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1、.I was speaking to Jane on the phone when suddenly we were_.A. cut offB. cut downC. cut backD. cut outPeter plained to the owner of the book store that there were some pages _ in the dictionary.A. losingB. missing C. droppingD. fallingThe shop-assistant was straightforward with her customers. If an

2、article was of _ quality shedtell them so.A. miserableB. minor C. subordinateD. inferiorWith all its advantages, the laptop is by no means without its_.A. limitationB. boundaries C. restraints D. confinementsLook at the photo and you will find Diana _ her father.A. takes toB. takes afterC. takes for

3、D. takes overI want to buy a new tie to _ this brown suit.A. go intoB. go afterC. go byD. go withHe _ his lessons about Italy with photographs of the people who live there.A. illustrateB. cited C. quoted D. explainedIn addition to rice, we need to _ our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.A. replaceB

4、. supplementC. replenishD. mixWhat he has done is _ the doctors orders.A. subject toB. oppositeC. resistant to D. contrary toThe survival _ of some wild animals is not high because they are ruthlessly hunted for their skins.A. ratioB. degree C. rateD. scaleTim is good, smart and hardworking. _, I ca

5、nt speak too highly of him.A. As a resultB. In a wordC. By the wayD. On the contraryWhat he told me about the affair simply doesnt make any .A. ideaB. senseC. meaningD. significanceThe lawyers question was a _ that cause the defendant to admit his guilty.A. planB. trapC. tapD. plotWhy cant you do th

6、is small _ for me Ive helped you often enough in the past.A. demandB. requestC. favorD. requirementI know you think Im talking nonsense, Tom, but _ you will realize that I was right.A. at one time B. in time C. at timesD. on time_ the dog was the first anima to be domesticated is generally agreed up

7、on by authorities in thefield.A. UntilB. It wasC. WhatD. ThatMy father didnt go to New York; the doctor suggested that he _ go there.-优选.A. notB. wontC. does notD. not toIf the work _ pleted by the end of the year is delayed, the construction pany will be fined.A. being B. to beC. will beD. has been

8、He sat there dong nothing else _.A. but to laughB. than laughingC. but laughedD. than laughWho _ has read Shakespeares great plays can forget their fascination.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. everThere is no mother _ loves her own children.A. whoB. thatC. butD. who notI would just as soon _ rudely to the ch

9、ild.A. you not speakB. you wont speakC. you not speakingD. you didnt speakI admit I have made a mistake, _ I deny the serious consequence it may have.A. so willB. soC. nor willD. how canMost parents encourage their children to take an active part in social events, _ those events do notinterfere with

10、 their studiesA. so thatB. lestC. unlessD. providedIn no circumstances can more work be got out of a machine than_A. to put into itB. be put into itC. is put into itD. that is to be put into itEveryone congratulated the captain, _ whom the team could not have won,A. without B. beyondC. besidesD. exc

11、eptHe often sat in small pub drinking considerately more than _.A. was good for his healthB. his health was goodC. was in good healthD. his good healthThe dressing- table was bare, _ a pair of ivory hair brushes.A. in addition toB. exceptC. except forD. besides_, if he doesnt learn he knows nothing.

12、A. A man is ever so cleverB. Be a man ever so cleverC. So clever as a man ever isD. No matter how a man is cleverFive minutes earlier, _ they could have caught the last No.127 bus.A. butB. soC. and D. orThe discovery of new facts_ the rational thinker to reexamine the adequacy of his previousgeneral

13、ization.A. pelled B. repelledC. expelledD. constrainThe change in government is a(n) _ event of our time.A. historicB. historicalC. permanentD. eternalShe came to my office to ask me for advice _ how to write an essay.-优选.A. as forB. as toC. as onD. as aboutOnly when capitalism has been _will it be

14、possible to _poverty, unemployment andwar.A. abolish abolishB. abandoned abateC. annihilated banD. extinguished extinguishTo call the music of another music-culture “primitive” is _ ones own standards on a groupthat does not recognize them.A. puttingB. emphasizingC. forcingD. imposingI could see tha

