bitter attack on the Ministry of Railways. 大众传媒向铁道部发起了猛烈攻击。 翻译翻译WordsThis research has attracted wide media coverage and has featured on BBC televisions

37、Tomorrows World. (Jun. 2002, CET-4, Vocabulary and Structure )真题真题例句例句There was a lot of media coverage of the wedding. 媒体大张旗鼓地报道了这场婚礼。 翻译翻译court 释义释义n. C, U a place where trials take place and legal cases are decided 法庭;法院例句例句They tried to settle the case out of court. 这个案子他们试图庭外和解。翻译翻译WordsI would

38、 never have resorted to a court of law if I hadnt been so desperate. (Jun. 2002, CET-4, Vocabulary and structure)真题真题例句例句I dont think that argument would stand up in a court of law. 我认为这个论据在法庭上是站不住脚的。 翻译翻译entitle释义释义vt. to give someone the right to do something 给(某 人)权利;给(某人)资格例句例句Only full-time emp

39、loyees are entitled to receive health insurance. 只有全职雇员才有资格获得健康保险。 翻译翻译Words例句例句Membership entitles you to the full use of our fitness facilities. 会员可以使用我们这儿的所有健身器材。 翻译翻译Everyone should be entitled to a decent standard of living and an opportunity to be educated. (Jan. 2003, CET-4, Vocabulary and st

40、ructure)真题真题ethical释义释义a. involving the principles used for deciding what is right and what is wrong 伦理的;道德的 例句例句翻译翻译WordsIs it ethical to use drugs to control prisoners behaviour? 用药物来控制犯人的行为合乎道德吗? unethical反义词反义词例句例句翻译翻译The use of animals in scientific tests raises some difficult ethical questions

41、. 在科学实验中使用动物引发了一些难以解决的道德问题。 arrest释义释义vt. if the police arrest someone, they take that person to a police station because they believe he or she has committed a crime 逮捕;拘捕;拘留 例句例句翻译翻译WordsThe policeman arrested the drunk for disturbing the peace. 警察以扰乱治安罪逮捕了那个醉汉。 Another policeman arrived, and toge

42、ther, we arrested three of the men; but the other four ran away. (Jun. 1997, CET-4, Listening comprehension)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译Police made 20 arrests at yesterdays demonstration. 昨天的示威游行中,警察逮捕了20人。 royal 释义释义a. relating to a king or queen or the members of their family 国王的;女王的;王室的 例句例句翻译翻译WordsOpposition w

43、ithin the royal family was crushed. 王族内的反对派被清除了。 真题真题Lets go and see a new movie at the Royal Theatre. I hear its a real story of two prison breakers. (Jan. 1998, CET-4, Listening Comprehension) 例句例句翻译翻译The Summer Palace, which used to be a royal garden, is my favourite park. 颐和园是我最喜欢的公园,它以前是座皇家园林。

44、code 释义释义n. C a set of rules about how something should be done or how people should behave 准 则; 规 范;行为规则例句例句翻译翻译WordsThe profession has a strict code of practice. 这个专业有严格的行业守则。 they wear a special uniform of red coats and white trousers, and follow strict codes of behavior. (Jan. 2002, CET-4, Readi

45、ng comprehension) 真题真题例句例句翻译翻译Parents should help to teach children a strong moral code. 家长应帮助教育孩子们形成严格的道德规范。proof释义释义n. C, U information or evidence that shows that something is definitely true or definitely exists 证据;证物;证词 例句例句翻译翻译Words要享受打折优惠,你必须证明你的学生身份。 To receive the discount, you must show pr

46、oof of student status. We have no proof that any of these well-known conversations actually took place, but we are prepared to believe that they did. (Jan. 1991, CET-4, Vocabulary and Structure)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译你有什么证据证明这个人偷了你的包吗? Do you have any proof that this man stole your bag? convey释义释义vt. to commun

47、icate ideas or feelings indirectly (间接 地)表达,传达(思想或感情)例句例句翻译翻译Words她总是对自己的工作表现出一股热情。 She always conveys a sense of enthusiasm for her work. Jans office conveyed an impression of efficiency and seriousness. 例句例句翻译翻译简的办公室给人留下高效和庄重的印象。 offend 释义释义vt. to make someone upset and angry by doing or saying so

