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3、略。引导词在从句中做宾语,可以省略。Your friend (_ studies in Beijing University )came to see you yesterday.He is the man(_you have been waiting for.) The necklace (_ Mary borrowed from her friend) was made of glass. The book (that I borrowed it from the library) is well written. The watch I gave it to her works well

4、.who /thatwho/that /whom/which/that/定语从句(七)定语从句(七)关系代词在从句中作介词的宾语时,关系代词在从句中作介词的宾语时,可以把介词可以把介词提前,介词提前,介词 + which/whomThe man _you talked to is a famous actor.The man to _you talked is a famous actor.The book _I heard about was written ten years ago.The book about _I heard was written ten years ago.who


6、词状语,用关系副词when, where引导从句。引导从句。当先行词为当先行词为reason, 且从句中缺少原因状语,用关系副且从句中缺少原因状语,用关系副词词why 引导从句引导从句I still remember the day _I first came to Ji xi.whenIll never forget the time _we worked on the farm.whenThis is the house _we lived last year.whereThe factory _his father works is in the west of the city.whe

7、reThis was the reason _I was late.whyTell the difference between them.Thisisthefactory(_makesshoes.)Thisisthefactory(_hisfatherworks.)Thisisthefactory(_wevisitedyesterday.)Theday(_Iwillneverforget)isJanuary30th.Icannotforgettheday(_Ijoinedtheparty).#Pleasetellmethereason(_youarelate.)Hehastoldmether

8、eason(_canexplainhisabsence(缺席)fromthemeeting.)Thereason(_hetoldus)wasnottrue.#which/thatwherewhich/that/-which/that/-whenwhywhich/thatwhich/that/-定语从句(九)定语从句(九)1.关系副词关系副词when 和和where引导的定语从句中,引导的定语从句中,when和和where 可以用可以用介词介词+which 来代替,介词来代替,介词要根据与先行词的关系来确定。要根据与先行词的关系来确定。He will remember the years _he

9、 studied at college.when /in whichThis is the farm _my father used to work.where/on which2.关系副词关系副词why引导的定语从句中引导的定语从句中,why 可以用可以用for+which 来代替来代替Do you know the reason why/ for which he was late?1.Isthisthehospital_heworkedtenyearsago?A.thatB.whichC.inwhichD.inwhere2.Hisuncleworksinafactory_bicycles


11、essisredismysister.表示所属关系时表示所属关系时,介词用介词用of, 关系代词为关系代词为which /whom, 即即the+名词名词+of+ which/whom, 可转换为可转换为whose+名词名词.He lives in a room, the window of which faces west.He lives in a room, of which the window faces west., whose window faces west.The child was saved by a man, the name of whom was not know

12、n.The child was saved by a man, of whom the name was not known. .,whose name was not known.定语从句(十一)定语从句(十一)as引导的定语从句as引导定语从句通常用在一些固定的句型中,如:thesame.as.,such.as.,asweexpected,asweallknow,asherealized,asisnecessaryasisoftenthecase,asweallcansee,asismentioned等.1.ThisisthesamewatchasIlost.2.Dontreadsuchb

13、ooksasarenotuseful.3.Asweexpected,hedidntcome.1.Asweallknow,theearthisround.2.Asismentionedabove,smokingisbadforourhealth.3.Youhavemadethesamemistakeasyoumadelasttime.4.Asisknowntoeveryone,themoontravelsroundtheeartheverymonth.5.Asisoftenthecase,hewinsthefirstintheexamination.The policeman _ reporte

14、d the accident thinks it was Toms fault.The man _ I saw told me to come back today.The friend with _ I was traveling could speak French.The film is about a man _ wife is a film starThis is the picture _ made me think of my childhood.The house _ windows face the south belongs to the Johns.They are ta