15、t my life was_ having that fur coat, whether I approved of it or not.A. adequate forB. intent on C. short ofD. deficient inThe government is trying to do something to _ better understanding between the twocountries.A. raiseB. promote C. heightenD. increaseA desire to go to medical school _ her to st

16、udy hard everyday.A. motivatesB. inspiresC. stimulatesD. encouragesBeing somewhat short-sighted, she has the habit of _ at people.A. staringB. glancingC. peeringD. peepingIf the fire alarm is sounded, all residents are requested to_ in the courtyard.A. assembleB. convergeC. accumulateD. crowdBefore

17、the school _ what students must wear, they just wore anything.A. managedB. authorizedC. regulatedD. standardizedHe speaks French well enough to pass _ a French man.A. intoB. overC. throughD. forHis job at the hospital did not pay much, so he found another_.A. on the riseB. on the declineC. on the sp

18、otD. on the sideAstronauts are _ all kinds of tests before they are actually sent up in a spacecraft.A. inclined toB. subjected toC. prone toD. bound toIt was felt that he lacked the _ to pursue a difficult task to the very end.A. persuasionB. mitmentC. engagementD. obligationIts easy to blame the d

19、ecline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes_ place in our ever-changing world.A. takingB. to takeC. takeD. taken_ can be seen from the parison of these figures, the principle involves the active participation ofthe patient in the modification of his condition.A. AsB. W

20、hatC. ThatD. ItCalifornia has more light than it knows _ to do with, but everything else is expensive.A. howB. whatC. whichD. whereAnyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about economic-优选.recovery_ just around the corner was untrue.A. would be B. to beC. wasD. be

21、ingMarlin is a young man of independent thinking who is not about _ pliments to his politicalleaders.A. paying B. having paidC. to payD. to have paidAs Ill be away for at least a year, I d appreciate _ from you now and then telling me howeveryone is getting along.A. hearingB. to hear C. to be hearin

22、gD. having heardDoctors see a connection between increased amounts of leisure time spent_ and the increasednumber of cases of skin cancer.A. to sunbatheB. to have sunbathedC. having sunbathedD. sunbathingChristie stared angrily at her boss and turned away, as though _ out of the office.A. wentB. gon

23、eC. to goD. would goIt wasnt so much that I disliked her_ that I just wasnt interested in the whole business.A. ratherB. soC. thanD. asCountless divorced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago had they eventhought of a divorce, let alone_ one.A. getting B. to getC. gottenD. getT

24、his is an exciting area of study, and one_ which new applications are being discovered almostdaily.A. fromB. byC. in D. throughGreatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, _ to find it locked.A. justB. onlyC. henceD. thusThese proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the

25、use and copying of digital informationthan those that _ in traditional media.A. existB. existsC. existingD. to existTalk to anyone in the drug industry, _ you ll soon discover that the science of genetics is thebiggest thing to hit drug research since penicillin was discovered.A. orB. andC. forD. so

26、The solution works only for couples who are self-employed, dont have small children and getalong _ to spend most of their time together.A. So wellB. too wellC. well asD. well enoughThe red words _against the white wall.A. stand byB. stand forC. stand outD. stand backSince 1970s this small town has g

27、radually been_into a huge modern city.A. transferredB. transplantedC. transmittedD. transformedThe poorly-paid civil servants are_to bribery.A. vulnerableB. sensitiveC. subjectedD. susceptible-优选.Influenced by the financial crisis, export has dropped by a large_since last year.A. gapB. differenceC.

28、balanceD. marginWhen children are criticized by their teacher, parents often see it as a reflection_themselves.A. onB. toC. upD. aboutHearing the news, I was_in enormous joy.A. buriedB. indulgedC. bathedD. absorbedShe endured the hardships without _ a plaint.A. as much asB. so much asC. as many asD.

