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1、英语书面表达英语书面表达专题讲座专题讲座 英语书面表达答题技巧英语书面表达答题技巧各种体裁书面表达常见句型各种体裁书面表达常见句型内容提要内容提要英语书面表达英语书面表达答题技巧答题技巧一、使用较高级的词汇一、使用较高级的词汇二、巧用精彩句式二、巧用精彩句式三、学会使用恰当的连接词三、学会使用恰当的连接词四、写好开头和结尾四、写好开头和结尾五、分段写,条理清楚五、分段写,条理清楚六、字体漂亮,卷面整洁六、字体漂亮,卷面整洁star sentences1. 从这张表格中我们可以看到,在过去的几年里,从这张表格中我们可以看到,在过去的几年里,北京发生了巨大的变化。北京发生了巨大的变化。2. 我们对

2、野生动物保护加以高度重视的时候到了。我们对野生动物保护加以高度重视的时候到了。3. 孩子参加有偿劳动的一个优点是这种实践可以培孩子参加有偿劳动的一个优点是这种实践可以培养小孩的独立性,自主性和责任感。养小孩的独立性,自主性和责任感。4. 我坚决主张把教育放在第一位,我坚决主张把教育放在第一位, 因为科学技术因为科学技术决定了我们能否赶超那些发达国家。决定了我们能否赶超那些发达国家。5. 多数风俗习惯都产生了多数风俗习惯都产生了 巨大的改变的原因是它巨大的改变的原因是它们大多与们大多与 封建迷信有关,与现代社会格格不入。封建迷信有关,与现代社会格格不入。6. 目前,去国外旅游在青年人中间已成为一

3、个普遍目前,去国外旅游在青年人中间已成为一个普遍现象。现象。1. As can be seen from this table, great changes have taken place in Beijing in the past several years.2. It is high time that we laid great emphasis on the wildlife protection.3. An advantage of childrens participating in some paid work is that this practice can cultiv

4、ate their independence, self-detemination and sense of responsibility.4. I stronly suggest that the first priority should be given to education because science and technology will determine whether we can catch up with those developed countries.5. The reason why a large number of customs have altere

5、d a great deal is that most of them are connected with some superstitious beliefs, and they cannot fit in this world with highly-developed technology.6. Nowadays, travelling abroad has become a widespread phenomenon among young people.1)Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable.高级词汇:

6、高级词汇:_.2)Suddenly I thought out a good idea. 高级词汇:高级词汇:_.3) As a result the plan was a failure.高级词汇:高级词汇:_.4) You can find my house easily.高级词汇:高级词汇:_.一、使用较高级的词汇一、使用较高级的词汇1) Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable.高级词汇:高级词汇: Owing to / Because of / As a result of+N.As a result of t

7、he good weather, we had a comfortable journey.2)Suddenly I thought out a good idea. 高级词汇:高级词汇:come up withAll of a sudden, a good idea flashed into my mind. 3) As a result the plan was a failure.高级词汇:高级词汇:Prove to be / turn out to beThe plan turned out to be a failure. 4) You can find my house easil

8、y.高级词汇:高级词汇:Without any difficultyYou will have no difficulty in finding my house. 例例1. 她刚躺下就听到敲门声。她刚躺下就听到敲门声。She heard a knock on the door as soon as she went to bed. 精彩句式精彩句式:_.二、巧用精彩句式二、巧用精彩句式The moment / the minute / immediately等引导句子等引导句子=as soon asShe heard a knock on the door the moment she we

9、nt to bed. 例例2. 要求每个学生都参加下午的大会。要求每个学生都参加下午的大会。 We want everyone to attend the meeting in the afternoon. 精彩句式精彩句式:_.二、巧用精彩句式二、巧用精彩句式request+被动结构被动结构Everyone is requested to attend the meeting in the afternoon. 例例3.他取得如此伟大的成就是因为他坚持不懈。他取得如此伟大的成就是因为他坚持不懈。 He made such a great achievement because of his