15、lking about the things and persons _ they saw on the island.My hometown is not such a place _ it used to be ten years ago.The boy _ I thought was honest is actually a liar.(说谎者)说谎者)who/thatwho/that/whom/-whomwhosewhich/thatwhosethataswho/that定语从句(十二)定语从句(十二)介词介词+关系代词关系代词 (介词的选择介词的选择)用于这种情况的关系代词一般为用于

16、这种情况的关系代词一般为which (指物指物)和和 whom(指人指人)1.根据从句中根据从句中动词短语动词短语来确定来确定.This is the car for which you paid a high price. (pay for) The man with whom you shook hands just now is Tom. (shake hands with sb)2.根据根据先行词先行词确定确定. when, where, why= 介词关介词关系代词。系代词。.Ill never forget the day on which (= when )I joined th

17、e army. .The factory in which (= where)his father works is far away from my hometown. .I dont know the reason for which (why)he was late for school. .This is the camera with which he often takes photos. 3.表示所属关系时表示所属关系时,介词用介词用of, 即即the+名词名词+of+ which/whom,=whose+名词名词.He lives in a room, the window o

18、f which faces west.He lives in a room, of which the window faces west., whose window faces west.The child was saved by a man, the name of whom was not known.The child was saved by a man, of whom the name was not known. .,whose name was not known.4.表示整体中的一部分或表示整体中的一部分或中最中最的,介词一的,介词一般也用般也用of。both/all/

19、 some /分数分数/名词名词+ of + whom/which The Greens have two daughters, both of whom are college students. China has many rivers, the longest of which is the Yangtze River. $5.据句子的意思确定介词据句子的意思确定介词。 This is the pilot(飞行员飞行员) for whom I bought a camera. This is the pilot with whom my brother has worked for t

20、en years. This is the pilot by whom my son was savedPeter_IplayedtennisonSundayswasfatterthanI.Hishouse_hepaid$10,000tenyearsagoisnowworth$30,000.Ilostmyglasses_Icouldseenothing.Thereisabigtree_somepeoplearesittingandchatting.Theycollectedmuchmoney_theycouldhelpthedisabled.YesterdaywevisitedtheCentu




24、isisthefilm_Iaminterested.A.inwhichBatwhichC.inthatD.onwhichCBBBA1.The Greens have two daughters, both of whom are college students. 2.The Greens have two daughters, and both of _ are college students. 3. The Greens have two daughters. Both of _ are college %. themthem定语从句(十三)定语从句(十三)限限制性定语从句与制性定语从句

25、与非非限制性定语从句的区别限制性定语从句的区别1从形式上来说,从形式上来说,非非与主句之间有与主句之间有逗号逗号分开。分开。2 从引导词来看,从引导词来看,非非修饰人和物均修饰人和物均不能用不能用that3 从与主句的关系来看,从与主句的关系来看,非非是先行词的附加说明,如省略,是先行词的附加说明,如省略,主句意思不受影响,主句意思不受影响,限限与先行词的关系密切,是先行词与先行词的关系密切,是先行词不可缺少的成分,不能省,去掉,影响全句的意思。不可缺少的成分,不能省,去掉,影响全句的意思。The school, which is far from your home, is a good o

26、ne.Here is a book which tells about the Chinese.He arrived half an hour late, which made us unhappy.代指school代指整个句子Professor Wang, _invented the machine , is coming to visit our city. Charles works in a chemical plant(工厂工厂), where he holds an important position.(职位职位) The plant where my brother works

27、 is very big. He has a son who is a doctor. He has a son, who is a doctor.who(一个或多个儿子)(一个或多个儿子)定语从句应注意问题(定语从句应注意问题(4)但含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在但含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在动词后面,不提前。动词后面,不提前。1.This is the watch which he was looking for. This is the watch for which he was looking.2.The babies whom the nurses are looking after are healthy. The babies after whom the nurses are looking are healthy.3. The village that she lives in is two miles. The village in that she lives is two miles. The village in which she lives is two miles.结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!33



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