29、 so many asThe firm moved to its new _ in 1997.A. sitesB. placesC. premisesD. locationsThe discrimination against women was _ system from the very beginning.A. built intoB. built upC. built onD. built overThe mander ordered his troops to _ on the enemies.A. close upB. close downC. close offD. close

30、inThis film _ two of my favorite actors.A. features B. showsC. specializesD. specifies_ delicious food, she is determined to bee a gourmet.A. Hooked up toB. Hooked offC. Hooked onD. Hooked inHis father _ a fence around the garden to protect the flowers inside.A. put intoB. put upC. put offD. put dow

31、nThe students found it easy to _ what the young professor taught.A. take toB. take onC. take offD. take in_ are that he will not show up at the board meeting.A. OpportunitiesB. PossibilitiesC. ChancesD. OccasionsYesterday the salesclerk caught two boys _ two packs of cigarettes from the conveniences

32、tore.A. stealB. to stealC. stolenD. stealingHe claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in actual fact he is quite ignorant on the subject._he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.A. So muchB. How muchC. So littleD. What littleAlthough _ instant critical acclaim in 1952, he never pleted a se

33、cond novel, publishingmany short works instead.A. first received by Ralph Ellison, the novel Invisible Man wasB. Ralph Ellisons first novel, Invisible Man, receivedC. Invisible Man was the first novel by Ralph Ellison receivedD. Ralph Ellisons first novel, Invisible Man, was receivedMost doctors of

34、the Colonial period believed _ was caused by an imbalcance of humors in thebody.A. that diseaseB. of diseaseC. about diseaseD. in diseaseMy father closed all the doors before he left the house _ that it might rain.A. so thatB. lestC. for fearD. unlessA few species of mushrooms cause death or serious

35、 illness _.A. having eatenB. are eatenC. when eatenD. being eaten-优选.Although a teenager, Johnny could resist _ what to do and what not to do.A. being toldB. having been toldC. to be toldD. to have been told_ places on the Earth where plant and animal life has not been affected by the activities ofh

36、umans.A. FewB. There are fewC. Being fewD. The fewIt is necessary that he _ the project by the end of next week.A. finishB. finishesC. finishedD. will finishIt is good _ for what has already happened.A. regrettedB. to regretC. regretD. regrettingNavigators on ships and aircraft use a pass to determi

37、ne _ they are heading.A. to where the directionB. that direction of whichC. where the directionD. the direction in whichThe city of Kalamazoo, Michigan, derives its name from a native American word _bubbling springs.A. meantB. that is meantC. meaningD. whose meaningMany English _ were opposed to the

38、 American Revolution of 1776 moved to Canada, wherethey were known as United Empire Loyalists.A. settling thereB. settlers whoC. they settledD. who were settlesPerhaps even more important than the accuracy and reliability of a meteorological instrument _.A. that its correct positionB. that positioni

39、ng it is correctC. is positioned correctlyD. is that it be positioned correctlyHe doesnt want to stay at home _ go to the movie theatre.A. more thanB. much less thanC. any more thanD. no less thanThe new theory is gaining _with economists.A. trustB. creditC. reputationD. moneyThere are certain stand

40、ards of civilized behavior in international relations which it should be possibleto _in the family of nations.A. take for grantedB. e into beingC. be occupiedD. be intent onShe won the petition three times in a _.A. chainB. lineC. rowD. bankI hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _when ju

41、dging my examination.A. regardB. countingC. accountD. observationIn criminal psychology, the absence of facial expression is as important as theof it.A. beingB. presenceC. existenceD. beautyThe changing image of the family on television provides _into changing attitudes toward thefamily in society.A

42、. insightsB. fabricsC. revelationsD. specificationsThe doctrine that “_is right” is not true in all cases.A. powerB. mightC. muscleThey were all dressed _in white dresses.A. alikeB. sameC. similarD. forceD. like-优选.Its two oclock in the morning but the children are still wide_.A. wakeB. awakeC. wake

43、fulD. alertIf you want to call me _, Ill be there all day.A. if anythingB. or anythingC. anything butD. anything elseIt would be considered very _for a man not to take his hat off in church.A. irrelevantB. irreverentC. irresponsibleD. irreversibleSomeone within the gang _him to the police.A. give wa

44、yB. give awayC. give outD. give overThe singers _performance turned all the people present on.A. passionateB. positiveC. excitedD. negativeMy father wants to _our old house and buys a new one.A. dispose toB. dispose towardsC. dispose withD. dispose ofThe officer was _from his position for accusation