48、mething 冒犯;得罪;使生气例句例句翻译翻译Words电视节目审查官正在剪掉一些他们称可能会引起冒犯的镜头。 Television censors are cutting out scenes which they claim may offend. 例句例句翻译翻译他为自己发表的评论道歉并说他无意冒犯该团体。 He apologizes for his comments and says he had no intention of offending the community. privacy释义释义n. U the freedom to do things without oth

49、er people watching you or knowing what you are doing 独处;个人自由;隐私 例句例句翻译翻译Words他们不希望他们的个人隐私受到记者们的侵犯。 They dont want their privacy invaded by reporters. 例句例句翻译翻译在个人家里安放窃听器是对个人私生活的侵犯。 A hidden microphone in a persons home is an invasion of privacy. chase 释义释义v. to follow someone or something quickly in

50、order to catch them 追逐;追赶;追踪 例句例句翻译翻译Words警察沿街追赶小偷。The police chased the thief down the street. They decided to chase the cow away before it did more damage. (Jan. 1990, CET-4, Vocabulary and structure)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译外面院子里,孩子们叫喊着在互相追逐。 Outside in the yard, kids were yelling and chasing each other. at a

51、ll costs / at any cost 释义释义used for saying that something must be done however difficult it is or however much damage it causes 不惜一切代价This relentless pursuit of economic growth at any cost is questionable. 不惜一切代价追求经济增长的做法是有问题的。Phrases例句例句翻译翻译TextWe will save his life at all costs. 我们将不惜一切代价挽救他的生命。例句

52、例句翻译翻译释义释义例句例句翻译翻译如果你不还清欠款,我就到法院告你。take sb to court to begin a case against someone 把某人送上法庭PhrasesIf you do not pay up, I will take you to court. 例句例句翻译翻译我们决定不起诉他们,免得惹事生非。We decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not take them to court. 释义释义例句例句翻译翻译be entitled to do sth to give someone the official ri

53、ght to do something 使(某人)有权利做某事 Phrases例句例句翻译翻译He is entitled to attend the conference. 他有资格参加这个会议。 Im entitled to apply for citizenship. 我有资格申请公民身份。 释义释义例句例句翻译翻译 一般说来,从暴富到破产会经历四个阶段。 in general In general, there seem to be four stages to the flush and crash. as a whole, without giving details 总的来说 P

54、hrases例句例句翻译翻译The plant or animal has, in general, the power of reproduction. 一般说来,动植物都有生殖能力。 释义释义例句例句翻译翻译外科医生一般不给亲人动手术,因为他们得置身事外保持冷静。 stand back Surgeons usually avoid to do operation for their relativesas they have to stand back to stay calm. to not let yourself be influenced by your feelings abou

55、t a situation so that you can think about it more clearly 置身于一定距离之外(考虑事物)Phrases例句例句翻译翻译It is very difficult for parents to stand back when they see their child bullied by other kids.当看到孩子被别的小孩欺负事,家长很难做到置身之外。 释义释义例句例句翻译翻译因为害怕隔墙有耳,我们连说话也得放低声音。for fear of We hush our voices for fear of being heard. (d

56、oing) sth in case you make something bad happen 生怕;以免 Phrases例句例句翻译翻译For fear of accidents, the driver drove very slowly. 因害怕发生事故,这位司机开得很慢。释义释义例句例句翻译翻译他以损害健康为代价完成了那件工作。at the expense ofHe finished the job at the expense of his health. if something is done at the expense of someone or something else,

57、 it is only achieved by harming the other person or thing 以为代价Phrases例句例句翻译翻译Dont profit yourself at the expense of others. 不要损人利己。释义释义例句例句翻译翻译我们希望你学习新的技术,遇到新朋友,最重要的是让自己开心。 above all We hope you will learn new skills, meet new people, and above all enjoy yourself. used for referring to something tha

58、t is more important than any of the other things you could mention 首先;首要的是Phrases例句例句翻译翻译This bike is light, strong and, above all, inexpensive.这部脚踏车既轻又坚固,最重要的是价格不贵。Culture pointsJohn F Kennedy (约翰F肯尼迪) (19171963) was President of the United States from 1961 to 1963. He was assassinated by Lee Harve

59、y Oswald in Dallas, Texas on 22 November 1963. His death shocked the whole of America.记者的责任是什么?是向读者告知信息?还是记者的责任是什么?是向读者告知信息?还是让主编满意?是不惜任何代价站在法律的一边?还让主编满意?是不惜任何代价站在法律的一边?还是只管写一则好的新闻故事?或者说他们是不是有是只管写一则好的新闻故事?或者说他们是不是有责任遵循人的行为规范,不管要付出多大的代价,责任遵循人的行为规范,不管要付出多大的代价,冒着多大的危险?冒着多大的危险?这里有几例记者们遭遇过的左右为难的情形。这里有几例记