10、perseverance. 精彩句式精彩句式:_.二、巧用精彩句式二、巧用精彩句式强调句型强调句型It was because of his perseverance that he made such a great achievement.例例4.使我们感到奇怪的是老师没有因为他迟到而责备他。使我们感到奇怪的是老师没有因为他迟到而责备他。To our surprise, the teacher didnt criticize him because he was late.精彩句式精彩句式:_.二、巧用精彩句式二、巧用精彩句式主语从句主语从句+表语从句表语从句What surprised

11、me most was that the teacher didnt criticize him because he was late. 例例5. 直到他回来我才睡觉。直到他回来我才睡觉。 I didnt go to bed until my father came back. 精彩句式精彩句式:_.二、巧用精彩句式二、巧用精彩句式Not until 放于句首用部分倒装放于句首用部分倒装Not until 的强调句型的强调句型Not until my father came back did I go to bed.It was not until my father came back t

12、hat I went to bed.1. 表示平行、对等或选择关系表示平行、对等或选择关系and,bothand, as well as, together with, neithernor, also, not onlybut also, eitheror, as well.2. 表示转折关系表示转折关系but, yet, however, nevertheless (然而然而), in spite of, although, otherwise, while, after all.3. 表示对比关系表示对比关系on the contrary, instead of, on one hand

13、on the other hand, just like, 4. 表示因果关系表示因果关系so, for, therefore, as a result (of), because, owing to, due to, thanks to, 三、学会使用恰当的连接词三、学会使用恰当的连接词5. 表示时间、顺序关系表示时间、顺序关系shortly afterwards, next, finally, in the end, eventually6. 表示递进、强调关系表示递进、强调关系besides, furthermore (此外此外), whats more, in addition, mo

14、reover (而且而且), worse still, to make matters worse, indeed, certainly, surely, above all7. 表示解释、说明关系表示解释、说明关系namely (也就是也就是), actually, such as, for example, for instance, that is to say, in other words, and so on, to tell you the truth, according to this8. 表示结论表示结论in short, in brief, in a word, in g

15、eneral, as you know, as far as I know, on the whole, in conclusion, at last, finally三、学会使用恰当的连接词三、学会使用恰当的连接词各种体裁常见句型各种体裁常见句型1.为了欢迎来自美国的朋友,学生会将在八月十五日星期六晚上举办一场晚会。2.在星期六十二月二十八日,高二年级学生要去人民公园郊游。3.今天下午五点来自美国的史密斯教授将给我们作一个关于美国英语和英国英语之间的不同的报告。4.想参加会议的同学请来学生会报名请记好笔记,会后小组讨论。5.要求:无特殊原因全体参加书面通知常见句型书面通知常见句型1.为了欢迎

16、来自美国的朋友,学生会将在八月为了欢迎来自美国的朋友,学生会将在八月十五日星期六晚上举办一场晚会。十五日星期六晚上举办一场晚会。The Students Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15 to welcome our friends from the United States. 2.在星期六十二月二十八日,高二年在星期六十二月二十八日,高二年级学生要去人民公园郊游。级学生要去人民公园郊游。The students of Senior Grade Two will go to the Peoples Pa

17、rk for an outing on December 28,Saturday. 书面通知常见句型书面通知常见句型3.今天下午五点来自美国的史密斯教授将给我们作一今天下午五点来自美国的史密斯教授将给我们作一个关于美国英语和英国英语之间的不同的报告。个关于美国英语和英国英语之间的不同的报告。Professor Smith, who comes from America, will give us a report on the differences between American English and British English at five this afternoon.书面通知

18、常见句型书面通知常见句型4.想参加会议的同学请来学生会报名请记想参加会议的同学请来学生会报名请记好笔记,会后小组讨论。好笔记,会后小组讨论。Anyone who wants to attend the meeting please comes to the Students Union and sign your names. Please take a careful note and we will have a discussion in groups after the meeting.5.要求:无特殊原因全体参加要求:无特殊原因全体参加.Everyone is requested t