45、 of bribery.A. removedB. replacedC. movedD. firedWith _their way, people attempting to walk a straight course through unfamiliar territory reallydo end up walking in circles.A. nothing to guideB. anything to guideC. nothing onD. anything onBack in the years when he worked _the CEO, the pany was in a

46、 good condition.A. likeB. asC. aboveD. below_to be recognized by anybody, she attended party from the back door.A. WishingB. Not to wishC. Not wishingD. No wishingBread and butter _what Americans usually have for breakfast.A. areB. isC. wasD. wereYou _all those clothes! We have a washing machine to

47、do that sort of thing.A. neednt have washedB. shouldnt have washedD. cant have washedC. mustnt have washedAs he_, Einstein built models and mechanical devices for fun and began to show a talent formathematics.A. grewB. growsC. is growingD. was grownThe ancient Egyptians are supposed _rockets to the

48、moon.A. to sendB. to be sendingC. to have sentD. to have been sending_with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A. When paredB. While paringC. pareD. paringIt was Philip who drove Miss Sophia yesterday, wasnt _A. heB. sheC. it_that you mentioned it, I do rememb

49、er the incident.A. NowB. PresentlyC. CurrentlyD. himD. The moment_to give a performance, she couldnt very well refuse.-优选.A. AskingB. To askC. Being to askD. Being askedHis appearance has changed so much that you _well not recognize him.A. canB. mayC. maybeD. couldShe _him to ask her out.A. longed t

50、oB. longed forC. counted onD. cared forHis ments, although unpleasant, were_.A. well-meaningB. good-meaningC. well-meantD. good-meant_Einstein had early speech difficulties, he was a top student in elementary school.A. In spite ofB. Be itC. AlthoughD. DespiteIts harmful to ones health to _ smoking a

51、nd drinking.A. take onB. take toC. take inD. take offPeach trees are considered _ when they began bearing fruit.A. mutualB. massiveC. matureD. marvelousYou may look at things _, but society wont.A. under wayB. that wayC. in wayD. out of wayThe concert _ a guitarist and singer.A. personifiesB. depict

52、sC. featuresD. typifiesHe will surely finish the job on time _ hes left to do it in his own way.A. in thatB. in caseC. as far asD. so long asHe _ the light and followed his wife upstairs.A. turned downB. turned outC. turned toD. turned overClassroom testing, if well done, most certainly _a stimulus

53、to study and real learning.A. acts forB. acts onC. acts asD. acts toI feel quite confident in _Mr. Smith to you for the vacant post of research assistant.A. submittingB. proclaimingC. recallingD. remendingThe students showed _ when solving the math problems.A. validityB. purityC. ingenuityD. reliabi

54、lityThis document is_ unless it is officially stamped.A. acuteB. confidentialC. invalidD. deliberateAlthough the main characters in the novel are so true to life, they are certainly_.A. imaginaryB. imaginableC. imaginativeD. imaginingWilliam Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, _ defended the right of

55、 every citizen to freedom ofchoice in religion.A. peculiarlyB. indifferentlyC. vigorouslyD. inevitablySince the couple couldnt _ their differences, they decided to get a divorce.A. repelB. reconcileC. resumeD. reviseI saw them bending with great _ over the machines.A. concentrationB. absorptionC. en

56、deavorD. remarkableThe same factors push wages and prices up together, the one _ the other.A. increasingB. emphasizingC. reinforcingD. multiplying_ rapid spread of railways and the increase in the ocean transport, long-distance travelingbecame more mon.A. TheB. It was theC. With theD. There was a-优选

57、.Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than _ eastern Nebraska.A. doesB. inC. it doesD. in it doesA body weighs _ from the surface of the Earth.A. less the farther it getsB. the farther it gets, the lessC. less than it gets fartherD. less than it, the farther it gets_, we need to improve the

58、 equipment in our factory right now.A. As it isB. As it wasC. As it wereD. As it will be_, we should be glad.A. Were they to e tomorrowB. They were to e tomorrowC. They would e tomorrowD. They e tomorrowHow did it e_ that you made a lot of mistakes in your homeworkA. aboutB. alongC. aroundD. byI _to