63、也有针对具体案例的。起初,答案似乎很简单:记者的工作就是准确、如实地记录乎很简单:记者的工作就是准确、如实地记录下所发生的事。下所发生的事。Translation原文原文然而,从事记者工作有时候是要以牺牲其然而,从事记者工作有时候是要以牺牲其人性为代价的。当杰克人性为代价的。当杰克鲁比枪杀因刺杀约翰鲁比枪杀因刺杀约翰F F 肯尼迪总统而被捕的李肯尼迪总统而被捕的李哈维哈维奥斯瓦尔奥斯瓦尔德时,有位摄影师就在现场。可他能丢下照相德时,有位摄影师就在现场。可他能丢下照相机去阻止鲁比开枪吗?如果他真这么做了,我机去阻止鲁比开枪吗?如果他真这么做了,我们会不会知道更多有关刺杀总统的主谋的信息们会不会知





68、令人咋舌的新闻可能会严重侵犯这位影星的隐私,甚至是人权。甚至是人权。Translation我们都需要承认,记者不是一只猎犬,不我们都需要承认,记者不是一只猎犬,不能像猎犬追捕猎物那样去猎取好的新闻,一心能像猎犬追捕猎物那样去猎取好的新闻,一心要吃掉猎物,不考虑弱小者的利益。我们需要要吃掉猎物,不考虑弱小者的利益。我们需要承认,无论是新闻从业者,还是作为消费者的承认,无论是新闻从业者,还是作为消费者的观众和读者们,大家首先都是人观众和读者们,大家首先都是人这是我们这是我们共有的特点。共有的特点。TranslationMain idea of the passageThe writer asks

69、what the responsibility of a journalist is and notes that there are areas of conflict. Is it right to be neutral when terrible things are happening? Is it right for journalists to protect their sources even when they have done something wrong? Is it moral to take photographs of people in private mom

70、ents? Is speed or accuracy more important when reporting a story? This last question leads the writer to widen the enquiry and consider also the responsibility of editors when choosing what stories to run. DiggingThen there are the owners of the media for whom the news is business. What is their res

71、ponsibility when decisions can cost them money and make them lose sales? Finally there are the readers. Their tastes influence what is printed. It is our responsibility if we buy newspapers which are full of gossip. The writer concludes that all concerned must take their responsibilities seriously a

72、nd make sure they put our common humanity before any other considerations. DiggingTextUsing repetition Interpreting We use repetition for a number of reasons when we write. For example, were likely to repeat frequently words which are connected to the main idea of the passage. But we also use repeti

73、tion to underline important points, to make the passage easier to understand, and to make it more memorable. This type of repetition gives a more formal feel to the passage.Look at the passage and find examples of these things: questions beginning with shouldInterpreting Should he have got involved,

74、 or was he simply doing his job? (Line 9, Para 3) Should she be praised for her principles, or charged with preventing the police from solving the crime? (Line 11, Para 4) So should the journalist always stand back and watch while people kill each other, or should they ever get involved as human bei

75、ngs? (Para 10) the words responsibility and responsibilitiesInterpreting What is the responsibility of a journalist? (Line 1, Para 1) Or is there some responsibility to behave as a human being, whatever the cost or the danger? (Line 6, Para 1) The ethical responsibility of the journalist is endlessl

76、y discussed, both in general, and in particular cases. (Line 1, Para 7) So, the ethical responsibility of a journalist is not quite as simple as it first appears. And its a responsibility that needs to be shared. (Para 12) the expression it needs to beInterpreting And its a responsibility that needs

77、 to be shared. (Line 2, Para 12) It needs to be shared by the editors (Line 1, Para 13) It needs to be shared by the owners of media organizations (Line 1, Para 14) It needs to be shared by the readers (Line 1, Para 15) the expression we needInterpreting We all need to accept that a journalist is no

78、t simply a hunting dog (Line 1, Para 16) We need to accept that both workers in the media (Line 4, Para 16Choose the best answer to the questions.Interpreting1 Which frequently repeated word contains the key idea of the passage? (a) The word should. (b) The word responsibility. (c) The word need. (d