19、o go without special reasons.书面通知常见句型书面通知常见句型口头通知常见句型口头通知常见句型1. 1. 同学们请注意,我有事要通知。同学们请注意,我有事要通知。2. 2. 一加拿大学生旅行团要到我校参观,时一加拿大学生旅行团要到我校参观,时间定在间定在4 4月月1212日,星期五中午。日,星期五中午。3. 3. 我们将于下午我们将于下午2 2点点1010分在操场召开欢迎分在操场召开欢迎会,人人都要参加。会,人人都要参加。4.4.原计划明天举行的运动会由于大雨推迟,原计划明天举行的运动会由于大雨推迟,天气转晴时另行通知。明天照常上星期天气转晴时另行通知。明天照常上星

20、期三的课。三的课。口头通知常见句型口头通知常见句型1. 1. 同学们请注意,我有事要通知。同学们请注意,我有事要通知。2. 2. 一加拿大学生旅行团要到我校参观,时一加拿大学生旅行团要到我校参观,时间定在间定在4 4月月1212日,星期五中午。日,星期五中午。Good afternoon, boys and girls. May I have your attention, please! I have an important announcement to make.A student touring group from Canada is coming to visit our sch

21、ool on Friday afternoon, April12.口头通知常见句型口头通知常见句型3. 3. 我们将于下午我们将于下午2 2点点1010分在操场召开欢迎分在操场召开欢迎会,人人都要参加。会,人人都要参加。We are going to hold a meeting to welcome them on the playground at 2:10p.m. Everybody is required to attend it on time.口头通知常见句型口头通知常见句型4.4.原计划明天举行的运动会由于大雨推迟,原计划明天举行的运动会由于大雨推迟,天气转晴时另行通知。明天照常

22、上星期天气转晴时另行通知。明天照常上星期三的课。三的课。The sports meet which we planned to hold tomorrow will be delayed because of the heavy rain. After it becomes fine, well tell you another announcement and tomorrow we will have classes of Wednesday as usual.邀请信常见句型邀请信常见句型1. 公司将于本星期六在东方宾馆举办一场晚会,盼望您能参加。2. 我们很想邀请您在会议上给我们做一个关

23、于如何学好外语的报告。、3. 如果您本星期日没有其它事情,请来参加我们的舞会好吗?4. 盼望收到您的回信。邀请信常见句型邀请信常见句型1. 公司将于本星期六在东方宾馆举办一场晚会,盼望您能参加。2. 我们很想邀请您在会议上给我们做一个关于如何学好外语的报告。Our company is going to have a party at Dongfang Hotel this Saturday evening and we would be very pleased if you could attend.We would very much like to invite you to give

24、 us a talk on how to learn English well.邀请信常见句型邀请信常见句型3. 如果您本星期日没有其它事情,请来参加我们的舞会好吗?4. 盼望收到您的回信。 If you have no other plans for Sunday, June 15, would you like to come to our dancing party?I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. 1. 1. 就在他抬头看时,一个不明的物体在就在他抬头看时,一个不明的物体在天空掠过。天空掠过。An unknown object

25、 was flying across the sky just when he looked up. It was when he looked up that an unknown object was flying across the sky.2. 2. 他父母的健康每况愈下。他为他父母的健康每况愈下。他为此十分担心。此十分担心。His parents health is falling down day by day. He is worried about it very much.What worries him most is that his parents health is

26、 falling down day by day.His parents health is becoming worse and worse, about which he is much worried. 3. 3. 这个计划完全是个失败。这个计划完全是个失败。The plan was a complete failure in the end.The plan turned out / proved to be a great failure. 4. 4. 众所周知,参加社会活动有利众所周知,参加社会活动有利于开扩眼界,增强团队意识。于开扩眼界,增强团队意识。All of us know

27、 that taking part in social activities is beneficial to broadening our view and strengthening our sense of cooperation. As is seen by all / As is known to all, we can broaden our view and strengthen our sense of cooperation by taking part in more social activities. 5. 5. 由于一块大石头挡在路上,过由于一块大石头挡在路上,过往的

28、汽车都无法通过。往的汽车都无法通过。As there was a big rock getting in the way, all the passing cars and trucks couldnt get through. With a big rock getting in the way, all the passing cars and trucks could not move on. A big rock was lying in the way. As a consequence / result, all the passing cars and trucks couldn