59、 him because he phoned me shortly afterwards.A. need have writtenB. neednt have writtenC. must have writtenD. may have writtenAgriculture was a stern in human progress _ which subsequently there was not anythingparable until our own machine age.A. toB. inC. forD. from_ is indispensable to the econom

60、y of that region.A. That copper miningB. It is copper mining thatC. Although copper miningD. Copper miningDo you think theres any _ of him passing the examA. chanceB. opportunityC. occasionD. expectancyEvery boy and girl must have _ hair neatly bed.A hisB herC itsD their_ it is youve found, you must

61、 give it back to the person it belongs to.A. ThatB. BecauseC. WhateverD. HoweverHe was very strong. Indeed, people said he had _ of three men.A. strengthB. a strengthC. the strengthD. as strengthI should very much like to have gone to the party but I _.A. am not invitedB. shall not be invitedC. am n

62、ot being invitedD. was not invitedId rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than_ a room with someone else.A. to shareB. to have sharedC. shareD. sharingThe leading group of three continue tothe rest of the runners and were soon half a mile clear ofthem.A. gain overB. gain aroundC. gain

63、onD. gain inJerry asked Mrs. White tohimat the library on her way downtown.A. drop.byB. drop.inC. drop.offD. drop.out-优选.The radio carries a twelve months.A. protectionB. guaranteeC. guardD. promiseMarias weak ankle was aon her walks.A. limitationB. limitC. shortingD. demeritHe has beenfor several m

64、onths with a sprained back.A. laid upB. laid downC. laid inD. laid overHe formed the habit of taking longwalks through the street.A. solidB. solitaryC. sociableD. soloShe was blownherby the shock wave from the explosion.A. off.feetB. out of.feetC. on.feetD. down.feetThis instrument was too insensiti

65、ve tothe tiny changes.A. regulateB. registerC. relateD. releaseI was so angry that I throwing something at him.A. feel outB. feel likeC. feel as ifD. feel forThere is a vast dealing with the teaching of reading to native speakers of English.A. bookB. dataC. literatureD. articleSeveral people were to

66、 death as they tried to escape from the burning theatre.A. crushedB. crashedC. crackedD. shatteredThe question was so unexpected that I wasfor a moment.A. on balanceB. out of balanceC. in the balanceD. off balanceMany salesmen receive aof 10 per cent on all sales made.A. mitteeB. missionC. modityD.

67、merceThe new employeethat he will work for the pany for at least three years.A. pledgedB. plottedC. pleadedD. pleasedOn our last journey we traveled over a lot of.A. temperB. terminalC. terrorD. territory“Can lions kill with their tails”“No, butwith their paws.”A. they canB. they so doShe wants to h

68、ave dates, but her mother.A. wont let toC. so they didD. they did soB. wont let she toC. will not let herI abuse my own students.A. have and will neverC. have never and shall neverIf heavy pressure, cast iron will crack.A. subjected toC. subject toThe women got on the bus,.D. will not let havingB. h

69、ave never and willD. have never abused and will neverB. having subjected toD. to subject to-优选.A. with babies in armB. babies in their armsC. their babies in armD. baby in armIt is necessary that the directorthe facts up before writing the report.A. checksB. would checkC. should checkD. has checkedI

70、f he were to e tomorrow, I him to help me with my study.A. will askB. shall askC. should askD. should have askedI came tomorrow instead of this afternoonA. Only ifB. If whatC. What ifD. Which ifI had hoped that I to go back again, but I do.A. dont havewouldnt haveThey took away the knife for fear th

71、at the child himself.A. would harmB. should harmC. harmsB. wont haveC. hadnt haveD.D. harmedHe didnt e today, thereby for us to find someone to do his work.A. to make it necessarilyB. making it necessarilyC. to make necessaryD. making it necessary, she went back to her room.A. There is no cause for

72、alarmB. Being no cause for alarmC. There being no cause for alarmD. Without having cause for alarmTake this large box and you can find enough space.A. put it which placeB. put it in whichC. put it whereverD. put it whereaboutWe have to put the meeting off the chairman es back tonight.A. sinceB. whil