79、) The word journalist.Answer: b2 Why does the writer begin three paragraphs with the expression It needs to be shared? (a) To underline an important point. (b) To slow things down and make the readers think. (c) To be more formal. (d) To make the idea easier to follow. InterpretingAnswer: a3 What is

80、 the effect of moving from It needs to be shared to We all need to accept in the final two paragraphs? (a) To make the ending more formal. (b) To make the idea easier to understand. (c) To remind the readers that they too are involved. (d) To avoid repeating an expression in exactly the same way. In

81、terpretingAnswer: cWork in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Should newspapers entertain as well as inform?commercial concernsseparate fromCritical ThinkingWord tips: big issues/entertainmentExample answer Yes. Newspapers are mainly commercial concerns. So if they want to be bought they must offer

82、what the public want. There is no reason not to have an entertainment section kept separate from the hard news. The distinction itself is a false one one can gain information from entertainment and vice versa.Critical ThinkingExample answer No. There is actually so much serious and even tragic news

83、in a newspaper that it leaves little space for entertainment like jokes or games etc. People need to take the big issues our world has more seriously, like pollution, global warming, economic recession etc. So the newspapers should reflect the understanding that the world is in trouble and the conce

84、rted effort of the whole world is required.Critical Thinking2 Should newspapers publish more good news? Why / Why not?depressencouragedespairsolve problemCritical ThinkingWord tips: Yes. Too much negative news can depress people. If problems seem too bad, people despair of solving them and make no e

85、ffort. Newspapers need to encourage a positive attitude. There is a lot happening in the world which is pleasant. We need more stories of ordinary people doing kind, even heroic things.Critical ThinkingExample answer No. Because actually, there is quite a bit of good news to be found in any newspape

86、r. New buildings and businesses are opened, targets are met, diseases receive new treatments, sporting events happen successfully etc. The world has plenty of problems and we need to focus on solving them, not on congratulating ourselves.Critical ThinkingExample answer3 Which is the most serious dil

87、emma facing a journalist, and why?neutralityprotect the people concernedCritical ThinkingWord tips: to please advertisersThere are plenty of serious dilemmas which journalists are bothered with, for example: covering up the truth because of fear or intention to protect the people concerned pressure

88、to produce stories which will set a sensation pressure to please advertisers stories which may cause public disturbances or action against a minority group conflict between openness and national security good taste; respect for those hurt or bereaved (刚丧失亲 人的) relation with sources neutrality versus

89、 humanityCritical ThinkingExample answer4 Should newspapers try to influence public opinion? If so, about what? raise awareness and encourage good social behaviorSeparate fact from opinionlet people think for themselvesCritical ThinkingWord tips: Critical ThinkingExample answer Yes. The mass media a

90、re very influential and should seek to raise awareness of important issues, encourage good social behaviour and support good causes. Fact and opinion can be kept separate so standards are not dropped. An account of a fire can be just the facts and then an editorial call can be made for better fire s

91、afety standards. Presenting a particular point of view is acceptable as long as it is open. In my opinion, newspapers should enhance the readers respect for the environment, raise interest in education, raise money for good causes, discourage prejudice etc. Critical ThinkingExample answer No. Newspa

92、per editors have no special right to try to change public opinion. People should be left to think for themselves. Once influencing opinion starts it can soon lead to “adapting” the news to fit a set of ideas rather than the facts.5 Do you think the media are too powerful? commercializeddifferent sou

93、rces, e.g. InternetCritical ThinkingWord tips: Yes. They control the way people think on many issues. They decide what we can watch on television. Big business makes sure it is presented positively even when it does not deserve it. The media are too focused on making money and selling us things. The

94、y should be more responsible.Critical ThinkingExample answer No. There are plenty of different sources of information available. One can compare the way stories are told and do Internet searches if one wants to check things. People are not dumb. They can judge themselves what is true and corresponds

95、 with what they see normally around them. The situation is acceptable as long as there are safeguards to ensure the media do not behave badly.Critical ThinkingExample answerUnfamiliar WordsMatch the words with their meanings in the context of the passage. 1 execute (a) to complete something you have

96、 agreed to do (b) to kill someone as a punishment for a crime 2 implication (a) possible effect or result (b) suggestion that someone is involved in something illegal or morally wrongAnswer: bAnswer: basset charge convey execute humanity implication oblige reasonable Unfamiliar Words3 oblige (a) to