29、t get through.6. 6. 去年,我们参观了那座辉煌去年,我们参观了那座辉煌的宫殿。它的美丽是无法用语的宫殿。它的美丽是无法用语言来描述的。言来描述的。Last year, we visited that magnificent palace. Its beauty cant be described in words. Last year, we paid a visit to that magnificent palace, whose beauty is beyond expressions. 7. 7. 当我们谈到教育,大多数人当我们谈到教育,大多数人会认为它是终身的学习。

30、会认为它是终身的学习。When we talk about education, most people think it is a lifetime study.Speaking / Talking of education, the majority of people think it is a lifetime study. When it comes to education, most people believe that it is a lifetime task for everyone. 8. 8. 表演很成功。所有的演员表演很成功。所有的演员都兴奋不已。都兴奋不已。The

31、 performance was so successful that all the performers got very excited about it. The performance worked out well so that all the performers were very excited about it. The performance turned out to be very successful, about which all the performers got very excited. 9. 9. 毫无疑问,不同的人对毫无疑问,不同的人对事物持有不同

32、的观点。事物持有不同的观点。There is no doubt that different people hold different views about things. Different people have different ideas about things, which nobody can doubt. 10. 10. 他站在那里好一会儿了,他站在那里好一会儿了,不知道该干什么。不知道该干什么。He stood there for quite a while, not knowing what to do next at all. He stood there for

33、quite a few minutes and didnt know what to do next.11. 11. 我们曾经在夕阳西下时漫步我们曾经在夕阳西下时漫步在河岸上。在河岸上。We used to take a walk along the river bank at sunset. There came / was a time (when) we took a walk down the river bank when the sun was setting in the west. 12. 12. 在黄昏,许多人,尤其是老在黄昏,许多人,尤其是老年人,喜欢到户外走一走。这有年人

34、,喜欢到户外走一走。这有利于身体健康。利于身体健康。 At dusk, many people, especially the elderly, are fond of having a walk outdoors because it benefits their health. Dusk often sees many people, especially the old, taking a walk on the streets or in the parks. Surely, it is beneficial to their health / they can benefit fro

35、m it. When night falls, many people, especially the aged, feel like taking a walk in the open air, which no doubt benefits their health. 13. 13. 由于天色已晚,他只得在由于天色已晚,他只得在路边的小店住了一夜。路边的小店住了一夜。As it was very late, he had to put up for the night in an inn by the roadside. It being very late, he had no choi

36、ce but to go to an inn by the roadside for the night. 14. 14. 他每周六都去那个俱乐部他每周六都去那个俱乐部游泳。这已经成了一个惯例。游泳。这已经成了一个惯例。He goes to that club for a swimming training every Saturday. It has become a regular rule. He has made it a regular rule to go to that club for his swimming training every Saturday. 15. 15.

37、小时候,我经常去离家不远小时候,我经常去离家不远的河边玩耍,河边上生长着很多的河边玩耍,河边上生长着很多不知名的植物。不知名的植物。When I was young, I used to play along the riverside not far away from my house, on which grew a lot of unknown plants. As a child / In my childhood, I often went to play on the riverside close to my house, along which grew a variety

38、of plants that I couldnt name. 要求:要求:1.描述漫画内容,结合生活实际分析这一现象,并描述漫画内容,结合生活实际分析这一现象,并发表一下自己的观点和看法。发表一下自己的观点和看法。2.词数:词数:120左右左右Homework As can be seen from the cartoon, two ladies living in the opposite flat say “hello” when they happen to meet each other. Neighbors as they have been for many years, they

39、 even dont know each other. It is the exact reflection of interpersonal relationships in the modren world._1_, most people live in apartments. It appears that they would rather stay at home watching TV or playing computer games than go out after work. They dont have any connections even with their c

40、losest neighbors, who seem no different from people they meet every day in the street._2_, this phenomenon which will make people feel more indifferent will undoubtedly do harm to us and our society _3_, Its high time that we took some measures to improve it._4_, People who live in the same zone can often be organized to have some activities together._5_, We should call on people to be friendly to each other. They should smile at and greet each other. Only in this way, will our society become more harmonious .Nowadays In the long runFrom my perspectiveFirstly SecondlyThank you



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