73、eC. as thoughD. unlessWe were lucky, for no sooner homeit started to rain.A. had we returned. thanB. we returned.andC. after we returned.thanD. and we return.whenUrged _ an extreme necessity, he had e there to steal food.A. ofB. withC. byD. inAmerican surgeon performed the first artificial heart _ o

74、n a human being in 1969.A. transparentB. transplantC. implantD. transmissionHis style has been described variously as abrasive and _, overbearing and pompous.A. quarrelsomeB. troublesomeC. respectableD. contentiousAlmost all the recent criticism from the mass media is _ the ever increasing rate ofun

75、employment.A. directed atB. resulted fromC. resulted inD. directed ofThe mathematical concept of frames is utilized in the _ of the properties of the sequence ofsampling functions.A. analystB. analysisC. analysesD. analyze-优选.The Great Wall seems to belong to the entire world _.A. in other waysB. in

76、 some waysC. in various waysD. of some degreeFairness and justice are synonymous with socialism _.A. in no caseB. in caseC. in all sensesD. in a senseWhats the _ for opening a savings accountA. procedureB. seriesC. methodD. measureNo one has _ with information about the murder.A. e alongB. e across

77、C. e forwardD. e downHe was quite _ and was promoted almost at once.A. brilliantB. tremendousC. appropriateD. promptWhat is at _ is whether she was responsible for her actions.A. problemB. issueC. discussionD. replyAnyone has the right to initiate _ in Parliament by means of a private bill.A. standp

78、ointB. legislationC. representativeD. presentationThe brutal murder has been widely _ by human rights groups.A. condemnedB. appliedC. attractedD. draggedBoth the speaker and his speech were drowned out by the _ of the crowd.A. approvingB. approvalC. disapprovalD. disapprovingThe car ran out of petro

79、l, and as a further _I had no money!A. fraudB. plexC. plicationD. deceptionFebruary normally has twenty-eight days, but every fourth year, _ has twenty-nine.A. thereB. a leap yearC. which is a leap yearD. a leap year, itEvidence suggests that one-quarter of operations _bypass surgery may be unnecess

80、ary.A. they involveB. involveC. involvingD. which they involve_ a tornado spins in a counterclockwise direction in the northern hemisphere, it spins in theopposite direction in the southern hemisphere.A. HoweverB. BecauseC. AlthoughD. ThatThe Caldecott Medal, _ for the best childrens picture book, i

81、s awarded each January.A. isB. whichC. a prizeD. is a prize_is a medical specialty which deals with the identification and treatment of injuries topersons involved in sports.A. SportsB. Sports medicineC. Because sports medicineD. There is sports medicine_ and a mechanics instructor, interviewed at t

82、he air base, said that they were under ordersnot to fight.A. A flight instructorB. There were an instructorC. Because of the instructorD. Because the instructorThe Wilmington Oil Field, in Long Beach , California, is one of _ oil fields in the continentalUnited States.A. ProductiveB. the most produc

83、tive-优选.C. most are productiveD. productivityThe population of Houston was ravaged by yellow fever in 1839 _ in 1867.A. it happened againB. and againC. was ravaged againD. again once moreThunder occurs when an electrical charge passes through air, causing the heated air to expand and_ layers of cool

84、er air.A. collides violently withB. violently collidingC. collided withD. collide violently withPeople who reverse the letter of words _ to read suffer from dyslexia.A. when tryingB. if they triedC. when triedD. if he triesAccording to Bernoullis Principle, the higher the speed of a fluid gas, _ the

85、 pressure.A. it will be lowerB. lower than theC. the lowerD. lower it isAmerican public school curriculum is determined at the state or local level _ the federallevel.A. rather thanB. nor at theC. is not determinedD. whereasSpeed consists not merely of sounds but _that follow various structural patt

86、erns.A. of organized sound patternsB. organized sound patternsC. that sound patterns are organizedD. in organizing sound patternsRarely _located near city lights or at lower elevations.A. observatoriesB. areC. in the observatoriesD. are observatoriesNowhere _ more skewed than in the auto industry.A. that retail trade figuresB. retail trade figuresC. are retail trade figuresD. retail trade figures are-优选



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