97、force someone to do something (b) to respond to a request for help4 charge (a) to ask someone to pay money (b) to accuse someone of a crimeAnswer: a Answer: basset charge convey execute humanity implication oblige reasonable Unfamiliar Words5 humanity (a) all the people in the world (b) kind and sym

98、pathetic attitude towards other people6 reasonable (a) based on reason (b) good, but not excellentAnswer: b Answer: aasset charge convey execute humanity implication oblige reasonable Unfamiliar Words7 asset (a) money reserves (b) positive characteristic8 convey (a) to communicate ideas or feelings

99、(b) to move something from one place to anotherAnswer: b Answer: aasset charge convey execute humanity implication oblige reasonable arrest criminal dilemma entitle invasion offend rebel reliable Unfamiliar WordsReplace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need

100、 to make other changes. 1 The passage gives examples of the situations involving difficult decisions journalists are sometimes faced with.dilemmasUnfamiliar Words2 For example, should they tell police where they got the information which may lead to them finding someone who has committed a crime? th

101、e criminalarrest criminal dilemma entitle invasion offend rebel reliable 3 When someone is taken to the police station, the police believe they have committed a crime.arrestedUnfamiliar Wordsarrest criminal dilemma entitle invasion offend rebel reliable 4 When covering a war story, such as one count

102、rys army going into another country to take control of it, or the actions of a group of people trying to remove a government using force, should the journalist get personally involved?an invasion5 Most people would agree that famous people have the right to a private life that is separate from their

103、 public life.rebelsare entitledUnfamiliar Wordsarrest criminal dilemma entitle invasion offend rebel reliable 6 We expect the news to be available quickly as well as able to be trusted. 7 Editors need to be careful not to publish photos that may make some people upset or angry.reliablemake upset or

104、angry: offendComplete the paragraph with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. accurate chase exaggerate expense fraud inform minor occasion principleUnfamiliar WordsThe New York Times has the reputation of being one of the worlds best papers. Where other papers may (1) _ the fac

105、ts, The New York Times has always sought to (2) _ readers through objective, (3) _ reporting. But even The New York Times can make mistakes sometimes, as it did with one of its journalists, Jayson Blair. exaggerateinformaccurateUnfamiliar WordsTo use the words of The New York Times, over a period of

106、 several years Blair committed numerous “acts of journalistic (4) _”. Instead of (5) _ the news in the traditional way, he preferred to write his stories from his home in New York, using his computer to get up-to-date news and pictures from different sources. He copied the stories he found there, ad

107、ding some more details at the (6) _ of the truth.fraudexpenseaccurate chase exaggerate expense fraud inform minor occasion principlechasingOn one (7) _ , however, he went too far, describing a landscape which didnt exist. His editor began to suspect something was wrong, and set up a seven-person tea

108、m whose job was to find information that showed Blair had invented his material. They examined everything Blair had written over four years, and found dozens of invented details, some quite (8) _ but others much more serious. Blair lost his job, of course; The New York Times, true to its (9) _, put

109、the story of the cheating journalist on its front page.Unfamiliar Wordsaccurate chase exaggerate expense fraud inform minor occasion principleoccasionminorprinciplesverb + noun + doing / to doLanguage in Use Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions.(a) Its possible that he mig

110、ht have been able to stop the officer shooting the prisoners.(b) The police ask the journalist to reveal the name of her source. (c) She refuses, claiming that her professional standards oblige her to protect her sources. (d) Should she be . charged with preventing the police from solving the crime?

111、(e) But could he have dropped his camera and stopped Ruby from firing his gun? Language in Use1 Which two of the underlined verbs mean more or less the same thing?2 Which of the underlined verbs are followed by to + infinitive?3 Which verbs are followed by from + gerund?Stop, prevent. Ask, oblige. P

112、revent, stop. Verbs with the same pattern as ask someone to do something: oblige, force, tell, advise, persuade. Verbs with the same pattern as prevent someone (from) doing something: stop, save, dissuade.Language in Use Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.1 They ob

113、liged me _ where I got the information from. (say)2 You cant stop me _ the truth. (write) 3 Who tells you _ photographs in this building? (take)4 He dissuaded the editor _ the latest survey results. (publish) 5 They advised her _ when she had more experience. (come back) 6 Youve just saved me _ my m

114、oney on a new mobile phone. (waste)7 I dont want to force you _ this job. (do)to sayfrom writingto takefrom publishingto come backfrom wastingto dophrases in appositionLanguage in UseWhen Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald, the man arrested for killing President John F Kennedy, a photographer was pres

115、ent.Who was arrested for killing President Kennedy?(a) Jack Ruby.(b) Lee Harvey Oswald.(c) A photographer. Look at the sentence from the passage and answer the question.phrases in appositionLanguage in UseThe phrase the man arrested for killing President John F Kennedy is in apposition to the object

116、 of the clause Lee Harvey Oswald. This means the phrase is next to Lee Harvey Oswald, and it provides more information about him. Typically, phrases in apposition can be in subject or object position. Language in Use Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the box.

117、Sometimes more than one collocation is possible.Expressions with:codecode of conduct code of honour code of practice moral code area code international code security codecostat all costs whatever the costexpenseat the expense of at great / vast expensezonedanger zone earthquake zone pedestrian zone

118、war zoneLanguage in Use1 The TV station is going to film the World Cup _.2 Journalists have a set of rules, or _ about how they should behave in their work.3 She has been reporting from _ around the world for the past 20 years.4 To telephone another country, you should start with the _ which is 00.5

119、 There was a sign saying _ and no reporters were allowed to go any further.at great/vast expensecode of conductwar zones / danger zonesinternational codedanger zoneLanguage in Use6 Is it fair for journalists to get a story _ people who are suffering?7 Photographers are expected to follow the magazin

120、es _ and not invade peoples private lives.at the expense ofcode of practice / code of conduct Translate the sentences into Chinese.1 But he chose to honour his responsibilities towards his editor and the newspaper readers, which was to report what was happening.但他选择了履行他对于主编和读者的责任,即报道所发生的一切。Language

121、in Use2 So should the journalist always stand back and watch while people kill each other, or should they ever get involved as human beings?所以,在人们相互残杀时,记者们应该置身事外观望着,还是应该出于人性挺身而出?3 The news media relies on their journalists behaviour in order to support its three most important assets: being professi

122、onal, reliable and responsible to the public.新闻业有赖于记者的行为来维护它最重要的三项优势:专业性、可靠性和对公众的责任心。Language in UseLanguage in Use4 It needs to be shared by the editors, who sometimes show shots of dead enemy soldiers, in order to convey the tragedy of the war, but not to show shots of our own dead soldiers, for f

123、ear of offending both their relatives and the readers.这份责任需要主编来分担。主编有时通过刊登敌军士兵被击毙的照片来揭示战争所引发的不幸,但是他们从不刊登自己一方士兵牺牲的照片,因为不想冒犯士兵的亲人和读者的情感。5 It needs to be shared by the readers, who must accept that an exaggerated or shocking story about a young Hollywood film star may lead to a significant invasion of

124、privacy and even human rights.这份责任需要读者来分担,他们必须接受这样一个事实:一则有关好莱坞影星的被夸大了的、令人咋舌的新闻可能会严重侵犯这位影星的隐私,甚至是人权。Language in Use Translate the sentences into English.1 新闻工作者的职责是提供真实准确的报道,因为公众有权知道事实的真相。(accurately; be entitled to do)2 中国日报是中国唯一的全国性英文日报,日发行量达40余万份。(using phrases in apposition)The responsibility of

125、a journalist is to provide news accurately, for the public are entitled to know about the truth.China Daily, the only national English-language newspaper in China, has a circulation of over 400,000 copies daily.Language in Use3.经济发展不能以牺牲环境为代价,否则后患无穷。(at the expense of)Economic development must not b

126、e achieved at the expense of environment, otherwise it will bring endless trouble. 4 这名记者拒绝透露她的消息来源,以免带来不必要的麻烦。 (disclose; for fear of doing sth)The journalist refused to disclose the source of her information, for fear of bringing unnecessary trouble. Language in Use5 他因发表有关人权的错误报道而受到指控。(be charged

127、 with) He was charged with publishing false reports on human rights. Talking Point Work in groups of three and discuss the questions. 1 What are the main news stories at the moment?2 Are they of national or international importance?3 Which is the most important news, and why?Now decide who is best-i

128、nformed in the group. Find out which source(s) they got the news from.Talking Point Work in groups of three and discuss the advantages of different news sources. Student A: Argue in favour of the printed press (newspapers).Student B: Argue in favour of the broadcasting media (TV and radio).Student C: Argue in favour of online news (online newspapers, 24/7 TV in streaming etc).Talking Point Think of these and other things: Vote on the best news source. ease of access cost of access reliability of information quality of presentation



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